Sleazy Fork is available in English.


HV auto attack script, for the first user, should configure before use it.

Fra og med 12.07.2018. Se den nyeste version.

// ==UserScript==
// @name         [HV]AutoAttack
// @name:zh-TW   [HV]AutoAttack
// @name:zh-CN   [HV]AutoAttack
// @description  HV auto attack script, for the first user, should configure before use it.
// @description:zh-CN HV自动打怪脚本,初次使用,请先设置好选项,请确认字体设置正常
// @description:zh-TW HV自動打怪腳本,初次使用,請先設置好選項,請確認字體設置正常
// @version      2.90.0
// @author       dodying
// @namespace
// @supportURL
// @icon
// @include      http*://*
// @include*
// @include*
// @exclude      http*://*
// @exclude*
// @compatible   Firefox + Greasemonkey
// @compatible   Chrome/Chromium + Tampermonkey
// @compatible   Android + Firefox + Usi/Tampermonkey
// @compatible   Other + Bookmarklet
// @grant        GM_deleteValue
// @grant        GM_setValue
// @grant        GM_getValue
// @grant        GM_notification
// @grant        unsafeWindow
// @run-at       document-end
// ==/UserScript==
/* eslint-disable camelcase */
(function init () {
  if ( === '') {
    var href = getValue('url') || (document.referrer.match('') ? new URL(document.referrer).origin : '')
    href = gE('#eventpane>div>a') ? href + '/' + gE('#eventpane>div>a').href.split('/')[3] : getValue('lastEncounter') || href
    if (window.location.href === '') {
    } else if (gE('#eventpane>div>a')) {
      setValue('lastEncounter', href)
  setValue('url', window.location.origin)
  if (!gE('#navbar,#riddlecounter,#textlog')) {
    setTimeout(goto, 5 * 60 * 1000)
  g('version', GM_info ? GM_info.script.version.substr(0, 4) : '2.89')
  if (getValue('option')) {
    g('option', getValue('option', true))
    g('lang', g('option').lang || '0')
    if (g('option').version !== g('version')) {
      if (_alert(1, 'hvAutoAttack版本更新,请重新设置\n强烈推荐【重置设置】后再设置。\n是否查看更新说明?', 'hvAutoAttack版本更新,請重新設置\n強烈推薦【重置設置】後再設置。\n是否查看更新說明?', 'hvAutoAttack version update, please reset\nIt\'s recommended to reset all configuration.\nDo you want to read the changelog?')) openUrl('', true)
  } else {
    g('lang', window.prompt('请输入以下语言代码对应的数字\nPlease put in the number of your preferred language (0, 1 or 2)\n0.简体中文\n1.繁體中文\n2.English', 0) || 2)
    _alert(0, '请设置hvAutoAttack', '請設置hvAutoAttack', 'Please config this script')
  if (gE('[class^="c5"],[class^="c4"]') && _alert(1, '请设置字体\n使用默认字体可能使某些功能失效\n是否查看相关说明?', '請設置字體\n使用默認字體可能使某些功能失效\n是否查看相關說明?', 'Please set the font\nThe default font may make some functions fail to work\nDo you want to see instructions?')) {
    openUrl('' + (g('lang') === '2' ? '' : '.md#关于字体的说明'), true)
  unsafeWindow = typeof unsafeWindow === 'undefined' ? window : unsafeWindow
  if (gE('#riddlecounter')) { // 需要答题
    if (g('option').riddlePopup && !window.opener) {, 'riddleWindow', 'resizable,scrollbars,width=1241,height=707')
    } else {
      riddleAlert() // 答题警报
  } else if (!gE('#navbar')) { // 战斗中
    var box2 = gE('#battle_main').appendChild(cE('div')) = 'hvAABox2'
    if (g('option').pauseButton) {
      var button = box2.appendChild(cE('button'))
      button.innerHTML = '<l0>暂停</l0><l1>暫停</l1><l2>Pause</l2>'
      button.className = 'pauseChange'
      button.onclick = function () {
    if (g('option').pauseHotkey) {
      document.addEventListener('keydown', function pause (e) {
        if ( === 'INPUT' || === 'TEXTAREA') return
        if (e.keyCode === g('option').pauseHotkeyCode) {
          // document.removeEventListener('keydown', pause, false);
      }, false)
    g('attackStatus', g('option').attackStatus)
    g('timeNow', time(0))
    g('runSpeed', 1)
    if (g('option').recordEach && !getValue('battleCode')) setValue('battleCode', time(1) + ': ' + g('roundType').toUpperCase() + '-' + g('roundAll'))
  } else { // 战斗外
    g('dateNow', time(2))
    if (g('option').quickSite) quickSite()
    if (g('option').encounter) encounterCheck()
    if (!g('option').restoreStamina && gE('#stamina_readout .fc4.far.fcb>div').textContent.match(/\d+/)[0] * 1 <= g('option').staminaLow) return
    if (g('option').repair) {
      var json, checkOnload, checkLength
      var len = 0
      var eqps = []
      checkOnload = function () {
        if (json) {
          setTimeout(checkOnload, 200)
        } else {
          post('?s=Forge&ss=re', function (data) {
            post(gE('#mainpane>script[src]', data).src, function (data1) {
              json = JSON.parse(data1.match(/{.*}/)[0])
              gE('.eqp>[id]', 'all', data).forEach(function (i) {
              eqps.forEach(function (id) {
                if (json[id].d.match(/Condition: \d+ \/ \d+ \((\d+)%\)/)[1] <= g('option').repairValue) {
                  post('?s=Forge&ss=re', checkLength, 'select_item=' + id)
                } else {
            }, null, 'text')
      checkLength = function () {
        if (len === eqps.length && g('option').idleArena) setTimeout(idleArena, (g('option').idleArenaTime * (Math.random() * 20 + 90) / 100) * 1000)
    if (g('option').idleArena) setTimeout(idleArena, (g('option').idleArenaTime * (Math.random() * 20 + 90) / 100) * 1000)
// 通用//
function getKeys (objArr, prop) {
  var out = []
  objArr.forEach(function (_objArr) {
    out = prop ? out.concat(Object.keys(_objArr[prop])) : out.concat(Object.keys(_objArr))
  out = out.sort()
  for (var i = 1; i < out.length; i++) {
    if (out[i - 1] === out[i]) {
      out.splice(i, 1)
  return out

function time (e, stamp) {
  var date = stamp ? new Date(stamp) : new Date()
  if (e === 0) {
    return date.getTime()
  } else if (e === 1) {
    return (date.getUTCMonth() + 1) + '/' + date.getUTCDate()
  } else if (e === 2) { // date.toLocaleDateString(lang,option);
    return date.getUTCFullYear() + '/' + (date.getUTCMonth() + 1) + '/' + date.getUTCDate()
  } else if (e === 3) {
    return date.toLocaleString(navigator.language, {
      hour12: false

function gE (ele, mode, parent) { // 获取元素
  if (typeof ele === 'object') {
    return ele
  } else if (mode === undefined && parent === undefined) {
    return (isNaN(ele * 1)) ? document.querySelector(ele) : document.getElementById(ele)
  } else if (mode === 'all') {
    return (parent === undefined) ? document.querySelectorAll(ele) : parent.querySelectorAll(ele)
  } else if (typeof mode === 'object' && parent === undefined) {
    return mode.querySelector(ele)

function cE (name) { // 创建元素
  return document.createElement(name)

function isOn (id) { // 是否可以施放技能/使用物品
  if (id * 1 > 10000) { // 使用物品
    return gE('.bti3>div[onmouseover*="' + id + '"]')
  } else { // 施放技能
    return (gE(id) && gE(id).style.opacity !== '0.5') ? gE(id) : false

function setValue (item, value) { // 储存数据
  if (typeof GM_setValue === 'undefined') {
    window.localStorage['hvAA-' + item] = (typeof value === 'string') ? value : JSON.stringify(value)
  } else {
    GM_setValue(item, value)

function getValue (item, toJSON) { // 读取数据
  if (typeof GM_getValue === 'undefined' || !GM_getValue(item, null)) {
    item = 'hvAA-' + item
    return (item in window.localStorage) ? ((toJSON) ? JSON.parse(window.localStorage[item]) : window.localStorage[item]) : null
  } else {
    return GM_getValue(item, null)

function delValue (item) { // 删除数据
  if (typeof item === 'string') {
    if (typeof GM_deleteValue === 'undefined') {
      window.localStorage.removeItem('hvAA-' + item)
    } else {
  } else if (typeof item === 'number') {
    if (item === 0) {
    } else if (item === 1) {
    } else if (item === 2) {

function goto () { // 前进
  window.location.href =
  setTimeout(goto, 5000)

function g (key, value) { // 全局变量
  var hvAA = window.hvAA || {}
  if (key === undefined && value === undefined) {
    return hvAA
  } else if (value === undefined) {
    return hvAA[key]
  } else {
    hvAA[key] = value
    window.hvAA = hvAA

