FetLife ASL Search (Females included) JS - Allows you to search for FetLife profiles based on age, sex, location, and role.
Unlimited Paginator Works JS - Makes any(?) page with a paginator on various Danbooru clones "bottomless"--blend pages together or separate each with a paginator.
Google Expert Search JS - Add many other hidden (only available in text) functionality to the basic search: file extension filter (video, text document, presentation, datasheets, audio search ...), site filter (video streaming, file share sites, anime streaming sites ...) and all popular file share link search, customizable categories and many more improvements. Check the site for tips and more information: http://googlescript.blogspot.com Contact: pogisti@gmail.com
ExHentai - Preload next page JS - Loosely inspired by "Handy ExHentai" script. Now loads more pages by nesting iFrames.
X-Hamster JS - Keyboard driven changing layout, full browser player with ability to re-size, remove auto-play, auto-scroll to video, bigger thumbs
挊 JS - 自动获取磁链接并自动离线下载
Penis for Twitter JS - Replaces the "Favorite" heart by a penis.
磁力云播 JS - 找出页面的磁力链,添加云播接口
ehentai翻頁 JS - ehentai左右翻页
SankakuAddon JS - Adds a few quality of life improvements on Sankaku Channel: Automatic image scaling, scrolling to image, thumbnail icons for loud/animated posts, muting/pausing videos, + - tag search buttons, a tag menu which allows for tagging by clicking, 'Choose/Set Parent' modes, easier duplicate tagging/flagging. Fully configurable through the Addon config.
Chaturbate Auto Refresh JS - Refreshes Chatubate profiles to check if the user if online, useful when streams drop.
nhentai preloader JS - Preload images on nhentai for faster loading
Gelbooru Paged Gallery JS - A simplified gallery for viewing gelbooru images in succession.
searchEngineJump 简化修复版 JS - 方便的在各个引擎之间跳转。可自定义搜索列表的 NLF 修改版。
blogjav.net老司机步兵辅助 JS - blogjav.net网站重新排版,浏览图片下载内容更方便,是时候和封面杀手说88了。
PH.com JS - Remove ads, enlarges video, stops autoplay keeping buffering & block pop-ups from pornhub.com
Sankaku Complex | No blurred images JS - Will simply remove the blurred images caused by the image having blacklisted tags on the gallary sites of Sankaku Complex
ImageBoard Viewer/Downloader JS - A simple quick and dirty image viewer various imageboard sites
Xhamster - AUTO Video Infinite LOOP v.10 Fix by smartacephale JS - Video Auto Infinite Replay - Fix by smartacephale (https://greasyfork.org/fr/scripts/493935-xhamster-improved)
Chaturbate Full Page Video JS - Display the webcam video over the whole page (without fullscreen), in the correct ratio, with its controls.
nyaa小图变大图 JS - 如果还是小图是因为大图还在下载,下载完后会变成大图
nhentai pop-under remover JS - Disables annoing window that opens after clicking anywhere on page.
EHentai Auto Loader JS - Help you read comics smoothly with auto loading more pages
javbus.waterfall JS - Infinite scroll @ javbus.com
ThisAV去广告 JS - 去除ThisAV页面中的弹出广告与导航栏广告,添加视频下载按钮
HV 物品汉化V3 JS - zh-cn
heavyr make lookable JS - Hide disgusting shit from heavy-r.com porn video site with css. Match based on keyword keyphrase list. Make heavy-r readable lookable and viewable.
草榴小助手 JS - 提供“加亮今日帖子”、“移除viidii跳转”、“图片自动缩放”、“种子链接转磁力链”、“预览整页图片”、“游客站内搜索”、“返回顶部”等功能!
