OGARio by szymy JS - Agar.io Unofficial Polish MOD (EN)
Google Expert Search JS - Add many other hidden (only available in text) functionality to the basic search: file extension filter (video, text document, presentation, datasheets, audio search ...), site filter (video streaming, file share sites, anime streaming sites ...) and all popular file share link search, customizable categories and many more improvements. Check the site for tips and more information: http://googlescript.blogspot.com Contact: [email protected]
1337x torrent cover view JS - poster shower
Streamate Fullscreen Link JS - Adds a full screen link to Streamate cam profiles
Xchan Gold Alpha JS - Experimental script to enhance xchan.pw
XVIDEOS Customised Features JS - Adds some features: is video on favorites, download button, video player in thumbnail...
Empornium Show All Spoilers JS - Show all spoilers on the page all the time
Empornium Toggle All Spoilers JS - Toggle all spoilers on the page at the same time
琉璃神社老司机 JS - Don't panic.
Gelbooru KonaStyle JS - Change gelbooru.com theme to darker, similar to konachan style. Added filtration image options, images with blacklist tags will be remove from search result. Also adden upvote&downvote button to preview page. Added buttons to hide submenu and red message in header.
Create Download Links for HACG JS - 琉璃神社神秘代码转换成下载链接
Direct Image Link Multi JS - Переработка переработки переработки Zendillo's Gelbooru Thumb to Image script. Показывает прямые ссылки под эскизами
Vinesauce+ JS - Vinesauce Chat Integration via Chatango
去除CL1024需要插件提醒 JS - 去除1024论坛 播放在线视频需要安装插件的提示
www.hardsextube.com JS - Changeing video and thumb size - dynamicaly, little key navigation.
tubenn.com - 16 porn sites in one script JS - Navigation menu - Layout ' Change bigger better, dynamic autochange -tubenn.com, yamtube.com, yamtube.net, hdporn1080.net, yomporn.com, womporn.com, tubeuu.com, tubekk.com, wixvi.com, wixvi.so, hotpornohd.com, hotpornohd.com, www.vdep.net, kcce.com, streampornhd.com, www.porntoast.tk
iafd.com RUSSIAN (русская версия) JS - Русский перевод сайта iafd.com
www.lfporn.com JS - A good pornsite - got even better.
G.E/EX Keyboard Navigation JS - Adds many keyboard shortcuts, such as: thumbnail navigation, quick site search.
E-H Auto Note Favourites JS - Fills the notes section with the gallery's tags
Sort Bounties By Reward JS - Sort bounties by reward
Close ME by MHK JS - Close PopUp Advertising !!
Chaturbate exhibitionists - show only women (shemale / couple) online JS - Filter gender on the amateur site: http://chaturbate.com/exhibitionist-cams
nijie auto login JS - nijieのログイン画面に行くと、自動でメールとパスワードを入力してログインします。
Realtime Auction Countdown Timer JS - Show realtime countdown timers next to all auction threads in the WTS forum
EH Endless JS - Endless EH Page
Unlimited Paginator Works JS - Makes any(?) page with a paginator on various Danbooru clones "bottomless"--blend pages together or separate each with a paginator.
4chan Gallery JS - Adds board title, catalog, images, download, and style to the top bar.
Force Flash Wmode JS - Force flash video playback to use wmode direct to allow hardware acceleration
E-Hentai Grep JS - Searches forum posts for lines that match given string patterns
Pinned Threads Remover for the E-Hentai Forums JS - Hide Pinned Threads in the E-Hentai Forums
a button to search only no translated files for g.hentai(E-Hentai) JS - Create a button to search only no translated files for g.hentai(E-Hentai)
custom DLSite linker JS - Changes RJ/Exxxxxx numbers to links to DLSite
imgwet-captcha JS - Resolve ImgWet captcha
EhTagBuilder JS - Build EhTagTranslater from Wiki.
EH to ExH JS - Redirects to ExH if EH gallery is unavailable
EhTagBuilder JS - Build EhTagTranslater from Wiki.
BEST ALL NEW AGAR.IO MOD JS - Sets show mass and dark theme to true, provides a tricksplit with E or 4, triplesplit with 3, doublesplit with D or 2, faster feeding with Q, and split with 1
Rule34.xxx: Date Fixer (MM-DD-YY) JS - Changes all dates on Rule34.xxx to a MM-DD-YY format
Rule34.xxx: Date Fixer (DD-MM-YY) JS - Changes all dates on Rule34.xxx to a DD-MM-YY format
RARBBG - Full size mouseover JS - Shows the full poster on mouse over instead of the thumbnail.
TopfaceRemover JS - Remove popup messages from topface
hacg.* ? JS - 司机工具
TrophyManager - Super Club Squad JS - Show ASI on Club Squad page
[Konachan / yande.re / LB] Avatar: Storage JS - Lets you save a list of avatars in your browser's local storage for later use. Save avatars from the "Set avatar" page. Avatars are accessible from the "Profile" and "Set Avatar" pages. Drag avatars to reorder. Click on avatars for options.
CH Redirect JS - Fixes blank pages showing up on the Australian College Humour site.
Kona-chan cleanup JS - A small userscript to ease to browsing of konachan.net
ExtendXVideos JS - Remove ads, enlarge video, auto-centre video & block pop-ups
visited_dynasty JS - Short and dumb userscript for highlighting visited links on Dynasty-scans.com. Nothing else.
