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Iwara UI Fix + 1-Click Filter Xtension

An extension to 天音's Iwara 1-Click Filter script, also works as a standalone

От 01.03.2020. Виж последната версия.

// ==UserScript==
// @name         Iwara UI Fix + 1-Click Filter Xtension
// @namespace    none
// @version      1.1
// @description  An extension to 天音's Iwara 1-Click Filter script, also works as a standalone
// @author       Nothson
// @license      CC BY-NC
// @resource
// @match        https://**
// @grant        none
// @run-at       document-start
// ==/UserScript==

	--- Iwara UI Fix + 1-Click Filter Xtension by Nothson : ---

		Mainly for scratching the Iwara's UI/UX itches I have.
		I'm not a senior web dev so plz don't scold me if the code below looks messy to you.

		1 Mar 2020

		- Added like percentage
		- Polaroid print style for video/image cards
		- Repositioned the card stats & icons
		- Added flairs, shown on the right of the card stats
			- Fire Icon: % like reaches the threshold (based on view count) + 200 views or more
			- Star Icon: % like reaches the threshold + 20k views or more
			- Lock Icon: Private video
			- Grid Icon: Multiple images
			- Screen Icon: External player (YouTube, Vimeo, etc.)
		- Card transitions on hover + extra transitions for some flairs
		- Added block backgrounds on many regions + made paddings and margins consistent
		- Fixed video player seek head
		- Changed forum post timestamp text color
		- Fixed user profile background, user lists (following/followers), and layout
		- Perhaps a few more things I did but couldn't remember, idk

		Expected to run after Erono's Iwara 1-Click Filter Script:
		However, this script works as a standalone UI fix as well
		Tested on the latest version of Firefox & Chrome, plus responsive

if (!window.location.href.match('://') && document.body) {
	document.body.hidden = true;

window.addEventListener('load', async function() {
	if (!window.location.href.match('://')) {
		let timestamp = new Date().getTime();	// Debug
		let baseScriptRecommended = false;
		if (!document.head.querySelector('#css_custom')) {	// 1-Click Filter not installed, add required CSS rules
			baseScriptRecommended = true;
			let baseCSS = document.createElement('style');
			baseCSS.innerHTML = `
				/* ads */
				.block-extra-content, .extra-content-block {display: none;}

				/* fix page */
				body {background-color: #eee;}
				section#content > .container {background-color: #eee; padding: 10px;}
				.container {width: unset;}
				@media (min-width: 1300px) {.container {width: 1300px;}}

				/* fix overflow */
				#block-system-main, .row {margin-left: 0; margin-right: 0;}
				.col-sm-3, .col-sm-6, .col-sm-9, .col-xs-6, .col-sm-12 {padding-left: 0; padding-right: 0;}
				.view-videos .view-content .views-row, .view-images .view-content .views-row {padding-bottom: 0px;}

				/* compact page */
				.view-content .col-sm-3, .view-content .col-sm-6 {width: 50%; float: left;}
				@media (min-width: 768px) {
				.view-content .col-sm-3 {width: 25%;}

				/* card style */
				.node.node-teaser {background-color: #ffffff; border: 1px solid #ccc; border-radius: 4px; padding: 5px; margin: 4px;}
				.node.node-teaser .icon-bg, .node.node-teaser .private-video {width: calc(100% - 10px);}
				.node.node-teaser .icon-bg .likes-icon {filter: drop-shadow(0px 0px 2px #000);}
				.node.node-teaser h3.title {font-size: 1em; line-height: 1em; height: 3em; margin-bottom: 0px; overflow: hidden;}
				.node.node-teaser .username {display: block; white-space: nowrap; overflow: hidden;}
				.node.node-teaser .field-item {min-height: 2em;}
				.node.node-video .content {margin: 4px;}
				.sidebar .block.block-views,
				.sidebar .block.block-facetapi,
				.sidebar .block.block-mainblocks   {background-color: #fafafa; border: 1px solid #ccc; border-radius: 4px; padding: 8px; margin: 4px 4px 8px 4px;}
				.sidebar .node.node-sidebar_teaser {background-color: #ffffff; border: 1px solid #ccc; border-radius: 2px; padding: 4px; margin: 2px;}
				.sidebar .node.node-sidebar_teaser .icon-bg, .node.node-sidebar_teaser .private-video {width: calc(100% - 8px);}
				.sidebar .node.node-sidebar_teaser .icon-bg .likes-icon {filter: drop-shadow(0px 0px 2px #000);}
				.item-list ul.pager li {margin: 0; padding: 0;}
				.item-list ul.pager li.pager-current,
				.item-list ul.pager li.pager-ellipsis,
				.item-list ul.pager li > a {background: #fafafa; border: 1px solid #ccc; border-radius: 8px; padding: 4px 16px; margin: 0px; display: inline-block;}

