Better Danbooru Artist Search

Improve URL handling within the Danbooru artist search engine and automatically navigate to unambiguous wiki page.

Има други версии на този скрипт, където кодът е обновен. Покажи всички версии.

  • v3.8.0 19.07.2019 Imported from URL
  • v3.8.0 19.07.2019 Imported from URL
  • v3.8.0 19.07.2019 Imported from URL
  • v3.7.0 28.07.2017 Imported from URL
  • v3.6.3 12.07.2017 Imported from URL
  • v3.6.3 11.07.2017 Imported from URL
  • v3.6.2 03.05.2017 Increased version number. Use the correct (zenith rather than "first", as of the latest update to Danbooru) element for the `artists_list`.
  • v3.6.1 15.04.2017 Increased version number. Only add wildcards if there are no results.
  • v3.6.0 12.04.2017 Increased version number. Optionally try searching with wildcards if search returned no results.
  • v3.5.3 12.04.2017 Increased version number. Properly detect domain endings (fixed regex by escaping periods).
  • v3.5.2 13.03.2017 Increased version number. Shorten URL properly to '.com' by using `lastIndexOf` instead of `search` method. Clearly log when site is mobile on Nico Nico Seiga.
  • v3.5.1 25.02.2017 Increased version number. Fixed mobile detection of Twitter. Removed useless commented code.
  • v3.5.0 25.02.2017 Increased version number. Detect and strip the more URL query string rather than specifically "?p=s" for Twitter URLs.
  • v3.4.0 20.02.2017 Increased version number. Detect and strip additional URL query string value pairs (ampersand key equals value) for Pixiv URLs (might employ this feature for all other URLs someday...).
  • v3.3.0 13.02.2017 Increased version number. Refined understanding of changelog verb tenses. Detect DeviantArt image pages and shorten into artist page URLs. Use 'else if' when viable.
  • v3.2.1 04.02.2017 Increment version number. Add more logging. Remove some if statements.
  • v3.2.0 03.02.2017 Increment version number. Add '{ARTIST}'s works' detection for Pixiv. Update 'Additional info'.
  • v3.1.0 28.01.2017 Increment version number. Add more logging. Replace document.location with window.location.href. Update search engine.
  • v3.0.0 27.01.2017 Increment version number drastically. Change back to if statements, as switch was acting up.
  • v2.3.6 27.01.2017 Increment version number. Add stupid braces. Python is a better language, stylistically speaking.
  • v2.3.5 27.01.2017 Increment version number. Add more and more bad logging. Am perplexed.
  • v2.3.4 27.01.2017 Increment version number. Add more bad logging.
  • v2.3.3 27.01.2017 Increment version number. Add bad logging.
  • v2.3.2 09.01.2017 Increased version number. Fixed mobile niconico seiga support again??
  • v2.3.1 09.01.2017 Increased version number. Fixed mobile niconico seiga support??
  • v2.3.0 09.01.2017 Increased version number. Added conversion support for mobile version of niconico seiga. Simplified search engine URL.
  • v2.2.5 07.01.2017 Increased version number. Changed @match to only match the search page, and not the artist page.
  • v2.2.4 07.01.2017 Increased version number. Simplified check for whether query is a url.
  • v2.2.3 28.12.2016 Increased version number. Added https detection.
  • v2.2.2 27.12.2016 Increased version number. Improved (?) descriptions and renamed script to better (?) reflect its function.
  • v2.2.1 08.12.2016 Finally learnt how to properly version (MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH where MAJOR is for backwards-incompatible changes, MINOR is new compatible features and PATCH is bug fixes). Also fixed the switch statement so that it actually works, and included /*falls through*/ comments so JSHint stops bothering me.
  • v2.2.0 08.12.2016 Replaced nested ifs with switch statement, replaced is_edited for old_query !== query, fixed indentation and twitter status check.
  • v2.0.0 04.12.2016 Changed the version number haphazardly, removed some redundant comments, added a redundant comment, and most importantly, added functionality to automatically go to the artist if there is only one.
  • v1.5 01.12.2016 Added support for custom urls, fixed code line length and indentation, and optimised a check
  • v1.4 27.11.2016 Added namespace.
  • v1.4 27.11.2016
  • v1.3 27.11.2016
  • v1.2 27.11.2016