Danbooru - Miscellaneous Tweaks

Adds a variety of useful tweaks to Danbooru

От 23.04.2023. Виж последната версия.

Mango 2
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All tweaks are disabled by default.

Settings for this script are changed by clicking the "Tweaks" link at the right end of the navbar on most pages. They persist across updates but reset for individual tweaks if their argument types change.


  1. Add Tag Subscription: Adds pseudo tag subscriptions to your profile that refresh periodically.
  2. Blacklist: Blacklist implementation that replaces images with links labeled with the tags they matched in the blacklist. Clicking the link/image alternates between the two. Translation notes appear every other time the image is displayed.
  3. Change +/- Links: Adds +/- tag links when the taglist doesn't have them and can also make them add/remove tags from search box instead of launching new searches.
  4. Comment Listing Filter: Hides posts and comments in the comment listing for posts with any of the specified tags. Click the replacement text/bar to reveal.
  5. Custom Taglist: Adds a new taglist section below tag lists, complete with +/- links. Tag types are supported.
  6. DText Replace: Replaces text in DText-enabled textareas and the names of all links with DText or DText-like shorthand forms. Requires experience with regexes to customize.
  7. Hide User Statistics: Hides specific statistics from profile pages depending on if it's your profile or not.
  8. Navbar Links: Adds links to the left side of the navbar and removes links from the navbar and subnavbar.
  9. Navbar Tag Search: Adds/moves the post search box to the navbar or subnavbar.
  10. Post Queue Tweaks: (Only visible to post approvers.) Automatically up/down vote depending on approval/disapproval, expand thumbnails in-place on click or keypress, and disapprove or highlight posts containing specific tags.
  11. Precision Time: Swaps all timestamps back to the old "X units ago" form, to a custom precision
  12. Score Thumbnails: Displays scores and favorite counts below thumbnails.


  • Score Thumbnails: Fixed score mouseover link.


  • Post Queue Tweaks: Fixed post page voting, added 'move buttons' option, added 'Source' line.
  • Score Thumbnails: Also add vote links.


  • Post Queue Tweaks: Fixed for new layout. Voting now also applies to moderation links on individual post pages.


  • Post Queue Tweaks: Fixed "is approver" check


  • Fixed favcount not being readded after using tag script
  • Added delay between disapprovals for auto-disapproving


  • Fixed a variety of thumbnail issues from recent Danbooru changes, mainly in "Add Tag Subscription", "Post Queue Tweaks", and "Score Thumbnails".