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As of 2024-01-27. See the latest version.

Filter: Last 30 days Last 365 days All time

Daily installs

Weekly installs

Daily update checks

Raw data

Date Installs Update checks
2024-05-26 69 2,700
2024-05-27 62 2,762
2024-05-28 49 2,802
2024-05-29 52 2,746
2024-05-30 58 2,864
2024-05-31 76 3,248
2024-06-01 75 3,036
2024-06-02 84 2,984
2024-06-03 71 3,103
2024-06-04 73 2,904
2024-06-05 66 2,800
2024-06-06 69 3,152
2024-06-07 69 2,952
2024-06-08 85 3,008
2024-06-09 84 2,949
2024-06-10 93 3,023
2024-06-11 83 3,237
2024-06-12 70 2,939
2024-06-13 71 3,187
2024-06-14 81 3,009
2024-06-15 75 2,871
2024-06-16 79 2,793
2024-06-17 62 3,191
2024-06-18 62 3,129
2024-06-19 67 3,146
2024-06-20 85 3,120
2024-06-21 95 2,904
2024-06-22 80 2,856
2024-06-23 77 2,883
2024-06-24 18 990
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