OnlyFans to Coomer JS - Redirects from OnlyFans to coomer.su.
Advanced Bypass for MegaVIP and Similar Links JS - Bypass shortlinks on megavip.store and similar sites automatically.
Advanced Bypass with Captcha-Solving for MegaVIP and Similar Sites JS - Bypass surveys and shortlinks on megavip.store, kmendation.com, and similar sites automatically. Includes captcha-solving integration.
Exhentai Archive Download Button JS - Add a button to download the original, resampled archive or use H@H directly from the search page on ExHentai or E-Hentai. The download is simply a shortcut for the normal download process, so it still consumes GP and follows the same rules.
Pixiv Utils JS - Utilities for Pixiv (tags highlighting/blocking, ad-block, premium emulation, automation, ease-of-access)
HITOMI GALLERY PAGE LOADER JS - script for loading pages inside galleries on hitomi.la
missav.com Improved JS - Infinite scroll (optional). Filter by duration, include/exclude phrases
【超星学习通小助手】【视频、答题助手】【完全免费】视频-章节测试|自动挂机|防清进度|不占资源 JS - 💯超星学习通满分助手,挂机解放时间,无需任何操作自动完成所有任务点【💻可最小化💻】🆒支持超星视频、文档、答题、自定义正确率、掉线自动登录🤘取消视频文件加载,多开也不占用网速,放心追剧🍊自定义答题正确率,提高学习效率🍆每日功能测试,在发现问题前就解决问题,防清进度,无不良记录
Skip Go to JS - Redirects directly to the final page without "Yes, I confirmed"
91标题+url修复 JS - 91porn最近不知道为什么很多视频的链接都经过md5加密了,因此不能直接右击-后台标签页打开,这非常不便于快速浏览视频,并且视频播放页或许是为了反爬,页面title不显示视频的标题了。这个插件就是为了修复这两个问题而诞生的。
Bypass wikifeet.com EU restriction JS - 26/10/2024 10:39:14
fc2ppvdb-improved JS - fc2ppvdb.com Improved for better browsing
dp-vids.com helper JS - A script that lets you download videos with the click of a button and hide private videos.
国区Steam显示成人内容选项 JS - 自动去除account_setting_not_customer_facing这一class使得成人内容选项可以展示,并添加描述内容
Yiffspot Chat Helper JS - Auto message, auto disconnect/reconnect, and blacklist for Yiffspot with enhanced UI and debugging
PornoLab Batch Downloader JS - Batch download all torrents from search results on PornoLab
Автоподгрузка страниц e-hentai.org JS - Включает автозагрузку всех картинок на страницу тестировал только у себя если что не так пишите
123AV修改页面 JS - 让网页标题自动换行显示
Bus论坛助手 JS - 将页面中的磁力链接转换为可点击的超链接,并将番号转换为当前网站的超链接
Kemono2Neko JS - Transfer followings from kemono.su to nekohouse.su with a progress bar.
Jav备注(罩杯版) JS - 目前仅支持javdb.com。针对胸部的jav备注,为女优界面额外和个人主页名字后添加年龄、胸型、等备注,
98论坛预览增强 JS - 在帖子列表显示预览图和磁力链接
Yet Another Redgifs Downloader (YARD) JS - adds a button to the top-left corner that downloads redgifs videos as mp4.
Pornhub Blacklister + JS - 使用列入黑名单的关键字列表(视频名称、模特名称)删除不需要的pornhub.com视频(请参阅列表代码)
SankakuComplex - Skip Adblock Warning JS - Automatically skips the AdBlock warning on Sankaku Complex sites to ensure uninterrupted browsing.
MissAvFixedPlay JS - 固定播放
E站里站授权登录 - GitHub OAuth 回调处理 JS - 处理 GitHub OAuth 回调
GCBT显示预览图和磁力链接 JS - 列表页显示全部预览图和磁力链接
Auto-load NHentai images JS - Auto-load NHentai images1
Hide Ad Profiles on OnlyFansSigns JS - Dynamically blocks fake profiles or ad profiles across multiple platforms, with specific handling for Fanscout ads.
Swag.live Downloader JS - This is a video downloader for theswag.live website.
/Project FMA JS - Good mod
福利吧小助手 JS - 一个用于增强福利吧功能的油猴脚本,提供链接提取、界面美化、编解码等功能。
SankakuComplex - Removes carousel JS - Remove the carousel at the top of the page
Pornolab Preloaded Preview JS - Preloads and dynamically displays preview images below links, avoiding duplicate previews. Implements fallback to the next image if the first fails to load. Includes debug mode.
Best Tricksplit, Doublesplit, and Feeding Macros + Auto Settings + Triplesplit Macro JS - Sets show mass and dark theme to true, provides a tricksplit with E or 4, triplesplit with 3, doublesplit with D or 2, faster feeding with Q, and split with 1
匿名版.草榴 JS - try to take over the world!
Agar Copy & Paste JS - Copy leaderboard names, cell names and your score straight from the game! Mod made by Turtle ? Clan
八度点击标题下载种子 JS - 八度点击标题下载种子脚本
Xhamster Helper - Spam user indicator + infos about DELETED Users v.51 JS - The SPAM indicator is now (with the New Xhamster design) the only useful infos
grim's exhentai popular right now JS - add an iframe for g.e-hentai
antizapret.info links JS - Adds hyperlinks to the blocked pages for your very important browsing purposes
合肥考试系统 JS - try to take over the world!
