- // ==UserScript==
- // @name ErogameScape Remove Uid
- // @namespace http://blueblueblue.fool.jp/wp/
- // @version 3.1
- // @description エロゲー批評空間のレビューをユーザー条件で非表示
- // @include http://erogamescape*/~ap2/ero/toukei_kaiseki/*
- // @copyright 2013-2014, ebi
- // ==/UserScript==
- /* << exit url */
- if(location.href.indexOf("loginExe", 0) !== -1) { return };
- if(location.href.indexOf("keijiban", 0) !== -1) { return };
- if(location.href.indexOf("example", 0) !== -1) { return };
- if(location.href.indexOf("memo.php", 0) !== -1) { return };
- if(location.href.indexOf("usersql_exec", 0) !== -1) { return };
- if(location.href.indexOf("usersql", 0) !== -1) { return };
- if(location.href.indexOf("sql_for_erogamer_index", 0) !== -1) { return };
- if(location.href.indexOf("sql_for_erogamer_form", 0) !== -1) { return };
- if(location.href.indexOf("select.php", 0) !== -1) { return };
- if(location.href.indexOf("loginExe", 0) !== -1) { return };
- if(location.href.indexOf("keijiban", 0) !== -1) { return };
- if(location.href.indexOf("example", 0) !== -1) { return };
- if(location.href.indexOf("memo.php", 0) !== -1) { return };
- if(location.href.indexOf("select.php", 0) !== -1) { return };
- /*if(location.href.indexOf("contents", 0) !== -1) { return };*/
- /* exit url >> */
- function main() {
- /* << favorite and dislike */
- if(location.href.indexOf("contents_fav_user.php", 0) !== -1 || location.href.indexOf("contents_dis_user.php", 0) !== -1) {
- var uid = "";
- if(location.href.indexOf("contents_fav_user.php", 0) !== -1){
- var lst_uid = "favorite_user_stylesheet<hr>.favorite_user";
- } else {
- var lst_uid = "dislike_user_stylesheet<hr>.dislike_user";
- }
- $("tr a[href*='user_infomation.php']").each(function(){
- uid = $(this).attr("href").split("user_infomation.php")[1].split("user=")[1].split(/=|&|#/g)[0];
- uid = uid.replace(/\./g, "-_-");
- uid = uid.replace(/\+/g, "_-_");
- uid = uid.replace(/%/g, "--");
- lst_uid += ", .uid_" + uid;
- });
- if(location.href.indexOf("contents_fav_user.php", 0) !== -1){
- lst_uid += "{display:block !important; opacity: 1 !important;}";
- } else {
- lst_uid += "{display:none !important;}";
- }
- $div = $("<div/>");
- $div.html(lst_uid);
- $div.css({"color" : "#fff"
- , "font-family" : "Arial"
- , "font-size" : "9px"
- , "text-align" : "center"
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- , "margin" : "0"
- , "padding" : "2px 0px"
- , "width" : "300px"
- , "position" : "fixed"
- , "top" : "0"
- , "right" : "5px"
- , "cursor" : "pointer"
- , "border-bottom-left-radius" : "5px"
- , "border-bottom-right-radius" : "5px"
- , "-webkit-border-bottom-left-radius" : "5px"
- , "-webkit-border-bottom-right-radius" : "5px"
- , "-moz-border-bottom-left-radius" : "5px"
- , "-moz-border-bottom-right-radius" : "5px"
- });
- $("body").append($div);
- return;
- };
- /* favorite and dislike >> */
- /* cookie */
- function read_cookie(name, value){
- if (document.cookie) {
- var cookies = document.cookie.split("; ");
- for (var i = 0; i < cookies.length; i++) {
- var str = cookies[i].split("=");
- if (str[0] == name) {
- value = cookie_value = unescape(str[1]);
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- return value;
- }
- /* << config */
- var uid = "";
- var comment = "";
- var comment_arr = new Array();
- var body_height = 0;
- var count = read_cookie("removeUid_count", 0);
- var interval = read_cookie("removeUid_interval", 0);
- var type = read_cookie("removeUid_type", "opacity");
- /*
- var checked = "";
- if ( type == "opacity" ) {
- checked = "checked";
- }
- */
- var short_length = read_cookie("removeUid_short_length", "0");
- var long_length = read_cookie("removeUid_long_length", "0");
- var dt = new Date ();
- var ver = dt.getFullYear() + ("0"+(dt.getMonth ()+1)).slice (-2) + ("0"+dt.getDate ()).slice (-2);
- /* config >> */
- /* << DOM create */
- $css = $("<link/>");
- $css.attr("id", "removeUid_css");
- $css.attr("rel", "stylesheet");
- $css.attr("type", "text/css");
- $css.attr("href", "http://blueblueblue.fool.jp/php/es_uid_css.php?count=" + count + "&interval=" + interval + "&type=" + type + "&ver=" + ver);
- $("body").append($css);
- $div = $("<div/>");
- $div.css({ "color" : "#fff"
- , "font-family" : "Arial"
- , "font-size" : "9px"
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- , "margin" : "0"
- , "padding" : "2px 0px"
- , "width" : "230px"
- , "position" : "fixed"
- , "top" : "0"
- , "left" : "5px"
- , "cursor" : "pointer"
- , "border-bottom-left-radius" : "5px"
- , "border-bottom-right-radius" : "5px"
- , "-webkit-border-bottom-left-radius" : "5px"
- , "-webkit-border-bottom-right-radius" : "5px"
- , "-moz-border-bottom-left-radius" : "5px"
- , "-moz-border-bottom-right-radius" : "5px"
- , "z-index" : "98"
- });
- $div.attr("id", "removeUid");
- $div.html("remove cnt." + count + " int." + interval + " short." + short_length + " long." + long_length);
