التاريخ مدير عنصر إجراء السبب
27-05-2016 JasonBarnabe أحذف السكربت 4505 Permanent deletion
Author request
27-05-2016 JasonBarnabe أحذف السكربت 4507 Permanent deletion
Author request
27-05-2016 JasonBarnabe أحذف السكربت 4510 Permanent deletion
Author request
27-05-2016 JasonBarnabe أحذف السكربت 4511 Permanent deletion
Author request
27-05-2016 JasonBarnabe أحذف السكربت 4513 Permanent deletion
Author request
27-05-2016 JasonBarnabe أحذف السكربت 4244 Permanent deletion
Author request
27-05-2016 JasonBarnabe أحذف السكربت 3810 Permanent deletion
Author request
27-05-2016 JasonBarnabe أحذف السكربت 3574 Delete and lock
External script.
27-05-2016 JasonBarnabe أحذف السكربت 3574 Permanent deletion denied
Has external script.
27-05-2016 JasonBarnabe أحذف السكربت 2744 Permanent deletion
Author request
27-05-2016 JasonBarnabe أحذف السكربت 4504 Permanent deletion
Author request
27-05-2016 JasonBarnabe أحذف السكربت 19205 Delete and lock
External script.
27-05-2016 JasonBarnabe أحذف السكربت 19248 Delete and lock
External script.
27-05-2016 JasonBarnabe أحذف السكربت 19223 Delete and lock
External script.
27-05-2016 JasonBarnabe أحذف السكربت 19138 Delete and lock
External script.
27-05-2016 JasonBarnabe أحذف السكربت 19137 Delete and lock
External script.
27-05-2016 JasonBarnabe أحذف السكربت 19207 Delete and lock
External script.
27-05-2016 JasonBarnabe المستخدم: Deleted user 39223 Ban
External script.
27-05-2016 JasonBarnabe أحذف السكربت 19961 Delete and lock
External script.
27-05-2016 JasonBarnabe أحذف السكربت 19962 Delete and lock
External script.
27-05-2016 JasonBarnabe أحذف السكربت 19245 Delete and lock
External script.
27-05-2016 JasonBarnabe أحذف السكربت 19951 Delete and lock
Multiple posting and inaccurate description.
27-05-2016 JasonBarnabe أحذف السكربت 19952 Delete and lock
Multiple posting and inaccurate description.
27-05-2016 JasonBarnabe المستخدم: Deleted user 45453 Ban
Multiple posting and inaccurate description.
27-05-2016 JasonBarnabe أحذف السكربت 19953 Delete and lock
Multiple posting and inaccurate description.
27-05-2016 JasonBarnabe أحذف السكربت 19776 Delete and lock
Misleaing description.
27-05-2016 JasonBarnabe المستخدم: Deleted user 38339 Ban
Misleading description.
27-05-2016 JasonBarnabe أحذف السكربت 19701 Delete and lock
Misleading description.
27-05-2016 JasonBarnabe أحذف السكربت 19541 Delete and lock
External script.
27-05-2016 JasonBarnabe أحذف السكربت 19296 Delete and lock
External script.
27-05-2016 JasonBarnabe أحذف السكربت 19581 Delete and lock
Not a real script.
27-05-2016 JasonBarnabe أحذف السكربت 19580 Delete and lock
Not a real script.
27-05-2016 JasonBarnabe السكربت: Agar.io Reborn 2019 Delete and lock
External script.
27-05-2016 JasonBarnabe أحذف السكربت 18330 Delete and lock
External scripts.
27-05-2016 JasonBarnabe السكربت: Google Chrome new tab page clean up Mark as not adult content
No adult content
27-05-2016 JasonBarnabe السكربت: ao3 menu items Mark as not adult content
Seems legit
25-05-2016 Jixun.Moe أحذف السكربت 19479 Delete and lock
External scripts.
25-05-2016 Jixun.Moe أحذف السكربت 19901 Delete and lock
External scripts.
25-05-2016 Jixun.Moe أحذف السكربت 19376 Delete and lock
External scripts.
25-05-2016 Jixun.Moe أحذف السكربت 19350 Delete and lock
Loading of external scritps.
25-05-2016 Jixun.Moe أحذف السكربت 19892 Delete
Please migurate the script to Greasyfork, you can undelete this script after you do so.
25-05-2016 Jixun.Moe أحذف السكربت 19892 Undelete
Unlock "Prevent delete"
25-05-2016 Jixun.Moe أحذف السكربت 19892 Delete and lock
External script.
25-05-2016 Jixun.Moe أحذف السكربت 19927 Delete and lock
External scrits.
25-05-2016 Jixun.Moe أحذف السكربت 19921 Delete and lock
External Scripts.
25-05-2016 Jixun.Moe أحذف السكربت 19808 Delete and lock
External Scripts.
25-05-2016 Jixun.Moe أحذف السكربت 19708 Delete and lock
External Scripts.
25-05-2016 Jixun.Moe أحذف السكربت 19466 Delete and lock
External Scripts.
25-05-2016 Jixun.Moe أحذف السكربت 19914 Delete and lock
External Scripts.
25-05-2016 Jixun.Moe أحذف السكربت 19911 Delete and lock
External Scripts.
25-05-2016 Jixun.Moe أحذف السكربت 19911 Delete and lock
External Scripts.
23-05-2016 Jixun.Moe أحذف السكربت 18023 Delete and lock
External Executable Scripts
23-05-2016 Jixun.Moe أحذف السكربت 19424 Delete and lock
External Executable Scripts
23-05-2016 Jixun.Moe أحذف السكربت 19850 Delete and lock
External executable resources.
