Danbooru hover preview

hover over pics to preview them à la 4chan X

Seznam všech verzí skriptu. Zobrazit pouze verze, při kterých došlo ke změně v kódu.

  • v7 06. 10. 2023

    Actually fixed the wrong image issue (hopefully)

  • v6 01. 10. 2023

    Changed ajax requests to be asynchronous (fixes preview getting stuck on the wrong image in Firefox)

  • v5 20. 03. 2022

    Added mutation observer, fixing incompatibility with Unlimited Paginator Works.

  • v4 10. 03. 2022

    Fixed autocomplete breaking if using Tampermonkey or Violentmonkey.

  • v3 20. 12. 2021

    Updated to work with the new layout

  • v2 27. 11. 2020 Made it work correctly in Firefox and Chrome
  • v1 03. 05. 2020