DMM.R18/mono/dvd tweak for non-member: show big cover, preload sample picture, local wishlist, remove member functions...

  1. // ==UserScript==
  2. // @name DMMGirl
  3. // @namespace null
  4. // @description DMM.R18/mono/dvd tweak for non-member: show big cover, preload sample picture, local wishlist, remove member functions...
  5. // @version 1.1.2
  6. // @grant GM_addStyle
  7. // @include*
  8. // @include*
  9. // @include*
  10. // @include*
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  12. var detail = {
  13. videoEnable: false,
  14. init: function(c) {
  15. GM_addStyle(' \
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  23. this.showCover();
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  26. //==Add preload radio button==
  27. addPreloadRadio: function(c) {
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  34. link.addEventListener('click', this.onPreloadSample, false);
  35. headline.appendChild(link);
  36. headline.appendChild(document.createTextNode('Preload '));
  37. if(c) {
  39. }
  40. }
  41. },
  42. //==Preload previews==
  43. onPreloadSample: function() {
  44. this.removeEventListener('click', detail.onPreloadSample, false);
  45. var sample = document.getElementsByName('sample-image'); //
  46. var block = document.getElementById('sample-image-block');
  47. var newblock = document.createElement('div');
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  56. block.parentNode.replaceChild(newblock, block);
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  59. checkVideo: function() {
  60. var video = document.getElementById('sample-video');
  61. if(video.lastElementChild.tagName === 'NOSCRIPT') {
  62. this.videoEnable = true;
  63. }
  64. },
  65. //==Show big cover==
  66. showCover: function() {
  67. var sample = document.getElementsByClassName('float-l mg-b20 mg-r12')[0];
  68. var img = document.getElementsByClassName('tdmm')[0];
  69. img.src = img.src.replace('ps.jpg', 'pl.jpg');
  70. removeChildren(sample);
  71. sample.className = 'mg-b20 mg-r12';
  72. sample.appendChild(img);
  73. },
  74. replaceRcolumn: function(c) {
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  77. = 'infot';
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  79. tbody.removeChild(tbody.lastElementChild);
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  81. if(review) {
  82. var star = tbody.lastElementChild.lastElementChild;
  83. var vote = document.getElementsByClassName('overview')[0];
  84. if(vote && star.lastElementChild) {
  85. star.lastElementChild.innerHTML = '(' + vote.firstElementChild.lastElementChild.innerHTML + ')';
  86. } else {
  87. star.lastElementChild.innerHTML = '(0)';
  88. }
  89. if(c) {
  90. review.parentNode.removeChild(review);
  91. }
  92. }
  93. var box = document.getElementsByClassName('bx-option mg-t20')[0];
  94. if(box) {
  95. box.parentNode.removeChild(box);
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  98. if(tag) {
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  100. }
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  103. removeChildren(rcolumn);
  104. var div = document.createElement('div');
  105. = 'mybox';
  106. var add = document.createElement('a');
  107. add.textContent = 'Add to Wishlist';
  108. add.addEventListener('click', this.onAddWish, false);
  109. var view = document.createElement('a');
  110. view.href = '/top/-/error/area/';
  111. view.textContent = 'View Wishlist';
  112. var search = document.createElement('a');
  113. search.href = '' + getCid(location.pathname, true)[0];
  114. = '_blank';
  115. search.textContent = 'Google It';
  116. div.appendChild(add);
  117. div.appendChild(view);
  118. div.appendChild(search);
  119. rcolumn.appendChild(div);
  120. rcolumn.appendChild(info);
  121. rcolumn.appendChild(desc);
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  123. rcolumn.appendChild(another);
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  125. var ad = document.getElementsByClassName('mg-b12 center')[0];
  126. ad.parentNode.removeChild(ad);
  127. },
  128. //==Add to wishlist==
  129. onAddWish: function() {
  130. var tds = document.querySelectorAll('td.nw'); //[type,date,length,actress,director,series,maker,label,genre,cid]
  131. var date = tds[1].nextElementSibling;
  132. var actress = tds[3].nextElementSibling;
  133. var maker = tds[6].nextElementSibling;
  134. var cid = tds[9].nextElementSibling.innerHTML;
  135. var title = document.getElementById('title'); //get title
  136. var detail = date.innerHTML + '#' + actress.innerHTML + '#' + maker.innerHTML + '#' + title.innerHTML;
  137. localStorage.setItem(cid, detail);
  138. }
  141. };
  142. var list = {
  143. init: function() {
  144. var smallThumb = document.getElementsByClassName('img');
  145. for(var i = 0; i < smallThumb.length; i++) {