HentaiLx Downloader JS - Download manga on hentaiLx.com
nHentai Downloader JS - Download manga on nHentai.net
No Dick-Pics Reddit /r/gonewild JS - No Dick-Pics in /r/gonewild
Always Mobile xHamster JS - Switches to Mobile Version
去除hitomi.la的点击限制-remove_hitomi.la_flash JS - hitomi.la会时不时在页面上覆盖一层flash导致我们无法点击链接,本脚本通过去除这个flash来使页面可以被点击
javbus.waterfall JS - Infinite scroll @ javbus.com
Better Danbooru Artist Search JS - Improve URL handling within the Danbooru artist search engine and automatically navigate to unambiguous wiki page.
自动开始磁力链下载 JS - 鼠标选中哈希值(散列),会自动进行相应的磁力链接下载
javlibrary.com 优化脚本 JS - javlibrary.com网站优化脚本,浏览图片内容更方便,你懂的
HV 物品汉化V3 JS - zh-cn
Endless E-hentai Pages JS - View e-hentai searches, thumbnails, and images on a single endless page.
KasperAgar customes macro JS - Be the best macro
E-Hentai Highlighter-Mod JS - Highlighter for E-Hentai (e-hentai.org/exhentai.org). Supports regular expressions.
oshioki notifecation JS - おしおき支援ソフト第1弾 発展場情報の板が自動更新します。 ついでに音でお知らせします。
Agario more features JS - Color code enemy cells. Enable zoom. Show borders, opponent size, minimap
gfy ignore list JS - block threads, posts, etc from certain users
4shared.com Free Downloader (NextWap) JS - Auto Generate to www.nextwap.net. thanks @Shivesh96
PornoLab.net Thumbnail Expander JS - Automatically unfolds spoilers and replaces thumbnails with full sized images while removing thumbnails linking to adware.
HV - Item World Cost Calculator JS - Calculates various numbers related to IW service
Penis for Twitter JS - Replaces the "Favorite" heart by a penis.
handsoff JS - 解放双手,空格暂停,回车播放
Disable Fixed Header JS - Changes the CSS of the header of http://tsumino.com on doujin pages from "fixed" to "absolute".
Chaturbate Easy Tipping JS - Adds a new tipping popup and modifies the existing one
nijie ajax bookmark and favorite command JS - nijieでブックマークとユーザーのお気に入り登録をページ遷移なく行う(nijie ajax bookmark and favorite)
コイツにブチミる JS - うおおおおおおおおおおおおあああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああ!!!!!!!!!!! (ブリブリブリブリュリュリュリュリュリュ!!!!!!ブツチチブブブチチチチブリリイリブブブブゥゥゥゥッッッ!!!!!!!)
antiwomen JS - userscript для АБФ
Mutik's DotD Script for ArmorGames JS - Script which makes raids management a lot easier
OGARio by szymy JS - Agar.io Unofficial Polish MOD (EN)
Google Expert Search JS - Add many other hidden (only available in text) functionality to the basic search: file extension filter (video, text document, presentation, datasheets, audio search ...), site filter (video streaming, file share sites, anime streaming sites ...) and all popular file share link search, customizable categories and many more improvements. Check the site for tips and more information: http://googlescript.blogspot.com Contact: pogisti@gmail.com
1337x torrent cover view JS - poster shower
Xtube Enhancer - Animated Thumbnails, Inline Video Loading, and Sponsor/Premium-Free Videos JS - Animates thumbnails, inlines video loading, and cleans up sponsored content
ErogameScape Remove Uid JS - エロゲー批評空間のレビューをユーザー条件で非表示
Dipmotes JS - more like shitmotes amirite
CL115离线助手 JS - 115离线助手 for 1024
Adultddl Sweet Captcha Solver JS - Automatically solve the sweetcaptcha on adultddl.ws on a single post page
XTube Hide Sponsor Videos JS - Hides all videos from the users "xtubehouse", xtube_sponsor, xxxvids
Cityvibe Enhancer JS - Increases the image sizes of slideshows and main profile image and adds keybindings for slideshow and escort navigation.
Alabout Direct Link JS - Strips jump page.
RecoPoringa. JS - Recomienda posts en Poringa!
Загрузка скринов из раздачи для pornolab.net JS - Загрузка скринов из раздачи
CL_autoReply JS - 草榴新手自动回复
Wide ExHentai JS - Wide ExHentai.org - support for wide 1920px monitors
Handy ExHentai JS - Handy ExHentai.org
directGelF JS - direct link to all gelbooru images in search results+
CL.18P2P.SIS_MultiPage_smilies JS - 草榴、18P2P和SIS自由定制分页化表情
18p2p_faceText JS - 18p2p颜文字输入
18P2P_autothanks JS - 18P2P自动感谢
18P2P thanks by one_click JS - 18P2P一键感谢
4chan cap helper JS - hides posts that are not selected with the tickbox, for capping
ShadeRoot 4Chan JS - Eye-friendly magic in your browser for 4Chan
Eza's Gallery Smoothener JS - Removes unimportant links below thumbnails, so select -> right-click -> open-links-in-new-tabs works cleanly.
dlEHAuto JS - English: Add a download button with white arrow icon and green background on each link in the gallery list page of e-hentai gallery and ex-hentai. Click on it will download the archive of this gallery without payment confirm. Click on the "Archive Download" link on the galleary page will also start the automatic download progress. 中文:在易恒泰画廊以及EX的列表页中,在每一行作品链接后添加一个绿底白箭头,点击这个链接会进入自动下载压缩文件流程(不会询问是否确认支付C,GP等),另外,在每一个作品页,以点击下载压缩文件的操作启动自动下载压缩文件的流程(不询问是否确认支付同上)
Dynasty Thingifier JS - Adds post links and quote stuff to Dynasty forums
SEEMH.NET image list JS - Lists all images in a chapter/volume
TGSscript JS - Memes
gelbooru-popup-preview JS - Enables pop-up image previews for Gelbooru searches.