Sleazy Fork is available in English.

图聚合展示by xhua


От 02.05.2022. Виж последната версия.

// ==UserScript==
// @name         图聚合展示by xhua
// @namespace
// @version      3.65
// @description  目标是聚合网页美女图
// @author       selang,LARA_SSR
// @include      /https?\:\/\/(\w+\.)?hentai-cosplay\w+\.com/
// @include      /https?\:\/\/(\w+\.)?porn-image\w+-xxx\.com/
// @include      /https?\:\/\/\w+\.umei\w+\.\w+/
// @include      /https?\:\/\/www.wndfx\.com/
// @include      /https?\:\/\/w+\.(?:les|ls)m(\w+)?.\w*/
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// @include      /https?\:\/\/\w+\.192\
// @include      /https?\:\/\/www\.xiuren\.org/
// @include      /https?\:\/\/\w+\.micmicidol\.com/
// @include      /https?\:\/\/everia\.club/
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// @include      /https?\:\/\/\w+\.jpmn\w+\.\w+/
// @include      /https?\:\/\/\w+\.95mm\.\w+/
// @include      /https?\:\/\/\w+\.3gbizhi\.\w+\/\w/
// @include      /https?\:\/\/\w+.\w+goddess\.\w+\/(?!people\/)/
// @include      /https?:\/\/(\w+\.)?meinv\.page/
// @include      /https?:\/\/asiansister\.com/
// @include      /https?\:\/\/yskhd\.com/
// @include      /https?\:\/\/\w+\.dmmtu\.\w+/
// @include      /https?\:\/\/\w+\.\w+shen(\w+)?\.\w+/
// @include      /https?\:\/\/(www\.)?ikanins\.\w+/
// @include      /https?\:\/\/madoupan\.\w+/
// @include      /https?\:\/\/mrcong\.com/
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// @include      /https?\:\/\/\w+\.xrmn[0-9]{0,}.[a-zA-Z]{0,}./
// @include      /https?\:\/\/[A-Za-z]{3}\.[0-9]*(w|faw)\.cc/
// @include      /https?:\/\/(\w+\.)?tuiimg\.com/
// @include      /https?:\/\/(old\.)?nsfwp(\w+)?.\w+/
// @include      /https?:\/\/\w+\.(mmm131|mm1\d+)\.\w+/
// @include      /https?:\/\/(\w+\.)?asiantolick\.\w+/
// @include      /https?:\/\/(\w+\.)?imn5.\w+/
// @include      /https?:\/\/xchina.\w+/
// @include      /https?:\/\/jjgirls\.\w+/
// @include      /https?:\/\/(\w+\.)?photos18\.\w+/
// @include      /https?:\/\/(\w+\.)?pornpics\.\w+/
// @connect      停用/https?\:\/\/www\.youtube\.com/
// @connect      *
// @require
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// @require
// @require
// @require
// @require
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// ==/UserScript==

GM_addStyle(".sl-btn { border:1 !important; } .sl-c-pic { margin-top:6px } ");

// Alt+F8显示各网站列表 Esc退出

//(start\(\);)(?! \/\/urlIsFalse)

let isDebug = false;

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let imagePluginSwitch = [{
    isViewerOpen: true,
    isFancyBox: false,
    isFancyBoxFullScreen: false

let site = {
    Hentai: { //支持中文
        id: 0,
        name: 'Hentai Cosplay',
        hostnames: [
        pattern: /https?\:\/\/(\w+\.)?hentai-cosplay\w+\.com/,
        iStatus: false,
        _break: false
    Pron: { //支持中文
        id: 1,
        name: 'Porn Image',
        hostnames: [
        pattern: /https?\:\/\/(\w+\.)?porn-image\w+-xxx\.com/,
        iStatus: false,
        _break: false
    Umei: {
        id: 2,
        name: '优美图库(不)',
        hostnames: [
        pattern: /https?\:\/\/\w+\.umei\w+\.\w+/,
        iStatus: false,
        _break: true
    Wndfx: {
        id: 3,
        name: 'Wndfx 妹子图(不)',
        hostnames: [
        pattern: /https?\:\/\/www.wndfx\.com/,
        iStatus: false,
        _break: true
    Lesmao: {
        id: 4,
        name: '蕾丝猫(不)',
        hostnames: [
        pattern: /https?\:\/\/w+.(?:les|ls)m(\w+)?.\w*/,
        iStatus: false,
        _break: true
    Win4000: {
        id: 5,
        name: '美桌(不)',
        hostnames: [
        pattern: /https?\:\/\/\w+\.win4000\.com/,
        iStatus: false,
        _break: true
    _192tp: {
        id: 6,
        name: '192 美女图',
        hostnames: [
        pattern: /https?\:\/\/\w+.192\,
        iStatus: false,
        _break: false
    Xiuren: {
        id: 7,
        name: 'Xiuren 秀人网',
        hostnames: [
        pattern: /https?\:\/\/www\.xiuren\.org/,
        iStatus: false,
        _break: false
    Micmicidol: {
        id: 8,
        name: 'Mic Mic Idol',
        hostnames: [
        pattern: /https?\:\/\/\w+\.micmicidol\.com/,
        iStatus: false,
        _break: false
    Everia: {
        id: 9,
        name: '',
        hostnames: [
        pattern: /https?\:\/\/everia\.club/,
        iStatus: false,
        _break: false
    Jpxgyw: {
        id: 10,
        name: 'Jpxgyw 美女网',
        hostnames: [
        pattern: /https?\:\/\/\w+.[a-z]+xgyw\.[a-z]+/,
        iStatus: false,
        _break: false
    _95mm: {
        id: 11,
        name: 'MM 范',
        hostnames: [
        pattern: /https?\:\/\/\w+\.95mm\.\w+/,
        iStatus: false,
        _break: false
    _3gbizhi: {
        id: 12,
        name: '3G 壁纸(不)',
        hostnames: [
        pattern: /https?\:\/\/\w+\.3gbizhi\.\w+/,
        iStatus: false,
        _break: true
    Jpmn8: {
        id: 13,
        name: 'Jpmn8 精品美女吧',
        hostnames: [
        pattern: /https?\:\/\/\w+\.jpmn\w+\.\w+/,
        iStatus: false,
        _break: false
    Goddess: {
        id: 14,
        name: 'Goddess',
        hostnames: [
        pattern: /https?\:\/\/\w+.\w+goddess\.\w+/,
        iStatus: false,
        _break: false
    Meinv: {
        id: 15,
        name: '美女百科',
        hostnames: [
        pattern: /https?\:\/\/(\w+\.)?meinv\.page/,
        iStatus: false,
        _break: false
    Asiansister: {
        id: 16,
        name: 'Asiansister',
        hostnames: [
        pattern: /https?\:\/\/asiansister\.com/,
        iStatus: false,
        _break: true
    Yskhd: {
        id: 17,
        name: '优丝库 HD',
        hostnames: [
        pattern: /https?\:\/\/yskhd\.com/,
        iStatus: false,
        _break: false
    Dmmtu: {
        id: 18,
        name: 'Dmmtu 美女图',
        hostnames: [
        pattern: /https?\:\/\/\w+\.dmmtu\.\w+/,
        iStatus: false,
        _break: false
    Fnvshen: {
        id: 19,
        name: '宅男宅女 HD',
        hostnames: [
        pattern: /https?\:\/\/\w+\.\w+shen(\w+)?\.\w+/,
        iStatus: false,
        _break: false
    Ikanins: {
        id: 19,
        name: '爱看 INS',
        hostnames: [
        pattern: /https?\:\/\/(www\.)?ikanins\.\w+/,
        iStatus: false,
        _break: false
    Madoupan: {
        id: 19,
        name: '麻豆盘',
        hostnames: [
        pattern: /https?\:\/\/madoupan\.\w+/,
        iStatus: false,
        _break: false
    Mrcong: {
        id: 20,
        name: 'Mrcong',
        hostnames: [
        pattern: /https?\:\/\/mrcong\.com/,
        iStatus: false,
        _break: false
    XiurenJi: {
        id: 21,
        name: '秀人集',
        hostnames: [
        pattern: /https?\:\/\/\w+\.(xiure)[A-Za-z]{2,}\.[A-Za-z]{2,}/,
        iStatus: false,
        _break: false
    Xrmn: {
        id: 22,
        name: '秀人美女网',
        hostnames: [
        pattern: /https?\:\/\/\w+\.xrmn[0-9]{0,}.[a-zA-Z]{0,}/,
        iStatus: false,
        _break: false
    _24fa: {
        id: 23,
        name: '24Fa',
        hostnames: [
        pattern: /(https?\:\/\/)[A-Za-z]{3}\.[0-9]*(w|faw)\.cc/,
        iStatus: false,
        _break: false
    tuiimg: {
        id: 24,
        name: '推图网',
        hostnames: [
        pattern: /https?:\/\/(\w+\.)?tuiimg\.com/,
        iStatus: false,
        _break: false
    nsfwp: {
        id: 25,
        name: 'Nsfwp',
        hostnames: [
        pattern: /https?:\/\/(old\.)?nsfwp(\w+)?.\w+/,
        iStatus: false,
        _break: false
    mmm131: {
        id: 26,
        name: 'MM131美女图片',
        hostnames: [
        pattern: /https?:\/\/\w+\.(mmm131|mm1\d+)\.\w+/,
        iStatus: false,
        _break: false
    asiantolick: {
        id: 27,
        name: 'Asian to lick',
        hostnames: [
        pattern: /https?:\/\/(\w+\.)?asiantolick\.\w+/,
        iStatus: false,
        _break: false
    imn5: {
        id: 28,
        name: '爱美女网',
        hostnames: [
        pattern: /https?:\/\/(\w+\.)?imn5.\w+/,
        iStatus: false,
        _break: false
    xchina: {
        id: 29,
        name: '小黄书',
        hostnames: [
        pattern: /https?:\/\/xchina.\w+/,
        iStatus: false,
        _break: false
    jjgirls: {
        id: 30,
        name: 'Heyzo',
        hostnames: [
        pattern: /https?:\/\/jjgirls\.\w+/,
        iStatus: false,
        _break: false
    photos18: {
        id: 31,
        name: '色情圖片網',
        hostnames: [
        pattern: /https?:\/\/(\w+\.)?photos18\.\w+/,
        iStatus: false,
        _break: false
    pornpics: {
        id: 32,
        name: 'Porn Pics',
        hostnames: [
        pattern: /https?:\/\/(\w+\.)?pornpics\.\w+/,
        iStatus: false,
        _break: false

let os = function () {
    let ua = navigator.userAgent, //获取浏览器UA
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        isPhone = /(?:iPhone)/.test(ua) && !isTablet,
        isPc = !isPhone && !isAndroid && !isSymbian;
    return {
        isTablet: isTablet,
        isPhone: isPhone,
        isAndroid: isAndroid,
        isPc: isPc

let Alpha_Script = {
    obtainHtml: function (options) {
        options = options || {};
        if (!options.url || !options.method) {
            throw new Error("参数不合法");
    parseHeaders: function (headStr) {
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    getParam: function (dest, name) {
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        return null;
    isArray: function (value) {
        return Object.prototype.toString.apply(value) === '[object Array]';

function log() {
    if (isDebug) {
        console.log.apply(this, arguments);

function err() {
    if (isDebug) {
        console.error.apply(this, arguments);

function priorityLog() {
    console.log.apply(this, arguments);

function currentUrlActivation() {
    let isActive = false;
    let hostName = window.location.origin;
    let hostnameArry = null;
    for (let key in site) {
        hostnameArry = site[key].pattern.exec(hostName);
        // log("isActive: ",isActive);
        if (hostnameArry != null) {
            site[key].hostnames.push(hostnameArry[0].replace(/https?:\/\//i, ""));
            log("site[key].hostName: ", site[key].hostnames);
            isActive = true;
        } else {
            isActive = false;
        site[key].iStatus = isActive;
        log(key, ": ", isActive);
    // log("合并数组: \n", site.Hentai.hostnames.concat(site.Pron.hostnames));

function Get(link) {
    return new Promise(function (resolve) {
        $.get(link, data => {