function post (href, func, parm, type) { // post
  var xhr = new window.XMLHttpRequest() ? 'POST' : 'GET', href)
  xhr.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8')
  xhr.responseType = type || 'document'
  xhr.onerror = function () {
    xhr = null
    post(href, func, parm, type)
  xhr.onload = function (e) {
    if ( >= 200 && < 400 && typeof func === 'function') {
      var data =
      if (xhr.responseType === 'document' && gE('#messagebox', data)) {
        if (gE('#messagebox')) {
          gE('#csp').replaceChild(gE('#messagebox', data), gE('#messagebox'))
        } else {
          gE('#csp').appendChild(gE('#messagebox', data))
      func(data, e)
    xhr = null

function objArrSort (key) { // 对象数组排序函数,从小到大排序
  return function (obj1, obj2) {
    return (obj2[key] < obj1[key]) ? 1 : (obj2[key] > obj1[key]) ? -1 : 0

function objSort (obj) { // 对象排序
  var objNew = {}
  var arr = Object.keys(obj).sort()
  arr.forEach(function (key) {
    objNew[key] = obj[key]
  return objNew

function _alert (func, l0, l1, l2, answer) {
  var lang = [l0, l1, l2][g('lang')]
  if (func === -1) {
    return lang
  } else if (func === 0) {
  } else if (func === 1) {
    return window.confirm(lang)
  } else if (func === 2) {
    return window.prompt(lang, answer)

function openUrl (url, newTab) {
  var a = gE('body').appendChild(cE('a'))
  a.href = url = newTab ? '_blank' : '_self'

function addStyle (lang) { // CSS
  var langStyle = gE('head').appendChild(cE('style'))
  langStyle.className = 'hvAA-LangStyle'
  langStyle.textContent = 'l' + lang + '{display:inline!important;}'
  if (/^[01]$/.test(lang)) langStyle.textContent += 'l01{display:inline!important;}'
  var globalStyle = gE('head').appendChild(cE('style'))
  var cssContent = [
    // hvAA
    'l0,l1,l01,l2{display:none;}', // l0: 简体 l1: 繁体 l01:简繁体共用 l2: 英文
    '.hvAAButton{top:4px;left:1238px;position:absolute;z-index:9999;cursor:pointer;width:24px;height:24px;background:url() center no-repeat transparent;}',
    '#hvAABox{left:calc(50% - 350px);top:50px;font-size:16px!important;z-index:4;width:700px;height:538px;position:absolute;text-align:left;background-color:#E3E0D1;border:1px solid #000;border-radius:10px;font-family:"Microsoft Yahei";}',
    '.hvAATabmenu>span{display:block;padding:5px 10px;margin:0 10px 0 0;border:1px solid #91a7b4;border-radius:5px;background-color:#E3F1F8;color:#000;text-decoration:none;white-space:nowrap;text-overflow:ellipsis;overflow:hidden;cursor:pointer;}',
    '.hvAATabmenu>span>input{margin:0 0 0 -8px;}',
    '.hvAATab{position:absolute;width:605px;height:430px;left:36px;padding:15px;border:1px solid #91A7B4;border-radius:3px;box-shadow:0 2px 3px rgba(0,0,0,0.1);color:#666;background-color:#EDEBDF;overflow:auto;}',
    '.hvAATab>div:nth-child(2n){border:1px solid #EAEAEA;background-color:#FAFAFA;}',
    '.hvAATab>div:nth-child(2n+1){border:1px solid #808080;background-color:#DADADA;}',
    '.hvAATab a{margin:0 2px;}',
    '.hvAATab b{font-family:Georgia,Serif;font-size:larger;}',
    '.hvAATab input.hvAANumber{width:24px;text-align:right;}',
    '.hvAATab ul,.hvAATab ol{margin:0;}',
    '.hvAATab label{cursor:pointer;}',
    '.hvAATab table{border:2px solid #000;border-collapse:collapse;margin:0 auto;}',
    '.hvAATab table>tbody>tr>*{border:1px solid #000;}',
    '#hvAATab-Drop tr>td:nth-child(1),#hvAATab-Usage tr>td:nth-child(1){text-align:left;}',
    '#hvAATab-Drop td,#hvAATab-Usage td{text-align:right;white-space:nowrap;}',
    // '#hvAATab-Drop td:empty:before,#hvAATab-Usage td:empty:before{content:"";}',
    '.selectTable:before{content:"' + String.fromCharCode(parseInt('22A0', 16).toString(10)) + '";}',
    '.hvAANew{width:25px;height:25px;float:left;background:url() center no-repeat transparent;}',
    '#hvAATab-Alarm input[type="text"]{width:512px;}',
    '.testAlarms>div{border:2px solid #000;}',
    '.quickSiteBar{position:absolute;top:55px;left:1240px;font-size:18px;text-align:left;width:calc(99% - 1236px);}',
    '.customize{border: 2px dashed red!important;min-height:21px;}',
    '.customizeBox{position:absolute;z-index:-1;border:1px solid #000;background-color:#EDEBDF;}',
    '.customizeBox>span{display:inline-block;font-size:16px;margin:0 1px;padding:0 5px;font-weight:bold;border:1px solid #5C0D11;border-radius:10px;}',
    '.customizeBox>span.hvAAInspect{padding:0 3px;cursor:pointer;}',
    '.customizeBox>span a{text-decoration:none;}',
    '.favicon{width:16px;height:16px;margin:-3px 1px;border:1px solid #000;border-radius:3px;}',
    '.answerBar>div{border:4px solid red;display:table-cell;cursor:pointer;}',
    '#hvAAInspectBox{background-color:#EDEBDF;position:absolute;z-index:9;border: 2px solid #5C0D11;font-size:16px;font-weight:bold;padding:3px;display:none;}',
    // 全局
    'button{border-radius:3px;border:2px solid #808080;cursor:pointer;margin:0 1px;}',
    // hv
    // '#pane_monster{counter-reset:order;}',
    // '.btm2>div:nth-child(1):before{font-size:30px;font-weight:bold;text-shadow:1px 1px 2px;content:counter(order);counter-increment:order;}',
    // '.btm2>div:nth-child(1)>img{display:none;}'
  globalStyle.textContent = cssContent

function optionButton (lang) { // 配置按钮
  var optionButton = gE('body').appendChild(cE('div'))
  optionButton.className = 'hvAAButton'
  optionButton.onclick = function () {
    if (gE('#hvAABox')) {
      gE('#hvAABox').style.display = (gE('#hvAABox').style.display === 'none') ? 'block' : 'none'
    } else {
      gE('#hvAATab-Main').style.zIndex = 1
      gE('select[name="lang"]').value = lang