挊-随时开车 JS - 自动获取磁链接并自动离线下载
ExtendXVideos JS - Remove ads, enlarge video, auto-centre video & block pop-ups
Rule34.xxx: Date Fixer (MM-DD-YY) JS - Changes all dates on Rule34.xxx to a MM-DD-YY format
ExHentai.org自动登录 JS - 看本子更简单一点。
Literotica Downloader Improved JS - Single page HTML download for Literotica with improved readability
SankakuComplex fullscreen image viewer JS - Auto loads original version of any picture on SankakuComplex website
Manga OnlineViewer Fluid Mode + Lewd Extender JS - Extension for Manga OnlineViewer Fluid Mode + for 18+ sites, allowing double-page spread viewing for halved images. Sites: Fakku, HBrowse, doujin-moe, hentai2read, luscious, wondersluts,hentaimangaonline, exhentai/g.e-hentai, pururin, hentai4manga, doujinshihentai, hitomi, nhentai, hentaihere, 8muses, Tsumino etc.
Open All Gallery Images JS - Opens all the posts on a page in a new tab.
4chan Archive Image Expander JS - Adds inline image expansion to 4chan archives.
Bypass Reddit Age Verification JS - Bypass 18+ age verification on all subreddits
91无限次观看脚本 JS - 这个脚本的生命已经结束了,请前往https://nrop19.com继续免费观看91视频
javlibrary_preview JS - perview video and links
4chan+ JS - Adds some kool features to 4chan!
Enhance绅士漫画 JS - 加强一下 绅士漫画 网站的体验
漫畫閱讀器 JS - 漫畫自動連續載入
Harem Heroes++ modified by 1121 JS - Adding things here and there in Harem Heroes game.
凹凸视频助手 JS - 愉快地观看凹凸视频
E-hentai Multi-Page-Viewer Scrollbar JS - 给E-hentai的多页查看器页面加上滚动条
xvideos filterer JS - Filter out users or videos based on keywords or names
JAV preview screenshot JS - Show video preview screenshot on AVMOO, AVSOX and JavBus
E-Hitomi JS - Adds a button to E-Hentai to open a supported gallery on Hitomi.la
javbus去广告 JS - try to take over the world!
ExH login JS - Login to exhentai without modifying cookie by your self.
Retrieve Ehentai Torrent Resource Sizes and Magnet Links JS - Retrieve torrent resource sizes and magnet links from Ehentai galleries and display them below the "Torrent Download" section. Click to copy to clipboard.
Chaturbate PLUS增强插件(去除广告/清爽页面) JS - 去除Chaturbate广告/清爽页面
Driver Mode for REIMU.NET JS - 默认开启灵梦御所老司机模式
XNXX - Search Filters JS - Various search filters
Hitomi - Search & UI Tweaks JS - Various search filters and user experience enhancers
直播接口改直播盒子 JS - 将txt格式的直播接口改成直观的图文列表
Literotica Fixer JS - depaginates literotica stories and removes CSS
115艾薇预览 JS - 115登录后自动跳转到文件界面、文件界面放大、自动获取艾薇封面+标题
FetLife Feed Picture Lightbox Viewer JS - Allows you to view feed pictures in a lightbox and includes keyboard shortcuts (left/right arrow, l for like, escape to close)
Javbus JS - 去广告,快速加载
XHamster Search and UI Improvements JS - Various search filters
Literotica Author Story Collection Downloader JS - Select stories to download from author page on Literotica - will collect all into simplified HTMLs and download as a .zip (includes support for series), can also sort stories
图聚合展示by xhua JS - 目标是聚合网页美女图
Powerfap JS - Adds full screen lightbox feature (with preloading) for imagefap galleries. Just click on image thumbnail from the category or homepage.
Reddit: Hide/Show NSFW posts JS - Adds dropdown list, allowing to select prefferable way of watching Reddit: Show All Posts, Hide NSFW Posts or Show Only NSFW Posts.
