Sleazy Fork is available in English.

Data18 WideScreen Dark and Gray v.2

Wide Data18

/* ==UserStyle==
@name           Data18 WideScreen Dark and Gray v.2
@version        2.0.0
@description    Wide Data18
@author         janvier57
@license       unlicense
==/UserStyle== */

@-moz-document domain("") {

/* ==== X Data18 WideScreen Dark and Gray v.2 ===

TEST LINKS Full Member Ship:


==== */

/* (new1) SUPP */
/* .p8>.p4  + div +div[style="float: left; width: 650px;"] ,
.main3 > .contenedor {
display: none !important;
} */

.bartop1w0 ,
.bargreyw0 ,
#optionsdiv ,

#cookiealert ,
#order ,
.p8>div h1 + div ,
#finishedvideo>div ,
#icons[onclick="videoControl();"]  ,

#centered>.p8.dloc + table>tbody>tr>td>table:last-of-type>tbody>tr>td[style="background: white; padding: 6px;"] > div[style="background: #F6F4D0; padding: 6px; margin-bottom: 8px;"] ,
.p8>div>div>div[style="clear: both;"] ,
.p8 #related +div ,
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.p8>.p4  + div + div[style="float: left; width: 650px;"] + div,
.p8>.p4  + div + div[style="float: left; width: 650px;"] ,
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/* WIDE */
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border: 1px solid red !important;
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width: 100% !important;

.contentpage2 ,
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#disable .contentpage #bodyprimary ,
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background: #111 !important;
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background: #111 !important;

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div[style="height: 132px;"] {
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float: right !important;
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background: red !important;


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float: left !important;
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float: right !important;
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/* border: 1px solid yellow !important; */

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border: 1px solid green !important;

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background: red !important;

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#bodyprimary #disable2 .contentpage2 > div#contentlist > div > div.boxep1 a.none .bold {
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/* MORE */
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#show_more_results p  {
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background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.16) !important;
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background-color: #111 !important;
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border-right: 2px solid red !important;
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background-color: #222 !important;
border-left: 2px solid green !important;

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#tab_list_scenes>div>div>div {
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#tab_list_scenes>div>div>div>a>img {
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border: 1px solid red !important;

#navdivrest #showingmedia #tab_list_scenes {
display: inline-block !important;
float: none !important;
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#tab_list_scenes>div.relatedsceneszone2 {
display: inline-block !important;
/*     height: 150px !important; */
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#tab_list_scenes>div.relatedsceneszone2 > a {
/* display: inline-block !important; */
float: left !important;
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/* background-color: red !important; */
border-bottom: 1px dashed red !important;
#tab_list_scenes>div.relatedsceneszone2 > a .gray2 {
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background: #111 !important;
#tab_list_scenes>div.relatedsceneszone2 > a .gray2 > div{
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#tab_list_scenes>div.relatedsceneszone2 >div:first-of-type{
float: left !important;
width: 92% !important;
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/*     margin: 20px 0 20px 0  !important; */
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/* background: green !important; */
#tab_list_scenes>div.relatedsceneszone2 >div:first-of-type a div{
float: left !important;
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width: 92% !important;
/*     margin: -20px 0 0 0  !important; */
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background: #111 !important;
#tab_list_scenes>div.relatedsceneszone2 >div:first-of-type a div p{
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/* background: red !important; */

#bodyprimary #contentlist #listing_results>a[href^=""] ,
#bodyprimary #contentlist #listing_results .listdirector ,
#bodyprimary #contentlist #listing_results .listtag {
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margin: 0 3px 3px 3px !important;
/* background: #f3f3f3 none repeat scroll 0 0; */

#myBtn2.gotop_bottom {
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/* FOOTER */
#disable>div>div.lineup ,
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background: #111 !important;

#disable>div>div.lineup + div + div {
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background: red !important;

#disable .lineup + div > div img {
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/* ==== COLOR  ==== */

/* COLOR - BACKGROUND - #111 */

#menunav >div > div > div  a.gen.big > div ,
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#centered>table>tbody>tr>td>div[style="width: 100%; background: #DADADA;"] ,
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.contenedor div:not(.genmed):not([style="margin-top: 7px;"]) ,
.lfoo ,
#centered>table>tbody>tr>td>table>tbody>tr>td>div ,
.boxep1 .gray2 ,
.contentpage2 ,
#disable2 .contentpage2 ,
#mainclick {
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/* COLOR - BACKGROUND - #222 */