function optionBox () { // 配置界面
  var optionBox = gE('body').appendChild(cE('div')) = 'hvAABox'
  optionBox.innerHTML = [
    '<div class="hvAACenter">',
    '  <h1 style="display:inline;">hvAutoAttack</h1>',
    '  <a href="" target="_blank"><l0>更新历史</l0><l1>更新歷史</l1><l2>ChangeLog</l2></a>',
    '  <l01><a href="" target="_blank">使用说明</a></l01><l2><a href="" target="_blank">README</a></l2>',
    '  <select name="lang"><option value="0">简体中文</option><option value="1">繁體中文</option><option value="2">English</option></select>',
    '  <l2><span style="font-size:small;"><a target="_blank" href="" style="color:#E3E0D1;background-color:#E3E0D1;" title="Thanks to Koko191 who give help in the translation">by Koko191</a></span></l2></div>',
    '<div class="hvAATablist">',
    '<div class="hvAATabmenu">',
    '  <span name="Main"><l0>主要选项</l0><l1>主要選項</l1><l2>Main</l2></span>',
    '  <span name="Item"><l01>物品</l01><l2>Item</l2></span>',
    '  <span name="Channel"><input id="channelSkillSwitch" type="checkbox">Channel<l01>技能</l01><l2> Spells</l2></span>',
    '  <span name="Buff"><input id="buffSkillSwitch" type="checkbox">BUFF<l01>技能</l01><l2> Spells</l2></span>',
    '  <span name="Debuff"><input id="debuffSkillSwitch" type="checkbox">DEBUFF<l01>技能</l01><l2> Spells</l2></span>',
    '  <span name="Skill"><input id="skillSwitch" type="checkbox"><l01>其他技能</l01><l2>Skills</l2></span>',
    '  <span name="Scroll"><input id="scrollSwitch" type="checkbox"><l0>卷轴</l0><l1>捲軸</l1><l2>Scroll</l2></span>',
    '  <span name="Infusion"><input id="infusionSwitch" type="checkbox"><l0>魔药</l0><l1>魔藥</l1><l2>Infusion</l2></span>',
    '  <span name="Alarm"><l0>警报</l0><l1>警報</l1><l2>Alarm</l2></span>',
    '  <span name="Rule"><l0>攻击规则</l0><l1>攻擊規則</l1><l2>Attack Rule</l2></span>',
    '  <span name="Drop"><input id="dropMonitor" type="checkbox"><l0>掉落监测</l0><l1>掉落監測</l1><l2>Drops Tracking</l2></span>',
    '  <span name="Usage"><input id="recordUsage" type="checkbox"><l0>数据记录</l0><l1>數據記錄</l1><l2>Usage Tracking</l2></span>',
    '  <span name="About"><l0>关于本脚本</l0><l1>關於本腳本</l1><l2>About This</l2></span>',
    '  <span name="Feedback"><l01>反馈</l01><l2>Feedback</l2></span></div>',
    '<div class="hvAATab" id="hvAATab-Main">',
    '  <div class="hvAACenter">',
    '    Gem: Health.<input class="hvAANumber" name="hp1" placeholder="50" type="text">%',
    '    Mana.<input class="hvAANumber" name="mp1" placeholder="70" type="text">%%',
    '    Spirt.<input class="hvAANumber" name="sp1" placeholder="75" type="text">%</div>',
    '  <div class="hvAACenter" id="attackStatus" style="color:red;"><b>*<l0>攻击模式</l0><l1>攻擊模式</l1><l2>Attack Mode</l2></b>:',
    '    <select class="hvAANumber" name="attackStatus"><option value="-1"></option><option value="0">物理 / Physical</option><option value="1">火 / Fire</option><option value="2">冰 / Cold</option><option value="3">雷 / Elec</option><option value="4">风 / Wind</option><option value="5">圣 / Divine</option><option value="6">暗 / Forbidden</option></select></div>',
    '  <div><b><l0>暂停相关</l0><l1>暫停相關</l1><l2>Pause with</l2></b>: ',
    '    <input id="pauseButton" type="checkbox"><label for="pauseButton"><l0>使用按钮</l0><l1>使用按鈕</l1><l2>Button</l2></label>; ',
    '    <input id="pauseHotkey" type="checkbox"><label for="pauseHotkey"><l0>使用热键</l0><l1>使用熱鍵</l1><l2>Hotkey</l2>: <input name="pauseHotkeyStr" style="width:30px;" type="text"><input class="hvAANumber" name="pauseHotkeyCode" type="hidden" disabled="true"></label></div>',
    '  <div><b><l0>警告相关</l0><l1>警告相關</l1><l2>To Warn</l2></b>: ',
    '    <input id="alert" type="checkbox"><label for="alert"><l0>音频警报</l0><l1>音頻警報</l1><l2>Audio Alarms</l2></label>; ',
    '    <input id="notification" type="checkbox"><label for="notification"><l0>桌面通知</l0><l1>桌面通知</l1><l2>Notifications</l2></label> ',
    '    <button class="testNotification"><l0>预处理</l0><l1>預處理</l1><l2>Pretreat</l2></button></div>',
    '  <div><b><l01>内置插件</l01><l2>Built-in Plugin</l2></b>: ',
    '    <input id="riddleRadio" type="checkbox"><label for="riddleRadio">RiddleLimiter Plus</label>; ',
    '    <input id="encounter" type="checkbox"><label for="encounter"><l0>自动遭遇战</l0><l1>自動遭遇戰</l1><l2>Auto Encounter</l2></label></div>',
    '  <div><b><l01>魔法技能</l01><l2>Offensive Magic</l2></b>: <br>',
    '    <l0>中阶技能使用条件</l0><l1>中階技能使用條件</l1><l2>Conditions for 2nd Tier</l2>: {{middleSkillCondition}}',
    '    <l0>高阶技能使用条件</l0><l1>高階技能使用條件</l1><l2>Conditions for 3rd Tier</l2>: {{highSkillCondition}}</div>',
    '  <div><input id="turnOnSS" type="checkbox"><label for="turnOnSS"><b><l0>开启</l0><l1>開啟</l1><l2>Turn on </l2>Spirit Stance</b></label>: {{turnOnSSCondition}}</div>',
    '  <div><input id="turnOffSS" type="checkbox"><label for="turnOffSS"><b><l0>关闭</l0><l1>關閉</l1><l2>Turn off </l2>Spirit Stance</b></label>: {{turnOffSSCondition}}</div>',
    '  <div><input id="defend" type="checkbox"><label for="defend"><b>Defend</b></label>: {{defendCondition}}</div>',
    '  <div><input id="focus" type="checkbox"><label for="focus"><b>Focus</b></label>: {{focusCondition}}</div>',
    '  <div><l2>If the page </l2><b><l0>页面停留</l0><l1>頁面停留</l1><l2>stays idle</l2></b><l2> for </l2>: ',
    '    <input id="delayAlert" type="checkbox"><label for="delayAlert"><input class="hvAANumber" name="delayAlertTime" type="text"><l0>秒,警报</l0><l1>秒,警報</l1><l2>s, alarm</l2></label>; ',
    '    <input id="delayReload" type="checkbox"><label for="delayReload"><input class="hvAANumber" name="delayReloadTime" type="text"><l0>秒,刷新页面</l0><l1>秒,刷新頁面</l1><l2>s, reload page</l2></label></div>',
    '  <div><l0>当<b>小马答题</b>时间</l0><l1>當<b>小馬答題</b>時間</l1><l2>If <b>RIDDLE</b> ETR</l2><l0></l0><l1></l1><l2></l2> ≤ <input class="hvAANumber" name="riddleAnswerTime" placeholder="3" type="text"><l0>秒,如果输入框为空则随机生成答案并提交</l0><l1>秒,如果輸入框為空則隨機生成答案並提交</l1><l2>s and no answer has been chosen yet, a random answer will be generated and submitted</l2></div>',
    '  <div><l0>当<b>小马答题</b>时</l0><l1>當<b>小馬答題</b>時</l1><l2>If <b>RIDDLE</b></l2>: ',
    '    <input id="riddlePopup" type="checkbox"><label for="riddlePopup"><l0>弹窗答题</l0><l1>弹窗答题</l1><l2>POPUP a window to answer</l2></label>; <button class="testPopup"><l0>预处理</l0><l1>預處理</l1><l2>Pretreat</l2></button></div>',
    '  <div><b>Stamina</b>: <l0>当损失</l0><l1>當損失</l1><l2>If it lost </l2>Stamina ≥ <input class="hvAANumber" name="staminaLose" placeholder="5" type="text">: ',
    '    <input id="staminaPause" type="checkbox"><label for="staminaPause"><l0>脚本暂停</l0><l1>腳本暫停</l1><l2>pause script</l2></label>; ',
    '    <input id="staminaWarn" type="checkbox"><label for="staminaWarn"><l01>警告</l01><l2>warn</l2></label>; ',
    '    <input id="staminaFlee" type="checkbox"><label for="staminaFlee"><l01>逃跑</l01><l2>flee</l2></label>',
    '    <button class="staminaLostLog"><l0>stamina损失日志</l0><l1>stamina損失日誌</l1><l2>staminaLostLog</l2></button></div>',
    '  <div><input id="idleArena" type="checkbox"><label for="idleArena"><b><l0>闲置竞技场</l0><l1>閒置競技場</l1><l2>Idle Arena</l2></b>: ',
    '    <l0>在任意页面停留</l0><l1>在任意頁面停留</l1><l2>Idle in any page for </l2><input class="hvAANumber" name="idleArenaTime" type="text"><l0>秒后,开始竞技场</l0><l1>秒後,開始競技場</l1><l2>s, start Arena</l2></label> <button class="idleArenaReset"><l01>重置</l01><l2>Reset</l2></button>;<br>',
    '    <l0>进行的竞技场相对应等级</l0><l1>進行的競技場相對應等級</l1><l2>The levels of the Arena you want to complete</l2>:  ',
