Yande.re 简体中文

中文标签 | 界面优化 | 高清大图 | 键盘翻页 | 流体布局

// ==UserScript==
// @name         Yande.re 简体中文
// @namespace    com.coderzhaoziwei.yandere
// @version      2.1.47
// @author       Coder Zhao [email protected]
// @description  中文标签 | 界面优化 | 高清大图 | 键盘翻页 | 流体布局
// @homepage     https://greasyfork.org/scripts/421970
// @license      MIT
// @match        https://yande.re/*
// @exclude      https://yande.re/forum/*
// @match        https://konachan.com/*
// @exclude      https://konachan.com/forum/*
// @match        https://konachan.net/*
// @exclude      https://konachan.net/forum/*
// @supportURL   https://github.com/coderzhaoziwei/yande-re-chinese-patch/issues
// @grant        GM_download
// ==/UserScript==

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  class Post {
    constructor(data) {
      if (typeof data !== "object") data = {};
      this.id = data.id || 0;
      this.score = data.score || 0;
      this.tags = data.tags || "";
      this.source = data.source || "";
      this.author = data.author || "";
      this.creatorId = data.creator_id || 0;
      this.createdAt = data.created_at || 0;
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      this.rating = data.rating || "s";
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      this.jpegHeight = data.jpeg_height || 0;
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      this.sampleHeight = data.sample_height || 0;
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      this.previewWidth = data.actual_preview_width || 0;
      this.previewHeight = data.actual_preview_height || 0;
      this.favorite = false;
    get isRatingS() {
      return this.rating === "s"
    get isRatingQ() {
      return this.rating === "q"
    get isRatingE() {
      return this.rating === "e"
    get aspectRatio() {
      return this.width / this.height
    getSizeText(size) {
      if (size > 1024 * 1024) {
        return (size / (1024 * 1024)).toFixed(2) + "MB"
      if (size > 1024) {
        return (size / 1024).toFixed(2) + "KB"
      return (size).toFixed(2) + "B"
    get sampleSizeText() {
      return this.getSizeText(this.sampleSize)
    get sampleDownloadText() {
      return `下载缩略图 ${this.sampleWidth}×${this.sampleHeight} [${this.sampleSizeText}]`
    get sampleDownloadName() {
      return `${location.hostname}.${this.id}.${this.sampleWidth}x${this.sampleHeight}`.replace(/\./g, "_")
    get jpegSizeText() {
      return this.getSizeText(this.jpegSize)
    get jpegDownloadText() {
      return `下载高清图 ${this.jpegWidth}×${this.jpegHeight} [${this.jpegSizeText}]`
    get jpegDownloadName() {
      return `${location.hostname}.${this.id}.${this.jpegWidth}x${this.jpegHeight}`.replace(/\./g, "_")
    get fileSizeText() {
      return this.getSizeText(this.fileSize)
    get fileDownloadText() {
      return `下载原文件 ${this.width}×${this.height} [${this.fileSizeText}] ${this.fileExt.toUpperCase()}`
    get fileDownloadName() {
      return `${location.hostname}.${this.id}.${this.width}x${this.height}`.replace(/\./g, "_")
    get createdTime() {
      const date = new Date(this.createdAt * 1000);
      return `${date.toLocaleDateString()} ${date.toLocaleTimeString("en-DE")}`
    get updatedTime() {
      const date = new Date(this.updatedAt * 1000);
      return `${date.toLocaleDateString()} ${date.toLocaleTimeString("en-DE")}`
    get sourceUrl() {
      if (/^https:\/\/i\.pximg\.net\/img-original\/img\/[\d\/]{19}\/([\d]{1,})_p[\d]{1,}\.(jpg|png)$/.test(this.source)) {
        const pid = RegExp.$1;
        return `https://pixiv.net/artworks/${pid}`
      return this.source

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      title() {
        return `${this.imageList.length} Posts`
      version() {
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      imageSelected() {
        return this.imageList[this.imageSelectedIndex] || new Post()
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    watch: {
      showRatingQ(value) {
        localStorage.setItem("showRatingQ", JSON.stringify(value));
      showRatingE(value) {
        localStorage.setItem("showRatingE", JSON.stringify(value));
      imageCountInRow(value) {
        localStorage.setItem("imageCountInRow", JSON.stringify(value));
      imageQualityHigh(value) {
        localStorage.setItem("imageQualityHigh", JSON.stringify(value));
      showFavoriteSuccess(value) {
        console.log('showFavoriteSuccess: ', value);
    methods: {
      async request() {
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        const response = await new Promise(resolve => {
          jQuery.get(url, data => resolve(data));
        if (response instanceof Array && response.length > 0) {
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      download(src, filename) {
        const match = src.match(/[.](?<extension>png|jpg|jpeg)$/);
        if (match) {
          const extension = match.groups.extension;
          GM_download(src, filename + "." + extension);
        } else {
          GM_download(src, filename);
      onFavorite(id) {
          method: 'POST',
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          beforeSend: xhr => xhr.setRequestHeader('x-csrf-token', window.csrfToken),
          data: { id, score: 3 },
          success: data => {
            if (data.success === true) {
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          <v-list-item-subtitle>发现错误 / 提出建议</v-list-item-subtitle>
      <v-list-item link @click="window.open('https://github.com/coderzhaoziwei/yande-re-chinese-patch')">
        <v-list-item-icon class="mr-2"><v-icon>mdi-star</v-icon></v-list-item-icon>
          <v-list-item-subtitle>觉得好用就 Star 支持一下</v-list-item-subtitle>
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  "gochuumon_wa_usagi_desu_ka?": "请问您今天要来点兔子吗?",
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  "to_love_ru_darkness": "出包王女 Darkness",
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  "yahari_ore_no_seishun_lovecome_wa_machigatteiru.": "我的青春恋爱喜剧果然有问题",
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  const translateFooters = function() {
    const elementList = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('#subnavbar>li>a'));
    elementList.forEach(element => {
      const en = element.innerText;
      const cn = footers[en];
      if (cn) {
        element.innerText = cn;
  const initTranslate = function() {

  jQuery(document).ready(function() {
    if (document.cookie.includes('locale=zh_CN') === false) {
      document.cookie = "locale=zh_CN";
      location.href = location.href;
