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A comment by Deleted user 729049 was reported 2021-02-28 for Spam

Deleted user 729049 said:

I'm interested if someone has used the window cleaning in London from Top Window Cleaners. I heard that they also offer conservatory cleaning, gutter cleaning, patio cleaning. I have read that they use purified water without any other cleaning products that contain dangerous substances. That way they achieve great results while taking care of the health of people and pets. The purified water removes all the stains, dust, and dirt and keeps the windows clean for longer. Their services are performed by well-trained and experienced cleaners who are certified by the British Window Cleaning Academy. To ensure their safety during the procedure they use a 22-meters-long extendable pole that is connected to a purified water supply inside a van. It can reach the fourth floor of any property and eliminates the need for dangerous ladders. It is ideal for outside cleaning. For inside cleaning they usually use ladders. As to their working time, it's very flexible. They work seven days a week even on weekends and holidays. In addition, everyone can benefit from attractive prices and various discounts. You can contact them via phone on 020 3404 9775 or by using the online booking form on

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