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fancybox-fadeOut}.fancybox-zoomInUp{animation:.2s ease both fancybox-zoomInUp}.fancybox-zoomOutDown{animation:.15s ease both fancybox-zoomOutDown}.fancybox-throwOutUp{animation:.15s ease both fancybox-throwOutUp}.fancybox-throwOutDown{animation:.15s ease both fancybox-throwOutDown}@keyframes fancybox-fadeIn{from{opacity:0}to{opacity:1}}@keyframes fancybox-fadeOut{to{opacity:0}}@keyframes fancybox-zoomInUp{from{transform:scale(0.97) translate3d(0, 16px, 0);opacity:0}to{transform:scale(1) translate3d(0, 0, 0);opacity:1}}@keyframes fancybox-zoomOutDown{to{transform:scale(0.97) translate3d(0, 16px, 0);opacity:0}}@keyframes fancybox-throwOutUp{to{transform:translate3d(0, -30%, 0);opacity:0}}@keyframes fancybox-throwOutDown{to{transform:translate3d(0, 30%, 0);opacity:0}}.fancybox__carousel .carousel__slide{scrollbar-width:thin;scrollbar-color:#ccc rgba(255,255,255,.1)}.fancybox__carousel .carousel__slide::-webkit-scrollbar{width:8px;height:8px}.fancybox__carousel 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.fancybox__content{overflow:visible}.has-image[data-image-fit=contain]{overflow:visible;touch-action:none}.has-image[data-image-fit=contain] .fancybox__content{flex-direction:row;flex-wrap:wrap}.has-image[data-image-fit=contain] .fancybox__image{max-width:100%;max-height:100%;object-fit:contain}.has-image[data-image-fit=contain-w]{overflow-x:hidden;overflow-y:auto}.has-image[data-image-fit=contain-w] .fancybox__content{min-height:auto}.has-image[data-image-fit=contain-w] .fancybox__image{max-width:100%;height:auto}.has-image[data-image-fit=cover]{overflow:visible;touch-action:none}.has-image[data-image-fit=cover] .fancybox__content{width:100%;height:100%}.has-image[data-image-fit=cover] .fancybox__image{width:100%;height:100%;object-fit:cover}.fancybox__carousel .fancybox__slide.has-iframe .fancybox__content,.fancybox__carousel .fancybox__slide.has-map .fancybox__content,.fancybox__carousel .fancybox__slide.has-pdf .fancybox__content,.fancybox__carousel .fancybox__slide.has-video .fancybox__content,.fancybox__carousel .fancybox__slide.has-html5video .fancybox__content{max-width:100%;flex-shrink:1;min-height:1px;overflow:visible}.fancybox__carousel .fancybox__slide.has-iframe .fancybox__content,.fancybox__carousel .fancybox__slide.has-map .fancybox__content,.fancybox__carousel .fancybox__slide.has-pdf .fancybox__content{width:100%;height:80%}.fancybox__carousel .fancybox__slide.has-video .fancybox__content,.fancybox__carousel .fancybox__slide.has-html5video .fancybox__content{width:960px;height:540px;max-width:100%;max-height:100%}.fancybox__carousel .fancybox__slide.has-map .fancybox__content,.fancybox__carousel .fancybox__slide.has-pdf .fancybox__content,.fancybox__carousel .fancybox__slide.has-video .fancybox__content,.fancybox__carousel .fancybox__slide.has-html5video .fancybox__content{padding:0;background:rgba(24,24,27,.9);color:#fff}.fancybox__carousel .fancybox__slide.has-map .fancybox__content{background:#e5e3df}.fancybox__html5video,.fancybox__iframe{border:0;display:block;height:100%;width:100%;background:transparent}.fancybox-placeholder{position:absolute;width:1px;height:1px;padding:0;margin:-1px;overflow:hidden;clip:rect(0, 0, 0, 0);white-space:nowrap;border-width:0}.fancybox__thumbs{flex:0 0 auto;position:relative;padding:0px 3px;opacity:var(--fancybox-opacity, 1)}[aria-hidden=false] .fancybox__thumbs{animation:.15s ease-in backwards fancybox-fadeIn} .fancybox__thumbs{opacity:0}.fancybox__thumbs .carousel__slide{flex:0 0 auto;width:var(--fancybox-thumbs-width, 96px);margin:0;padding:8px 3px;box-sizing:content-box;display:flex;align-items:center;justify-content:center;overflow:visible;cursor:pointer}.fancybox__thumbs .carousel__slide .fancybox__thumb::after{content:"";position:absolute;top:0;left:0;right:0;bottom:0;border-width:5px;border-style:solid;border-color:var(--fancybox-accent-color, rgba(34, 213, 233, 0.96));opacity:0;transition:opacity .15s ease;border-radius:var(--fancybox-thumbs-border-radius, 4px)}.fancybox__thumbs .fancybox__thumb::after{opacity:.92}.fancybox__thumbs .carousel__slide>*{pointer-events:none;user-select:none}.fancybox__thumb{position:relative;width:100%;padding-top:calc(100%/(var(--fancybox-thumbs-ratio, 1.5)));background-size:cover;background-position:center center;background-color:rgba(255,255,255,.1);background-repeat:no-repeat;border-radius:var(--fancybox-thumbs-border-radius, 4px)}.fancybox__toolbar{position:absolute;top:0;right:0;left:0;z-index:20;background:linear-gradient(to top, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) 0%, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.006) 8.1%, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.021) 15.5%, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.046) 22.5%, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.077) 29%, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.114) 35.3%, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.155) 41.2%, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.198) 47.1%, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.242) 52.9%, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.285) 58.8%, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.326) 64.7%, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.363) 71%, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.394) 77.5%, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.419) 84.5%, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.434) 91.9%, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.44) 100%);padding:0;touch-action:none;display:flex;justify-content:space-between;--carousel-button-svg-width: 20px;--carousel-button-svg-height: 20px;opacity:var(--fancybox-opacity, 1);text-shadow:var(--fancybox-toolbar-text-shadow, 1px 1px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4))}@media all and (min-width: 1024px){.fancybox__toolbar{padding:8px}}[aria-hidden=false] .fancybox__toolbar{animation:.15s ease-in backwards fancybox-fadeIn} .fancybox__toolbar{opacity:0}.fancybox__toolbar__items{display:flex}.fancybox__toolbar__items--left{margin-right:auto}.fancybox__toolbar__items--center{position:absolute;left:50%;transform:translateX(-50%)}.fancybox__toolbar__items--right{margin-left:auto}@media(max-width: 640px){.fancybox__toolbar__items--center:not(:last-child){display:none}}.fancybox__counter{min-width:72px;padding:0 10px;line-height:var(--carousel-button-height, 48px);text-align:center;font-size:17px;font-variant-numeric:tabular-nums;-webkit-font-smoothing:subpixel-antialiased}.fancybox__progress{background:var(--fancybox-accent-color, rgba(34, 213, 233, 0.96));height:3px;left:0;position:absolute;right:0;top:0;transform:scaleX(0);transform-origin:0;transition-property:transform;transition-timing-function:linear;z-index:30;user-select:none}.fancybox__container:fullscreen::backdrop{opacity:0}.fancybox__button--fullscreen g:nth-child(2){display:none}.fancybox__container:fullscreen .fancybox__button--fullscreen g:nth-child(1){display:none}.fancybox__container:fullscreen .fancybox__button--fullscreen g:nth-child(2){display:block}.fancybox__button--slideshow g:nth-child(2){display:none}.fancybox__container.has-slideshow .fancybox__button--slideshow g:nth-child(1){display:none}.fancybox__container.has-slideshow .fancybox__button--slideshow g:nth-child(2){display:block}`
    if (os.isPc) {
        addStyle(`a[data-fancybox] img{cursor:zoom-in}
    .fancybox__container{--carousel-button-bg:rgb(0 0 0 / 44%);--carousel-button-svg-width:24px;--carousel-button-svg-height:24px;--carousel-button-svg-stroke-width:2.5;--carousel-button-svg-filter:none}
    .fancybox__thumbs .carousel__slide{padding:20px 10px;overflow:visible}
    .fancybox__thumb{border-radius:6px;box-shadow:0 4px 6px -1px rgba(0,0,0,0.3),0 2px 4px -1px rgba(0,0,0,0.26)}
    .is-nav-selected .fancybox__thumb{transform:scale(1.25)}
    .is-nav-selected .fancybox__thumb::after{display:none}`);

function startFancyBoxScript() {
    if (imagePluginSwitch[0].isFancyBox) {
        if (imagePluginSwitch[0].isFancyBoxFullScreen) {
            import { Fancybox } from "";
            Fancybox.bind('[data-fancybox="images"]', {
            Toolbar: false,
            animated: false,
            dragToClose: false,
            showClass: false,
            hideClass: false,
            closeButton: "top",
            Image: {click: "close",wheel: "slide",zoom: false,fit: "cover",},
            Thumbs: {minScreenHeight: 0,},
        } else {
            import { Fancybox } from "";
            Fancybox.bind('[data-fancybox="images"]', {
                Thumbs: {
                  Carousel: {
                    fill: false,
                    center: true,

function startViewerJs() {
    if (imagePluginSwitch[0].isViewerOpen) {
        log("viewer: \n", "Start");
        setTimeout(() => {
            let viewer = new Viewer(document.getElementById('c_container'), {
                interval: 3000,
                // inline:true,
                viewed() {}
        }, 3000);

function activateFancyBox() {
    imagePluginSwitch[0].isViewerOpen = false;
    imagePluginSwitch[0].isFancyBox = true;