				/* video style for external link (youtube) */
				.node.node-teaser .field-type-video-embed-field {border: 4px solid #c33; background-color: #000;}
				.node.node-teaser .field-type-video-embed-field .field-items {overflow: hidden;}
				.node.node-teaser .field-type-video-embed-field .field-items .field-item {margin: -4px;}

				/* image style in subscriptions page */
				.view-subscriptions .field-type-image {border: 1px solid #ccc; background-color: #fff; padding: 5px;}
				.view-subscriptions .field-type-image .field-items {overflow: hidden;}
				.view-subscriptions .field-type-image .field-items .field-item {margin: -6px;}

				/* search and playist */
				.node-wide_teaser {background-color: #fafafa; border: 1px solid #ccc; border-radius: 4px; padding: 4px; margin: 4px;}
				.node-wide_teaser {width: unset; word-break: break-all; min-height: 170px;}
				.node-wide_teaser .col-sm-2 {width: 230px; padding: 4px;}
				.node-wide_teaser .col-sm-10 {width: calc(100% - 230px); padding: 4px;}
				.node-wide_teaser .field-name-field-video {border: 1px solid #999;}
				.node-wide_teaser .field-name-field-video-url {border: 1px solid #999; position: absolute; top: 0px; left: -230px; margin: 4px;}
				@media (max-width: 768px) {.node-wide_teaser .field-name-field-video-url {display: none;}}
				.node-wide_teaser .field-name-field-images .field-item {display: unset;}
				.node-wide_teaser .field-name-field-images .field-item > a > img {width: calc(100%/3 - 8px); border: 1px solid #aaa; padding: 4px; margin: 4px;}
				.node-wide_teaser .field-name-field-images .field-item > video {width: calc(100%/1 - 8px); margin: 4px; border: 1px solid #aaa; padding: 4px; height: auto;}
				.node-wide_teaser .node-info {padding: 4px;}
				.node-wide_teaser .node-info .submitted {display: inline-block; width: 100%;}
				.node-wide_teaser .node-info .submitted h1.title {font-size: 28px; position: unset; margin: unset;}
				ul.facetapi-facetapi-tagcloud li > a {white-space: normal;}
				ul.facetapi-facetapi-tagcloud .element-invisible {display: none;}

				/* footer */
				#wrapper {margin-bottom: unset; padding-bottom: unset;}
				footer {height: unset;}
				footer .block {width: 25%; float: left;}
				footer .block.block-forum {width: 50%;}
				footer .copyright {float: unset;}

				/* video player */
				/* expand volume and seekbar height */
				.video-js .vjs-volume-bar {margin: 1em 0em;}
				.video-js .vjs-volume-bar.vjs-slider-horizontal, .video-js .vjs-volume-bar.vjs-slider-horizontal .vjs-volume-level {height: 1em;}
				.video-js .vjs-progress-holder, .video-js .vjs-progress-holder .vjs-load-progress, .video-js .vjs-progress-holder .vjs-play-progress {height: 1em;}
			`; = 'css_custom';
		let cards = document.querySelectorAll('.node-teaser, .node-sidebar_teaser');
		Math.logn = function logn (val, base) {
			return Math.log(val) / Math.log(base);
		function kilo2Number (text) {
			if (text.match('k') == null) {
				return {value: parseInt(text), isKilo: false};
			else {
				return {value: parseFloat(text.replace('k', '')) * 1000, isKilo: true};
		function getFlair (viewCount, likePercentage, card) {
			if (card.querySelector('.private-video')) {
				return 'lock';
			else if ((card.className.match('node-sidebar_teaser') && card.children.length > 2) || card.children.length > 4) {
				return 'share';
			else {
				let viewPower = Math.logn(viewCount, 6);
				let likeThreshold = 8 - viewPower;
				if (viewCount < 200) {
					return '';
				else if (viewCount < 20000) {
					return (likePercentage > likeThreshold) ? 'fire' : '';
				else {
					return (likePercentage > likeThreshold) ? 'star' : '';