    '      <button class="hvAAShowLevels"><l0>显示更多</l0><l1>顯示更多</l1><l2>Show more</l2></button><button class="hvAALevelsClear"><l01>清空</l01><l2>Clear</l2></button><br>',
    '      <input name="idleArenaLevels" style="width:98%;" type="text" disabled="true"><input name="idleArenaValue" style="width:98%;" type="hidden" disabled="true">',
    '      <div class="hvAAArenaLevels">',
    '        <input id="arLevel_1" value="1,1" type="checkbox"><label for="arLevel_1">1</label> <input id="arLevel_10" value="10,3" type="checkbox"><label for="arLevel_10">10</label> <input id="arLevel_20" value="20,5" type="checkbox"><label for="arLevel_20">20</label> <input id="arLevel_30" value="30,8" type="checkbox"><label for="arLevel_30">30</label> <input id="arLevel_40" value="40,9" type="checkbox"><label for="arLevel_40">40</label> <input id="arLevel_50" value="50,11" type="checkbox"><label for="arLevel_50">50</label> <input id="arLevel_60" value="60,12" type="checkbox"><label for="arLevel_60">60</label> <input id="arLevel_70" value="70,13" type="checkbox"><label for="arLevel_70">70</label> <input id="arLevel_80" value="80,15" type="checkbox"><label for="arLevel_80">80</label> <input id="arLevel_90" value="90,16" type="checkbox"><label for="arLevel_90">90</label> <input id="arLevel_100" value="100,17" type="checkbox"><label for="arLevel_100">100</label> <input id="arLevel_110" value="110,19" type="checkbox"><label for="arLevel_110">110</label><br>',
    '        <input id="arLevel_120" value="120,20" type="checkbox"><label for="arLevel_120">120</label> <input id="arLevel_130" value="130,21" type="checkbox"><label for="arLevel_130">130</label> <input id="arLevel_140" value="140,23" type="checkbox"><label for="arLevel_140">140</label> <input id="arLevel_150" value="150,24" type="checkbox"><label for="arLevel_150">150</label> <input id="arLevel_165" value="165,26" type="checkbox"><label for="arLevel_165">165</label> <input id="arLevel_180" value="180,27" type="checkbox"><label for="arLevel_180">180</label> <input id="arLevel_200" value="200,28" type="checkbox"><label for="arLevel_200">200</label> <input id="arLevel_225" value="225,29" type="checkbox"><label for="arLevel_225">225</label> <input id="arLevel_250" value="250,32" type="checkbox"><label for="arLevel_250">250</label> <input id="arLevel_300" value="300,33" type="checkbox"><label for="arLevel_300">300</label><br>',
    '        <input id="arLevel_RB50" value="RB50,105" type="checkbox"><label for="arLevel_RB50">RB50</label> <input id="arLevel_RB75A" value="RB75A,106" type="checkbox"><label for="arLevel_RB75A">RB75A</label> <input id="arLevel_RB75B" value="RB75B,107" type="checkbox"><label for="arLevel_RB75B">RB75B</label> <input id="arLevel_RB75C" value="RB75C,108" type="checkbox"><label for="arLevel_RB75C">RB75C</label><br>',
    '        <input id="arLevel_RB100" value="RB100,109" type="checkbox"><label for="arLevel_RB100">RB100</label> <input id="arLevel_RB150" value="RB150,110" type="checkbox"><label for="arLevel_RB150">RB150</label> <input id="arLevel_RB200" value="RB200,111" type="checkbox"><label for="arLevel_RB200">RB200</label> <input id="arLevel_RB250" value="RB250,112" type="checkbox"><label for="arLevel_RB250">RB250</label> <input id="arLevel_GF" value="GF,gr" type="checkbox"><label for="arLevel_GF">GrindFest <input class="hvAANumber" name="idleArenaGrTime" placeholder="1" type="text"></label></div></div>',
    '  <div><input id="repair" type="checkbox"><label for="repair"><b><l0>修复装备</l0><l1>修復裝備</l1><l2>Repair Equipment</l2></b></label>: ',
    '    <l0>耐久度</l0><l1>耐久度</l1><l2>Durability</l2> ≤ <input class="hvAANumber" name="repairValue" type="text">%</div>',
    '  <div><input id="etherTap" type="checkbox"><label for="etherTap"><b>Ether Tap</b></label>: {{etherTapCondition}}</div>',
    '  <div><input id="autoFlee" type="checkbox"><label for="autoFlee"><b><l0>自动逃跑</l0><l1>自動逃跑</l1><l2>Flee</l2></b></label>: {{fleeCondition}}</div>',
    '  <div><div class="hvAANew"></div><input id="autoPause" type="checkbox"><label for="autoPause"><b><l0>自动暂停</l0><l1>自動暫停</l1><l2>Pause</l2></b></label>: {{pauseCondition}}</div>',
    '  <div><input id="restoreStamina" type="checkbox"><label for="restoreStamina"><b><l0>战前回复</l0><l1>戰前回复</l1><l2>Restore stamina</l2></b>: ',
    '    <l0>战斗前,如果</l0><l1>戰鬥前,如果</l1><l2><b></b>if before a battle and </l2>Stamina ≤ <input class="hvAANumber" name="staminaLow" placeholder="30" type="text"></label><br>',
    '    <l0>说明: 如果不勾选,当Stamina小于此值后,则不进行闲置竞技场</l0><l1>說明: 如果不勾選,當Stamina小於此值後,則不進行閒置競技場</l1><l2>Note: If unchecked, when Stamina is less than this value, no Idle Arena</l2></div>',
    '  <div><input id="recordEach" type="checkbox"><label for="recordEach"><b><l0>单独记录每场战役</l0><l1>單獨記錄每場戰役</l1><l2>Record each battle separately</l2></b></label></div>',
    '  <div><b><l0>延迟</l0><l1>延遲</l1><l2>Delay</l2></b>: 1. <l0>其他/Buff/Debuff技能</l0><l1>其他/Buff/Debuff技能</l1><l2>Skills&BUFF/DEBUFF Spells</l2>: <input class="hvAANumber" name="delay" placeholder="200" type="text">ms 2. <l01>其他</l01><l2>Other</l2>: <input class="hvAANumber" name="delay2" placeholder="30" type="text">ms<br>',
    '    <l0>说明: 单位毫秒,且在设定值基础上取其的50%-150%进行延迟,0表示不延迟</l0><l1>說明: 單位毫秒,且在設定值基礎上取其的50%-150%進行延遲,0表示不延遲</l1><l2>Note: unit milliseconds, and based on the set value multiply 50% -150% to delay, 0 means no delay</l2>',
    '    </div>',
    '  </div>',
    '<div class="hvAATab" id="hvAATab-Item">',
    '  <div class="itemOrder"><l0>施放顺序</l0><l1>施放順序</l1><l2>Cast Order</l2>: <input name="itemOrderName" style="width:80%;" type="text" disabled="true"><input name="itemOrderValue" style="width:80%;" type="hidden" disabled="true"><br>',
    '    <input id="itemOrder_Cure" value="Cure,311" type="checkbox"><label for="itemOrder_Cure">Cure</label><input id="itemOrder_FC" value="FC,313" type="checkbox"><label for="itemOrder_FC">Full-Cure</label><input id="itemOrder_HP" value="HP,11195" type="checkbox"><label for="itemOrder_HP">Health Potion</label><input id="itemOrder_HE" value="HE,11199" type="checkbox"><label for="itemOrder_HE">Health Elixir</label><input id="itemOrder_MP" value="MP,11295" type="checkbox"><label for="itemOrder_MP">Mana Potion</label><br>',
    '    <input id="itemOrder_ME" value="ME,11299" type="checkbox"><label for="itemOrder_ME">Mana Elixir</label><input id="itemOrder_SP" value="SP,11395" type="checkbox"><label for="itemOrder_SP">Spirit Potion</label><input id="itemOrder_SE" value="SE,11399" type="checkbox"><label for="itemOrder_SE">Spirit Elixir</label><input id="itemOrder_LE" value="LE,11501" type="checkbox"><label for="itemOrder_LE">Last Elixir</label><input id="itemOrder_ED" value="ED,11401" type="checkbox"><label for="itemOrder_ED">Energy Drink</label></div>',
    '  <div><input id="item_Cure" type="checkbox"><label for="item_Cure"><b>Cure</b></label>: {{itemCureCondition}}</div>',
    '  <div><input id="item_FC" type="checkbox"><label for="item_FC"><b>Full-Cure</b></label>: {{itemFCCondition}}</div>',
    '  <div><input id="item_HP" type="checkbox"><label for="item_HP"><b>Health Potion</b></label>: {{itemHPCondition}}</div>',
    '  <div><input id="item_HE" type="checkbox"><label for="item_HE"><b>Health Elixir</b></label>: {{itemHECondition}}</div>',
    '  <div><input id="item_MP" type="checkbox"><label for="item_MP"><b>Mana Potion</b></label>: {{itemMPCondition}}</div>',
    '  <div><input id="item_ME" type="checkbox"><label for="item_ME"><b>Mana Elixir</b></label>: {{itemMECondition}}</div>',