function aImgTagPackaging(images) {
        "width": "100%",
        "height": "100%"
    let imgObj = $(images);
    let a_imgTag = [];
    if (isDebug) {
    $(imgObj).each(function (index) {
        log("start this Object: \n", $(this));
        let src;
        $(this).attr('label', 'sl');
        // src = $(this).attr('src');
        // log("attr src: \n", src);
        src = $(this)[0].src;
        log("array src: \n", src);
        let imageItem = $(this).prop("outerHTML").toString();
        log("New this String: \n", imageItem);
        let construct_aTag = $(`<a data-fancybox="images" href="${src}"></a>`);
        log("New construct_Tag Html: \n", construct_aTag.prop("outerHTML"));
    if (isDebug) {
    return $(a_imgTag);

function popUpMenu() {
    let popUpStr = '<div id="popUpContent" style="display: none;"><div style="height:100%; width:100%; position:fixed; _position:absolute; top:0; z-index:99999; opacity:0.3; filter: alpha(opacity=30); background-color:#000"></div><div style="width:300px;height:300px;position:fixed;left:50%;top:50%;margin-top:-150px;margin-left:-150px;z-index:100000;background-color:#ffffff;border:1px solid #afb3b6;border-radius:10px;opacity:0.95;filter:alpha(opacity=95);box-shadow:5px 5px 20px 0px #000;"><div id="popUpLinks" style="position:absolute;left:20px;top:20px;height:260px;width:260px;overflow:auto;word-wrap:break-word;"></div><img src="" id="popUpQuit" style="position:absolute;right:0px;top:0px;cursor: pointer;"/></div></div>';
    let siteListHtml;
    let popUpContent = document.createElement("div");
    popUpContent.outerHTML = popUpStr;
    popUpContent = document.querySelector("#popUpContent");
    document.querySelector("#popUpQuit").onclick = function () { = "none";
    document.querySelector("#popUpContent>div").onclick = function () { = "none";
    document.addEventListener("keydown", function (e) {
        if (e.keyCode == 27) {
   = "none";
    document.addEventListener("keydown", function (e) {
        if (e.keyCode == 119) { //F8键
            if (e.altKey) {
       = "block";
                let popUpLinks = document.querySelector("div#popUpLinks");
                if (!siteListHtml) {
                    siteListHtml = "";
                    let index = 0;
                    for (let key in site) {
                        if (site[key]._break === false) {
                            siteListHtml += "<span style='font-weight:bold;color:red;'>" + index + ":\t</span>" + "<a href=https://" + site[key].hostnames.pop() + ">" + site[key].name + "</a><br/>";
                        // log("弹窗加载失败!!!\n");
                popUpLinks.innerHTML = siteListHtml;
//判断变量是否为空  空返回TRUE 否则返回 FALSE
function isEmpty(value) {
    if (!value && typeof (value) != "undefined" && value != 0) {
        return true;
    } else {
        return false;

function trimSpace(array) {
    for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
        if (array[i] == "" || array[i] == null || typeof (array[i]) == "undefined") {
            array.splice(i, 1);
            i = i - 1;
    return array;

(function () {
    'use strict';
    // debugger
    if (isDebug) {
    if (isDebug) {


    function injectBtns() {
        let blobCache = {};
        let blobUrlCache = {};

        let pageUrls = [];
        let injectComponent =
            "<div id='injectComponent'>" +
            "<div id='injectComponentIn'>" +
            '<input id="captureBtn" type="button" class="sl-btn" value="截图并下载"/>' +
            '<span>&nbsp;&nbsp;</span>' +
            '<input id="packageBtn" type="button" class="sl-btn" value="打包下载聚合图片"/>' +
            '<span>&nbsp;&nbsp;</span>' +
            '<input id="injectaggregatBtn" type="button" class="sl-btn" value="聚合显示"/>' +
            '</div>' +
        let domain = '';
        let hostName = window.location.hostname;
        let protocol = window.location.protocol;
        let startUrl = protocol + '//' + hostName + '/';
        let injectAggregationRef = null;
        let switchAggregationBtn = null;
        let collectPics = null;
        let session = document.cookie;

        log('sessionCookie: ', session);

        let switchAggregationBtnTemplateFunc = function (aggregationDispayFunc, aggregationDispayNoneFunc) {
            if ($('#injectaggregatBtn').val() === '聚合显示') {
            } else {
                "text-align": "center",
                "padding": "5px",
                "clear": "both",
                "margin": "10px auto",
                // "width": "85%",
            $("#injectComponentIn > input").css({
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                "background": "#333",
                "color": "#fff",
                "font-weight": "600",
                "border": "none",
                "cursor": "pointer",
                "border-radius": "3px"
        let collectPicsTemplateFunc = function (parseImgsFunc, imgStyleFunc) {
            let id = setInterval(function () {
                if ($) {
                    let breakPageLoop = false;
                    for (let i = 0, len = pageUrls.length; i < len; i++) {
                        $('#c_container').append('<div id="c_' + i + '"></div>');
                        if (!breakPageLoop) {
                            // debugger
                            let pageUrl = startUrl + pageUrls[i];
                                url: pageUrl,
                                headers: Alpha_Script.parseHeaders("Accept:text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/avif,image/webp,image/apng,*/*;q=0.8,application/signed-exchange;v=b3;q=0.9\n" +
                                    "Accept-Encoding:gzip, deflate, br\n" +
                                    "Accept-Language:zh-CN,zh;q=0.9\n" +
                                    "cookie:" + session + "\n" +
                                    "Referer:" + window.location.href + "\n" +
                                    "User-Agent:Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/98.0.4758.80 Safari/537.36"
                                method: 'GET',
                                onload: function () {
                                    let _i = i;
                                    let _pageUrl = pageUrl;
                                    // debugger
                                    return function (response) {
                                        if (isDebug) {
                                        log('response pageUrl:\n', _pageUrl);
                                        // response.status=403服务器拒绝爬虫可能通过改cookie的方法来做
                                        if (response && response.status && response.status >= 200 && response.status < 300) {
                                            let html = response.responseText;
                                            // log('html==>', html);
                                            let parser = new DOMParser();
                                            let doc = parser.parseFromString(html, "text/html");
                                            let imgObj = parseImgsFunc(doc);
                                            let imgContainerCssSelector = '#c_' + _i;
                                            $(imgObj).each(function (index) {
                                                $(this).attr("id", "image");
                                                log(index, ':\n', $(this).prop('outerHTML'));
                                                // log(index, ':\n', $(this));
                                                if (imgStyleFunc) {
                                                } else {
                                                    $(this)[0].style = "width: 100%;height: 100%";
                                                $(this).attr('label', 'sl');
                                                $(imgContainerCssSelector).append('<div class="sl-c-pic">' + $(this).prop('outerHTML') + '</div>');
                                        if (isDebug) {
                        } else {
            }, 100);
        let match = function () {};
        let mismatch = function () {};
        let meet = function (options) {
            // debugger
            options = options || {};
            options.domain = options.domain || domain;
            options.match = options.match || match;
            options.mismatch = options.mismatch || mismatch;

            log("Arr(options.domain): \n" + options.domain);
            let matchDomain = false;
            if (Alpha_Script.isArray(options.domain)) {
                for (let i = 0; i < options.domain.length; i++) {
                    if (options.domain[i] === hostName) {
                        matchDomain = true;
            } else {
                matchDomain = options.domain === hostName || options.domain === '';
            return matchDomain;
        let removeAD = null;

        function packageAndDownload() {
            let zip = new JSZip();
            let imgList = $('img[label="sl"]');
            let length = imgList.length;
            $.each(imgList, function (index, value) {
                // debugger
                let myDate = new Date(); //获取系统当前时间
                let times = myDate.getFullYear() + "-" + myDate.getMonth() + "-" + myDate.getDate() + "-" + myDate.getHours() + "-" + myDate.getMinutes() + "-" + myDate.getSeconds();
                let img = zip.folder(times);
                let imgSrc = $(value).attr('src'); {
                    if (blobCache[imgSrc]) {
                        img.file(index + ".jpg", blobCache[imgSrc], {
                            base64: false
                    } else {
                        if (!imgSrc.startsWith('blob:\n')) {
                                url: imgSrc,
                                method: 'GET',
                                headers: {
                                    "Accept": "application/*",
                                    "Referer": window.location.origin,
                                responseType: 'blob',
                                onload: function (response) {
                                    let responseHeaders = Alpha_Script.parseHeaders(response.responseHeaders);
                                    let contentType = responseHeaders['Content-Type'];
                                    if (!contentType) {
                                        contentType = "image/png";
                                    let blob = new Blob([response.response], {
                                        type: contentType
                                    blobCache[imgSrc] = blob;
                                    img.file(index + ".jpg", blobCache[imgSrc], {
                                        base64: false
                        } else {
                            img.file(index + ".jpg", blobCache[blobUrlCache[imgSrc]], {
                                base64: false
            let id = setInterval(function () {
                if (length == 0) {
                            type: "blob"
                        .then(function (content) {
                            saveAs(content, "");
            }, 100);

        function bindBtn(callback) {
            $('#injectaggregatBtn').bind('click', callback);
            $('#captureBtn').bind('click', function (e) {
                let imgList = $('img[label="sl"]');
                let length = imgList.length;
                $.each(imgList, function (index, value) {
                    let imgSrc = $(value).attr('src'); {
                        if (blobCache[imgSrc]) {
                        } else {
                            if (!imgSrc.startsWith('blob:\n')) {
                                    url: imgSrc,
                                    method: 'GET',
                                    headers: {
                                        "Accept": "application/*"
                                    responseType: 'blob',
                                    onload: function (response) {
                                        let responseHeaders = Alpha_Script.parseHeaders(response.responseHeaders);
                                        let contentType = responseHeaders['Content-Type'];
                                        if (!contentType) {
                                            contentType = "image/png";
                                        let blob = new Blob([response.response], {
                                            type: contentType
                                        blobCache[imgSrc] = blob;
                let id = setInterval(function () {
                    if (length == 0) {
                        let length2 = imgList.length;
                        $.each(imgList, function (index, value) {
                            let imgSrc = $(value).attr('src'); {
                                if (!imgSrc.startsWith('blob:\n')) {
                                    if (blobCache[imgSrc]) {
                                        let objectURL = URL.createObjectURL(blobCache[imgSrc]);
                                        blobUrlCache[objectURL] = imgSrc;
                                        $(value).attr('src', objectURL);
                                } else {
                        let id2 = setInterval(function () {
                            if (length2 == 0) {
                                let cContainner = $('#c_container').get(0);
                                    .then(function (blob) {
                                        if (blob) {
                                            saveAs(blob, "captureSL.png");
                                        } else {
                                    .catch(function (error) {
                        }, 100);

