Sleazy Fork is available in English.

Arka超级网课满分助手❤|视频文档|章节测验|超高倍速|防清进度||全自动无人值守|后台自动挂机|超全题库使用前请先添加作者微信:wkwk055 was reported 05.11.2024 for Abusive or hateful content

The reporter said:

重复发已被删除的脚本,虚假宣传,描述与实际不符,无效代码,不工作,并诱使用户连接他的社交媒体账号(加微信:wkwk055),Meaningless AI-generated code

The ban will curse You youBanned said:

This script has had 1 previous upheld or fixed report.

The ban will curse You youBanned (the reported user) has made:

This report has been upheld by a moderator.