A comment on A review on Mangaupdates Manga search by Deleted user 734380 беше докладван 28.02.2021 за Спам

Deleted user 734380 каза:

If you use the HTML5 player you can paste this into the console and it will play the video at 2x speed

document.getElementById('my_video_1_html5_api').playbackRate = 2;
Or you could make a bookmark that when pressed will speed up the video to 2x. To make a bookmark copy the code below and create a new Bookmark. Name it whatever you want and paste the code in the URL field (or Location field in firefox).


https://krogerfeedback.nl/ https://talktosonic.onl/ https://talktowendys.vip/ https://whataburgersurvey.onl/

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