                }, 100);
            $('#packageBtn').bind('click', function (e) {

        // 热键
        function hotkeys() {
            GM_registerMenuCommand("图片打包下载", packageAndDownload, "d");
            $(document).keydown(function (e) {
                if (e.altKey && e.shiftKey) {
                    if (e.which == 76) { //L

        return {
            injectComponent: function (i) {
                if (i) injectComponent = i;
                return this;
            domain: function (d) {
                if (d) domain = d;
                return this;
            removeAD: function (fun) {
                if (fun) removeAD = fun;
                return this;
            match: function (fun) {
                if (fun) match = fun;
                return this;
            mismatch: function (fun) {
                if (fun) mismatch = fun;
                return this;
            injectAggregationRef: function (fun) {
                if (fun) injectAggregationRef = fun;
                return this;
            switchAggregationBtn: function (aggregationDispayFunc, aggregationDispayNoneFunc) {
                switchAggregationBtn = function () {
                    switchAggregationBtnTemplateFunc(aggregationDispayFunc, aggregationDispayNoneFunc);
                return this;
            collectPics: function (parseImgsFunc, imgStyleFunc) {
                collectPics = function () {
                    collectPicsTemplateFunc(parseImgsFunc, imgStyleFunc);
                return this;
            start: function () {

                let matchDomain = meet();
                if (matchDomain) {
                    if (removeAD) {
                    if (injectAggregationRef) {
                        // debugger
                        injectAggregationRef.apply(this, [injectComponent, pageUrls]);
                        $('#injectComponentIn').after('<div id="c_container"></div>');
                        if (switchAggregationBtn) {
                            if (collectPics) {

                                // debugger
                                if (os.isPc) {
                        bindBtn(function () {
                            if (switchAggregationBtn) {


    /* --------------------------------------------default-------------------------------------------- */
        /* */
        if (false && '' === window.location.hostname) {
            injectBtns().domain('').removeAD(function () {
                $('div.atc_new_head').remove(); //移除广告等无必要元素
                $('div.keywords').remove(); //移除广告等无必要元素
            }).switchAggregationBtn(function () {
            }, function () {
            }).injectAggregationRef(function (injectComponent, pageUrls) {
                let currentPathname = window.location.pathname;
                log("currentPathname: \n", currentPathname);
                let match = currentPathname.match(/\/(.+?\/)(\d+)(?:_\d+)?\.html/m); //
                log("match: \n", match);
                if (match !== null) {
                        let totalPageCnt = 1;
                        let partPreUrl = match[1];
                        let pageId = '/' + match[2] + '_';
                        let suffixUrl = '.html';
                        let limitPageStr = $(' a ').html();
                        let limitPageMatch = limitPageStr.match(/共(\d+)页/im);

                        if (limitPageMatch != null) {
                            let totalPics = parseInt(limitPageMatch[1]);
                            let number = totalPics % 3;
                            totalPageCnt = Math.floor(totalPics / 1);
                            if (number > 0) {
                                totalPageCnt = totalPageCnt + 1;
                            log('totalPageCnt', totalPageCnt);
                        let pageUrl = partPreUrl + '/' + match[2] + suffixUrl;
                        for (let i = 2; i <= totalPageCnt; i++) {
                            let pageUrl = partPreUrl + pageId + i + suffixUrl;
                            log('push pageUrl:\n', pageUrl);
            }).collectPics(function (doc) {
                return $(doc).find('div#disappear img');
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       = "width: 70%;height: 70%";
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                                log('push pageUrl:\n', pageUrl);

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       = "width: 100%;height: 100%";
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                            log('push pageUrl:\n', pageUrl);
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       = "max-width: 100%;";
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       = "width: 100%;";
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                                pageUrl = partPreUrl + pageId + suffixUrl + i + '.html';
                            log('push pageUrl:\n', pageUrl);

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                    // debugger
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                    // log('limitPageStr: ', limitPageStr);

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                    // log('limitPageMatch: ', limitPageMatch);

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                        log('totalPageCnt: ', totalPageCnt);
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                        log('push pageUrl: ', pageUrl);
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   = "width: 100%;height: 100%";
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                    // bug: \n
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   = "width: 100%;height: 100%";
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            log("match: \n", match);
            if (match !== null) {
                    let totalPageCnt = 5;
                    let partPreUrl = match[1];
                    let suffixUrl = match[3];

                    for (let i = 1; i <= totalPageCnt; i++) {
                        let pageUrl = partPreUrl + i + suffixUrl;
                        log('push pageUrl:\n', pageUrl);
                if (os.isAndroid) {
                } else {
        }).collectPics(function (doc) {
            return $(doc).find('ul > li > img');
        }, function (imgE) {
                'data-fancybox': 'images'
   = "width: 100%;height: 100%";
        }).start(); // urlIsTrue
    /* & */
    if (site.Umei.iStatus) {
        injectBtns().domain(site.Umei.hostnames).removeAD(function () {
            $('union').remove(); //移除广告等无必要元素

        }).switchAggregationBtn(function () {
            // $('.ImageBody').hide();
            // $('.NewPages').hide();
            // $('.arc-body').hide();
            // $(".pages").hide();
        }, function () {
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            // $('.NewPages').show();
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            // $(".pages").show();
        }).injectAggregationRef(function (injectComponent, pageUrls) {
            let currentPathname = window.location.pathname;
            let match = currentPathname.match(/^\/(\w+\/\w+(?:\/\w+)?\/)(\d+)(?:_\d+)?\.htm$/im);
            log("match: \n", match);
            if (match !== null) {
                    let totalPageCnt = 1;
                    let partPreUrl = match[1];
                    let pageId = match[2];
                    let suffixUrl = '.htm';
                    let limitPageStr = null;

                    limitPageStr = $('.gongneng').prop("outerHTML").toString().match(/\d+(?=\<\/span\>)/g);
                    totalPageCnt = parseInt(limitPageStr);

                    log("limitPageStr: \n", limitPageStr);
                    log('totalPageCnt: \n', totalPageCnt);

                    for (let i = 1; i <= totalPageCnt; i++) {
                        let pageUrl = '';
                        if (i == 1) {
                            pageUrl = partPreUrl + pageId + suffixUrl;
                        } else {
                            pageUrl = partPreUrl + pageId + '_' + i + suffixUrl;
                        log('push pageUrl:\n', pageUrl);
        }).collectPics(function (doc) {
            return $(doc).find('.content-box a img');
        }, function (imgE) {
                'data-fancybox': 'images'
   = "width: 100%;height: 100%";
        }).start(); //urlIsTrue
    /* */
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        injectBtns().domain(site.Win4000.hostnames).removeAD(function () {
            setInterval(function () {
            }, 100);
        }).switchAggregationBtn(function () {
        }, function () {
        }).injectAggregationRef(function (injectComponent, pageUrls) {
            let currentPathname = window.location.pathname;
            let match = currentPathname.match(/\/(\w+?\d+)(?:_\d+)?/m);
            if (match !== null) {
                    let totalPageCnt = 1;
                    let partPreUrl = match[1];
                    let pageId = '';
                    let suffixUrl = '.html';
                    let limitPageStr = $('div.ptitle').text();
                    let limitPageMatch = limitPageStr.match(/(\d+\/(\d+))/m);
                    if (limitPageMatch != null) {
                        totalPageCnt = parseInt(limitPageMatch[1]);
                        log('totalPageCnt', totalPageCnt);
                    for (let i = 1; i <= totalPageCnt; i++) {
                        let pageUrl = partPreUrl + pageId + '_' + i + suffixUrl;
                        log('push pageUrl:\n', pageUrl);
        }).collectPics(function (doc) {
            return $(doc).find('div.pic-meinv a  img');
        }, function (imgE) {
   = "width: 100%;height: 100%";
            let src = $(imgE).attr('url');
            if (src) {
                $(imgE).attr('src', src);
                'data-fancybox': 'images'
        }).start(); //urlIsTrue
    /* */
    if (site._192tp.iStatus) {
        injectBtns().domain(site._192tp.hostnames).removeAD(function () {
            setInterval(function () {
                $(".bgtu-info+p").remove(); //remove选择所有紧跟在 <div> 元素之后的第一个 <p> 元素
                $("div.infoline span:first-of-type").remove();
            }, 100);
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            $(".zt_bigpic p").hide();

        }, function () {
            $(".zt_bigpic p").show();

        }).injectAggregationRef(function (injectComponent, pageUrls) {
            let currentPathname = window.location.pathname;
            log("currentPathname: " + currentPathname);
            let match = currentPathname.match(/\/(\w+(?:\/\w+)?\/\w+?)(?:_\d+)?\.html/m); //,
            if (match !== null) {
                    let totalPageCnt = 1;
                    let partPreUrl = match[1];
                    let pageId = '';
                    let suffixUrl = '.html';
                    let limitPageStr = $('h1').text();
                    let limitPageMatch = limitPageStr.match(/\(\d+\/(\d+)\)/m);
                    log("limitPageStr: " + limitPageStr);
                    log("limitPageMatch: " + limitPageMatch);
                    if (limitPageMatch != null) {
                        totalPageCnt = parseInt(limitPageMatch[1]);
                        // debugger
                        log('totalPageCnt: ', totalPageCnt);
                    for (let i = 1; i <= totalPageCnt; i++) {
                        let pageUrl = '';
                        if (i == 1) {
                            pageUrl = partPreUrl + pageId + suffixUrl;
                        } else {
                            pageUrl = partPreUrl + pageId + '_' + i + suffixUrl;
                        log('push pageUrl: ', pageUrl);
                if (os.isAndroid) {

                } else {
        }).collectPics(function (doc) {
            if (os.isAndroid) {
                $(doc).find('.piclist li:last-child').remove();
                $(doc).find('.piclist li:last-child').remove();
                // log("img: \n",$(doc).find('.piclist li img'));
                return $(doc).find('.piclist li img');
            } else {
                return $(doc).find('#p > center img');

        }, function (imgE) {
   = "width: 100%;";
            let src = $(imgE).attr('lazysrc');
            if (src) {
                $(imgE).attr('src', src);
                'data-fancybox': 'images'
        }).start(); //urlIsTrue
    /* */
    if (site.Xiuren.iStatus) {
        injectBtns().domain('').removeAD(function () {
            setInterval(function () {
            }, 100);
        }).switchAggregationBtn(function () {
        }, function () {
        }).injectAggregationRef(function (injectComponent, pageUrls) {
            let currentPathname = window.location.pathname;
            let match = currentPathname.match(/^\/([\w-]+\.html)\b/im);
            if (match !== null) {
        }).collectPics(function (doc) {
            let clone = $(doc).find(' span > a').clone();
            return $(clone).find('img');
        }, function (imgE) {
            let src = $(imgE).parent().attr('href');
            $(imgE).attr('src', src);
                'data-fancybox': 'images'
   = "width: 100%;height: 100%";
        }).start(); //urlIsTrue
    /* */
    if (site.Micmicidol.iStatus) {
        injectBtns().domain(site.Micmicidol.hostnames).removeAD(function () {
            // $('div#total-wrapper').siblings().remove();
            $("link").each(function () {
                let href = $(this).attr('href');
                let isHrefMatch = /micmicidol/g.exec(href);
                if (isHrefMatch === null) {
            $("script").each(function () {
                let href = $(this).attr('src');
                let isHrefMatch = /micmicidol/g.exec(href);
                if (isHrefMatch === null) {
        }).switchAggregationBtn(function () {