		// HTML Mod
		cards.forEach(card => {
			let icons = card.querySelector('.icon-bg');
			if (icons) {	// Rearrange stat icons, add like percentage and flairs
				if ((card.className.match('node-sidebar_teaser') && card.children.length > 1) || card.children.length > 3) {
					card.insertBefore(icons, card.children[2]);
				else {
					card.insertBefore(icons, card.children[1]);
				if (card.className.match('node-image') && icons.children.length == 3) {
				else if (icons.children.length == 2) {

				let likeNode = icons.querySelector('.glyphicon-heart');
				if (likeNode && !(card.className.match('node-image') && card.className.match('node-sidebar_teaser'))) {
					likeNode = likeNode.nextSibling;
					let viewNode = icons.querySelector('.glyphicon-eye-open').nextSibling;
					let likeTxt = likeNode.wholeText.trim();
					let like = kilo2Number(likeTxt);
					let viewCount = kilo2Number(viewNode.wholeText.trim());
					let likePercentage = (viewCount == 0) ? 0 : parseFloat(like.value / viewCount.value * 100).toFixed(2);
					if (!card.className.match('node-sidebar_teaser')) {
						likeNode.nodeValue = ' ' + likeTxt;
						let likePercentageHTML = document.createElement('div');
						likePercentageHTML.className += 'right-icon likes-icon like-percentage';
						if (like.isKilo || viewCount.isKilo) {
							likePercentageHTML.innerText = '(~' + likePercentage + '%)';
						else {
							likePercentageHTML.innerText = '(' + likePercentage + '%)';
					if (card.className.match('node-video')) {
						let flair = getFlair(viewCount.value, likePercentage, card);
						if (flair) {
							card.className += ' flair-' + flair;
							let flairNode = document.createElement('div');
							flairNode.setAttribute('class', 'left-icon flair-icon');
							flairNode.innerHTML = '<i class="glyphicon glyphicon-' + flair + '" title="Flair"></i>';
			else {
				let blankFooter = document.createElement('div');
				blankFooter.setAttribute('class', 'icon-bg');

			let thumbnail = card.querySelector('a > img');
			if (!thumbnail) {	// Fix inconsistent height of the cards with no thumbnail
				let title = card.querySelector('.title > a');
				let blankImage = document.createElement('a');
				let url = title.getAttribute('href');
				if (url) {
					blankImage.setAttribute('href', url);
				blankImage.setAttribute('title', title.innerText);
				blankImage.className += 'blankimg';
				if (card.className.match('node-sidebar_teaser')) {
					blankImage.innerHTML = '<img width="141" height="84"></img>';
				else if (card.className.match('node-teaser')) {
					blankImage.innerHTML = '<img width="220" height="150"></img>';
				card.querySelector('.field-items > .field-item').appendChild(blankImage);

		let contentInfo = document.querySelector('body.node-type-video .node.node-video .node-info .node-views, body.node-type-image .node.node-image .node-info .node-views');
		if (contentInfo) {	// Add like percentage for a video/image page
			let heartIcon = contentInfo.querySelector('.glyphicon.glyphicon-heart');
			if (heartIcon) {
				let eyeIcon = contentInfo.querySelector('.glyphicon.glyphicon-eye-open');
				let viewCount = parseInt(eyeIcon.nextSibling.nodeValue.replace(',', ''));
				let like = parseInt(heartIcon.nextSibling.nodeValue.replace(',', ''));
				let likePercentage = (viewCount == 0) ? 0 : parseFloat(like / viewCount * 100).toFixed(4);
				heartIcon.nextSibling.nodeValue = ' ' + like + ' (' + likePercentage + '%)';

		let copyrightNode = document.querySelector('footer .copyright');
		if (copyrightNode) {	// Add script credits
			let innerHTMLExt = '<br><u><b><a href="">Iwara 1-Click Filter</a></b></u> by <u><b><a href="">Erono</a></b></u> + <b>Xtension</b> by <u><b><a href="">Nothson</a></b></u>';
			if (baseScriptRecommended) {
				innerHTMLExt = '<br><b>Iwara UI Fix</b> by <u><b><a href="">Nothson</a></b></u><br><b>Note:</b> Iwara 1-Click Filter is not installed, disabled, or it was set to run after this script. Check out <u><b><a href="">this page</a></b></u> or <b>script execution order</b>.';
			copyrightNode.innerHTML = copyrightNode.firstChild.nodeValue + innerHTMLExt;
		let addForumCommentElement = document.querySelectorAll('#forum-comments h2.comment-form, #forum-comments noscript, #forum-comments #comment-form');
		if (addForumCommentElement.length > 0) {	// Wrap forum's "Add new comment" section in a block
			let commentBlock = document.createElement('div'); = 'add-forum-comment-block';
			addForumCommentElement.forEach(elem => {
		// CSS Override
		let styleOverride = document.createElement('style'); = 'xtension-css';
		styleOverride.innerHTML = `
			.node.node-teaser i,
			.node.node-sidebar_teaser i,
			.node.node-teaser img,
			.node.node-sidebar_teaser img {
				transition: 0.15s!important;

			.node.node-teaser img,
			.node.node-sidebar_teaser img {
				filter: contrast(0)!important;

			.node.node-teaser h3.title,
			.node.node-sidebar_teaser h3.title {
				height: auto!important;
				white-space: nowrap!important;
				text-overflow: ellipsis!important;

