JavBus净化增强 JS - 去除JavBus广告、拦截弹窗、修复布局、支持PC端|移动端
SankakuAddon JS - Adds a few quality of life improvements on Sankaku Channel: Automatic image scaling, scrolling to image, thumbnail icons for loud/animated posts, muting/pausing videos, + - tag search buttons, a tag menu which allows for tagging by clicking, 'Choose/Set Parent' modes, easier duplicate tagging/flagging. Fully configurable through the Addon config.
Sankaku Channel Fast Pagination JS - Disable the thumbnail loading delay on scroll
Booru Downloader + Viewer JS - The original fullsize images downloader, and viewer for more than 20 booru imageboards
91共享福利无限看 JS - 不用登录,不用花费金币,无限次观看91共享福利网的视频!
Powerfap JS - Adds full screen lightbox feature (with preloading) for imagefap galleries. Just click on image thumbnail from the category or homepage.
xvideos自动选中文站 JS - x站自动选中文
ExResurrect JS - Resurrect E/Ex gallery listings
SpankBang - Search and UI Enhancer JS - Various search filters and user experience enhancers
JavScript JS - 一站式体验,JavBus & JavDB 兼容
xvideos推送下载 JS - 1)自动播放 2)自动宽屏 3)高画质播放 4)点击推送下片 5)下载缩略图
Kira's Add-To-Favorites Hotkey For Rule34.xxx JS - Press R to Add to favorites int Rule34.xxx
Yande.re 瀑布流浏览 JS - Yande.re/Konachan 中文标签 & 缩略图放大 & 双击翻页 & 瀑布流浏览模式(支持 danbooru/gelbooru/rule34/sakugabooru/lolibooru/safebooru/3dbooru/xbooru/atfbooru/aibooru 等)
e-hentai-infinite-scroll JS - Exhentai infinite scroll scripts.
[精简版]JAV快速跳转到磁力下载&在线播放 JS - Simplified JAV site navigation
Better Kemono Galleries JS - Load original resolution, toggle fitted zoom views, remove photos. Use a plug-in for batch download, can't do cross-origin image downloads with JS alone.
灵梦御所隐藏默认打开 JS - 优化事件钩子
Exhentai公共账号 JS - 替换Exhentai的cookie,自动登录
98搜索增强 JS - 在搜索页进行搜索结果过滤、自动翻页、帖子预览,划词搜索
jav备注 JS - jav备注,为番号页面女优和个人主页名字后添加年龄、身高、胸型、是否引退等备注
Add Fanhao In AVstudio List Page JS - JAV片商官网列表页添加番号(搭配脚本'根据番号搜索',不用进入详情页,就能在列表页查看此车牌是否已入库(emby/115)\预览片花\一键跳转在线观看等花样操作.)
Kemer 下載器 JS - 一鍵下載圖片 (壓縮下載/單圖下載) , 頁面數據創建 json 下載 , 一鍵開啟當前所有帖子
仙女社福利姬资源下载链接获取 JS - (新脚本糖心vlog)获取仙女社站内所有资源链接,不限次数下载。
WIE-JAV番号搜索工具 JS - 番号搜索工具:检索当前网页所有番号:鼠标悬浮打开番号检索页面,并检索相关信息(预览图、预览视频、评分、演员信息、相关评论、磁链、支持在线视频网站的检测,检测无码破解/字幕等标识【支持网站:Jable、Missav、NJav、SuperAV、NETFLAV、Avgle、Javmenu、Guru、JavMost等等】、本地检索是否已下载【Emby,qbittorrent,115】); 支持查询演员详细信息;支持查看已阅番号演员三围排行榜;支持关注番号;支持关注演员,并查看所有关注演员最近番号发布信息
MagicPH JS - A video downloader for various adult websites.
Recurbate downloa JS - Adds a download button for each video on recurbate.com/cc
OnlyFans to Coomer with Video Filter JS - Redirects from OnlyFans to Coomer and filters posts without videos.
[E/Ex]Switch JS - E/Ex-Hentai switch
Kemono/Coomer Grid Gallery Layout JS - Add a responsive grid gallery layout for the kemono.su/coomer.su thumbnails, using the first attachment image file as the cover
JavBus Javdb library trailer JS - JavBus/Javdb/library/javbooks/avmoo/avsox/sehuatang/msin图书馆预告片花Direct,番号页标题下直接显示,默认静音播放/新增视频长缩略图/emby跳转
Gelbooru Image Viewer JS - Adds a fullscreen image view option when you click on images and various other neat features
nHentai Downloader JS - Download manga on nHentai.