.boxep1 div[style*="padding: 6px; background: #959595;"] ,
#body2rest ,
.none .bold,
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#menunav > div > div > div ,
#menunav > div > div ,
#disable2  ,
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#tabmovies_list #tabmovies_line .boxep1 > div ,
#tabmovies_list #tabmovies_line .boxep1 ,
#tabmovies_line .boxep1 ,
#tabmovies_line ,
#tabmovies_pri ,
#contentlist ,
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#bodyprimary #disable2 .contentpage2 > div#contentlist > div > div, 
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#bodyprimary #disable2 .contentpage2 > #filter_html0 .absofixed ,
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#floatbody .absofixed ,
.contentpage2 ,
#navdivrest ,
#centered>table>tbody>tr>td>div[style="width: 100%; background: #DADADA;"]>div:not([style="clear: both;"]) ,
.dsecure ,
.dfoo2 ,
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#centered>table>tbody>tr>td>table>tbody ,
#centered > table > tbody > tr > td:first-of-type ,
#centered>table>tbody ,
#centered>table ,
#centered > .lineup:first-of-type + div + .lineup + div ,
#centered > .lineup:first-of-type + div ,
#centered.main2 ,
body ,
.main.gre1 {
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.gray2 {
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/* COLOR - BACKGROUND - #333 */

#searchcontains ,
#searchtype ,
#mixall ,
#sharedfilmo ,
#menuleft input ,
#listing_results select#orderpage ,
#navmode > div #nav_scenes ,
#searchdiv > div + input ,
#disable .lineup + div > div + .gen12 > div ,
#disable .lineup + div > div ,
#menunav >div > div > div > div ,
#filter_html > div ,
.p4 ,
#centered>table>tbody>tr>td>div[style="width: 100%; background: #DADADA;"]>div[style*="background: #BEEFFD;"]:not([style="clear: both;"]) ,
#centered>table>tbody>tr>td>div[style="height: 3px; background: #DADADA;"] ,
.dfoo3 ,
.dfoo1 ,
#centered>table>tbody>tr>td>table>tbody>tr>td>table>tbody>tr>td  {
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#menunav >div > div > div  > div > div   a:not(.big)[href=""] > div {
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#menunav >div > div > div  > div > div a:not(.big)[href=""] > div {
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#menunav >div > div > div > div > p img ,
#menunav >div > div > div > div > a > div img {
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/* COLOR - TXT - GRAY */

#navmode>div ,
#listing_results>p ,
#bodyprimary #disable2 .contentpage2 > div#contentlist > div > div, 
#bodyprimary #disable2 .contentpage2 > div#contentlist > #pagination_bar3, 
#bodyprimary #disable2 .contentpage2 > #filter_html0 .absofixed ,
#bodyprimary #disable2 .contentpage2 > div#contentlist > div > div.boxep1 > div > div,
#filter_html > div ,
#centered > table > tbody > tr > td > table > tbody > tr > td > table > tbody > tr > td[style="border-left-width:1px; border-left-style:dashed; border-left-color:#BCBCBC;"] ,
#centered>table>tbody>tr>td>table>tbody>tr>td>table>tbody>tr>td[style="width: 560px;"] .boxep1>table>tbody>tr>td ,
.gen11>i ,
.p3>p ,
.gen11>form ,
.dfoo1>p ,
.dfoo3>p ,
.dsecure.genmed>p ,
.bold ,
.gen12 ,
.gensmall ,
.h23 {
    color: gray  !important;


#tabmovies_line .boxep1 .gray2 > .genmed ,
#searchcontains ,
#searchtype ,
#mixall ,
#sharedfilmo ,
#menuleft input ,
#listing_results select#orderpage ,
#navmode > div #nav_scenes ,
#searchdiv > div + input ,
#navmode>div b ,
#tab_list_scenes>div ,
.none .bold ,
#menunav >div > div > div  > div > div  span ,
#menunav >div > div > div > div > p ,
.closemenu ,
#filter_html  > div >div:not([style="clear: both;"]) .filtercolumn > div i  ,
#filter_html  > div >div:not([style="clear: both;"]) .filtercolumn > div b ,
.boxep1 > div a ,
#listing_results>p span {
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.gray2 {
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/* COLOR - TXT/links - PERU */
#navmode>div span#goall ,
.boxep1 .gen12.bold ,
#filter_html  > div >div:not([style="clear: both;"]) .filtercolumn > div span ,
a {
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#listing_results ,
#centered>table>tbody>tr>td>div[style="width: 100%; background: #DADADA;"]>div[style*="background: #BEEFFD;"]:not([style="clear: both;"]) a ,
#centered>table>tbody>tr>td>table>tbody>tr>td>div[style="padding: 10px;"] ,
#centered>table>tbody>tr>td>table>tbody>tr>td>div[style="padding: 8px;"] ,
.lfoo .bold {
    color: gold  !important;

.imagepic p:empty {
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/* COLOR - IMG - filter */
#searchdivpri #searchicon{
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.backgroundmenu > div > div > a > img[src=""] ,
#tab_list_scenes>div>div>div>a>img[src=""] ,
.yborder[src^=""] {
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select {
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/* ==== END - COLOR ==== */

@-moz-document url-prefix( {

/* ==== START (new1) - URL PREF - DEV - ==== */

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background-color: rgb(250, 250, 250);
border: 1px solid aqua !important;

/* ==== END (new1) - URL PREF - DEV ==== */
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/* SUPP */

#gotopmediaheight ,
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/* ZONE BUT */
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overflow: hidden !important;
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background: red !important;

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#disable .absofixed {
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max-height: 44px !important;
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height: 65vh !important;
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