LiveLeak download

Creates a download link next to video title

От 31.03.2019. Виж последната версия.

// ==UserScript==
// @name         LiveLeak download
// @version      1.4
// @description  Creates a download link next to video title
// @author       Mark Lin
// @match        *://*
// @grant        none
// @namespace
// ==/UserScript==

function insertAfter(newNode, selector) {
  const target = document.querySelector(selector);
  target.parentElement.insertBefore(newNode, target.nextSibling);

const title = document.querySelector('title').innerText + '.mp4';
const url = document.querySelector('video.vjs-tech').src;

const anchor = document.createElement('a');
anchor.href = url;
anchor.setAttribute('download', title);
anchor.innerText = 'Download File';

insertAfter(anchor, '.channel_video_heading h3');