Manga OnlineViewer Fluid Mode + Lewd Extender JS - Extension for Manga OnlineViewer Fluid Mode + for 18+ sites, allowing double-page spread viewing for halved images. Sites: Fakku, HBrowse, doujin-moe, hentai2read, luscious, wondersluts,hentaimangaonline, exhentai/g.e-hentai, pururin, hentai4manga, doujinshihentai, hitomi, nhentai, hentaihere, 8muses, Tsumino etc.
Sankaku Complex | No blurred images JS - Will simply remove the blurred images caused by the image having blacklisted tags on the gallary sites of Sankaku Complex
E-Hentai E绅士中文版 JS - E绅士中文化
Sadpanda Save/Export All Favorites JS - Load all favorites to the page and save it, export as JSON data or just copy the textbox contents. Works on exhentai and e-hentai.
福利吧论坛 - 好孩子看得见 JS - 好孩子才看得见,论坛小助手
FetLife ASL Search (Reborn Edition) JS - Allows you to search for FetLife profiles based on age, sex, location, and role.
JavBus会员视频免费播放 JS - 免费播放JavBus收费视频,并且去除了悬浮广告
e621 Thumbnail Enhancer JS - Resizes thumbnails on e621.net, replacing them with higher resoltion images and adding support for video previews.
Gelbooru Endless Scroll JS - Adds endless scroll function to various boorus
一键批量加载页面[EX绅士][exhentai] JS - 一键批量加载所有后续页面内容
Chaturbate Sort Models JS - Sorts Models in descending (High to Low) order of viewers
下载PornHub字幕 JS - 点击下载PornHub视频的字幕
Auto High-Res Cookie & Resize To Fullscreen JS - Automatically adds the "Always High Resolution" cookie and resizes the image to fit snugly in the client window so you don't have to scroll right.
RandomSexyPicParser JS - Random Sexy Pictures Parser
Rule34.xxx Viewer JS - Image viewer with keyboard navigation for rule34.xxx content.
Redgifs++ JS - Automatically sets Redgifs to HD and unmutes when viewed directly or on Reddit. Inspired by "betterRedgifs" by u/MatthieuG7.
91-plus JS - 多线程下载91porn视频,跳过广告,清除页面广告。
MissAV 防止自動暫停 JS - 防止 MissAV 在切換視窗視窗、標籤時自動暫停
Kemer 增強 JS - 美化介面和重新排版,包括移除廣告和多餘的橫幅,修正繪師名稱和編輯相關的資訊保存,自動載入原始圖像,菜單設置圖像大小間距,快捷鍵觸發自動滾動,解析文本中的連結並轉換為可點擊的連結,快速的頁面切換和跳轉功能,並重新定向到新分頁
wnacg 優化 JS - 電腦版頁面支持切換自動翻頁或手動按鍵翻頁,並可自定背景顏色及圖像大小。電腦開啟的手機頁面 (移動端不適用),則可自定背景顏色及圖像大小。
unlock lpsg videos JS - unlock lpsg video access. may need to manually switch video format since I can't figure that part out. Also load all images ASAP instead of having to scroll to them.
Redgifs Embed Tweaks JS - tweaks redgifs embed/iframe video
RedGifs Downloader JS - Creates a sidebar button to download the currently playing gif in the currently selected quality.
Motherless.com Improved JS - Infinite scroll (optional). Filter by duration and key phrases. Download button fixed. Reveal all related galleries to video at desktop. Galleries and tags url rewritten and redirected to video/image section if available
Erome Improved JS - Infinite scroll. Filter photo albums. Filter photos in albums. Skips 18+ dialog
Jellyfin番号过滤 JS - 标记所有番号,并添加跳转链接。支持jellyfin、emby、115、手动输入的番号查重。
Get m3u8 URL JS - 获取网页中m3u8视频地址
copy playlist from camsites JS - Play video from stripchat, chaturbate and many other cam sites in vlc, potplayer or a streamrecorder
JAV本地视频匹配 JS - 匹配本地视频文件名并标记 JavBus 和 JavLibrary 网站上的电影。
JavDb净化增强 JS - 去除JavDb广告、拦截弹窗、修复布局、支持PC端|移动端
Kemono FIX+Download JS - Embeds a "Download" button before each file element and starts downloading and saving it to your computer, can use constant to change replace kemono image server if standart not work.