  146. smallThumb[i].firstElementChild.addEventListener('mouseover', this.onShowThumb, false);
  147. }
  148. var thumb = new Image();
  149. = 'hoverpic';
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  151. = 22;
  152. = 'none';
  153. thumb.addEventListener('mouseout', this.onRemoveThumb, false);
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  156. document.body.appendChild(a);
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  158. onShowThumb: function() {
  159. if('noimage') === -1) {
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  167. = 'block';
  168. thumb.parentNode.href = '/mono/dvd/-/detail/=/cid=' + getCid(this.src)[1] + '/';
  169. }
  170. },
  171. onRemoveThumb: function() {
  172. = 'none';
  173. this.src = null;
  174. this.parentNode.href = null;
  175. }
  176. };
  177. var wish = {
  178. dvd: [],
  179. sortType: ['cid', 'date', 'actress', 'maker'],
  180. init: function() {
  181. document.title = 'Wishlist';
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  193. <table> \
  194. <thead> \
  195. <tr> \
  196. <th width="3%">#</th> \
  197. <th width=15%">Cover</th> \
  198. <th width="30%" id="cid">CID</th> \
  199. <th width="17%" id="actress">Actress</th> \
  200. <th width="17%" id="maker">Maker</th> \
  201. <th width="14%" id="date">Date</th> \
  202. <th width="4%">X</th> \
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  218. by: function(type) {
  219. return function(a, b) {
  220. var c = a[type];
  221. var d = b[type];
  222. if(c === d) {
  223. return 0;
  224. }
  225. if(c < d) {
  226. return -1;
  227. } else {
  228. return 1;
  229. }
  230. };
  231. },
  232. createObj: function() {
  233. function Dvd(cid, date, actress, maker, title) {
  234. this.cid = cid;
  235. = date;
  236. this.actress = actress;
  237. this.maker = maker;
  238. this.title = title;
  239. }
  240. for(var i = 0, j = 0; i < localStorage.length; i++) {
  241. var cid = localStorage.key(i);
  242. if(cid[0] !== '#' && cid[0] !== '_' && cid.slice(0,3) !== 'cX_') {
  243. var info = localStorage[cid].split('#'); //Date[0]#Actress[1]#Maker[2]#Title[3]
  244. info[1] = info[1].replace(/></g, '><br /><');
  245. this.dvd[j] = new Dvd(cid, info[0], info[1], info[2], info[3]);
  246. j++;
  247. }
  248. }
  249. this.dvd.sort('date'));
  250. },
  251. fillTable: function() {
  252. for(var i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
  253. document.getElementById(this.sortType[i]).addEventListener('click', this.onSort, false);
  254. }
  255. var list = document.getElementById('wishlist');
  256. removeChildren(list);
  257. for(i = 0; i < this.dvd.length; i++) {
  258. var item = document.createElement('tr');
  259. item.innerHTML = ' \
  260. <td height="130">' + (i + 1) + '</td> \
  261. <td><img src="' + this.dvd[i].cid + '/' + this.dvd[i].cid + 'pt.jpg" /></td> \
  262. <td><a href="/mono/dvd/-/detail/=/cid=' + this.dvd[i].cid.replace(/so$/, '') + '/">' + this.dvd[i].cid + '<br /></a><p>' + this.dvd[i].title + '</p></td> \
  263. <td>' + this.dvd[i].actress + '</td> \
  264. <td name="maker">' + this.dvd[i].maker + '</td> \
  265. <td>' + this.dvd[i].date + '</td> \
  266. <td><a href="" onclick="localStorage.removeItem(\'' + this.dvd[i].cid + '\')">' + 'X' + '</a></td>';
  267. list.appendChild(item);
  268. }
  270. }
  271. };
  272. var fav = {
  273. menus: [],
  274. init: function() {
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  280. this.addLink();
  281. this.setMenu();
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  283. addLink: function() {
  284. var wishLink = document.createElement('a');
  285. wishLink.href = '/top/-/error/area/';
  286. wishLink.textContent = 'Wishlist';
  287. = '5px';
  288. var key = document.getElementsByClassName('popular-keyword')[0];
  289. key.appendChild(wishLink);
  290. = '-3em';
  291. },
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  294. this.label = label;
  295. this.key = key;
  296. }
  297. this.menus[0] = new Menu('Actress', 'actress');
  298. this.menus[1] = new Menu('Maker', 'maker');
  299. this.menus[2] = new Menu('Genre', 'keyword', '#GId', '#GName');
  300. for(var i = 0; i < this.menus.length; i++) {
  301. var type = this.menus[i].key[0];
  302. var id = '#' + type + 'ID';
  303. var name = '#' + type + 'NAME';
  304. var sid = localStorage.getItem(id);
  305. if(!sid) {
  306. localStorage.setItem(id, '[]');
  307. localStorage.setItem(name, '[]');
  308. } else {
  309. var idList = JSON.parse(sid);
  310. var nameList = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem(name));
  311. this.createMenu(this.menus[i].label, this.menus[i].key, idList, nameList);
  312. }
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  329. aSubmenu.textContent = name[i];
  330. liSubmenu.appendChild(aSubmenu);
