Sleazy Fork is available in English.

E-H Better Gallery Hiding

Undoable hiding based on tags, title keywords, and uploader name.

التثبيت اليومي
إجمالي التثبيت
1 1 1
تم إنشاؤه
تم تحديثه
لا يوجد
ينطبق على

**Works with March 2019 site update!**

Get Started

  1. Go to the My Tags page, the script will hide galleries with tag colour #FF0000
  2. Do not check the "hidden" checkbox
  3. Move blocked uploaders from site settings into script
  4. All other filtering features are optional, edit the variables at top of script to enable them


  • General
    • Tag Hiding
      • Uses My Tags to hide specified tags
      • Tells you how many search results were hidden (hover on count for full details)
      • Temp. disable hiding button, if you're curious (if you do this frequently, consider enabling soft hiding mode)
    • Uploader Hiding
      • Works like on-site uploader blocking, but can be toggled so you don't miss out on search results
      • Uploader info isn't shown in thumbnail mode, so they can't be filtered there :(
  • Optional
    • Soft Hiding Mode
      • Reverse of normal functionality, dims flagged galleries, use toggle to hide them
    • Ongoing Gallery Hiding
      • Checks title for "ongoing", "in progress", "wip"
    • Pixiv Dump Hiding
      • Checks title for "pixiv", "fanbox"
    • Artist Portfolio Hiding
      • Checks title for "twitter", "patreon", "hentai-foundry", "artist"

Configuration Edit variables at top of script to add your blocked uploaders, and enable the optional features.

│  uploader hiding   │       title hiding       │         flag hiding        │
│ edit "var blocked" │ edit "var hidePixiv"     │ use mytags to flag a tag,  │
│ case insensitive   │ edit "var hideOngoing"   │ set colour to #FF0000.     |
│ format:            │ edit "var hidePortfolio" │ leave "hidden" unchecked.  │
│ ['user1','user2']  │ format:                  │ it will be hidden, but can |
│                    │ true/false               │ be toggled by this script  │
var softHiding = false; //default to fading-out galleries, instead of hiding
var blocked = []; //blocked uploaders
var hidePixiv = false; //pixiv art dumps
var hideOngoing = false; //ongoing in title
var hidePortfolio = false; //other artist dumps