// ==UserScript==
// @name Kemono 下載工具
// @name:zh-TW Kemono 下載工具
// @name:zh-CN Kemono 下载工具
// @name:ja Kemono ダウンロードツール
// @name:en Kemono DownloadTool
// @version 0.0.16
// @author HentaiSaru
// @description 一鍵下載圖片 (壓縮下載/單圖下載) , 頁面數據創建 json 下載 , 一鍵開啟當前所有帖子
// @description:zh-TW 一鍵下載圖片 (壓縮下載/單圖下載) , 頁面數據創建 json 下載 , 一鍵開啟當前所有帖子
// @description:zh-CN 一键下载图片 (压缩下载/单图下载) , 页面数据创建 json 下载 , 一键开启当前所有帖子
// @description:ja 画像をワンクリックでダウンロード(圧縮ダウンロード/単一画像ダウンロード)、ページデータを作成してjsonでダウンロード、現在のすべての投稿をワンクリックで開く
// @description:en One-click download of images (compressed download/single image download), create page data for json download, one-click open all current posts
// @match *://kemono.su/*
// @match *://*.kemono.su/*
// @match *://kemono.party/*
// @match *://*.kemono.party/*
// @icon https://cdn-icons-png.flaticon.com/512/2381/2381981.png
// @license MIT
// @namespace https://greasyfork.org/users/989635
// @run-at document-end
// @grant GM_addStyle
// @grant GM_setValue
// @grant GM_getValue
// @grant GM_download
// @grant GM_openInTab
// @grant GM_addElement
// @grant GM_notification
// @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest
// @grant GM_registerMenuCommand
// @require https://greasyfork.org/scripts/473358-jszip/code/JSZip.js?version=1237031
// @require https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/FileSaver.js/2.0.5/FileSaver.min.js
// ==/UserScript==
(function() {
const pattern = /^(https?:\/\/)?(www\.)?kemono\..+\/.+\/user\/.+\/post\/.+$/, language = display_language(navigator.language);
var CompressMode = GM_getValue("Compression", []), parser = new DOMParser(), ModeDisplay, JsonDict, Pages;
let jsonmode = {"orlink" : "set_1", "imgnb" : "set_2", "videonb" : "set_3", "dllink": "set_4"}, genmode=true;
const UserSet = {
DeBug: false, // 顯示請求資訊, 與錯誤資訊
NotiFication: true, // 操作時 系統通知
CompleteClose: false, // 完成後關閉 [需要用另一個腳本的 "自動開新分頁" 或是此腳本的一鍵開啟, 要使用js開啟的分頁才能被關閉, 純js腳本被限制很多] {https://ppt.cc/fpQHSx}
ExperimentalDownload: true, // 實驗功能 [json 下載]
BatchOpenDelay: 500, // 一鍵開啟帖子的延遲 (ms)
ExperimentalDownloadDelay: 150, // 實驗下載請求延遲 (ms)
/** ---------------------/
* 設置實驗 json 分類輸出格式
* 原始連結: "orlink"
* 圖片數量: "imgnb"
* 影片數量: "videonb"
* 連結數量: "dllink"
* 排除模式: "FilterMode"
* 唯一模式: "OnlyMode"
// ToJsonSet(["orlink", "dllink"], "OnlyMode");
/* ==================== 監聽按鈕創建 (入口點) ==================== */
const observer = new MutationObserver(() => {
if (pattern.test(document.URL) && !document.getElementById("DBExist")) {ButtonCreation()}
if (pattern.test(document.URL)) {
observer.observe(document.head, {childList: true, subtree: true});
/* ==================== 選項菜單 ==================== */
GM_registerMenuCommand(language.RM_01, function() {DownloadModeSwitch()});
GM_registerMenuCommand(language.RM_02, function() {
const section = document.querySelector("section");
if (section) {
JsonDict = {};
Pages = 0;
GM_registerMenuCommand(language.RM_03, function() {OpenData()});
/* ==================== 數據處理 API ==================== */
/* 排除非法字元 */
function IllegalFilter(Name) {
return Name.replace(/[\/\?<>\\:\*\|":]/g, '');
/* 檔名轉換 */
function Conversion(Name) {
return Name.replace(/[\[\]]/g, '');
/* 獲得擴展名 */
function GetExtension(link) {
try {
const match = link.match(/\.([^.]+)$/);
return match[1].toLowerCase() || "png";
} catch {return "png"}
/* Worker 創建 */
function WorkerCreation(code) {
let blob = new Blob([code], {type: "application/javascript"});
return new Worker(URL.createObjectURL(blob));
/* ==================== 下載處理 ==================== */
/* 按鈕創建 */
async function ButtonCreation() {