  331. ulMenu.appendChild(liSubmenu);
  332. }
  333. }
  334. };
  335. var addfav = {
  336. init: function() {
  337. GM_addStyle(' \
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  341. #dropbox.over {border:2px solid #005FC0;}');
  342. this.addFav();
  343. },
  344. addFav: function() {
  345. var actress = document.getElementById('performer');
  346. var performer = actress.querySelectorAll('a');
  347. for(var c = 0 ; c < performer.length; c++) {
  348. actress.parentNode.insertBefore(performer[c], actress);
  349. }
  350. actress.parentNode.removeChild(actress);
  351. var tds = document.getElementsByClassName('nw');
  352. var k = [3, 6, 8]; //3:actress, 6: maker, 8: genre
  353. for(var i = 0; i < k.length; i++) {
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  355. for(var j = 0; j < link.length; j++) {
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  371. zone.addEventListener('drop', this.onDrop, false);
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  386. onDragLeave: function() {
  387. this.parentNode.classList.remove('over');
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  389. onDrop: function(e) {
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  398. var itemName = '#' + aType + 'NAME';
  399. //this.innerHTML=aType + ':'aName + ',' + aId;
  400. var aIdList = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem(itemId));
  401. if(aIdList) {
  402. if(aIdList.indexOf(aId) === -1) {
  403. aIdList.push(aId);
  404. var aNameList = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem(itemName));
  405. aNameList.push(aName);
  406. localStorage.setItem(itemId, JSON.stringify(aIdList));
  407. localStorage.setItem(itemName, JSON.stringify(aNameList));
  408. }
  409. } else {
  410. aIdList = [];
  411. aNameList = [];
  412. }
  413. },
  414. onDragEnd: function() {
  415. document.getElementById('dropbox').style.display = 'none';
  416. }
  417. };
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  419. init: function(e, width, height) {
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  423. background.addEventListener('click', function() {
  424. document.body.removeChild(div);
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  449. var image = document.createElement('div');
  450. image.appendChild(origin);
  451. image.appendChild(leftd);
  452. image.appendChild(rightd);
  453. gal.init(image, origin.width, origin.height);
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  474. },
  475. onPlay: function() {
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  480. video.setAttribute('style', 'border:5px solid #FFFFFF; color: #F4F4F4; font-weight:bold;');
  481. video.textContent = 'Loading...';
  482. gal.init(video, video.width, video.height);
  483. }
  484. };
  485. var sample = {
  486. init: function() {
  487. if(detail.videoEnable) {
  488. this.createLink();
  489. }
  490. },
  491. createLink: function() {
  492. var mybox = document.getElementById('mybox');
  493. var play = document.createElement('a');
  494. play.textContent = 'Play Sample';
  495. play.addEventListener('click', gal.onPlay, false);
  496. play.addEventListener('click', sample.injectScript, false);
  497. mybox.appendChild(play);
  498. },
  499. injectScript: function() {
  500. function handelVideo() {
  501. $('#samplevideo').load(location.pathname + 'ajax=movie/');
  502. }
  504. function closePlayer() {
  505. $('#box').parent().remove();
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  507. var inject = document.createElement('script');
  508. inject.appendChild(document.createTextNode('(' + handelVideo + ')();'));
  509. inject.appendChild(document.createTextNode(closePlayer));
  510. var sample = document.getElementsByClassName('mg-b20 mg-r12')[0];
  511. sample.parentNode.insertBefore(inject, sample);
  512. }
  513. };
  514. //Get cid of the dvd: type ? realcid : dmmcid
  515. //realcid[abcd123, abcd, 123] dmmcid[abcd123so, abcd123]
  518. function getCid(str, type) {
  519. return type ? str.match(/([a-z]+)([0-9]+)/) : str.match(/(\w+\d+)(?:so)?/);
  520. }
  522. function removeChildren(e) {
  523. while(e.firstChild) {
  524. e.removeChild(e.firstChild);
  525. }
  526. }
  528. (function() {
  529. //hide welcome
  530. GM_addStyle('#welcome {display:none !important;}');
  531. var page = /\/top\/-\/error\/area\/|\/detail\/|\/list\//.exec(location.pathname);
  532. if(page) {
  533. var config = {
  534. comment: true,
  535. //remove comments
  536. preload: false //auto preload
  537. };
  538. switch(page[0]) {
  539. case '/list/':
  540. list.init();
  541. fav.init();
  542. break;
  543. case '/top/-/error/area/':
  544. wish.init();
  545. break;
  546. case '/detail/':
  547. detail.init(config);
  548. sample.init();
  549. fav.init();
  550. addfav.init();
  551. break;
  552. }
  553. }
  554. })();