Javbus在线播放 JS - 在磁力链接下方增加【在线播放】地址
海角天涯显示大图 JS - 放大显示海角里的图片,这么小怎么看!
Booru Revamped JS - This adds a couple of changes to the layout and behaviour of the site
exhentai公共帐号 JS - 小孩子不要看本子。。
E-Hentai 中文功能集 JS - E紳士功能中文總集
磁力云播 JS - 找出页面的磁力链,添加云播接口
Sankaku Complex Enhancer JS - Adds additional features to SankakuComplex. Includes, infinite scrolling on the results page, option to filter out results with certain tags, automatically sorting results by quality (or other "order:*"), adds buttons next to tags to results page to add them to the current query,
8Muses Downloader JS - Download comics from 8muses.com
SankakuComplex image blurring removal JS - Removes censoring "blur" on SankakuComplex image search page
Danbooru Ajax Interface JS - New interface to search images on Booru-style sites.
ExtendPornHub JS - Remove ads, enlarges video, stops autoplay keeping buffering & block pop-ups
Chaturbate MULTI-CAM Viewer JS - Adds a new tab to Chaturbate, and allows you to watch multiple webcams at once
老司机传说 JS - 支持琉璃神社、灵梦御所、纯爱计划、聖霊神域、绅士二次元、天使二次元、MyGalgame,全自动。自动展开神社隐藏的链接、自动开启御所老司机模式、自动转换神社神秘代码、自动填写御所、纯爱计划、MyGalgame打开的百度网盘提取码、为聖霊神域添加免金币快捷通道、绅士二次元免解密、MyGalgame免跳转。新的一年一起飙车吧;)
EhTagSyringe JS - Build EhTagTranslater from Wiki.
Remove Sankaku Advertisements/Iframes JS - Hopefully removes all ads from *.sankaku
CamWhores remove redirects JS - CamWhores.tv remove redirects
紳士漫畫Redirector JS - 把紳士漫畫網址轉址成slide版,類似於手機板可以連續載入圖片,不用一張一張看
Harem Heroes++ modified by 1121 JS - Adding things here and there in Harem Heroes game.
E-hentai Multi-Page-Viewer Scrollbar JS - 给E-hentai的多页查看器页面加上滚动条
PH - Search & UI Tweaks JS - Various search filters and user experience enhancers
8muses Downloader JS - Download from 8muses.com
e-hentai to nhentai JS - A button in e-hentai, for search Gallery in nhentai
Javlibrary - 首页一站式影片预览 JS - 不需要跳转,在 Javlibrary 首页就能直接预览影片。会缓存影片相关信息,下次可直接使用。可搜索番号或前缀。支持轻量的 torrentkitty 磁力搜索展示。
SexInSex 阅读器 JS - 【SexInSex 阅读器】是一款用来浏览SexInSex论坛的油猴插件。
Rule34 Direct Links JS - Provides direct links to Rule34 images in list view
老司机传说(新) JS - 为支持度盘标准码而重写的老司机传说,与原版完全是两个不同的东西,砍掉了很多功能。安装前请务必阅读脚本介绍。有问题建议欢迎到反馈页提出。
Youtube卡片隐藏 JS - 使用css隐藏视频结尾的卡片
Sankaku Channel Access Rights JS - Access blocked images on Sankaku Channel
Automatic Money Collector (for hentaiheroes.com) JS - 3 functions: getMoneyBackground, getMoneyGUI, displayGirlsId
Better XVideos.com JS - Always expand video to large size, scroll down to video, use Q W E S to rotate video, allow seeking to 0:00, allow clicking anywhere to start video - 2022-05-16, 19:35:39
Chaturbate Bullshit Remover JS - Remove banners, animations, gifs, gaudy colors, advertisements and any other bullshit
Mangago Backup Lists JS - Backup your reading lists
91porn视频直链获取,一键下载 JS - 在91视频播放的下方添加m3u8下载直链
sort:score Button JS - 11.10.2021, 12:35:31
eHunter_nhentai_support JS - Update eHunter's support for nhentai, all credit goes to original author hanFengSan
91porny|九色视频助手 JS - jiuse|91PORNY|九色视频|自动跳转HD高清视频|获取视频下载链接|一键下载|N_m3u8DL-CLI