E-Hentai Downloader

Download E-Hentai archive as zip file

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645 5 0
11. 06. 2015
25. 10. 2024
510,9 KB
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GitHub: https://github.com/ccloli/E-Hentai-Downloader


  • Firefox > GreaseMonkey 3.2 beta2+ | Tampermonkey 4.0.5054+ | Violentmonkey 2.8.18+
  • Chrome > Tampermonkey 3.5.3630+
  • Opera 15+ > Tampermonkey BETA 3.5.3630+ | Violentmonkey (not sure which version)
  • Maxthon > Violentmonkey (not sure which version)
  • Microsoft Edge > Tampermonkey 4.2.5284.0+ > You must upgrade your Windows 10 to 14393 which supports Edge extension.
  • Safari 10.1+ > Tampermonkey 4.3.5421+ > You must upgrade your macOS to 10.12.4 which supports download attribute of <a>.
  • Yandex Browser for Android > Tampermonkey 4.2.5291+ > Anyway it's not a good idea to use it on mobile with limited RAM resources, but it can work, so it's up to you ;-)


  • If you are using the latest Tampermonkey Beta, or received a warning of "A userscript wants to access a cross-origin resource" from Tampermonkey, please Allow All or turn off "@connect-src mode" at setting page. For more info, see details here
  • Some versions of Safari don't support blob URL, so we removed it from supports list
  • Dolphin Browser doesn't support blob URL, so this script cannot run in Tampermonkey for Dolphin
  • ViolentMonkey doesn't support timeout, final URL and download progress
  • ViolentMonkey doesn't support GM_setValue & GM_getValue, so settings are storaged in LocalStorage
  • Opera 12- doesn't support blob URL, and if generate as data URL, it may cause crashes, so removed support
  • TrixIE (for IE) is too old and its GM_xhr cannot handle large content, so removed support
  • Single-thread download mode is removed in 1.18, if you need it, roll back to old version
  • Google Chrome can enable storing files into File System to handle larger Zip file in 1.18
  • E-Hentai Image Viewing Limits