    '  <div><input id="item_SP" type="checkbox"><label for="item_SP"><b>Spirit Potion</b></label>: {{itemSPCondition}}</div>',
    '  <div><input id="item_SE" type="checkbox"><label for="item_SE"><b>Spirit Elixir</b></label>: {{itemSECondition}}</div>',
    '  <div><input id="item_LE" type="checkbox"><label for="item_LE"><b>Last Elixir</b></label>: {{itemLECondition}}</div>',
    '  <div><input id="item_ED" type="checkbox"><label for="item_ED"><b>Energy Drink</b></label>: {{itemEDCondition}}</div></div>',
    '<div class="hvAATab" id="hvAATab-Channel">',
    '  <l0><b>获得Channel时</b>(此时1点MP施法与150%伤害)</l0><l1><b>獲得Channel時</b>(此時1點MP施法與150%傷害)</l1><l2><b>During Channeling effect</b> (1 mp spell cost and 150% spell damage)</l2>:',
    '  <div><b><l0>先施放Channel技能</l0><l1>先施放Channel技能</l1><l2>First cast</l2></b>: <br>',
    '    <l0>注意: 此处的施放顺序与</l0><l1>注意: 此處的施放順序与</l1><l2>Note: The cast order here is the same as in</l2><a class="hvAAGoto" name="hvAATab-Buff">BUFF<l01>技能</l01><l2> Spells</l2></a><l0>里的相同</l0><l1>裡的相同</l1><br>',
    '    <input id="channelSkill_Pr" type="checkbox"><label for="channelSkill_Pr">Protection</label><input id="channelSkill_SL" type="checkbox"><label for="channelSkill_SL">Spark of Life</label><input id="channelSkill_SS" type="checkbox"><label for="channelSkill_SS">Spirit Shield</label><input id="channelSkill_Ha" type="checkbox"><label for="channelSkill_Ha">Haste</label><br>',
    '    <input id="channelSkill_AF" type="checkbox"><label for="channelSkill_AF">Arcane Focus</label><input id="channelSkill_He" type="checkbox"><label for="channelSkill_He">Heartseeker</label><input id="channelSkill_Re" type="checkbox"><label for="channelSkill_Re">Regen</label><input id="channelSkill_SV" type="checkbox"><label for="channelSkill_SV">Shadow Veil</label><input id="channelSkill_Ab" type="checkbox"><label for="channelSkill_Ab">Absorb</label></div>',
    '  <div><input id="channelSkill2" type="checkbox"><label for="channelSkill2"><l0><b>再使用技能</b></label>: ',
    '    <div class="channelSkill2Order"><l0>施放顺序</l0><l1>施放順序</l1><l2>Cast Order</l2>: <input name="channelSkill2OrderName" style="width:80%;" type="text" disabled="true"><input name="channelSkill2OrderValue" style="width:80%;" type="hidden" disabled="true"><br>',
    '    <input id="channelSkill2Order_Cu" value="Cu,311" type="checkbox"><label for="channelSkill2Order_Cu">Cure</label><input id="channelSkill2Order_FC" value="FC,313" type="checkbox"><label for="channelSkill2Order_FC">Full-Cure</label><input id="channelSkill2Order_Pr" value="Pr,411" type="checkbox"><label for="channelSkill2Order_Pr">Protection</label><input id="channelSkill2Order_SL" value="SL,422" type="checkbox"><label for="channelSkill2Order_SL">Spark of Life</label><input id="channelSkill2Order_SS" value="SS,423" type="checkbox"><label for="channelSkill2Order_SS">Spirit Shield</label><input id="channelSkill2Order_Ha" value="Ha,412" type="checkbox"><label for="channelSkill2Order_Ha">Haste</label><br>',
    '    <input id="channelSkill2Order_AF" value="AF,432" type="checkbox"><label for="channelSkill2Order_AF">Arcane Focus</label><input id="channelSkill2Order_He" value="He,431" type="checkbox"><label for="channelSkill2Order_He">Heartseeker</label><input id="channelSkill2Order_Re" value="Re,312" type="checkbox"><label for="channelSkill2Order_Re">Regen</label><input id="channelSkill2Order_SV" value="SV,413" type="checkbox"><label for="channelSkill2Order_SV">Shadow Veil</label><input id="channelSkill2Order_Ab" value="Ab,421" type="checkbox"><label for="channelSkill2Order_Ab">Absorb</label></div></div>',
    '  <div><l0><b>最后ReBuff</b>: 重新施放最先消失的Buff</l0><l1><b>最後ReBuff</b>: 重新施放最先消失的Buff</l1><l2><b>At last, re-cast the spells which will expire first</b></l2>.</div></div>',
    '<div class="hvAATab" id="hvAATab-Buff">{{buffSkillCondition}}',
    '  <div class="buffSkillOrder"><l0>施放顺序</l0><l1>施放順序</l1><l2>Cast Order</l2>: ',
    '    <input name="buffSkillOrderValue" style="width:80%;" type="text" disabled="true"><br>',
    '    <input id="buffSkillOrder_Pr" type="checkbox"><label for="buffSkillOrder_Pr">Protection</label><input id="buffSkillOrder_SL" type="checkbox"><label for="buffSkillOrder_SL">Spark of Life</label><input id="buffSkillOrder_SS" type="checkbox"><label for="buffSkillOrder_SS">Spirit Shield</label><input id="buffSkillOrder_Ha" type="checkbox"><label for="buffSkillOrder_Ha">Haste</label><br>',
    '    <input id="buffSkillOrder_AF" type="checkbox"><label for="buffSkillOrder_AF">Arcane Focus</label><input id="buffSkillOrder_He" type="checkbox"><label for="buffSkillOrder_He">Heartseeker</label><input id="buffSkillOrder_Re" type="checkbox"><label for="buffSkillOrder_Re">Regen</label><input id="buffSkillOrder_SV" type="checkbox"><label for="buffSkillOrder_SV">Shadow Veil</label><input id="buffSkillOrder_Ab" type="checkbox"><label for="buffSkillOrder_Ab">Absorb</label></div>',
    '  <div><l0>Buff不存在就施放的技能</l0><l1>Buff不存在就施放的技能</l1><l2>Cast spells if the buff is not present</l2>: ',
    '    <div><input id="buffSkill_HD" type="checkbox"><label for="buffSkill_HD">Health Draught</label>{{buffSkillHDCondition}}</div>',
    '    <div><input id="buffSkill_MD" type="checkbox"><label for="buffSkill_MD">Mana Draught</label>{{buffSkillMDCondition}}</div>',
    '    <div><input id="buffSkill_SD" type="checkbox"><label for="buffSkill_SD">Spirit Draught</label>{{buffSkillSDCondition}}</div>',
    '    <div><input id="buffSkill_FV" type="checkbox"><label for="buffSkill_FV">Flower Vase</label>{{buffSkillFVCondition}}</div>',
    '    <div><input id="buffSkill_BG" type="checkbox"><label for="buffSkill_BG">Bubble-Gum</label>{{buffSkillBGCondition}}</div>',
    '    <div><input id="buffSkill_Pr" type="checkbox"><label for="buffSkill_Pr">Protection</label>{{buffSkillPrCondition}}</div>',
    '    <div><input id="buffSkill_SL" type="checkbox"><label for="buffSkill_SL">Spark of Life</label>{{buffSkillSLCondition}}</div>',
    '    <div><input id="buffSkill_SS" type="checkbox"><label for="buffSkill_SS">Spirit Shield</label>{{buffSkillSSCondition}}</div>',
    '    <div><input id="buffSkill_Ha" type="checkbox"><label for="buffSkill_Ha">Haste</label>{{buffSkillHaCondition}}</div>',
    '    <div><input id="buffSkill_AF" type="checkbox"><label for="buffSkill_AF">Arcane Focus</label>{{buffSkillAFCondition}}</div>',
    '    <div><input id="buffSkill_He" type="checkbox"><label for="buffSkill_He">Heartseeker</label>{{buffSkillHeCondition}}</div>',
    '    <div><input id="buffSkill_Re" type="checkbox"><label for="buffSkill_Re">Regen</label>{{buffSkillReCondition}}</div>',
    '    <div><input id="buffSkill_SV" type="checkbox"><label for="buffSkill_SV">Shadow Veil</label>{{buffSkillSVCondition}}</div>',
    '    <div><input id="buffSkill_Ab" type="checkbox"><label for="buffSkill_Ab">Absorb</label>{{buffSkillAbCondition}}</div></div></div>',
    '<div class="hvAATab" id="hvAATab-Debuff">',
    '  <div class="debuffSkillOrder"><l0>施放顺序</l0><l1>施放順序</l1><l2>Cast Order</l2>:',
    '    <input name="debuffSkillOrderValue" style="width:80%;" type="text" disabled="true"><br>',
    '    <input id="debuffSkillOrder_Sle" type="checkbox"><label for="debuffSkillOrder_Sle">Sleep</label><input id="debuffSkillOrder_Bl" type="checkbox"><label for="debuffSkillOrder_Bl">Blind</label><input id="debuffSkillOrder_Slo" type="checkbox"><label for="debuffSkillOrder_Slo">Slow</label><br>',
