Play stripchat or chaturbate videos with potplayer,vlc,nplayer,mpv, etc V2 JS - Play stripchat or chaturbate videos with potplayer,vlc,nplayer,mpv, etc.
r34.app premium JS - Enable "premium" features on r34.app
Scroll Element Into View on rule34.xxx JS - Scrolls into view either the element with the id "image" or "gelcomVideoPlayer" on rule34.xxx
115Rename2024 JS - 115改名称(根据现有的文件名<番号>查询并修改文件名)
色华堂列表显示预览图 JS - 色华堂列表显示预览图,无需点进详情页查看
JAV cover picture + video preview JS - yase.one、JavDB、JavBus、JavLibrary avmoo.cyou、JAV cover picture + video preview
pornhub自动续播 JS - 自动选择下方第一个视频续播
Hitomi Language Settings JS - Change all language page to specific language result page.
PornHub NoSubscribeRefresh JS - PornHub No Subscribe Refresh
98tang一键推送下载到115与115cookie登录 JS - 根据98tang特定元素插入按钮并一键推送下载到115与115cookie登录,支持bot与web下载
MTean 苹果壳 - 图片预览瀑布流(延迟加载) JS - MT 增加开关选项和图片预览瀑布流布局,延迟加载修复初始化问题(2025-01-29)
【修复版】Javlibrary - 首页一站式影片预览 JS - 在 Javlibrary 首页就能直接预览影片。会缓存影片相关信息,下次可直接使用。可搜索番号或前缀。支持轻量的 torrentkitty 磁力搜索展示。
Magnet-Peek 磁力预览 JS - 使用 whatslink.info 预览磁力内容
98手机网页版搜索助手 JS - 98手机网页版搜索助手..
JAV Library Sukebei Link JS - A a link to search on Sukebei from a JAV Library video.
Redgifs video immersive JS - video full height in redgifs
Sniffies Ad Block and UI Enhance JS - Remove ads from map and chat menu, also enhances UI by removing unnecessary stuff
Disable Censorship JS - Disable censorship on a webpage
Recurbate download JS - Adds a download button for each video on recurbate.com/cc
Kemono image download (Kemono 下载工具) self edited JS - Files 내 이미지 다운로드만 지원됩니다
草飞pixiv浏览记录会员限制 JS - 狠狠破解pixiv让你可以使用一些会员的功能
Erome Download JS - Enable Download on Erome Albums
Skip First 3 Seconds of Pornhub Videos JS - Automatically skip the first 3 seconds of every video on Pornhub when it starts playing.
Rule34Video 2160p y 1080p Filter (Optimized) JS - Filtra videos 2160p y 1080p en Rule34Video, ocultando los que no coinciden con la calidad seleccionada.
XXXClub Thumbnails Expander and Higher Resolution Loader JS - Make thumbnails always visible, larger, and replace with high-res images
e621 tag extract JS - add a button on post page that list all tags joined by comma, I hope you find it somewhat helpful in AI image prompts with https://t.me/makefoxbot. :)
tianteng JS - 各种开车网站的优化,javbus,javlib
Javdb 优质影片高亮 JS - 基于评分和播放量数据对 Javdb 的优质影片增加高亮背景色,加快浏览速度
OnlyFans and Privacy Lookup JS - Adds a magnifying glass button to search models on Simpcity.su directly from OnlyFans and Privacy.com pages.
FilterLife - Fetlife Member Filter JS - Filter member lists on FL to your liking
Fanvue Image Download JS - directly download images from fanvue
E-hentai Image Viewer 水果玉米系列 JS - e-hentai image viewer
Play-With-MPV JS - 使用 mpv 播放网页中的视频,并支持 potplayer 及自定义播放器
第一会所另存文本 JS - 在右上角添加一个连接另存文本
monsnode autoplay JS - When a video is selected, it automatically clicks the destination video URL and plays it automatically
Exhentai Cookie登录 JS - 输入cookie后点击空白处登录
91porny 高清跳转HD to Normal View Redirect JS - Redirect from HD view to normal view on 91porny.com
EroThots Show Video Link JS - append video source URL below video element
色花堂 98堂 强化脚本 JS - 加强论坛功能
Remove Blacklisted Images with Sidebar JS - Adds a sidebar to manage and display blacklisted tags and hides or shows images based on the blacklist on rule34.xxx.
南 + 自动跳转到主域名 JS - 避免需要重复登录,自动跳转到主域名桌面版
98堂搜索结果过滤 JS - 去除隐藏内容的帖子
Youtube AdBlock JS - Change the title and icon of *specific* websites
xzan9's Deadshot.io Aimbot Helper JS - Adds Aimbot feature to Deadshot.io with a professional UI. Made by xzan9. Press B to enable Aimbot.
rule34utils JS - 2024-09-05T13:20:34.365Z
Search Fakku Doujin with Schale Network Mirrors JS - Extracts title and searches on Schale Network mirrors (NiyaNiya, Seia, Shupogaki, Hoshino). Marks Koharu and Seia as inactive in red color.
fc2ppvdb.com to Sukebei Search 2 JS - Add Sukebei search links to fc2ppvdb
ReHike Fixes 4 SYTARB JS - Hides the .player-unavailable element on age-restricted videos
V2PH Album Downloader JS - Album Downloader for v2ph.com. After logging in and opening the album page, click the "Download all images" option in the script menu to start downloading.