            // imagePluginSwitch[0].isFancyBoxFullScreen = true;
            // if (os.isAndroid || os.isPhone) {
            //     imagePluginSwitch[0].isFancyBoxFullScreen = false;
            // }

        }, function () {
        }).injectAggregationRef(function (injectComponent, pageUrls) {
            let currentPathname = window.location.pathname;
            log("currentPathname: ", currentPathname);
            let ismainPage = /\/(\d+)\//g.exec(currentPathname);
            log("ismainPage: \n", ismainPage);
            if (ismainPage === null) {

            } else if (currentPathname !== null) {
        }).collectPics(function (doc) {
            let aImages = $(doc).find(' > a[href]').clone();
            return $(aImages);
        }, function (imgE) {
            let src = $(imgE).attr('href');
                'data-fancybox': 'images'
            log("src: \n", src);
            $(imgE).find('img').attr('src', src);
            $(imgE).find('img').attr('label', 'sl');

            // log("imgE: \n", imgE);
   = "width: 100%;height: 100%";
        }).start(); //urlIsTrue
    /* */
    if (site.Everia.iStatus) {
        injectBtns().domain(site.Everia.hostnames).removeAD(function () {
            // $('html script').remove();
            // $(".wrapper").siblings().remove();
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            //     "position": "unset"
            // });
            // setInterval(function () {
            // $("#jquery-migrate-js").remove();
            // $('.padPreload').remove();
            // $('#popmagicldr').remove();
            $("link").each(function () {
                // log("link: \n", $(this).prop("outerHTML"));
                let href = $(this).attr('href');
                // log("href: \n",href);
                let isHrefMatch = /everia/g.exec(href);
                // log("isHrefMatch: \n", isHrefMatch);
                if (isHrefMatch === null) {
                    // log("isHrefMatch: \n",isHrefMatch);
            $("script").each(function () {
                let href = $(this).attr('src');
                let isHrefMatch = /everia/g.exec(href);
                if (isHrefMatch === null) {
            // }, 100);
        }).switchAggregationBtn(function () {
            $('.entry-content p').css('margin-bottom', 'unset');
        }, function () {
            // $('figure.has-nested-images').show();
            // $('.separator').show();
        }).injectAggregationRef(function (injectComponent, pageUrls) {
            let currentPathname = window.location.pathname;
            let ismainPage = /\/(\d+)\//g.exec(currentPathname);
            log("ismainPage: \n", ismainPage);
            if (ismainPage === null) {
                log("ismainPage null!!!!");
            } else if (currentPathname !== null) {
        }).collectPics(function (doc) {
            let images = $(doc).find('.entry-content img').clone();
            let a_imgTag = aImgTagPackaging(images);
            log("New a_imgTag Object: \n", $(a_imgTag));
            return $(a_imgTag);
        }, function (imgE) {
   = "width: 100%;height: 100%";
        }).start(); //urlIsTrue
    /* & */
    if (site.Jpxgyw.iStatus || site.Jpmn8.iStatus) {
        injectBtns().domain(site.Jpxgyw.hostnames.concat(site.Jpmn8.hostnames)).removeAD(function () {
            setInterval(function () {
                $(".content > a").remove();
                $("center > a").remove();
            }, 100);
        }).switchAggregationBtn(function () {


        }, function () {
        }).injectAggregationRef(function (injectComponent, pageUrls) {
            let currentPathname = window.location.pathname; // /Xiuren/Xiuren21393.html
            let match = currentPathname.match(/([a-zA-Z]+(\/[a-zA-Z]+)?)(?:\/)?(\d+)/im);
            log("currentPathname: \n", currentPathname);
            log("match: \n", match);
            if (match !== null) {

                let totalPageCnt = 1;
                let partPreUrl = match[0];
                let suffixUrl = '_';
                let limitPageStr = $('.pagination > ul a').last().prev().text();
                if (limitPageStr === "") {
                    limitPageStr = $('.pagination1 > ul a').last().prev().text();
                log("limitPageStr: \n", limitPageStr);
                if (limitPageStr != '') {
                    totalPageCnt = parseInt(limitPageStr);
                    log('totalPageCnt: \n', totalPageCnt);
                for (let i = 0; i <= totalPageCnt; i++) {
                    let pageUrl;
                    if (i === 0) {
                        pageUrl = match[0];
                    } else {
                        pageUrl = partPreUrl + suffixUrl + i + '.html';
                    log('push pageUrl:\n', pageUrl);
        }).collectPics(function (doc) {
            let images;
            if (site.Jpxgyw.iStatus) {
                images = $(doc).find('.article-content > p img');
            } else {
                images = $(doc).find('p img');
            let a_imgTag = aImgTagPackaging(images);
            log("New a_imgTag Object: \n", $(a_imgTag));
            return $(a_imgTag);
        }, function (imgE) {
   = "width: 100%;height: 100%";
        }).start(); //urlIsTrue
    /* */
    if (site._95mm.iStatus) {
        injectBtns().domain(site._95mm.hostnames).removeAD(function () {
            setInterval(function () {
            }, 100);
        }).switchAggregationBtn(function () {
            // FancyBox

            $('.text-xs b').hide();
        }, function () {
            $('.text-xs b').show();
        }).injectAggregationRef(function (injectComponent, pageUrls) {
            let currentPathname = window.location.pathname; // /Xiuren/Xiuren21393.html
            let match = currentPathname.match(/(\d+)/im);
            log("currentPathname: \n", currentPathname);
            log("match: \n", match);
            if (currentPathname !== null) {

                let totalPageCnt = 1;
                let pageId = match[0];
                let suffixUrl = '/';
                let limitPageStr = $('.row h1').text().match(/(\d+\/(\d+))/im);

                log("limitPageStr: \n", limitPageStr);
                totalPageCnt = limitPageStr[1];
                for (let i = 1; i <= totalPageCnt; i++) {
                    let pageUrl;
                    if (i === 1) {
                        pageUrl = pageId + '.html';
                    } else {
                        pageUrl = pageId + suffixUrl + i + '.html';
                    log('push pageUrl:\n', pageUrl);

        }).collectPics(function (doc) {
            let images = $(doc).find('.nc-light-gallery img').clone();
            let a_imgTag = aImgTagPackaging(images);
            log("New a_imgTag Object: \n", $(a_imgTag));
            return $(a_imgTag);
        }, function (imgE) {
   = "width: 100%;height: 100%";
        }).start(); //urlIsTrue
    /* */
    if (site._3gbizhi.iStatus) {
        injectBtns().domain(site._3gbizhi.hostnames).removeAD(function () {
            setInterval(function () {
                $(".cl script").parent().remove();
            }, 100);
        }).switchAggregationBtn(function () {

            // FancyBox

        }, function () {
        }).injectAggregationRef(function (injectComponent, pageUrls) {
            let currentPathname = window.location.pathname; // /Xiuren/Xiuren21393.html
            let match = currentPathname.match(/(\w+)\/((?!\.html).)*/im);
            log("currentPathname: \n", currentPathname);
            log("match: \n", match);
            if (currentPathname !== null) {

                let totalPageCnt = 1;
                let suffixUrl = '_';
                let partPreUrl;
                let pageId = null;
                let limitPageStr = $('.showtitle h2').text().match(/(\d+\/(\d+))/im);
                log("limitPageStr: \n", limitPageStr);
                if (os.isAndroid) {

                } else {
                    partPreUrl = match[0];
                    totalPageCnt = limitPageStr[2];
                    pageId = match[2];

                for (let i = 1; i <= totalPageCnt; i++) {
                    let pageUrl;
                    if (i === 1) {
                        pageUrl = partPreUrl + '.html';
                    } else {
                        pageUrl = partPreUrl + suffixUrl + i + '.html';
                    log('push pageUrl:\n', pageUrl);

        }).collectPics(function (doc) {
            let images = $(doc).find('#showimg>a[title] img').clone();

            let a_imgTag = aImgTagPackaging(images);
            log("New a_imgTag Object: \n", $(a_imgTag));
            return $(a_imgTag);
        }, function (imgE) {
   = "width: 100%;height: 100%";
        }).start(); //urlIsTrue
    /* */
    if (site.Goddess.iStatus) {
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                "position": "unset",
                "z-index": "unset"
            $(" div").css({
                "position": "unset",
                "z-index": "unset"
        }).switchAggregationBtn(function () {
            // FancyBox

        }, function () {
        }).injectAggregationRef(function (injectComponent, pageUrls) {
            let currentPathname = window.location.pathname; // /Xiuren/Xiuren21393.html
            let match = currentPathname.match(/(\w+)\/(\d+)/im);
            log("currentPathname: \n", currentPathname);
            log("match: \n", match);
            if (match !== null) {
                let totalPageCnt = 1;
                let suffixUrl = '_';
                let partPreUrl = '';
                let limitPageStr = $('#pages > span[class]').prop("outerHTML").match(/\d+(?=\<\/span\>)/g);
                log("limitPageStr: \n", limitPageStr);
                partPreUrl = match[0];
                totalPageCnt = parseInt(limitPageStr);
                for (let i = 1; i <= totalPageCnt; i++) {
                    let pageUrl;
                    if (i === 1) {
                        pageUrl = partPreUrl + '.html';
                    } else {
                        pageUrl = partPreUrl + suffixUrl + i + '.html';
                    log('push pageUrl: \n', pageUrl);
        }).collectPics(function (doc) {
            let images = $(doc).find('.td-gallery-content > img');
            $(images).each(function () {
                let src = $(this).attr('data-original');
                if (src) {
                    $(this).attr('src', src);

            let a_imgTag = aImgTagPackaging(images);
            log("New a_imgTag Object: \n", $(a_imgTag));
            return $(a_imgTag);
        }, function (imgE) {
   = "width: 100%;height: 100%";
        }).start(); //urlIsTrue
    /* */
    if (site.Meinv.iStatus) {
        injectBtns().domain(site.Meinv.hostnames).switchAggregationBtn(function () {
            imagePluginSwitch[0].isViewerOpen = false;