    '    <input id="debuffSkillOrder_Im" type="checkbox"><label for="debuffSkillOrder_Im">Imperil</label><input id="debuffSkillOrder_MN" type="checkbox"><label for="debuffSkillOrder_MN">MagNet</label><input id="debuffSkillOrder_Si" type="checkbox"><label for="debuffSkillOrder_Si">Silence</label><input id="debuffSkillOrder_Dr" type="checkbox"><label for="debuffSkillOrder_Dr">Drain</label><input id="debuffSkillOrder_We" type="checkbox"><label for="debuffSkillOrder_We">Weaken</label><input id="debuffSkillOrder_Co" type="checkbox"><label for="debuffSkillOrder_Co">Confuse</label></div>',
    '  <div><l01>特殊</l01><l2>Special</l2><input id="debuffSkillAllIm" type="checkbox"><label for="debuffSkillAllIm"><l0>给所有敌人上Imperil</l0><l1>給所有敵人上Imperil</l1><l2>Imperiled all enemies.</l2></label></div>{{debuffSkillCondition}}',
    '  <div>',
    '    <div><input id="debuffSkill_Sle" type="checkbox"><label for="debuffSkill_Sle">Sleep</label>{{debuffSkillSleCondition}}</div>',
    '    <div><input id="debuffSkill_Bl" type="checkbox"><label for="debuffSkill_Bl">Blind</label>{{debuffSkillBlCondition}}</div>',
    '    <div><input id="debuffSkill_Slo" type="checkbox"><label for="debuffSkill_Slo">Slow</label>{{debuffSkillWeSlondition}}</div>',
    '    <div><input id="debuffSkill_Im" type="checkbox"><label for="debuffSkill_Im">Imperil</label>{{debuffSkillImCondition}}</div>',
    '    <div><input id="debuffSkill_MN" type="checkbox"><label for="debuffSkill_MN">MagNet</label>{{debuffSkillMNCondition}}</div>',
    '    <div><input id="debuffSkill_Si" type="checkbox"><label for="debuffSkill_Si">Silence</label>{{debuffSkillSiCondition}}</div>',
    '    <div><input id="debuffSkill_Dr" type="checkbox"><label for="debuffSkill_Dr">Drain</label>{{debuffSkillDrCondition}}</div>',
    '    <div><input id="debuffSkill_We" type="checkbox"><label for="debuffSkill_We">Weaken</label>{{debuffSkillWeCondition}}</div>',
    '    <div><input id="debuffSkill_Co" type="checkbox"><label for="debuffSkill_Co">Confuse</label>{{debuffSkillCoCondition}}</div></div>',
    '  <div><l0>持续</l0><l1>持續</l1><l2>Expire</l2> Turns: <input id="debuffSkillTurnAlert" type="checkbox"><label for="debuffSkillTurnAlert"><l0>无法正常施放DEBUFF技能时,警报</l0><l1>無法正常施放DEBUFF技能時,警報</l1><l2>If it can not cast de-skills normally, alert.</l2></label><br>',
    '    Sleep: <input class="hvAANumber" name="debuffSkillTurn_Sle" type="text"> Blind: <input class="hvAANumber" name="debuffSkillTurn_Bl" type="text"> Slow: <input class="hvAANumber" name="debuffSkillTurn_Slo" type="text"><br>',
    '    Imperil: <input class="hvAANumber" name="debuffSkillTurn_Im" type="text"> MagNet: <input class="hvAANumber" name="debuffSkillTurn_MN" type="text"> Silence: <input class="hvAANumber" name="debuffSkillTurn_Si" type="text"><br>',
    '    Drain: <input class="hvAANumber" name="debuffSkillTurn_Dr" type="text"> Weaken: <input class="hvAANumber" name="debuffSkillTurn_We" type="text"> Confuse: <input class="hvAANumber" name="debuffSkillTurn_Co" type="text"> </div></div>',
    '<div class="hvAATab" id="hvAATab-Skill">',
    '  <div><span><l0>注意: 默认在Spirit状态下使用,请在<a class="hvAAGoto" name="hvAATab-Main">主要选项</a>勾选并设置<b>开启/关闭Spirit Stance</b></l0><l1>注意: 默認在Spirit狀態下使用,請在<a class="hvAAGoto" name="hvAATab-Main">主要選項</a>勾選並設置<b>開啟/關閉Spirit Stance</b></l1><l2>Note: use under Spirit by default, please check and set the <b>Turn on/off Spirit Stance</b> in <a class="hvAAGoto" name="hvAATab-Main">Main</a></l2></span></div>',
    '  <div class="skillOrder"><l0>施放顺序</l0><l1>施放順序</l1><l2>Cast Order</l2>: ',
    '  <input name="skillOrderValue" style="width:80%;" type="text" disabled="true"><br>',
    '  <input id="skillOrder_OFC" type="checkbox"><label for="skillOrder_OFC"><l0>友情小马砲</l0><l1>友情小馬砲</l1><l2>OFC</l2></label><input id="skillOrder_FRD" type="checkbox"><label for="skillOrder_FRD"><l0>龙吼</l0><l1>龍吼</l1><l2>FRD</l2></label><input id="skillOrder_T3" type="checkbox"><label for="skillOrder_T3">T3</label><input id="skillOrder_T2" type="checkbox"><label for="skillOrder_T2">T2</label><input id="skillOrder_T1" type="checkbox"><label for="skillOrder_T1">T1</label></div>',
    '  <div><input id="skill_OFC" type="checkbox"><label for="skill_OFC"><l0>友情小马砲</l0><l1>友情小馬砲</l1><l2>OFC</l2></label>: <input id="skillOTOS_OFC" type="checkbox"><label for="skillOTOS_OFC"><l01>一回合只使用一次</l01><l2>One round only spell one time</l2></label>{{skillOFCCondition}}</div>',
    '  <div><input id="skill_FRD" type="checkbox"><label for="skill_FRD"><l0>龙吼</l0><l1>龍吼</l1><l2>FRD</l2></label>: <input id="skillOTOS_FRD" type="checkbox"><label for="skillOTOS_FRD"><l01>一回合只使用一次</l01><l2>One round only spell one time</l2></label>{{skillFRDCondition}}</div>',
    '  <div><l0>战斗风格</l0><l1>戰鬥風格</l1><l2>Fighting style</l2>: <select name="fightingStyle"><option value="1">二天一流 / Niten Ichiryu</option><option value="2">单手 / One-Handed</option><option value="3">双手 / 2-Handed Weapon</option><option value="4">双持 / Dual Wielding</option><option value="5">法杖 / Staff</option></select></div>',
    '  <div><input id="skill_T3" type="checkbox"><label for="skill_T3"><l0>3阶(如果有)</l0><l1>3階(如果有)</l1><l2>T3(if exist)</l2></label>: <input id="skillOTOS_T3" type="checkbox"><label for="skillOTOS_T3"><l01>一回合只使用一次</l01><l2>One round only spell one time</l2></label><br><input id="mercifulBlow" type="checkbox"><label for="mercifulBlow">Merciful Blow: <l0>优先攻击满足条件的敌人 (25% HP, 流血)</l0><l1>優先攻擊滿足條件的敵人 (25% HP, 流血)</l1><l2>Attack the enemy which has 25% HP and is bleeding first</l2></label>{{skillT3Condition}}</div>',
    '  <div><input id="skill_T2" type="checkbox"><label for="skill_T2"><l0>2阶(如果有)</l0><l1>2階(如果有)</l1><l2>T2(if exist)</l2></label>: <input id="skillOTOS_T2" type="checkbox"><label for="skillOTOS_T2"><l01>一回合只使用一次</l01><l2>One round only spell one time</l2></label>{{skillT2Condition}}</div>',
    '  <div><input id="skill_T1" type="checkbox"><label for="skill_T1"><l0>1阶</l0><l1>1階</l1><l2>T1</l2></label>: <input id="skillOTOS_T1" type="checkbox"><label for="skillOTOS_T1"><l01>一回合只使用一次</l01><l2>One round only spell one time</l2></label>{{skillT1Condition}}</div></div>',
    '<div class="hvAATab" id="hvAATab-Scroll">',
    '  <l0>战役模式</l0><l1>戰役模式</l1><l2>Battle type</l2>: ',
    '  <input id="scrollRoundType_ar" type="checkbox"><label for="scrollRoundType_ar">The Arena</label><input id="scrollRoundType_rb" type="checkbox"><label for="scrollRoundType_rb">Ring of Blood</label><input id="scrollRoundType_gr" type="checkbox"><label for="scrollRoundType_gr">GrindFest</label><input id="scrollRoundType_iw" type="checkbox"><label for="scrollRoundType_iw">Item World</label><input id="scrollRoundType_ba" type="checkbox"><label for="scrollRoundType_ba">Encounter</label>{{scrollCondition}}',
    '  <input id="scrollFirst" type="checkbox"><label for="scrollFirst"><l0>存在技能生成的Buff时,仍然使用卷轴</l0><l1>存在技能生成的Buff時,仍然使用捲軸</l1><l2>Use Scrolls even when there are effects from spells</l2>.</label>',
    '  <div><input id="scroll_Go" type="checkbox"><label for="scroll_Go">Scroll of the Gods</label>{{scrollGoCondition}}</div>',
    '  <div><input id="scroll_Av" type="checkbox"><label for="scroll_Av">Scroll of the Avatar</label>{{scrollAvCondition}}</div>',
    '  <div><input id="scroll_Pr" type="checkbox"><label for="scroll_Pr">Scroll of Protection</label>{{scrollPrCondition}}</div>',
    '  <div><input id="scroll_Sw" type="checkbox"><label for="scroll_Sw">Scroll of Swiftness</label>{{scrollSwCondition}}</div>',