let download_button;
.File_Span {
padding: 1rem;
font-size: 20% !important;
.Download_Button {
color: hsl(0, 0%, 45%);
padding: 6px;
border-radius: 8px;
border: 2px solid rgba(59, 62, 68, 0.7);
background-color: rgba(29, 31, 32, 0.8);
font-family: Arial, sans-serif;
.Download_Button:hover {
color: hsl(0, 0%, 95%);
background-color: hsl(0, 0%, 45%);
font-family: Arial, sans-serif;
.Download_Button:disabled {
color: hsl(0, 0%, 95%);
background-color: hsl(0, 0%, 45%);
cursor: default;
try {
const Files = document.querySelectorAll("div.post__body h2")
const spanElement = GM_addElement(Files[Files.length - 1], "span", {class: "File_Span"});
download_button = GM_addElement(spanElement, "button", {
class: "Download_Button",
id: "DBExist"
if (CompressMode) {
ModeDisplay = language.DS_01;
} else {
ModeDisplay = language.DS_02;
download_button.textContent = ModeDisplay;
download_button.addEventListener("click", function() {
}, {capture: true, passive: true});
} catch {
download_button.textContent = language.DS_04;
download_button.disabled = true;
/* 下載觸發 */
function DownloadTrigger(button) {
let data = new Map(), link;
let interval = setInterval(() => {
let imgdata = document.querySelectorAll("div.post__files a");
let title = document.querySelector("h1.post__title").textContent.trim();
let user = document.querySelector("a.post__user-name").textContent.trim();
if (imgdata.length > 0 && title && user) {
button.textContent = language.DS_03;
button.disabled = true;
imgdata.forEach((files, index) => {
link = files.href || files.querySelector("img").src;
data.set(index, link.split("?f=")[0]);
if (UserSet.DeBug) {
console.groupCollapsed("Get Data");
console.log(`[${user}] ${title}`);
if (CompressMode) {
ZipDownload(`[${user}] ${title}`, data, button);
} else {
ImageDownload(`[${user}] ${title}`, data, button)
}, 300);
/* 壓縮下載 */
async function ZipDownload(Folder, ImgData, Button) {
const zip = new JSZip(),
File = Conversion(Folder),
Total = ImgData.size,
OriginalTitle = document.title,
name = IllegalFilter(Folder.split(" ")[1]);
let progress = 1, task = 0, mantissa, link;
const worker = WorkerCreation(`
let queue = [], processing = false;
onmessage = function(e) {
const {index, url, retry} = e.data;
queue.push({index, url, retry});
if (!processing) {
processing = true;
async function processQueue() {
if (queue.length > 0) {
const {index, url, retry} = queue.shift();
xmlRequest(index, url, retry);
setTimeout(processQueue, ${UserSet.ExperimentalDownloadDelay});
// XMLHttpRequest 比較容易出現同源限制錯誤
async function xmlRequest(index, url, retry) {
let xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhr.open("GET", url, true);
xhr.responseType = "blob";
xhr.onload = function() {
if (xhr.status === 200) {postMessage({ blob: xhr.response, index, url: url, error: false})
} else {fetchRequest(index, url, retry)}
xhr.onerror = function() {
fetchRequest(index, url, retry);
// Fetch 受到同源的限制較少
async function fetchRequest(index, url, retry) {
try {
const response = await fetch(url, {method: 'GET'});
if (response.status === 200) {
const blob = await response.blob();
postMessage({ blob, index, url: url, error: false });
} else {
if (retry > 0) {fetchRequest(index, url, retry - 1)}
else {postMessage({ blob: "", index, url: url, error: true })}
} catch (error) {
if (retry > 0) {fetchRequest(index, url, retry - 1)}
else {postMessage({ blob: "", index, url: url, error: true })}
// 發送訊息
for (let i = 0; i < Total; i++) {
link = ImgData.get(i);
worker.postMessage({ index: i, url: link, retry: 10 });
Button.textContent = `${language.DS_09} [${i + 1}/${Total}]`;
