MissAV Enhanced Assistant JS - Remove ads | Background play | Auto play | Custom fast-forward time | Full title | More
missav修改页面 JS - 该脚本修改missav页面,使视频标题不再被隐藏,完整显示。为首页推荐标签添加链接,删除广告,禁用window.open,并在窗口聚焦时自动暂停视频。
thisav或missav永远播放 JS - thisav或missav永远播放!重写了播放器的pause方法,只有在页面具有焦点时才执行原始的暂停操作。更改match里的内容适配更多网站。
禁止miassav窗口失焦自动暂停 JS - 可以禁止miassav窗口失焦自动暂停
MissAV全屏播放增强 JS - MissAV全屏播放支持前后10s跳转与长按倍速
JAVLibrary Improvements JS - Many improvements mainly in details view of a video: video thumbnails below cover (deactivatable through Configuration in Tampermonkeys extension menu), easier collect of Google Drive and Rapidgator links for JDownloader (hotkey <), save/show favorite actresses (since script installation), recherche links for actresses, auto reload on Cloudflare rate limit, save cover with actress names just by clicking, advertising photos in full size, remove redirects, layout improvements
Jable missav 多行标题 JS - asl
Missav keeps playing JS - Let videos keeps playing after losing focus