    '  <div><input id="scroll_Li" type="checkbox"><label for="scroll_Li">Scroll of Life</label>{{scrollLiCondition}}</div>',
    '  <div><input id="scroll_Sh" type="checkbox"><label for="scroll_Sh">Scroll of Shadows</label>{{scrollShCondition}}</div>',
    '  <div><input id="scroll_Ab" type="checkbox"><label for="scroll_Ab">Scroll of Absorption</label>{{scrollAbCondition}}</div></div>',
    '<div class="hvAATab" id="hvAATab-Infusion">',
    '  <l0>注意:魔药属性与</l0><l1>注意:魔藥屬性與</l1><l2>Note: The style of infusion is the same as Attack Mode in </l2><a class="hvAAGoto" name="hvAATab-Main"><l0>主要选项</l0><l1>主要選項</l1><l2>Main</l2></a><l0>里的攻击模式相同</l0><l1>裡的攻擊模式相同</l1><l2></l2><br>{{infusionCondition}}</div>',
    '<div class="hvAATab" id="hvAATab-Alarm">',
    '  <span class="hvAATitle"><l0>自定义警报</l0><l1>自定義警報</l1><l2>Alarm</l2></span><br>',
    '  <l0>注意:留空则使用默认音频,建议每个用户使用自定义音频</l0><l1>注意:留空則使用默認音頻,建議每個用戶使用自定義音頻</l1><l2>Note: Leave the box blank to use default audio, it\'s recommended for all user to use custom audio.</l2>',
    '  <div><input id="audioEnable_Common" type="checkbox"><label for="audioEnable_Common"><l01>通用</l01><l2>Common</l2>: <input name="audio_Common" type="text"></label><br><input id="audioEnable_Error" type="checkbox"><label for="audioEnable_Error"><l0>错误</l0><l1>錯誤</l1><l2>Error</l2>: <input name="audio_Error" type="text"></label><br><input id="audioEnable_Defeat" type="checkbox"><label for="audioEnable_Defeat"><l0>失败</l0><l1>失敗</l1><l2>Defeat</l2>: <input name="audio_Defeat" type="text"></label><br><input id="audioEnable_Riddle" type="checkbox"><label for="audioEnable_Riddle"><l0>答题</l0><l1>答題</l1><l2>Riddle</l2>: <input name="audio_Riddle" type="text"></label><br><input id="audioEnable_Victory" type="checkbox"><label for="audioEnable_Victory"><l0>胜利</l0><l1>勝利</l1><l2>Victory</l2>: <input name="audio_Victory" type="text"></label></div>',
    '  <div><l0>请将将要测试的音频文件的地址填入这里</l0><l1>請將將要測試的音頻文件的地址填入這裡</l1><l2>Plz put in the audio file address you want to test</l2>: <br><input class="hvAADebug" name="audio_Text" type="text"></div></div>',
    '<div class="hvAATab" id="hvAATab-Rule">',
    '  <span class="hvAATitle"><l0>攻击规则</l0><l1>攻擊規則</l1><l2>Attack Rule</l2></span> <l01><a href="攻击规则-示例" target="_blank">示例</a></l01><l2><a href="" target="_blank">Example</a></l2>',
    '  <div>1. <l0>每回合计算敌人当前血量,血量最低的设置初始血量为10,其他敌人为当前血量倍数*10</l0><l1>每回合計算敌人當前血量,血量最低的設置初始血量為10,其他敌人為當前血量倍數*10</l1><l2>Each enemiy is assigned a number which is used to determine the target to attack, let\'s call that number Priority Weight or PW.</l2></div>',
    '  <div>2. <l0>初始权重与下述各Buff权重相加</l0><l1>初始權重與下述各Buff權重相加</l1><l2>PW(X) = 10 * HP(X) / Min_HP + Accumulated_Weight_of_Deprecating_Spells_In_Effect(X)</l2><br>',
    '    Sleep: <input class="hvAANumber" name="weight_Sle" placeholder="5" type="text"> Blind: <input class="hvAANumber" name="weight_Bl" placeholder="3" type="text"> Slow: <input class="hvAANumber" name="weight_Slo" placeholder="3" type="text"> Imperil: <input class="hvAANumber" name="weight_Im" placeholder="-5" type="text"><br>',
    '    MagNet: <input class="hvAANumber" name="weight_MN" placeholder="-4" type="text"> Silence: <input class="hvAANumber" name="weight_Si" placeholder="-4" type="text"> Drain: <input class="hvAANumber" name="weight_Dr" placeholder="-4" type="text"> Weaken: <input class="hvAANumber" name="weight_We" placeholder="-4" type="text"><br>',
    '    Confuse: <input class="hvAANumber" name="weight_Co" placeholder="-1" type="text"> Coalesced Mana: <input class="hvAANumber" name="weight_CM" placeholder="-5" type="text"><br>',
    '    Stunned: <input class="hvAANumber" name="weight_Stun" placeholder="-4" type="text"> Penetrated Armor: <input class="hvAANumber" name="weight_PA" placeholder="-4" type="text"> Bleeding Wound: <input class="hvAANumber" name="weight_BW" placeholder="-4" type="text"></div>',
    '  <div>3. <input id="ruleReverse" type="checkbox"><label for="ruleReverse"><l0>计算出最终权重,攻击权重最小/最大的敌人(勾选: 最大)</l0><l1>計算出最終權重,攻擊權重最小/最大的敌人(勾選: 最大)</l1><l2>Whichever enemy has the lowest/highest PW will be the target. (ON means highest)</l2></label></div>',
    '  <div>PS. <l0>如果你对各Buff权重有特别见解,请务必</l0><l1>如果你對各Buff權重有特別見解,請務必</l1><l2>If you have any suggestions, please </l2><a class="hvAAGoto" name="hvAATab-Feedback"><l0>告诉我</l0><l1>告訴我</l1><l2>let me know</l2></a>.</div></div>',
    '<div class="hvAATab hvAACenter" id="hvAATab-Drop">',
    '  <span class="hvAATitle"><l0>掉落监测</l0><l1>掉落監測</l1><l2>Drops Tracking</l2></span><button class="reDropMonitor"><l01>重置</l01><l2>Reset</l2></button>',
    '  <div><l0>记录装备的最低品质</l0><l1>記錄裝備的最低品質</l1><l2>Minimum drop quality</l2>: <select name="dropQuality"><option value="0">Crude</option><option value="1">Fair</option><option value="2">Average</option><option value="3">Superior</option><option value="4">Exquisite</option><option value="5">Magnificent</option><option value="6">Legendary</option><option value="7">Peerless</option></select></div>',
    '  <table></table></div>',
    '<div class="hvAATab hvAACenter" id="hvAATab-Usage">',
    '  <span class="hvAATitle"><l0>数据记录</l0><l1>數據記錄</l1><l2>Usage Tracking</l2></span><button class="reRecordUsage"><l01>重置</l01><l2>Reset</l2></button>',
    '  <table></table></div>',
    '<div class="hvAATab hvAACenter" id="hvAATab-About">',
    '  <div><span class="hvAATitle"><l0>当前状况</l0><l1>當前狀況</l1><l2>Current status</l2></span>: ',
    '    <l0>如果脚本长期暂停且网络无问题,请点击</l0><l1>如果腳本長期暫停且網絡無問題,請點擊</l1><l2>If the script does not work and you are sure that it\'s not because of your internet, click</l2><button class="hvAAFix"><l0>尝试修复</l0><l1>嘗試修復</l1><l2>Try to fix</l2></button><br>',
    '    <l0>战役模式</l0><l1>戰役模式</l1><l2>Battle type</l2>: <select class="hvAADebug" name="roundType"><option></option><option value="ar">The Arena</option><option value="rb">Ring of Blood</option><option value="gr">GrindFest</option><option value="iw">Item World</option><option value="ba">Encounter</option></select> <l0>当前回合</l0><l1>當前回合</l1><l2>Current round</l2>: <input name="roundNow" class="hvAADebug hvAANumber" placeholder="1" type="text"> <l0>总回合</l0><l1>總回合</l1><l2>Total rounds</l2>: <input name="roundAll" class="hvAADebug hvAANumber" placeholder="1" type="text"></div>',
    '  <div class="hvAAQuickSite"><span class="hvAATitle"><l0>快捷站点</l0><l1>快捷站點</l1><l2>Quick Site</l2></span><button class="quickSiteAdd"><l01>新增</l01><l2>Add</l2></button><br>',
    '    <l0>注意: 留空“姓名”一栏则表示删除该行,修改后请保存</l0><l1>注意: 留空“姓名”一欄則表示刪除該行,修改後請保存</l1><l2>Note: The "name" input box left blank will be deleted, after change please save in time.</l2>',
    '    <table><tbody><tr class="hvAATh"><td><l0>图标</l0><l1>圖標</l1><l2>ICON</l2></td><td><l0>名称</l0><l1>名稱</l1><l2>Name</l2></td><td><l0>链接</l0><l1>鏈接</l1><l2>Link</l2></td></tr></tbody></table></div>',
    '  <div><span class="hvAATitle"><l0>备份与还原</l0><l1>備份與還原</l1><l2>Backup and Restore</l2></span><button class="hvAABackup"><l0>备份设置</l0><l1>備份設置</l1><l2>Backup Confiuration</l2></button><button class="hvAARestore"><l0>还原设置</l0><l1>還原設置</l1><l2>Restore Confiuration</l2></button><button class="hvAADelete"><l0>删除设置</l0><l1>刪除設置</l1><l2>Delete Confiuration</l2></button><ul class="hvAABackupList"></ul></div>',
    '  <div><span class="hvAATitle"><l0>导入与导出</l0><l1>導入與導出</l1><l2>Import and Export</l2></span><button class="hvAAExport"><l0>导出设置</l0><l1>導出設置</l1><l2>Export Confiuration</l2></button><button class="hvAAImport"><l0>导入设置</l0><l1>導入設置</l1><l2>Import Confiuration</l2></button><textarea class="hvAAConfig"></textarea></div></div>',