// 接收訊息
worker.onmessage = function (e) {
const { blob, index, url, error } = e.data;
if (!error) {
if (UserSet.DeBug) {console.log("Download Successful")}
mantissa = (index + 1).toString().padStart(3, '0');
zip.file(`${File}/${name}_${mantissa}.${GetExtension(url)}`, blob);
Button.textContent = `${language.DS_05} [${progress}/${Total}]`;
document.title = `[${progress}/${Total}]`;
} else {
if (UserSet.DeBug) {console.log(`Request Failed Link : [${url}]`)}
/* 最後的下載 */
async function Request(url, retry) {
method: "GET",
url: url,
responseType: "blob",
onload: response => {
if (response.status === 200 && response.response instanceof Blob && response.response.size > 0) {
mantissa = (index + 1).toString().padStart(3, '0');
zip.file(`${File}/${name}_${mantissa}.${GetExtension(url)}`, response.response);
Button.textContent = `${language.DS_05} [${progress}/${Total}]`;
document.title = `[${progress}/${Total}]`;
} else {
if (retry > 0) {
Request(url, retry-1);
} else {
Request(url, 10);
// 錯誤訊息
worker.onerror = function (e) {
console.error(`Worker error: ${e.message}`);
// 等待下載完成
let interval = setInterval(() => {
if (task === Total) {
}, 500);
// 壓縮設置
async function Compression() {
type: "blob",
compression: "DEFLATE",
compressionOptions: {
level: 5
}, (progress) => {
document.title = `${progress.percent.toFixed(1)} %`;
Button.textContent = `${language.DS_06}: ${progress.percent.toFixed(1)} %`;
}).then(async zip => {
document.title = `✓ ${OriginalTitle}`;
await saveAs(zip, `${Folder}.zip`);
Button.textContent = language.DS_08;
setTimeout(() => {
if (UserSet.CompleteClose) {window.close()}
Button.textContent = `✓ ${ModeDisplay}`;
Button.disabled = false;
}, 3000);
}).catch(result => {
Button.textContent = language.DS_07;
document.title = OriginalTitle;
setTimeout(() => {
Button.textContent = ModeDisplay;
Button.disabled = false;
}, 5000);
/* 單圖下載 */
async function ImageDownload(Folder, ImgData, Button) {
const name = IllegalFilter(Folder.split(" ")[1]), Total = ImgData.size, OriginalTitle = document.title;
let progress = 1, task = 0, link, extension;
for (let i = 0; i < Total; i++) {
link = ImgData.get(i);
extension = GetExtension(link);
Button.textContent = `${language.DS_09} [${i + 1}/${Total}]`;
url: link,
name: `${name}_${(progress+i).toString().padStart(3, '0')}.${extension}`,
onload: () => {
document.title = `[${progress}/${Total}]`;
Button.textContent = `${language.DS_05} [${progress}/${Total}]`;
onerror: () => {
let interval = setInterval(() => {
if (task === Total) {
document.title = `✓ ${OriginalTitle}`;
Button.textContent = language.DS_08;
setTimeout(() => {
Button.disabled = false;
Button.textContent = `✓ ${ModeDisplay}`;
if (UserSet.CompleteClose) {window.close()}
}, 3000);
}, 1000);
/* 下載模式切換 */
async function DownloadModeSwitch() {
if (GM_getValue("Compression", [])){
GM_setValue("Compression", false);
if (UserSet.NotiFication) {
title: language.NF_01,
text: language.DM_02,
timeout: 1500
} else {
GM_setValue("Compression", true);
if (UserSet.NotiFication) {
title: language.NF_01,
text: language.DM_01,
timeout: 1500
/* ==================== 數據處理 ==================== */
var progress, filtercache, OriginalTitle = document.title; // 進度顯示
/* 獲取主頁元素 */
async function GetPageData(section) {
let title, link, promises = [];
const menu = section.querySelector("a.pagination-button-after-current");
const item = section.querySelectorAll(".card-list__items article");
progress = 0;
if (UserSet.NotiFication) {
title: language.NF_02,
text: `${language.NF_03} : ${Pages}`,