        }, function () {
        }).injectAggregationRef(function (injectComponent, pageUrls) {
            let currentPathname = window.location.pathname; // /Xiuren/Xiuren21393.html
            log("currentPathname: \n", currentPathname);
            if (currentPathname !== null) {
                $('.entry-content figure').first().prev().after(injectComponent);
        }).collectPics(function (doc) {
            let images = $(doc).find('.has-nested-images a');
            return $(images);
        }, function (imgE) {
            let src = $(imgE).attr('href');
            if (src) {
                // $.fn.removeAllAttrs= function() {
                //     return this.each(function() {
                //        $.each(this.attributes, function() {
                //          this.ownerElement.removeAttributeNode(this);
                //        });
                //     });
                //   };
                // $(imgE).find("img").removeAllAttrs();
                $(imgE).find("img").attr('src', src);
                $(imgE).find("img").attr('label', 'sl');
   = "width: 100%;height: 100%";
        }).start(); //urlIsTrue
    /* */
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        injectBtns().domain(site.Asiansister.hostnames).removeAD(function () {
            setInterval(function () {
            }, 100);
        }).switchAggregationBtn(function () {

        }, function () {
        }).injectAggregationRef(function (injectComponent, pageUrls) {
            let currentPathname = window.location.pathname; // /Xiuren/Xiuren21393.html
            let match = currentPathname.match(/(?<=\/).*/g);
            log("currentPathname: \n", currentPathname);
            log("match: \n", match);
            let pageUrl;
            if (match !== null) {
                pageUrl = match[0];
                $('.rootContant[style]').slice(0, 1).after(injectComponent);
        }).collectPics(function (doc) {
            let images = $(doc).find('.rootContant > img');
            log("images \n", $(images));
            $(images).each(function (index) {
                log("start this Object: \n", $(this));
                log("this images outerHTML \n", $(this).prop("outerHTML"));
                let src = $(this).attr('dataurl').match(/(?<=image).*/g);
                if (src) {
                    $(this).attr('src', src);
            let a_imgTag = aImgTagPackaging(images);
            log("New a_imgTag Object: \n", $(a_imgTag));
            return $(a_imgTag);
        }, function (imgE) {
   = "width: 100%;height: 100%";
        }).start(); //urlIsTrue
    /* */
    if (site.Yskhd.iStatus) {
        injectBtns().domain(site.Yskhd.hostnames).removeAD(function () {
            setInterval(function () {
                $(".header").css("position", "unset");
            }, 100);
        }).switchAggregationBtn(function () {


            $("div[class^=article]").slice(1, ).hide();
            // $("div.article-content > p").next().nextAll().hide();
        }, function () {
            $("div[class^=article]").slice(1, ).show();
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        }).injectAggregationRef(function (injectComponent, pageUrls) {
            let currentPathname = window.location.pathname; // /Xiuren/Xiuren21393.html
            let match = currentPathname.match(/(?<=\/).*/g);
            log("currentPathname: \n", currentPathname);
            log("match: \n", match);
            let pageUrl;
            if (match !== null) {
                pageUrl = match[0];
        }).collectPics(function (doc) {
            let re = /-scaled/g;
            let images;
            let Ishref = $(doc).find('.gallery-fancy-item > a').attr("href");
            let isScaled = re.test(Ishref);
            if (isScaled) {
                images = $(doc).find(' img').attr("dataurl", "true");
            } else {
                images = $(doc).find(' img').attr("dataurl", '');
            let imgObj = $(images);
            let a_imgTag = []
            $(imgObj).each(function (index) {
                // log("Start this: \n", $(this).prop("outerHTML"));
                let src;
                let isScaled = $(this).attr("dataurl");
                if (isScaled === "true") {
                    src = $(this).attr('src').replace(/-\d+x\d+/g, '-scaled');
                } else {
                    src = $(this).attr('src').replace(/-\d+x\d+/g, '');
                $(this).attr('label', 'sl');
                $(this).attr('src', src);
                let imageItem = $(this).prop("outerHTML").toString();
                // log("New this: \n", imageItem);
                let construct_aTag = $(`<a data-fancybox="images" href="${src}"></a>`);
                // log("New construct_Tag: \n", construct_aTag);
            // log("New a_imgTag\n",$(a_imgTag));
            return $(a_imgTag);
        }, function (aImgE) {
            $(aImgE).find("img")[0].style = "width: 100%;height: 100%";
        }).start(); //urlIsTrue
    /* */
    if (site.Dmmtu.iStatus) {
        injectBtns().domain(site.Dmmtu.hostnames).removeAD(function () {
            setInterval(function () {
                $("html script").remove();
            }, 100);
                "width": "100%",
                "height": "100%"
        }).switchAggregationBtn(function () {


        }, function () {
        }).injectAggregationRef(function (injectComponent, pageUrls) {
            let currentPathname = window.location.pathname; // /Xiuren/Xiuren21393.html
            let match = currentPathname.match(/(\w+)\/(\d+)/im);
            log("currentPathname: \n", currentPathname);
            log("match: \n", match);
            if (match !== null) {
                let totalPageCnt = 1;
                let suffixUrl = '_';
                let partPreUrl = '';
                let limitPageStr = $('.page-numbers > b').prop("outerHTML");
                let limitPageTotal = limitPageStr.match(/(?<=共)(\d+)/g);
                log("limitPageStr: \n", limitPageStr);
                partPreUrl = match[0];
                totalPageCnt = parseInt(limitPageTotal);
                for (let i = 1; i <= totalPageCnt; i++) {
                    let pageUrl;
                    if (i === 1) {
                        pageUrl = partPreUrl + '.html';
                    } else {
                        pageUrl = partPreUrl + suffixUrl + i + '.html';
                    log('push pageUrl: \n', pageUrl);
        }).collectPics(function (doc) {
            let images;
            images = $(doc).find('.main-body img');

            let a_imgTag = aImgTagPackaging(images);
            log("New a_imgTag Object: \n", $(a_imgTag));
            return $(a_imgTag);
        }, function (imgE) {
   = "width: 100%;height: 100%";
        }).start(); //urlIsTrue
    /* && */
    if (site.Fnvshen.iStatus) {
        injectBtns().domain(site.Fnvshen.hostnames).removeAD(function () {
            // debugger
            setInterval(function () {
                $(".pic_index_headc").css("position", "sticky")
            }, 100);
        }).switchAggregationBtn(function () {
            $("#hgallery img[mark!='true']").hide();
        }, function () {
            $("#hgallery img[mark!='true']").show();
        }).injectAggregationRef(function (injectComponent, pageUrls) {

            let currentHref = window.location.href;
            let currentPathname = window.location.pathname;
            log("currentHref: \n", currentHref);
            let skipGeekGoddess = /xsnvshen/g.exec(currentHref);
            log("skipGeekGoddess: \n", skipGeekGoddess);
            if (isEmpty(skipGeekGoddess)) {
                log("\n-----inject GeekGoddess-----\n");
                let match = currentPathname.match(/(\w+)\/(\d+)/im);
                log("match: \n", match);
                let isGirl = /girl|article/g.exec(currentPathname);
                log("girl: ", isGirl);
                if (!isEmpty(isGirl)) {
                    match = null;
                } else {
                    let isMobileDomain = false;
                    let mobileDomain = /(?<=https?\:\/\/)(m\.)/.exec(window.location);
                    if (mobileDomain != null) {
                        isMobileDomain = true;
                    let limitPageTotal;
                    let limitPageStr;
                    if (match !== null) {
                        let suffixUrl = '/';
                        let partPreUrl = '';
                        if (os.isAndroid || isMobileDomain) {
                            limitPageStr = $('').prop("outerHTML");
                            log("limitpag: ", limitPageStr);
                            limitPageTotal = limitPageStr.match(/\d+(?=\<\/span\>)/g);
                        } else {
                            limitPageStr = $('#pages').prop("outerHTML");
                            limitPageTotal = limitPageStr.match(/\d+(?=\<\/a\>)/g);

                        log("limitPageStr: \n", limitPageStr);
                        let maxpage = Math.max.apply(null, limitPageTotal);
                        // let maxpage = limitPageTotal.length;
                        log("limitPageMatch: ", limitPageTotal);
                        log("maxpage: ", maxpage);
                        partPreUrl = match[0];
                        for (let i = 1; i <= maxpage; i++) {
                            let pageUrl;
                            if (i === 1) {
                                pageUrl = partPreUrl + '.html';
                            } else {
                                pageUrl = partPreUrl + suffixUrl + i + '.html';
                            log('push pageUrl:\n', pageUrl);
                        if (os.isAndroid || isMobileDomain) {
                        } else {

            } else {
                log("\n-----inject xsnvshen-----\n");
                let pageUrl = currentPathname;
                log('push pageUrl:\n', pageUrl);
                let Skip = /hd/g.exec(currentPathname);
                // log("Skip: " + Skip);
                if (isEmpty(Skip)) {
                    if (os.isPc) {
                    } else {
        }).collectPics(function (doc) {

            let currentHref = window.location.href;
            log("currentHref: \n", currentHref);
            let skipGeekGoddess = /xsnvshen/g.exec(currentHref);
            log("skipGeekGoddess: \n", skipGeekGoddess);
            if (isEmpty(skipGeekGoddess)) {
                log("\n-----collectPics GeekGoddess-----\n");
                let mobileDomain = /(?<=https?\:\/\/)(m\.)/g.exec(window.location);
                let images;
                if (os.isAndroid || mobileDomain) {
                    images = $(doc).find('.ck-img-info img');
                } else {
                    images = $(doc).find('#hgallery img');
                $(images).attr("mark", "ture");
                let a_imgTag = aImgTagPackaging(images);
                log("New a_imgTag Object: \n", $(a_imgTag));
                return $(a_imgTag);
            } else {
                log("\n-----collectPics xsnvshen-----\n");
                let imgE = [];
                let currentImgSrc;
                let limitPageStr;
                let limitPageMatch;
                // num传入的数字,n需要的字符长度 PrefixInteger(11, 5) //"00011"
                let PrefixInteger = function (num, n) {
                    return (Array(n).join(0) + num).slice(-n);
                if (os.isPc) {
                    currentImgSrc = $("img#bigImg").attr("src").replace("//", "/");
                    limitPageStr = $('.swpt-time').prop("outerHTML");
                    limitPageMatch = limitPageStr.match(/共(.*?)<\/span>/g).toString().match(/\d*/g);
                } else {
                    currentImgSrc = $("#arcbox img").first().attr("src").replace("//", "/");
                    limitPageStr = $('div em span').first().prop("outerHTML");
                    limitPageMatch = limitPageStr.match(/\d+(?=<\/span>)/g);
                log("currentImgSrc: " + currentImgSrc);
                log("limitPageStr: " + limitPageStr);
                log("limitPageMatch: " + limitPageMatch);

                let partPreUrls = currentImgSrc.match(/(?<=\/).*\//g);
                log("partPreUrl: " + partPreUrls);

                if (!isEmpty(partPreUrls)) {
                    let protocol = window.location.protocol;
                    let totalPageCnt = Math.max.apply(null, limitPageMatch);
                    log("totalPageCnt: " + totalPageCnt);
                    let suffixUrl = '.jpg';
                    for (let i = 0; i < totalPageCnt; i++) {
                        let pageUrl = partPreUrls + PrefixInteger(i, 3) + suffixUrl;
                        let startUrl = protocol + '//' + pageUrl;
                        let img = `<img style="width: 100%; height: 100%;" src=${startUrl}>`
                        log('push pageUrl: ', startUrl);
                let a_imgTag = aImgTagPackaging($(imgE));
                log("New a_imgTag Object: \n", $(a_imgTag));
                return $(a_imgTag);
        }, function (imgE) {
   = "width: 100%;height: 100%";
        }).start(); //urlIsTrue
    /* */
    if (site.Ikanins.iStatus) {
        injectBtns().domain(site.Ikanins.hostnames).removeAD(function () {
            setInterval(function () {