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- $div = $("<div/>");
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- , "display" : "none"
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- $div = $("<div/>");
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- , "-webkit-border-radius" : "5px"
- , "-moz-border-radius" : "5px"
- , "-moz-border-radius" : "5px"
- , "z-index" : "100"
- });
- $div.attr("id", "removeUid_config");
- $div.html("reviewUid Config<hr />"
- + "*感想投稿数<br /><input style=\"margin-left:15px;width:50px;\" id=\"removeUid_count\" value=\"" + count + "\" />(min5)<br />"
- + "*投稿期間(日数)<br /><input style=\"margin-left:15px;width:50px;\" id=\"removeUid_interval\" value=\"" + interval + "\" />(min30)<br />"
- + "*非表示方法<br />"
- + "<input id=\"opacity\" type=\"radio\" name=\"removeUid_type\" value=\"0\"><label>透過</label>"
- + "<input id=\"hidden\" type=\"radio\" name=\"removeUid_type\" value=\"1\"><label>非表示</label>"
- + "<input id=\"opacity_rev\" type=\"radio\" name=\"removeUid_type\" value=\"2\"><label>透過反転</label>"
- + "<br />"
- + "*長文感想文字数下限<br /><input style=\"margin-left:15px;width:50px;\" id=\"removeUid_short_length\" value=\"" + short_length + "\" /><br />"
- + "*長文感想文字数上限<br /><input style=\"margin-left:15px;width:50px;\" id=\"removeUid_long_length\" value=\"" + long_length + "\" />"
- );
- /*
- $div.html("reviewUid Config<hr />"
- + "*review_count<br /><input style=\"margin-left:15px;width:50px;\" id=\"removeUid_count\" value=\"" + count + "\" />(min5)<br />"
- + "*review_interval<br /><input style=\"margin-left:15px;width:50px;\" id=\"removeUid_interval\" value=\"" + interval + "\" />(min30)<br />"
- + "*review_hide_type<br /><label><input type=\"checkbox\" style=\"margin-left:15px;\" id=\"removeUid_type\" " + checked + "/>opacity</label><br />"
- + "*short_review_length<br /><input style=\"margin-left:15px;width:50px;\" id=\"removeUid_short_length\" value=\"" + short_length + "\" /><br />"
- + "*long_review_length<br /><input style=\"margin-left:15px;width:50px;\" id=\"removeUid_long_length\" value=\"" + long_length + "\" />"
- );
- */
- $("body").append($div);
- $("#" + type).val(['1']);
- /* DOM create >> */
- /* << event */
- /* display event */
- $(window).on("load scroll", function(){
- if ( body_height !== $("body").height() ) {
- var selector_str = "div[class*='game_'], div[class*='uid_'], div.coment > div";
- $(selector_str).each( function() {
- if ( !$(this).hasClass("us-remove-uid") ) {
- $(this).addClass( "us-remove-uid" );
- uid = $(this).html().split("user_game.php")[1].split("user=")[1].split(/=|&|#/g)[0];
- uid = uid.replace(/\./g, "-_-");
- uid = uid.replace(/\+/g, "_-_");
- uid = uid.replace(/%/g, "--");
- $(this).addClass( "uid_" + uid );
- $(this).addClass( "game_" + $(this).html().split("user_game.php")[1].split("game=")[1].split(/=|&|#/g)[0] );
- comment = $(".comment1, .comment2, .odd, .even", $(this)).html().replace(/<span.*?\/span>|\n/gi, "");
- comment_arr = comment.split(/<br>|<a\shref="memo\.php|<div/);
- if ( comment.indexOf("memo.php", 0) == -1 ) {
- data_short = comment_arr[1].length;
- $(this).attr("data-short-comment", data_short);
- } else {
- data_short = comment_arr[1].length - 3;
- data_long = comment_arr[2].split(/\(|\)/)[1];
- $(this).attr("data-short-comment", data_short);
- $(this).attr("data-long-comment", data_long);
- }
- } // if hasClass
- $(this).removeClass("hidden_short_comment_length");
- $(this).removeClass("hidden_long_comment_length");
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- if ( $(this).attr("data-short-comment") * 1 < short_length * 1 ) {
- $(this).addClass("hidden_short_comment_length");
- }
- if ( $(this).attr("data-long-comment") * 1 < long_length * 1 ) {
- $(this).addClass("hidden_long_comment_length");
- }
- }
- })
- var body_height = $("body").height();
- }
- });
- /* setting event */
- $(document).on("click", "#removeUid", function(){
- $("#black-out").show();
- $("#removeUid_config").slideToggle("100");
- })
- $(document).on("click", "#black-out", function(){
- $("#black-out").hide();
- $("#removeUid_config").slideToggle("100", function(){
- count = $("#removeUid_count").val();
- if ( count > 0 && count < 5) {
- count = 5;
- $("#removeUid_config").val(5);
- }
- interval = $("#removeUid_interval").val();
- if ( interval > 0 && interval < 30) {
- interval = 30;
- $("#removeUid_interval").val(30);
- }
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- document.cookie = "removeUid_long_length=" + escape(long_length) + "; expires=Thu, 1-Jan-2030 00:00:00 GMT;"
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- $("#removeUid_css").attr("href", "http://blueblueblue.fool.jp/php/es_uid_css.php?count=" + count + "&interval=" + interval + "&type=" + type + "&ver=" + ver);
- //check_remove_uid();
- });
- })
- /* event >> */
- } //function main()
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