Gelbooru Image Viewer

Adds a fullscreen image view option when you click on images

Verze ze dne 19. 03. 2017. Zobrazit nejnovější verzi.

0 0 0
18. 11. 2016
19. 03. 2017
20,6 KB
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Controls with keyboard:
 └ Press Tab to navigate to images then press Enter to bring up the image viewer in a post list
   └┬ Left Arrow: Previous image
    ├ Right Arrow / Spacebar: Next image
    ├ Up Arrow: Open the current image's post view webpage
    └ Down arrow: Close the viewer

Controls with mouse:
 └ Click on images to bring up the image viewer in a post list
   └┬ Click again to close the viewer
    ├ Mousewheel Press: Open menu, fades out after a second
    │ └┬ Open in Current Tab
    │  └ Open in New Tab
    ├ Mousewheel Up: Previous image
    └ Mousewheel Down: Next Image

Slideshow controls:
 ├ Hover over the play button in the bottom right corner to bring up the options
 │ └┬ Loop: Play continuously
 │  ├ Shuffle: Next image is random (Loop is assumed to be checked in)
 │  └ Interval: Seconds to wait after an image loaded
 └ Click on the play button to start the slideshow
   ├ Click on the image to stop the slideshow
   ├ Click on the pause button to pause the slideshow
   └ Press Enter during a running slideshow to pause it

Userscript menu option:
 └ Current Image mode
   └┬ Sample only: load the sample image of higher resolution ones if available
    └ Always original size: ignore samples

Compatible and designed to work with Gelbooru Endless Scroll