image: "https://cdn-icons-png.flaticon.com/512/2582/2582087.png",
timeout: 800
// 遍歷數據
for (const card of item) {
title = card.querySelector(".post-card__header").textContent.trim();
link = card.querySelector("a").href;
if (UserSet.ExperimentalDownload) {
promises.push(DataClassification(title, link, Pages));
await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, UserSet.ExperimentalDownloadDelay));
} else {
JsonDict[`${link}`] = title;
// 等待所有請求完成
await Promise.allSettled(promises);
try { // 請求下一頁
await GetNextPage(menu.href);
} catch {ToJson()}
/* 獲取下一頁數據 */
async function GetNextPage(NextPage) {
method: "GET",
url: NextPage,
nocache: false,
ontimeout: 8000,
onload: response => {
const DOM = parser.parseFromString(response.responseText, "text/html");
/* 分類盒子生成 */
function GenerateBox(ol, pn, vn, lb) {
if (genmode) {
return {
...(jsonmode.hasOwnProperty("orlink") ? { [language.CD_01]: ol } : {}),
...(jsonmode.hasOwnProperty("imgnb") ? { [language.CD_02]: pn } : {}),
...(jsonmode.hasOwnProperty("videonb") ? { [language.CD_03]: vn } : {}),
...(jsonmode.hasOwnProperty("dllink") ? { [language.CD_04]: lb || {} } : {}),
} else {
return {
...(jsonmode.hasOwnProperty("orlink") ? { [language.CD_01]: ol } : {}),
...(jsonmode.hasOwnProperty("imgnb") && pn > 0 && vn == 0 ? { [language.CD_02]: pn } : {}),
...(jsonmode.hasOwnProperty("videonb") && vn > 0 && pn <= 10 ? { [language.CD_03]: vn } : {}),
...(jsonmode.hasOwnProperty("dllink") && Object.keys(lb).length > 0 ? { [language.CD_04]: lb } : {}),
/* 數據分類Json */
async function DataClassification(title, url, page) {
const link_box = {};
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
method: "GET",
url: url,
nocache: false,
onload: response => {
const DOM = parser.parseFromString(response.responseText, "text/html");
const original_link = url;
const pictures_number = DOM.querySelectorAll("div.post__thumbnail").length;
const video_number = DOM.querySelectorAll('ul[style*="text-align: center;list-style-type: none;"] li').length;
const mega_link = DOM.querySelectorAll("div.post__content strong");
DOM.querySelectorAll("a.post__attachment-link").forEach(link => {
const analyze = decodeURIComponent(link.href).split("?f=");
const download_link = analyze[0];
const download_name = analyze[1];
link_box[download_name] = download_link;
if (mega_link.length > 0) {
try {
link_box[mega_link[0].textContent.trim().replace(":", "")] = {
[mega_link[2].textContent.trim()]: mega_link[1].parentElement.href
} catch {}
const Box = GenerateBox(original_link, pictures_number, video_number, link_box);
if (Object.keys(Box).length !== 0) {
JsonDict[title] = Box;
if (UserSet.DeBug) {console.log(JsonDict)}
document.title = `(${page} - ${++progress})`;
onerror: error => {
* 設置分類輸出 Json時的格式
* @param {Array} set - 要進行的設置 [預設: []]
* @param {string} mode - 設定的模式 [預設: "FilterMode"]
* @example
* 基本設置: ToJsonSet(["orlink", "imgnb", "videonb", "dllink"]) 可選項目
* mode = "FilterMode", 根據傳入的值, 將 {原始連結, 圖片數, 影片數, 下載連結} (過濾掉/刪除該項目)
* mode = "OnlyMode", 根據傳入的值, 例如 {set = ["imgnb"]}, 那就只會顯示有圖片的
* "OnlyMode" 的 "imgnb", "videonb" 會有額外特別處理, {imgnb: 排除有影片的, videonb: 圖片多餘10張的被排除}
async function ToJsonSet(set = [], mode = "FilterMode") {
try {
switch (mode) {
case "FilterMode":
genmode = true;
set.forEach(key => {delete jsonmode[key]});
case "OnlyMode":
genmode = false;
filtercache = Object.keys(jsonmode).reduce((obj, key) => {
if (set.includes(key)) {obj[key] = jsonmode[key]}
return obj;
}, {});
jsonmode = filtercache;
} catch (error) {console.error(error)}
/* 輸出Json */
async function ToJson() {
try {