            }, 100);
        }).switchAggregationBtn(function () {

            let len = $("div[id^=attachment]").length;
            if (len > 0) {
                    "width": "100%",
                    "height": "100%"
            } else {
                $(".entry-content p").nextAll().hide();
        }, function () {}).injectAggregationRef(function (injectComponent, pageUrls) {
            let currentPathname = window.location.pathname; //
            let match = currentPathname.match(/\w+.*/im);
            log("currentPathname: \n", currentPathname);
            log("match: \n", match);
            if (match !== null) {
                let partPreUrl = '';
                partPreUrl = match[0];
                log('push pageUrl:\n', partPreUrl);
                if ($("div[id^=attachment]").length > 0) {
                } else {
                    $('.entry-content .entry').prepend(injectComponent);
        }).collectPics(function (doc) {
            let images;
            images = $(doc).find('.entry-content p img');

            let a_imgTag = aImgTagPackaging(images);
            log("New a_imgTag Object: \n", $(a_imgTag));
            return $(a_imgTag);
        }, function (imgE) {
   = "width: 100%;height: 100%";
        }).start(); //urlIsTrue
    /* */
    if (site.Madoupan.iStatus) {
        injectBtns().domain(site.Madoupan.hostnames).removeAD(function () {
            setInterval(function () {
                $(".header").css("position", "unset");
            }, 100);
        }).switchAggregationBtn(function () {


        }, function () {

        }).injectAggregationRef(function (injectComponent, pageUrls) {
            let currentPathname = window.location.pathname; //
            let match = currentPathname.match(/\w+.*/im);
            log("currentPathname: \n", currentPathname);
            log("match: \n", match);
            if (match !== null) {
                let partPreUrl = '';
                partPreUrl = match[0];
                log('push pageUrl:\n', partPreUrl);
        }).collectPics(function (doc) {
            let images;
            images = $(doc).find('div.article-content img');

            let a_imgTag = aImgTagPackaging(images);
            log("New a_imgTag Object: \n", $(a_imgTag));
            return $(a_imgTag);
        }, function (imgE) {
   = "width: 100%;height: 100%";
        }).start(); //urlIsTrue
    /* */
    if (site.Mrcong.iStatus) {
        if (os.isAndroid || os.isPhone) {
        } else {
            injectBtns().domain(site.Mrcong.hostnames).removeAD(function () {
                    "font-family": '-apple-system,BlinkMacSystemFont,Tahoma,Arial,"Hiragino Sans GB","Microsoft YaHei",serif'
                $("link").each(function () {
                    let href = $(this).attr('href');
                    let isHrefMatch = /mrcong/g.exec(href);
                    if (isHrefMatch === null) {
                $("script").each(function () {
                    let href = $(this).attr('src');
                    let isHrefMatch = /mrcong/g.exec(href);
                    if (isHrefMatch === null) {
                // $("div.wrapper-outer").siblings().remove();
                setInterval(function () {
                }, 100);
            }).switchAggregationBtn(function () {
                $('div.entry p').last().hide();
            }, function () {
                // $('').last().prev().show();
            }).injectAggregationRef(function (injectComponent, pageUrls) {
                let currentPathname = window.location.pathname;
                let match = currentPathname.match(/\w+.*?\//im);
                log("currentPathname: \n", currentPathname);
                log("match: \n", match);
                let misMatch = ["tag/", "category/", "sets/", "top/", "tim-kiem/"];
                misMatch.forEach(function (value) {
                    if (match) {
                        let frontEndMatching = match[0];
                        if (value === frontEndMatching) {
                            match = null;
                let limitPageTotal;
                let limitPageStr;
                if (match !== null) {
                    let totalPageCnt = 1;
                    let suffixUrl = '';
                    let partPreUrl = null;
                    let pageId = null;
                    limitPageStr = $('.page-link').prop("outerHTML");
                    limitPageTotal = limitPageStr.match(/\d+(?=\<\/a\>)/g);
                    log("limitPageStr: \n", limitPageStr);
                    totalPageCnt = Math.max.apply(null, limitPageTotal);
                    // let maxpage = limitPageTotal.length;
                    log("limitPageMatch: ", limitPageTotal);
                    log("maxpage: ", totalPageCnt);
                    partPreUrl = match[0];
                    for (let i = 1; i <= totalPageCnt; i++) {
                        let pageUrl;
                        if (i === 1) {
                            pageUrl = partPreUrl;
                        } else {
                            pageUrl = partPreUrl + suffixUrl + i;
                        log('push pageUrl:\n', pageUrl);
                    $('div.entry p').last().prev().after(injectComponent);
            }).collectPics(function (doc) {
                let images;
                images = $(doc).find('.entry img');

                let a_imgTag = aImgTagPackaging(images);
                log("New a_imgTag Object: \n", $(a_imgTag));
                return $(a_imgTag);
            }, function (imgE) {
       = "width: 100%;height: 100%";
            }).start(); //urlIsTrue
    /* & ---------------------- */
    if (site.XiurenJi.iStatus || site.Xrmn.iStatus) {
        if (os.isAndroid || os.isPhone) {
        } else {
            injectBtns().domain(site.XiurenJi.hostnames.concat(site.Xrmn.hostnames)).removeAD(function () {
                setInterval(function () {
                }, 100);
            }).switchAggregationBtn(function () {
            }, function () {
            }).injectAggregationRef(function (injectComponent, pageUrls) {
                let currentPathname = window.location.pathname;
                let match
                if (site.XiurenJi.iStatus) {
                    match = currentPathname.match(/(\w+)\/(\d+)/im);
                } else {
                    match = currentPathname.match(/([A-Za-z]+).([0-9]+).([0-9]+(_[0-9]*)?)/im);

                log("currentPathname: \n", currentPathname);
                log("match: \n", match);
                let limitPageTotal;
                let limitPageStr;
                if (match !== null) {
                    let totalPageCnt = 1;
                    let suffixUrl = '_';
                    let partPreUrl = null;
                    let pageId = null;
                    // debugger
                    limitPageStr = $('.page').prop("outerHTML");
                    limitPageTotal = limitPageStr.match(/\d+(?=\<\/a\>)/g);
                    log("limitPageStr: \n", limitPageStr);
                    totalPageCnt = Math.max.apply(null, limitPageTotal);
                    // let maxpage = limitPageTotal.length;
                    log("limitPageMatch: ", limitPageTotal);
                    log("maxpage: ", totalPageCnt);
                    partPreUrl = match[0];
                    for (let i = 0; i < totalPageCnt; i++) {
                        let pageUrl;
                        if (i === 0) {
                            pageUrl = partPreUrl + '.html';
                        } else {
                            pageUrl = partPreUrl + suffixUrl + i + '.html';
                        log('push pageUrl:\n', pageUrl);
            }).collectPics(function (doc) {
                let images;
                images = $(doc).find('.content img');
                // debugger
                log("images: \n", images);

                let a_imgTag = aImgTagPackaging(images);
                log("New a_imgTag Object: \n", $(a_imgTag));
                return $(a_imgTag);
            }, function (imgE) {
       = "width: 100%;height: 100%";
            }).start(); //urlIsTrue
    /* */
    if (site._24fa.iStatus) {
        if (os.isAndroid || os.isPhone) {
        } else {
            injectBtns().domain(site._24fa.hostnames).removeAD(function () {
                setInterval(function () {
                }, 100);
            }).switchAggregationBtn(function () {
            }, function () {
            }).injectAggregationRef(function (injectComponent, pageUrls) {
                let currentPathname = window.location.pathname;
                let match;
                match = currentPathname.match(/([A-Za-z]+).([0-9]+).([0-9]+(_[0-9]*)?)/im);
                log("currentPathname: \n", currentPathname);
                log("match: \n", match);
                let limitPageTotal;
                let limitPageStr;
                if (match !== null) {
                    let totalPageCnt = 1;
                    let suffixUrl = 'p';
                    let partPreUrl = null;
                    let pageId = null;
                    // debugger
                    limitPageStr = $('table[align]').prop("outerHTML");
                    limitPageTotal = limitPageStr.match(/\d+(?=\<\/a\>)/g);
                    log("limitPageStr: \n", limitPageStr);
                    totalPageCnt = Math.max.apply(null, limitPageTotal);
                    // let maxpage = limitPageTotal.length;
                    log("limitPageMatch: ", limitPageTotal);
                    log("maxpage: ", totalPageCnt);
                    partPreUrl = match[0];
                    for (let i = 1; i <= totalPageCnt; i++) {
                        let pageUrl;
                        if (i === 1) {
                            pageUrl = partPreUrl + '.aspx';
                        } else {
                            pageUrl = partPreUrl + suffixUrl + i + '.aspx';
                        log('push pageUrl:\n', pageUrl);
            }).collectPics(function (doc) {
                let images;
                images = $(doc).find('div#content img');
                log("images: \n", images);

                let a_imgTag = aImgTagPackaging(images);
                log("New a_imgTag Object: \n", $(a_imgTag));
                return $(a_imgTag);
            }, function (imgE) {
       = "width: 100%;height: 100%";
            }).start(); //urlIsTrue
    /* */
    if (site.tuiimg.iStatus) {
        injectBtns().domain(site.tuiimg.hostnames).switchAggregationBtn(function () {
        }, function () {
            // $('.content').show();
            // $('.page').show();
        }).injectAggregationRef(function (injectComponent, pageUrls) {
            let currentPathname = window.location.pathname;
            log("currentPathname: \n", currentPathname);
            let limitPageStr = $('span.all').prop("outerHTML");
            log("limitPageStr: " + limitPageStr)
            if (limitPageStr !== undefined) {
                let pageUrl = currentPathname;
                log('push pageUrl:\n', pageUrl);
        }).collectPics(function (doc) {
            let imgE = []
            let currentImgSrc = $(".content img").attr("src").replace("//", "/")
            log("currentImgSrc: " + currentImgSrc);
            let hostName = currentImgSrc.match(/(?<=\/).*?(?=\/)/m)

            let partPreUrl = currentImgSrc.match(/(?<=\w\/).*(?=\/)/m);
            log("partPreUrl: " + partPreUrl)

            let limitPageStr = $('span.all').prop("outerHTML");
            log("limitPageStr: " + limitPageStr)
            if (limitPageStr != null) {

                let limitPageMatch = limitPageStr.match(/(?<=\/)\d+/m);
                log("limitPageMatch: " + limitPageMatch)
                let totalPageCnt = limitPageMatch[0];

                let pageId = '';
                let suffixUrl = '.jpg';

                let protocol = window.location.protocol;
                for (let i = 1; i <= totalPageCnt; i++) {
                    let pageUrl = '';
                    pageUrl = partPreUrl + pageId + '/' + i + suffixUrl;

                    let startUrl = protocol + '//' + hostName + '/' + pageUrl;
                    let img = `<img src=${startUrl}>`
                    log('push pageUrl: ', startUrl);

            return $(imgE);
        }, function (imgE) {
   = "width: 100%;";

