- // ==UserScript==
- // @name ph_user_video
- // @namespace https://github.com/x94fujo6rpg/SomeTampermonkeyScripts
- // @version 0.11
- // @description redirect link to user video list / muti select & copy video links
- // @author x94fujo6
- // @match https://*.pornhub.com/*
- // ==/UserScript==
- (function () {
- 'use strict';
- let itemIndex = 0;
- let trycount = 0;
- let listener = false;
- window.onload = startScript();
- function startScript() {
- if (document.visibilityState == "visible") {
- if (listener) document.removeEventListener("visibilitychange", startScript);
- main();
- } else {
- document.addEventListener("visibilitychange", startScript);
- listener = true;
- }
- }
- function main() {
- myCss();
- let link = document.location.href,
- target_list = ["/videos", "/playlist", "video/search",];
- //enable this if you want auto switch to EN
- //switchLan();
- if (link.includes("viewkey")) {
- setLink();
- } else if (target_list.some(t => link.includes(t))) {
- reDirect(link);
- } else {
- replaceLink(".usernameWrap");
- }
- function switchLan() {
- let host = document.location.host,
- target_host = "www.pornhub.com";
- if (host != target_host) {
- setTimeout(() => {
- document.querySelector(`li[data-lang="en"] a`).click();
- }, 1000);
- }
- }
- function setLink() {
- let info = document.querySelector(".video-detailed-info");
- info = info.querySelector(".usernameBadgesWrapper");
- if (!info) return print("no user info");
- info = info.querySelector("a");
- let username = info.textContent;
- print("username", username);
- let link = `${info.href}/videos/public`;
- info.setAttribute("href", link);
- replaceLink(".usernameWrap");
- markSameUser(username);
- let button = newButton("myButtonB", "Copy Video link", copyLink);
- let div = document.createElement("div");
- div.appendChild(button);
- let pos = document.querySelector("#player");
- pos.insertAdjacentElement("afterend", div);
- function copyLink() {
- let link = window.location.href;
- navigator.clipboard.writeText(link);
- }
- }
- function markSameUser(username = "") {
- mark("#relatedVideosCenter");
- mark("#recommendedVideosVPage");
- function mark(css_selector) {
- let target = document.querySelector(css_selector);
- if (target) {
- target = target.querySelectorAll("li");
- if (target) {
- target.forEach(e => {
- let uploader = e.querySelector(".usernameWrap a");
- if (uploader) {
- if (uploader.textContent == username) {
- e.style = "border: red 0.2rem solid;";
- }
- }
- });
- }
- }
- }
- }
- function replaceLink(css_selector) {
- let target = document.querySelectorAll(css_selector);
- if (target) {
- target.forEach(e => {
- let a = e.querySelector("a");
- if (a) if (!a.href.includes("/videos")) a.href = `${a.href}/videos/public`;
- });
- } else {
- print(`target ${css_selector} not found`);
- }
- }
- function reDirect(link) {
- let vids = document.querySelector(".profileVids"); // profileVids videoUList
- if (!vids) {
- if (link.includes("/public")) {
- console.log("public");
- setTimeout(() => document.location.href = link.replace("/public", ""), 1000);
- }
- if (link.includes("/playlist")) {
- console.log("playlist");
- vids = document.querySelector(".container.playlistSectionWrapper");
- if (vids) mutiSelect(vids);
- }
- if (link.includes("/search")) {
- console.log("search");
- vids = document.querySelector("#videoSearchResult").parentElement;
- if (vids) mutiSelect(vids);
- }
- console.log("can't found video list, abort");
- return;
- } else {
- mutiSelect(vids);
- }
- function mutiSelect(vid_list) {
- let
- select_box = document.createElement("div"),
- textbox = document.createElement("textarea"),
- textbox_style = `
- width: 100%;
- height: auto;
- display: block;
- margin: auto;
- `;
- select_box.style = `
- display: flex;
- text-align: center;
- flex-wrap: wrap;
- width: 50%;
- margin: auto;
- `;
- select_box.innerHTML = `<textarea id="selected_vid_list" rows="10" cols="70" style="${textbox_style}"></textarea>`;
- vid_list.insertAdjacentElement("afterbegin", select_box);
- let button,
- button_class = "myButton line-4-item",
- button_box = document.createElement("div");
- button_box.style = `width: 100%;`;
- [
- { text: "Select All", click: secectAll },
- { text: "Unselect All", click: unsecectAll },
- { text: "Invert Select", click: invertSecect },
- { text: "Copy", click: copyAll },
- ].forEach(o => {
- button = newButton(button_class, o.text, o.click);