Object.keys(JsonDict).sort(); // 進行簡單排序
const author = document.querySelector('span[itemprop="name"]').textContent;
const json = document.createElement("a");
json.href = "data:application/json;charset=utf-8," + encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(JsonDict, null, 4));
json.download = `${author}.json`;
if (UserSet.NotiFication) {
title: language.NF_04,
text: language.NF_05,
image: "https://cdn-icons-png.flaticon.com/512/2582/2582087.png",
timeout: 2000
document.title = OriginalTitle;
} catch {alert(language.NF_06)}
/* 一鍵開啟當前所有帖子 */
async function OpenData() {
try {
const card = document.querySelectorAll("article.post-card a");
if (card.length == 0) {throw new Error("No links found")}
for (const link of card) {
GM_openInTab(link.href, {
active: false,
insert: false,
setParent: false
await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, UserSet.BatchOpenDelay));
} catch {
function display_language(language) {
let display = {
"zh-TW": [{
"RM_01" : "🔁 切換下載模式",
"RM_02" : "📑 獲取所有帖子 Json 數據",
"RM_03" : "📃 開啟當前頁面所有帖子",
"DM_01" : "壓縮下載模式",
"DM_02" : "單圖下載模式",
"DS_01" : "壓縮下載",
"DS_02" : "單圖下載",
"DS_03" : "開始下載",
"DS_04" : "無法下載",
"DS_05" : "下載進度",
"DS_06" : "封裝進度",
"DS_07" : "壓縮封裝失敗",
"DS_08" : "下載完成",
"DS_09" : "請求進度",
"CD_01" : "原始連結",
"CD_02" : "圖片數量",
"CD_03" : "影片數量",
"CD_04" : "下載連結",
"NF_01" : "模式切換",
"NF_02" : "數據處理中",
"NF_03" : "當前處理頁數",
"NF_04" : "數據處理完成",
"NF_05" : "Json 數據下載",
"NF_06" : "錯誤的請求頁面",
"NF_07" : "錯誤的開啟頁面"
"zh-CN": [{
"RM_01" : "🔁 切换下载模式",
"RM_02" : "📑 获取所有帖子 Json 数据",
"RM_03" : "📃 打开当前页面所有帖子",
"DM_01" : "压缩下载模式",
"DM_02" : "单图下载模式",
"DS_01" : "压缩下载",
"DS_02" : "单图下载",
"DS_03" : "开始下载",
"DS_04" : "无法下载",
"DS_05" : "下载进度",
"DS_06" : "封装进度",
"DS_07" : "压缩封装失败",
"DS_08" : "下载完成",
"DS_09" : "请求进度",
"CD_01" : "原始链接",
"CD_02" : "图片数量",
"CD_03" : "视频数量",
"CD_04" : "下载链接",
"NF_01" : "模式切换",
"NF_02" : "数据处理中",
"NF_03" : "当前处理页数",
"NF_04" : "数据处理完成",
"NF_05" : "Json 数据下载",
"NF_06" : "错误的请求页面",
"NF_07" : "错误的打开页面"
"ja": [{
"RM_01" : "🔁 ダウンロードモードの切り替え",
"RM_02" : "📑 すべての投稿のJsonデータを取得する",
"RM_03" : "📃 現在のページのすべての投稿を開く",
"DM_01" : "圧縮ダウンロードモード",
"DM_02" : "シングル画像ダウンロードモード",
"DS_01" : "圧縮ダウンロード",
"DS_02" : "シングル画像ダウンロード",
"DS_03" : "ダウンロードを開始する",
"DS_04" : "ダウンロードできません",
"DS_05" : "ダウンロードの進行状況",
"DS_06" : "パッケージング中",
"DS_07" : "圧縮パッケージングに失敗しました",
"DS_08" : "ダウンロードが完了しました",
"DS_09" : "リクエストの進捗",
"CD_01" : "元のリンク",
"CD_02" : "画像の数",
"CD_03" : "ビデオの数",
"CD_04" : "ダウンロードリンク",
"NF_01" : "モード切り替え",
"NF_02" : "データ処理中",
"NF_03" : "現在の処理ページ数",
"NF_04" : "データ処理が完了しました",
"NF_05" : "Jsonデータのダウンロード",
"NF_06" : "間違ったリクエストページ",
"NF_07" : "間違ったページを開く"
"en-US": [{
"RM_01" : "🔁 Switch download mode",
"RM_02" : "📑 Get all post Json data",
"RM_03" : "📃 Open all posts on the current page",
"DM_01" : "Compressed download mode",
"DM_02" : "Single image download mode",
"DS_01" : "Compressed download",
"DS_02" : "Single image download",
"DS_03" : "Start downloading",
"DS_04" : "Unable to download",
"DS_05" : "Download progress",
"DS_06" : "Packaging",
"DS_07" : "Compression packaging failed",
"DS_08" : "Download completed",
"DS_09" : "Request progress",
"CD_01" : "Original link",
"CD_02" : "Number of images",
"CD_03" : "Number of videos",
"CD_04" : "Download link",
"NF_01" : "Mode switch",
"NF_02" : "Data processing",
"NF_03" : "Current processing page number",
"NF_04" : "Data processing completed",
"NF_05" : "Json data download",
"NF_06" : "Wrong request page",
"NF_07" : "Wrong page to open"
if (display.hasOwnProperty(language)) {
return display[language][0];
} else {
return display["en-US"][0];