Pornhub Video Download Helper JS - get videos of pornhub.com
Exhentai Archive Download Button JS - Add a button to download the original, resampled archive or use H@H directly from the search page on ExHentai or E-Hentai. The download is simply a shortcut for the normal download process, so it still consumes GP and follows the same rules.
missav.com Improved JS - Infinite scroll (optional). Filter by duration, include/exclude phrases
OnlyFakes easy prompt copy JS - Simply click on the images to copy the prompt
[E/Ex]Switch JS - E/Ex-Hentai switch
Jable修改页面 JS - 该脚本修改Jable页面,使视频标题不再被隐藏,完整显示。
国区Steam显示成人内容选项 JS - 自动去除account_setting_not_customer_facing这一class使得成人内容选项可以展示,并添加描述内容
阻止js脚本运行 JS - 这个脚本用于阻止指定的 JavaScript 文件在特定网站上运行。
LOLICON Wide Hentai JS - Full width E-Hentai and Exhentai, dynamically adjusting the page width, also allows you to adjust the size and margins of the thumbnails, infinite scroll to automatically load the next page
Danbooru Strip JS - Strip Danbooru images with your mouse
Nhentai Search on Exhentai JS - Adds a button on NHentai that allows to search for the same manga on Exhentai.
123AV修改页面 JS - 让网页标题自动换行显示
GBT scroller-coaster (GBTSC) JS - [BETA] Infinity scrolling for videos (main, search, channels) & photos (photos, search, channels)
Bus论坛助手 JS - 将页面中的磁力链接转换为可点击的超链接,并将番号转换为当前网站的超链接
草榴社区显示列表预览图 JS - 草榴社区显示列表预览图,仅针对 t66y.com 域名有效
LPSG Video Unlocker JS - Automatically unlocks and enhances your LPSG browsing experience
Enhance Compact Color Coded ExHentai & g.E-Hentai Tags Preview JS - When you hover over a gallery it shows the tags, pink for female blue for male, shows number of pages, working with EXVisited Infinite Scroll.
E站里站授权登录 JS - 检测Exhentai是否为白屏,支持官网授权登录和手动停止刷新
E站里站授权登录 - GitHub OAuth 回调处理 JS - 处理 GitHub OAuth 回调
Redgifs - Autoscroll JS - Allow you to view the videos on Redgifs sequentially without the need to scroll yourself. Currently works on all the pages with videos only on them, one by one (you may need to change the view).
MissAV video shows full title JS - Show full title on the video list page
542372.com免费看 JS - try to take over the world!
Stripchat Live Model Search JS - Limits Stripchat's model search to live models. Also sorts results by model name.
JavDB Filter JS - JavDB 过滤插件,用于过滤不感兴趣的标签、演员等
GitHub 反代理访问 JS - Automatically redirect github.com to a specified domain
Play Stripchat via PotPlayer, VLC, nPlayer, etc JS - Play Stripchat videos using external players like PotPlayer, VLC, and nPlayer.
Bypass Xhamster Age Verification JS - Allows you to skip the new age verification implemented by Xhamster.
98定位资源位置 JS - 在页面上添加一个按钮,点击后连续滚动到定位资源位置
一键转种至 fsm JS - 目前支持:馒头/emp/pb/ptt/exo/kamept/kufirc/bitporn/ilolicon/rousi/nicept/kelu/happyfappy (适配更新后的馒头 启用脚本后需要设置馒头的TOKEN)
JavDB图片下载 JS - Download all images from a JavDB gallery page
Javtrailers_HD JS - javtrailers.com 加载高清预告片
PH_Downloader JS - pornhub.com
Remove adds Ad JS - Eliminates the annoying ad to pay premiun every time you enter the page.
rule4video移除广告 JS - ttt
AS mmd cleanup JS - This script is to clean up the spam in the Anime sharing MMD sharethread.
Sniffies Saved Phrases JS - Adds an overlay for quick phrase selection and user blocking on Sniffies.com
Captura de pantalla en webcomicgamma.takeshobo.co.jp JS - Toma una captura de pantalla del elemento #content-pX en webcomicgamma.takeshobo.co.jp
Missav keeps playing JS - Let videos keeps playing after losing focus
JavDB Watched Marker JS - 自动标记看过的影片
JavDB Exporter plus JS - 导出 想看、看过、清单 | Export Want, watched, list
Kemono Video Linker & Image Loader JS - Turns the video name into a clickable link, and automatically loads image previews.
CL_autoReply JS - 草榴新手自动回复
Wide ExHentai JS - Wide ExHentai.org - support for wide 1920px monitors
directGelF JS - direct link to all gelbooru images in search results+
CL.18P2P.SIS_MultiPage_smilies JS - 草榴、18P2P和SIS自由定制分页化表情
18p2p_faceText JS - 18p2p颜文字输入
18P2P_autothanks JS - 18P2P自动感谢
18P2P thanks by one_click JS - 18P2P一键感谢
4chan cap helper JS - hides posts that are not selected with the tickbox, for capping
Agar Copy & Paste JS - Copy leaderboard names, cell names and your score straight from the game! Mod made by Turtle ? Clan