Script to switch recommended works on pixiv to show only R-18 works

allows you to display only R-18 works in the recommended works at the bottom of the artwork page.

Seznam verzí skriptu, při kterých došlo ke změnám v kódu. Zobrazit všechny verze.

  • v0.5.7 07. 07. 2021

    Fixed obsolete permission names

  • v0.5.6.1 08. 06. 2021

    Remove stupid console.log("hi");

  • v0.5.6 02. 06. 2021

    Minor fixes
    *R-18 only mode is not turned on when viewing illusts that contain several R-18 works in the recommendations section.
    *Timing for displaying messages when viewing non R-18 works.

  • v0.5.5 23. 04. 2021
  • v0.5.5 23. 04. 2021

    small fix

  • v0.5.4 20. 04. 2021

    Fixed an issue where the selected mode would be turned off after clicking on a link in the work.
    Added a message to be displayed when viewing a non-R-18 work.

  • v0.5.3 01. 04. 2021

    small fix

  • v0.5.2 15. 03. 2021

    No more bringing out the bazooka to simply hide the element.
    Rewrite the poor code to make it bearable.

  • v0.5.1 08. 03. 2021

    Change behavior not to erase entire recommended works when viewing not R-18 works.
    Update description.

  • v0.5.0.1 08. 01. 2021 Change GPL link to https
  • v0.5.0 06. 01. 2021