23-05-2016 Jixun.Moe أحذف السكربت 19838 Delete and lock
External script.
21-05-2016 Jixun.Moe أحذف السكربت 19757 Delete and lock
External scripts.
21-05-2016 Jixun.Moe أحذف السكربت 19658 Delete and lock
Script copied from #18707.
21-05-2016 Jixun.Moe أحذف السكربت 19770 Delete and lock
Script copied from #18707.
17-05-2016 Jixun.Moe أحذف السكربت 19689 Delete and lock
External script.
17-05-2016 Jixun.Moe أحذف السكربت 19665 Delete and lock
External script.
17-05-2016 Jixun.Moe أحذف السكربت 19571 Delete and lock
Plagiarism, and offence to the original author. See https://greasyfork.org/forum/discussion/9475 for details.
13-05-2016 Jixun.Moe أحذف السكربت 19416 Delete and lock
External script
13-05-2016 Jixun.Moe أحذف السكربت 19610 Delete and lock
External script
09-05-2016 Jixun.Moe أحذف السكربت 19526 Delete and lock
External script (@JixunMoe if this was a false positive)
09-05-2016 Jixun.Moe أحذف السكربت 19492 Delete and lock
External script (@JixunMoe if this was a false positive)
09-05-2016 Jixun.Moe أحذف السكربت 19502 Delete and lock
External script (@JixunMoe if this was a false positive)
28-04-2016 Jixun.Moe السكربت: 去百度搜索置顶推广 (ECMA6) Delete
Minified script. Please upload full version and undelete the script.
15-04-2016 Jixun.Moe أحذف السكربت 18712 Delete and lock
Stolen code.
15-04-2016 Jixun.Moe أحذف السكربت 18723 Delete and lock
Stolen code + Minified
15-04-2016 Jixun.Moe أحذف السكربت 18723 Delete and lock
Stolen code + Minified
15-04-2016 Jixun.Moe أحذف السكربت 18729 Delete and lock
Stolen code.
11-04-2016 Jixun.Moe أحذف السكربت 18635 Delete and lock
Minified script.
11-04-2016 Jixun.Moe أحذف السكربت 18687 Delete and lock
Minified script.
11-04-2016 Jixun.Moe أحذف السكربت 18693 Delete and lock
Minified script.
11-04-2016 Jixun.Moe أحذف السكربت 18474 Delete and lock
Minified script.
06-04-2016 Jixun.Moe أحذف السكربت 18377 Delete and lock
Obfucated script.
29-03-2016 Jixun.Moe أحذف السكربت 4683 Permanent deletion
Author request
28-03-2016 Jixun.Moe أحذف السكربت 18329 Delete and lock
Post the script directly please.
28-03-2016 Jixun.Moe أحذف السكربت 18113 Delete and lock
Post the script directly please.
28-03-2016 Jixun.Moe أحذف السكربت 18328 Delete and lock
Post the script directly please.
28-03-2016 Jixun.Moe السكربت: VKOpt Delete
Please compile your script as a whole
26-03-2016 Jixun.Moe أحذف السكربت 17326 Undelete
Not external script.
26-03-2016 Jixun.Moe أحذف السكربت 17336 Delete and lock
External script (@JixunMoe if this was a false positive)
26-03-2016 Jixun.Moe أحذف السكربت 17325 Delete and lock
External script (@JixunMoe if this was a false positive)
26-03-2016 Jixun.Moe أحذف السكربت 17302 Delete and lock
External script (@JixunMoe if this was a false positive)
26-03-2016 Jixun.Moe أحذف السكربت 17295 Delete and lock
External script (@JixunMoe if this was a false positive)
26-03-2016 Jixun.Moe أحذف السكربت 17242 Delete and lock
External script (@JixunMoe if this was a false positive)
26-03-2016 Jixun.Moe أحذف السكربت 17229 Delete and lock
External script (@JixunMoe if this was a false positive)
26-03-2016 Jixun.Moe أحذف السكربت 17212 Delete and lock
External script (@JixunMoe if this was a false positive)
26-03-2016 Jixun.Moe أحذف السكربت 18171 Delete and lock
External script (@JixunMoe if this was a false positive)
26-03-2016 Jixun.Moe أحذف السكربت 18167 Delete and lock
External script (@JixunMoe if this was a false positive)
26-03-2016 Jixun.Moe أحذف السكربت 18166 Delete and lock
External script (@JixunMoe if this was a false positive)
26-03-2016 Jixun.Moe أحذف السكربت 18165 Delete and lock
External script (@JixunMoe if this was a false positive)
26-03-2016 Jixun.Moe أحذف السكربت 18163 Delete and lock
External script (@JixunMoe if this was a false positive)
26-03-2016 Jixun.Moe أحذف السكربت 17326 Delete and lock
External script (@JixunMoe if this was a false positive)
26-03-2016 Jixun.Moe أحذف السكربت 18170 Delete and lock
External script (@JixunMoe if this was a false positive)
26-03-2016 Jixun.Moe أحذف السكربت 18169 Delete and lock
External script (@JixunMoe if this was a false positive)
26-03-2016 Jixun.Moe أحذف السكربت 18162 Delete and lock
External script (@JixunMoe if this was a false positive)
26-03-2016 Jixun.Moe أحذف السكربت 18168 Delete and lock
External script (@JixunMoe if this was a false positive)
26-03-2016 Jixun.Moe أحذف السكربت 18173 Delete and lock
External script (@JixunMoe if this was a false positive)