222号巴士通票 JS - 巴士通票,一票在手,天下我有。无论是VIP限制,还是两个小时限制,统统无视。
exhentai flow viewer JS - This scripts helps you to view a gallery in a single page, from up to down.
Ov+Mhod's Macro JS - Fastest W-Feeding, , (D) Doublesplit Macro, (A) Max Split, and More to be Added!
E(X)Hentai Helper JS - Links between E-Hentai and ExHentai page, and also links user to ExHentai automatically if gallery is "removed" and adds "view later" function
Chan & Idol Sankaku Video Helper JS - Resize HTML5 Player's width, disable autoplay, show control panel, set volume in 1%.
仓库 HTTPS 图片 JS - 把部分白名单域名内的图片更换为 https。
FetLife Common Fetishes JS - Display shared fetishes in bold
Trophy Value Calculator JS - Calculate the total value of trophies based on jenga201's buying prices
EXHentai random gallery selector JS - adds links to random page and gallery on search pages
Equipment Popup for MoogleMail JS - Press "c" to open the equipment popup of the attached equipment in a new tab.
HV - Average Price Calculator for MoogleMail JS - Shows the average price of items attached to a letter at the bottom of the body section.
E-Hentai Gallery Overview - How Rich Am I? JS - Shows how many Credits/Hath/GP you have, and displays exchange rate of Hath under the Overview tab
二次元画像詳細検索をより便利に JS - 二次元画像詳細検索に便利な機能を追加する
LargeBooru JS - Increases the thumbnail size for Danbooru
[Konachan / yande.re] Images: Remove Tags from Filenames JS - Removes the tags from filenames for all images and image links. The resulting filnames will still contain the site and post #.
www.xvideos.com II JS - enter something useful
X-Hamster JS - Keyboard driven changing layout, full browser player with ability to re-size, remove auto-play, auto-scroll to video, bigger thumbs
HV Lottery Prize Reminder 2 (lite version) JS - Show the grand prizes of daily lotteries on the left bottom of the screen
Auto Recover All JS - This script automatically clicks the "Recover all" button when a battle has finished.
Manga cleaner & loader JS - img:click/arrow-key, back:top-left, width:top-right/w-key, load:bottom-right, remove crap
FapFun JS - Userscript for Motherless.com. Provide direct links for pictures and video files. Download all Images on one site with DownThemAll(firefox) or Download Master(Chrome).
Image Remover for the E-Hentai Forums JS - Removes specified images in the E-Hentai forums
Color Empornium Highest Seeds JS - Color codes torrents with highest seeds
InfoInSidebar JS - Add sidebar with torrent info from top info box
Chaturbate Better Full Screen JS - Adds a better full screen view that has the chat.
Sankakucomplex old link replacer JS - Replaces the old sankakustatic links (Images) with the current sankakucomplex adresses
Hentai Haven - Anti-Adblock Killer JS - Circumvents the Anti-Adblock on Hentai Haven.
Reimu Unhide JS - Unhide hidden content
Chaturbate Pink JS - Remove Ads From Chaturbate And Choose Your Own Color Theme
灵梦御所-老司机 JS - old driver
Etag JS - 将e绅士页面TAG换成中文
HACG to Magnet JS - Wow so HACG!
E-Hentai/Exhentai Galleries Sortable Front/Search Page Table + 2 New Columns: Length & Size JS - Script adds two new columns to table on front/search page, size in MB and length, both are using the EH API. Script also makes columns in table sortable by clicking on column name.
Always Your Derpibooru JS - Automatically redirects you to the Derpibooru domain of your choice when linked to a different domain.
jemontre JS - Disable ad-popup on "jememontre" sites
DW discretion bypass JS - auto bypass Dreamwidth warning screen
byfandom blog link JS - insert link to your own blog
PH.com JS - Remove ads, enlarges video, stops autoplay keeping buffering & block pop-ups from pornhub.com
E-Hentai Menu On Top JS - Copy gallery menu on the bottom to top
Ileca's Fap Viewer JS - Fap hand in hand with Ileca for a better tomorrow.
ExHentai 多功能按钮 JS - 在搜索栏旁添加按钮,点击后在搜索内容后自动加 " l:chinese$" 并执行搜索
Add Links back to IP2Always JS - Add old links back to IP2Always
javbus 快捷键 JS - 使用说明:下载封面:alt+s 复制番号:alt+c
NoChaturbateTippingSounds JS - Disables the annoying tipping sounds on the cam girls website of chaturbate.com. Note that those sounds would still be heard via the girl's microphone.
M-Team Legacy Preview JS - Show original image on hover for M-Team
Danbooru Ajax Interface JS - New interface to search images on Booru-style sites.
Blacklist and Whitelist of Forum Threads for the E-Hentai Forums JS - Blacklists and whitelists specified forum threads, plus various tweaks.
去除CL1024需要插件提醒 JS - 去除1024论坛 播放在线视频需要安装插件的提示
FirstLatvianFusker Gridview JS - Displays First Latvian Fusker galleries in a gridview and removes ads
[Konachan] Delete Post: Increase "Reason" Box Length JS - Increases the size of the text input box when deleting a post. This also increases the size of the auto-completion dropdown list.