                'data-fancybox': 'images'
        }).start(); //urlIsTrue
    /* */
    if (site.nsfwp.iStatus) {
        injectBtns().domain(site.nsfwp.hostnames).removeAD(function () {
            let inputElement = $("input.acpwd-pass");
            let outerHTML = inputElement.prop("outerHTML");
            log("inputElement: " + outerHTML);
            if (outerHTML !== undefined) {
                let password = $(".acpwd-info-message").prop("outerHTML").match(/(?<=password:)\w+(?=\<)/m);
                log("password:" + password[0]);
            let currentPathname = window.location.pathname;
            if (currentPathname === "\/collection" && currentPathname !== "\/") {} else {
                $(".entry-content p a").first().css({
                    "color": "black",
                    "background": "pink",
                    "text-decoration": "none"
                "--primary-color": "unset",
                "--accent-color": "unset"
        }).switchAggregationBtn(function () {
        }, function () {
        }).injectAggregationRef(function (injectComponent, pageUrls) {
            let currentPathname = window.location.pathname;
            log("currentPathname: \n", currentPathname);
            if (currentPathname !== undefined && currentPathname !== "\/collection" && currentPathname !== "\/") {

                let pageUrl = currentPathname;
                log('push pageUrl:\n', pageUrl);
                if ($('.entry-content p').prop("outerHTML") !== undefined) {
                    $('.entry-content p').first().after(injectComponent);
                } else if ($('.wrapper').prop("outerHTML") !== undefined) {
                } else {
        }).collectPics(function (doc) {
            let imgE = $(doc).find("figure img");
            // log("ImgE: " +imgE)
            return imgE;
        }, function (imgE) {
   = "width: 100%;";
                'data-fancybox': 'images'
        }).start(); //urlIsTrue
    /* */
    if (site.mmm131.iStatus) {
        injectBtns().domain(site.mmm131.hostnames).removeAD(function () {
            setInterval(function () {
                $("#content a[style]").remove();
            }, 100);
        }).switchAggregationBtn(function () {
            $(".post-content ").hide();
        }, function () {
            $(".post-content ").show();
        }).injectAggregationRef(function (injectComponent, pageUrls) {
            let currentPathname = window.location.pathname;
            let match = null;
            match = currentPathname.match(/(\w+)\/(\d+)/im);
            log("currentPathname: \n", currentPathname);
            log("match: \n", match);
            let limitPageTotal;
            let limitPageStr;
            if (match !== null) {
                let totalPageCnt = 1;
                let suffixUrl = '_';
                let partPreUrl = null;
                if (os.isPc) {
                    limitPageStr = $('.content-page')
                } else {
                    limitPageStr = $('.paging')
                limitPageStr = limitPageStr.prop("outerHTML");
                limitPageTotal = limitPageStr.match(/\d+(?=页)/g);
                log("limitPageStr: \n", limitPageStr);
                totalPageCnt = limitPageTotal[0];
                log("limitPageMatch: ", limitPageTotal);
                log("totalPageCnt: ", totalPageCnt);
                partPreUrl = match[0];
                for (let i = 1; i <= totalPageCnt; i++) {
                    let pageUrl;
                    if (i === 1) {
                        pageUrl = partPreUrl + '.html';
                    } else {
                        pageUrl = partPreUrl + suffixUrl + i + '.html';
                    log('push pageUrl:\n', pageUrl);
                if (os.isPc) {
                } else {
        }).collectPics(function (doc) {
            let imgE;
            if (os.isPc) {
                imgE = $(doc).find(".content-pic img");
            } else {
                imgE = $(doc).find(".post-content img");
            return imgE;
        }, function (imgE) {
   = "width: 100%;";
                'data-fancybox': 'images'
        }).start(); //urlIsTrue
    /* */
    if (site.asiantolick.iStatus) {
        injectBtns().domain(site.asiantolick.hostnames).switchAggregationBtn(function () {
        }, function () {
        }).injectAggregationRef(function (injectComponent, pageUrls) {
            let currentPathname = window.location.pathname;
            let match = null;
            match = currentPathname.split("\/");
            log("currentPathname: \n", currentPathname);
            log("match: \n", match);
            if (match !== null) {
                let pageUrl = currentPathname;
                log('push pageUrl:\n', pageUrl);

        }).collectPics(function (doc) {
            let imgE;
            imgE = $(doc).find("img.miniaturaImg");
            return imgE;
        }, function (imgE) {
   = "width: 100%;";
                'data-fancybox': 'images'
        }).start(); //urlIsTrue
    /*格式------------------------------------ */
    if (site.imn5.iStatus) {
        injectBtns().domain(site.imn5.hostnames).switchAggregationBtn(function () {
        }, function () {
        }).injectAggregationRef(function (injectComponent, pageUrls) {
            let currentPathname = window.location.pathname;
            log("currentPathname: \n", currentPathname);
            let match = currentPathname.match(/\/(.+?\/)(\d+)(?:_\d+)?\.html/m);
            log("match: \n", match);
            if (match) {
                let totalPageCnt = 1;
                let partPreUrl = match[1];
                let pageId = match[2];
                let suffixUrl = '.html';
                let limitPageMatch = $('').prop("outerHTML");
                log("limitPageMatch: " + limitPageMatch);
                let pageUrl;
                if (limitPageMatch != null) {
                    let totalPics = limitPageMatch.match(/\d+(?=<\/a>)/g);
                    totalPageCnt = Math.max.apply(null, totalPics);
                    log('totalPageCnt', totalPageCnt);
                for (let i = 0; i < totalPageCnt; i++) {
                    if (i == 0) {
                        pageUrl = partPreUrl + pageId + suffixUrl;
                    } else {
                        pageUrl = partPreUrl + pageId + '_' + i + suffixUrl;
                    log('push pageUrl:\n', pageUrl);
        }).collectPics(function (doc) {
            let imgE;
            imgE = $(doc).find(".imgwebp img");
            return imgE;
        }, function (imgE) {
   = "width: 100%;";
                'data-fancybox': 'images'
        }).start(); //urlIsTrue
    /* */
    if (site.xchina.iStatus) {
        injectBtns().domain(site.xchina.hostnames).removeAD(function () {
            setInterval(function () {
                $(".blocker ").remove();
                $("body").css("overflow", "unset");
            }, 100);
        }).switchAggregationBtn(function () {
        }, function () {
        }).injectAggregationRef(function (injectComponent, pageUrls) {
            let currentHref = window.location.href;
            let currentPathname = window.location.pathname;
            log("currentPathname: \n", currentPathname);
            let match = currentPathname.match(/\/(.+?\/)(.*)(?:\/\d+)?(?=\.)/m);
            log("match: \n", match);
            let skip0 = currentHref.match(/(?<=\/photos\/)model/g);
            let skip1 = currentHref.match(/photos?/g);
            log("skip: " + skip0);
            if (match && isEmpty(skip0) && !isEmpty(skip1)) {
                let totalPageCnt = 1;
                let partPreUrl = match[1];
                let pageId = match[2];
                let suffixUrl = '.html';
                let limitPageMatch = $('div.pager').prop("outerHTML");
                log("limitPageMatch: " + limitPageMatch);
                let pageUrl;
                if (limitPageMatch != null) {
                    let totalPics = limitPageMatch.match(/\d+(?=<\/a>)/g);
                    totalPageCnt = Math.max.apply(null, totalPics);
                    log('totalPageCnt', totalPageCnt);
                for (let i = 1; i <= totalPageCnt; i++) {
                    if (i == 1) {
                        pageUrl = partPreUrl + pageId + suffixUrl;
                    } else {
                        pageUrl = partPreUrl + pageId + '/' + i + suffixUrl;
                    log('push pageUrl:\n', pageUrl);
                $('div.article').slice(1, 2).after(injectComponent);

        }).collectPics(function (doc) {
            let imgE = [];
            let imgEDiv;
            imgEDiv = $(doc).find(".photos a > div");
            $(imgEDiv).each(function (index) {
                let src = $(this).attr("src");
                log("src: " + src);
                imgE.push($(`<img src=${src}>`));
            return $(imgE);
        }, function (imgE) {
   = "width: 100%;";
                'data-fancybox': 'images'
        }).start(); //urlIsTrue
    /* */
    if (site.jjgirls.iStatus) {
        injectBtns().domain(site.jjgirls.hostnames).removeAD(function () {
            let href = window.location.href;
            if (!/mobile/g.exec(href)) {
                setInterval(function () {
                }, 100);
            } else {
                setInterval(function () {
                }, 100);
        }).switchAggregationBtn(function () {
            $('div[class^=p] a').hide();
        }, function () {
            $('div[class^=p] a').show();
        }).injectAggregationRef(function (injectComponent, pageUrls) {
            let currentPathname = window.location.pathname;
            log("currentPathname: \n", currentPathname);
            let matchSplitArr = currentPathname.split("\/");
            log("matchSplit: \n", matchSplitArr);

            let match = matchSplitArr.filter(function (s) {
                return s && s.trim();
            // let match = trimSpace(matchSplitArr);
            if (!/[a-zA-Z_-]/g.exec(match.slice(-1))) {
            match = match.join("/");
            log("match: \n", match);
            if (currentPathname !== "\/" && currentPathname.match(/uncensored|japanese/g)) {

                let pageUrl = currentPathname;

                log('push pageUrl:\n', pageUrl);
                if (os.isPc) {
                } else {

        }).collectPics(function (doc) {
            let imgE = []
            let imgA = $(doc).find("div[class^=p] a");
            $(imgA).each(function () {
                let href = $(this).attr("href");
                // log("href: \n"+href)
                if (/\.jpg/g.exec(href)) {
                    log("href: \n" + href);
                    imgE.push($(`<img src=${href}></img>`));

            return $(imgE);
        }, function (imgE) {
   = "width: 100%;";
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            log("imgE: \n"+imgE);
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   = "width: 100%;";
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function switchVId(vId) {
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    if (text && text.indexOf('内容警告') != -1) {
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function injectJs(e) {
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function dependenceJQuery(e, callback) {
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