			.node.node-sidebar_teaser:hover {
				box-shadow: 3pt 12pt 12pt -6pt #0004;
				transform: rotate3d(0.9, -0.1, 0.1, 3deg) scale(1.02);
				z-index: 42;

			.node.node-sidebar_teaser.flair-fire:hover {
				border-color: #f40a;

			.node.node-sidebar_teaser.flair-star:hover {
				transform: rotate3d(-0.9, 0.1, -0.2, 4.5deg) scale(1.04);
				filter: drop-shadow(-0.2em -0.2em 2em #ffe8);
				outline: 0.32em solid #fe8;
				border: 0;

			.views-responsive-grid.views-responsive-grid-horizontal.views-columns-2 > * {
				margin-bottom: 0;

			.node.node-teaser .icon-bg,
			.node.node-sidebar_teaser .icon-bg {
				width: 100%!important;
				position: unset;
				margin-top: 0.4em;
				padding: 0;

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				min-height: 1.35em;

			.node:hover .icon-bg {
				background: unset!important;

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				color: inherit;
				margin-left: 0.1em;
				font-size: 0.8em;
				filter: unset!important;


			.node.node-teaser .right-icon,
			.node.node-sidebar_teaser .right-icon {
				float: left!important;
				color: inherit;
				margin-left: 0.5em;
				font-size: 0.8em;
				filter: unset!important;

			.node-image.node-sidebar_teaser .right-icon:first-of-type {
				margin-left: 0;

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				float: right!important;
				color: inherit;
				margin-left: 0.5em;
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				float: right!important;
				color: inherit;
				margin-right: 0.1em;
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				margin-left: 0.3em;

			.node.node-teaser h3.title {
				width: 100%;
				height: 2em;

			.node.node-teaser.flair-lock:hover [title="Flair"],
			.node.node-sidebar_teaser.flair-lock:hover [title="Flair"] {
				color: #bbbf;

			.node.node-teaser.flair-fire:hover [title="Flair"],
			.node.node-sidebar_teaser.flair-fire:hover [title="Flair"] {
				color: #f40f;
				filter: drop-shadow(0.12em -0.16em 0 #f806) drop-shadow(-0.12em -0.04em 0.06em #fd08);

			.node.node-teaser.flair-star:hover [title="Flair"] {
				color: #fd4f;
				transform: rotate(18deg) scale(3.2);
				filter: drop-shadow(1pt 0.5pt 0.5pt #0002) drop-shadow(-0.04em -0.04em 0.1em #ffd8) drop-shadow(0.08em 0.08em 0.02em #fb0f);

			.node.node-sidebar_teaser.flair-star:hover [title="Flair"] {
				color: #fd4f;
				transform: rotate(18deg) scale(2.4);
				filter: drop-shadow(1pt 0.5pt 0.5pt #0002) drop-shadow(-0.04em -0.04em 0.1em #ffd8) drop-shadow(0.12em 0.12em 0.01em #fb0f);

			.node.node-video.node-teaser.flair-lock:hover > div > div div > a > img,
			.node.node-video.node-sidebar_teaser.flair-lock:hover > div div > div > a > img {
				filter: grayscale(1);

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				filter: sepia(0.3) contrast(1.25) hue-rotate(-15deg) saturate(1.25);

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				filter: sepia(0.5) brightness(1.1) contrast(1.25) saturate(1.5);

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				display: block;
				border: #ccc 0.5pt dashed;

			.node.node-teaser .blankimg > img,
			.node.node-sidebar_teaser .blankimg > img {
				filter: opacity(0);

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				top: -40%;
				color: #fffd;
				font-size: 1.8em;
				box-shadow: 0 8pt 8pt -4pt #0006;

			.video-js .vjs-volume-level:before {
				display: none;

			body.front #wrapper > section > .container, form, form, #content > .container, #content > .container, #content > .container, #content > .container, #content > .container, form, #content > .container, #content > .container,
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				margin-left: 0.5em;

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				margin: 0.5em 0.5em 1em 0.5em!important;

			.forum-post {
				margin: 0.5em 0.5em 1em 0.5em!important;

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				color: #0008;

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				max-width: 100%!important;
				margin: 0;

			.node-journal #comments {
				border: unset;

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				background-color: unset;
				padding: unset;
				box-shadow: unset;

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				background-color: #fafafa;
				box-shadow: 2pt 8pt 8pt -4pt #0004;

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				border-radius: 50%;
				overflow: hidden;
				border: #0001 0.2em solid;

			h1 {
				padding: 0.25em;
				margin: 0;

			#comments > h2.title {
				padding: 0.4em;
				margin-bottom: 0.8em;
			#add-forum-comment-block > h2 {
				padding: 0.4em 0;
	document.body.hidden = false;
}, true);