xvideos自动选中文站 JS - x站自动选中文
wnacgDownload JS - Enhanced download of wnacg
[Neko0] 图站增强Danbooru/Gelbooru/Konachan/Yande JS - 加入快捷键操作,按下 ← 或 A 上一页,按下 → 或 D 下一页,按下 S 或 O 查看原图,按下 F 查看来源页面,没错,单手操作
pornhub.com playlist link grabber for /view_video JS - This adds a button to pornhub video player page if the video is part of a playlist to grab links to all videos in said playlist
8muses Downloader JS - Download from 8muses.com
115AV Helper JS - 本脚本将在免登录115的状态下,在AVMOO、JAVBUS等片库网站中基于115实现一些额外功能(前提当然是你要有会员啦)
Exhentai and E-Hentai Cross Links on Gallery Pages JS - Adds links to the gallery pages to navigate between exhentai and e-hentai
EhxVisited JS - E-H Visited, combined with ExVisited, and then better.
e621 Thumbnail Enhancer JS - Resizes thumbnails on e621.net, replacing them with higher resoltion images and adding support for video previews.
thehentaiworld下载 JS - try to take over the world!
E-Hentai / nHentai highlight thumb when open Anthology gallery JS - highlight and navigate to artist work first thumb when open "Anthology gallery" from search page with tag "artist"
辅助签到助手 JS - 个别网站辅助签到助手,包括18AMSR, 宅男龜, South Plus, Javbus論壇, 福利吧論壇, CCCAT
coolinet m3u8 address JS - coolinet show m3u8 address
Bellesa Download JS - Download videos from www.bellesa.co.
Javlibrary - 首页一站式影片预览 JS - 不需要跳转,在 Javlibrary 首页就能直接预览影片。会缓存影片相关信息,下次可直接使用。可搜索番号或前缀。支持轻量的 torrentkitty 磁力搜索展示。
SexInSex 阅读器 JS - 【SexInSex 阅读器】是一款用来浏览SexInSex论坛的油猴插件。
av_everywhere JS - every time open web page, recommand a AV, H image, Ero manga, and Porn video to you, search base page title.
主题过滤 JS - 过滤帖子,仅适用于部分网站
nhentai图片批量下载 JS - 解析nhentai页面的漫画url, 可以复制所有大图连接, 或者打包下载zip
1024社区收藏夹 JS - 为社区帖子添加一个本地收藏夹,支持导入导出功能。支持图片批量下载。该插件在手机端几乎可以用网页替代社区客户端。支持手机和电脑浏览器Tampermonkey、暴力猴。
琉璃神社 自动链接 JS - 将琉璃神社的磁力链接标注出来
解决草榴社区(1024) 拦截去广告插件的问题 JS - 草榴社区新增对去广告插件的恶意管控。只要安装去广告插件访问草榴就会在页面显示【去广告插件屏蔽, 请等待60秒, 或将其关闭即刻恢复浏览。】【网页元素被去广告插件破坏,无法显示内容。】。其实这是草榴自己干的,故意隐藏了网页的内容。引导用户关闭去广告插件,换取广告收入。这个插件可以去掉这个管控
打包下载wnacg的图片 JS - 由于wnacg的直接下载通道无法使用,所以我想通过脚本请求每一张图片,之后打包保存。
Gelbooru Favorites Search JS - Adds a search bar to Favorites pages to search for tags.
HV 物品装备汉化 JS - 汉化Hentaiverse及EH论坛、HVMarket内的物品、装备及装备属性,带装备高亮/装备店隐藏锁定装备,带翻译原文切换功能。论坛购物请切换到英文原文再复制内容
在灵梦御所显示下载链接 JS - 在灵梦御所显示使用pre标签包裹的下载链接
Literotica Reader JS - Typographical elements used to achieve an attractive, distinctive appearance that indicates finesse, elegance and sophistication
JavDB_helper JS - have fun
老司机传说(新) JS - 为支持度盘标准码而重写的老司机传说,与原版完全是两个不同的东西,砍掉了很多功能。安装前请务必阅读脚本介绍。有问题建议欢迎到反馈页提出。
re621 - e621 Reimagined JS - Subscription manager, mass downloader, thumbnail enhancer, and more for e621
HH Unlock Images JS - This script unlocks images of both recruited girls and non-recruited girls.
E-Hentai Infinite Scroll JS - Auto load next image. Free your hand from keyboard/mouse.
eh漫画语言快捷按钮 JS - 快速跳转到其他漫画语言版本