- button_box.appendChild(button);
- });
- select_box.appendChild(button_box);
- vid_list = vid_list.querySelectorAll(".pcVideoListItem");
- addCheckbox(vid_list);
- let more = document.getElementById("moreDataBtn");
- if (more) {
- more.addEventListener("click", loadEvent);
- let ele = document.createElement("span");
- ele.textContent = "Load button found, this user video list is ajax. Recommend using other tools to extract the list.";
- textbox.insertAdjacentElement("beforebegin", ele);
- }
- function addCheckbox(nodelist) {
- let e, key, vlink;
- console.log(`itemIndex:${itemIndex}, nodecount:${nodelist.length}`);
- for (itemIndex; itemIndex < nodelist.length; itemIndex++) {
- e = nodelist[itemIndex];
- key = e.attributes["data-video-vkey"].value;
- vlink = `https://www.pornhub.com/view_video.php?viewkey=${key}`;
- let ck = Object.assign(document.createElement("input"), {
- type: "checkbox",
- name: "selected_vid_list",
- value: vlink,
- });
- ck.addEventListener("click", updateTextBox);
- let label = Object.assign(document.createElement("label"), { className: "myLable", });
- label.appendChild(ck);
- let div = Object.assign(document.createElement("div"), { textContent: "Add to List", });
- label.appendChild(div);
- div = document.createElement("div");
- div.appendChild(label);
- let pos = e.querySelector(".thumbnail-info-wrapper");
- pos.insertAdjacentElement("beforebegin", document.createElement("br"));
- pos.insertAdjacentElement("beforebegin", div);
- pos = e.querySelector("span.title").querySelector("a");
- pos.removeAttribute("href");
- }
- itemIndex = nodelist.length;
- }
- function loadEvent() {
- let vids = document.querySelector(".profileVids").querySelectorAll(".pcVideoListItem");
- if (vids.length === itemIndex) {
- if (trycount < 100) {
- console.log(`no new item found, waiting for page to load [retry:${trycount}]`);
- setTimeout(loadEvent, 100);
- } else {
- console.log("retry too much, script stop");
- }
- trycount++;
- } else {
- trycount = 0;
- addCheckbox(vids);
- }
- }
- function copyAll() {
- let textbox = document.getElementById("selected_vid_list");
- navigator.clipboard.writeText(textbox.value);
- }
- function invertSecect() {
- let inputs = document.querySelectorAll("input[name='selected_vid_list']");
- inputs.forEach(e => {
- if (e.checked) {
- e.checked = false;
- } else {
- e.checked = true;
- }
- });
- updateTextBox();
- }
- function unsecectAll() {
- let inputs = document.querySelectorAll("input[name='selected_vid_list']:checked");
- inputs.forEach(e => {
- e.checked = false;
- });
- updateTextBox();
- }
- function secectAll() {
- let inputs = document.querySelectorAll("input[name='selected_vid_list']");
- inputs.forEach(e => {
- if (!e.checked) e.checked = true;
- });
- updateTextBox();
- }
- function updateTextBox() {
- let inputs = document.querySelectorAll("input[name='selected_vid_list']:checked");
- let newtext = "";
- if (inputs) {
- inputs.forEach(ck => {
- if (!newtext.includes(ck.value)) newtext += `${ck.value}\n`;
- });
- }
- let box = document.getElementById("selected_vid_list");
- box.value = newtext;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- function print(...any) {
- console.log(...any);
- }
- function newButton(bclass, btext, handeler) {
- let button = document.createElement("button");
- Object.assign(button, {
- className: bclass,
- textContent: btext,
- onclick: handeler,
- });
- return button;
- }
- function myCss() {
- let s = document.createElement("style");
- s.className = "myCssSheet";
- document.head.appendChild(s);
- s.textContent = `
- .added {
- display:initial !important;
- }
- .myButtonB {
- position: relative;
- padding: 1rem;
- width: 100%;
- border-style: solid;
- font-size: 1rem;
- background: transparent;
- color: white;
- }
- .myButton {
- position: relative;
- padding: 0.5rem 0;
- margin: 0.5rem;
- width: max-content;
- font-size: 1rem;
- }
- .line-4-item {
- max-width: 100%;
- width: calc(80% / 4);
- }
- .myButton:active, .myButtonB:active {
- background-color: DeepPink;
- }
- .myLable {
- position: relative;
- width: auto;
- padding: 0.5rem;
- border-style: solid;
- border-width: 0.1rem;
- border-color: gray;
- display: flex;
- }
- .myLable>input {
- position: relative;
- margin: auto;
- margin-left: 0rem;
- margin-right: 0.2rem;
- }
- .myLable>div {
- position: relative;
- margin: 0.1rem;
- }
- `;
- }
- })();