E(x)-Hentai CompactSearch

Compacts the search into the topbar, saving vertical space.

Verze ze dne 22. 03. 2015. Zobrazit nejnovější verzi.

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01. 06. 2014
22. 03. 2015
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Simple userscript that compacts the search into the topbar.
This also converts the topbar into one that supports dropdown menus.

Original Topbar/Search:

New Topbar/Search:

New Topbar/Search showing dropdowns:

Known issues:
Script does not work on ul. subdomains. (This is somewhat intentional, as localStorage cannot be shared across subdomains)
There is a slight delay before the compactsearch will show. I will see about fixing this for a later release.

Version history:
v1.2.0 - Userscripts.org release. (Commit: a575b1276ee06145a50b41038f1bd6426f42ee27)
v1.2.1 - Use default colors, instead of forcing them. (Commit: d65f304798ddfd5627e7d35ac0a6124fcd9238e1)
v1.2.2 - Fix colors/links. (Commit: 60de5da14c59664366329e591129e14ef3f7bac8)
v1.2.3 - Make sure options load properly on non-search pages. (Commit: ba3306eef73f79beb98f7e417010425b3dae2bec)
v1.3.0 - Fixed jQuery load check + Added button to left of search which adds the "english" tag to the front of the list. (Commit: N/A)
v1.3.1 - Fixed button being resized to an unclickable size. (Commit: f5cae3915e906834378e1581a4dcfbf69a28b403)

Additional tags (Due to GreasyFork lacking an actual tag system):
exhentai e-hentai ehentai exhentai.org g.e-hentai.org e-hentai.org sadpanda