    '<div class="hvAATab" id="hvAATab-Feedback">',
    '  <span class="hvAATitle"><l01>反馈</l01><l2>Feedback</l2></span>',
    '  <div><l0>链接</l0><l1>鏈接</l1><l2>Links</l2>: <a class="joinQun" target="_blank" href="//">1. Group for QQ</a><a href="" target="_blank">2. GreasyFork</a><a href="" target="_blank">3. GitHub</a><a href="">4. e-mail</a></div>',
    '  <div><span class="hvAATitle"><l0>反馈说明</l0><l1>反饋說明</l1><l2>Feedback Note</l2></span>: <br>',
    '    <l0>如果你遇见了Bug,想帮助作者修复它<br>你应当提供以下多种资料: <br>1. 场景描述<br>2. 你的配置<br>3. 控制台日志 (按Ctrl+Shift+i打开开发者助手,再选择Console(控制台)面板)<br>4. 战斗日志  (如果是在战斗中)<br>如果是无法容忍甚至使脚本失效的Bug,请尝试安装旧版本<hr>如果你有一些建议使这个脚本更加有用,那么: <br>1. 请尽量简述你的想法<br>2. 如果可以,请提供一些场景 (方便作者更好理解)</l0>',
    '    <l1>如果你遇見了Bug,想幫助作者修復它<br>你應當提供以下多種資料: <br>1. 場景描述<br>2. 你的配置<br>3. 控制台日誌 (按Ctrl+Shift+i打開開發者助手,再選擇Console(控制台)面板)<br>4. 戰鬥日誌 (如果是在戰鬥中)<br>如果是無法容忍甚至使腳本失效的Bug,請嘗試安裝舊版本<hr>如果你有一些建議使這個腳本更加有用,那麼: <br>1. 請盡量簡述你的想法<br>2.如果可以,請提供一些場景 (方便作者更好理解)</l1>',
    '    <l2>If you encounter a bug and would like to help the author fix it<br>You should provide the following information: <br>1. the Situation<br>2. Your Configuration<br>3. Console Log (press Ctrl + Shift + i to open the Developer Assistant, And then select the Console panel)<br>4. Battle Log (if in combat)<br>If you are unable to tolerate this bug or even the bug made the script fail, try installing the old version<hr>If you have some suggestions to make this script more useful, then: <br>1. Please briefly describe your thoughts<br>2. If you can, please provide some scenes (to facilitate the author to better understand)<br>PS. For English user, please express in basic English (Oh my poor English, thanks for Google Translate)</l2></div></div>',
    '<div class="hvAAButtonBox hvAACenter">',
    '  <button class="hvAAReset"><l0>重置设置</l0><l1>重置設置</l1><l2>Reset</l2></button><button class="hvAAApply"><l0>应用</l0><l1>應用</l1><l2>Apply</l2></button><button class="hvAACancel"><l01>取消</l01><l2>Cancel</l2></button></div>'
  ].join('').replace(/{{(.*?)}}/g, '<div class="customize" name="$1"></div>')
  // 绑定事件
  gE('select[name="lang"]', optionBox).onchange = function () { // 选择语言
    gE('.hvAA-LangStyle').textContent = 'l' + this.value + '{display:inline!important;}'
    if (/^[01]$/.test(this.value)) gE('.hvAA-LangStyle').textContent += 'l01{display:inline!important;}'
    g('lang', this.value)
  gE('.hvAATabmenu', optionBox).onclick = function (e) { // 标签页事件
    if ( === 'INPUT') return
    var target = ( === 'SPAN') ? :
    var name = target.getAttribute('name')
    var i, _html
    if (name === 'Drop') { // 掉落监测
      var drop = getValue('drop', true) || {}
      var dropOld = getValue('dropOld', true) || []
      drop = objSort(drop)
      _html = '<tbody>'
      if (dropOld.length === 0 || (dropOld.length === 1 && !getValue('drop', true))) {
        if (dropOld.length === 1) drop = dropOld[0]
        _html += '<tr class="hvAATh"><td></td><td><l0>数量</l0><l1>數量</l1><l2>Amount</l2></td></tr>'
        for (i in drop) {
          _html += '<tr><td>' + i + '</td><td>' + drop[i] + '</td></tr>'
      } else {
        if (getValue('drop')) {
          drop.__name = getValue('battleCode')
        _html += '<tr class="hvAATh"><td class="selectTable"></td>'
        dropOld.forEach(function (_dropOld) {
          _html += '<td>' + _dropOld.__name + '</td>'
        _html += '</tr>'
        getKeys(dropOld).forEach(function (key) {
          if (key === '__name') return
          _html += '<tr><td>' + key + '</td>'
          dropOld.forEach(function (_dropOld) {
            if (key in _dropOld) {
              _html += '<td>' + _dropOld[key] + '</td>'
            } else {
              _html += '<td></td>'
          _html += '</tr>'
      _html += '</tbody>'
      gE('#hvAATab-Drop>table').innerHTML = _html
    } else if (name === 'Usage') { // 数据记录
      var stats = getValue('stats', true) || {}
      var statsOld = getValue('statsOld', true) || []
      var translation = {
        self: '<l0>自身 (次数)</l0><l1>自身 (次數)</l1><l2>Self (Frequency)</l2>',
        restore: '<l0>回复 (总量)</l0><l1>回复 (總量)</l1><l2>Restore (Amount)</l2>',
        items: '<l0>物品 (次数)</l0><l1>物品 (次數)</l1><l2>Items (Frequency)</l2>',
        magic: '<l0>技能 (次数)</l0><l1>技能 (次數)</l1><l2>Magic (Frequency)</l2>',
        damage: '<l0>伤害 (总量)</l0><l1>傷害 (總量)</l1><l2>Damage (Amount)</l2>',
        hurt: '<l0>受伤 (总量)</l0><l1>受傷 (總量)</l1><l2>Loss (Amount)</l2>',
        proficiency: '<l0>熟练度 (总量)</l0><l1>熟練度 (總量)</l1><l2>Proficiency (Amount)</l2>'
      _html = '<tbody>'
      if (statsOld.length === 0 || (statsOld.length === 1 && !getValue('stats', true))) {
        if (statsOld.length === 1) stats = statsOld[0]
        for (i in stats) {
          _html += '<tr class="hvAATh"><td>' + translation[i] + '</td><td><l01>值</l01><l2>Value</l2></td></tr>'
          stats[i] = objSort(stats[i])
          for (var j in stats[i]) {
            _html += '<tr><td>' + j + '</td><td>' + stats[i][j] + '</td></tr>'
      } else {
        if (getValue('stats')) {
          stats.__name = getValue('battleCode')
        _html += '<tr class="hvAATh"><td class="selectTable"></td>'
        statsOld.forEach(function (_dropOld) {
          _html += '<td>' + _dropOld.__name + '</td>'
        _html += '</tr>'
        Object.keys(translation).forEach(function (i) {
          if (i === '__name') return
          _html += '<tr class="hvAATh"><td colspan="' + (statsOld.length + 1) + '">' + translation[i] + '</td></tr>'
          getKeys(statsOld, i).forEach(function (key) {
            _html += '<tr><td>' + key + '</td>'
            statsOld.forEach(function (_statsOld) {
              if (key in _statsOld[i]) {
                _html += '<td>' + _statsOld[i][key] + '</td>'
              } else {
                _html += '<td></td>'
      _html += '</tbody>'
      gE('#hvAATab-Usage>table').innerHTML = _html
    } else if (name === 'About') { // 关于本脚本
      gE('.hvAADebug', 'all', optionBox).forEach(function (input) {
        if (getValue( input.value = getValue(
    if (name === 'Drop' || name === 'Usage') {
      gE('.selectTable', 'all', optionBox).forEach(function (i) {
        i.onclick = null
        i.onclick = function (e) {
          var select = window.getSelection()
          var range = document.createRange()
    gE('.hvAATab', 'all', optionBox).forEach(function (i) { = ( === 'hvAATab-' + name) ? 'block' : 'none'
  gE('.hvAAGoto', 'all', optionBox).forEach(function (i) {
    i.onclick = function () {
      gE('.hvAATabmenu>span[name="' +'hvAATab-', '') + '"]').click()

  function updateGroup () {
    var group = gE('.customizeGroup', 'all', g('customizeTarget'))
    var customizeBox = gE('.customizeBox')
    if (group.length + 1 === gE('select[name="groupChoose"]>option', 'all', customizeBox).length) return
    gE('select[name="groupChoose"]', customizeBox).textContent = ''
    for (var i = 0; i <= group.length; i++) {
      var option = gE('select[name="groupChoose"]', customizeBox).appendChild(cE('option'))
      if (i === group.length) {
        option.value = 'new'
        option.textContent = 'new'
      } else {
        option.value = i + 1
        option.textContent = i + 1
  optionBox.onmousemove = function (e) { // 自定义条件相关事件
    var target = ( === 'customize') ? : ( === 'customize') ? :
    if (!gE('.customizeBox')) customizeBox()
    if (target.className !== 'customize' && target.parentNode.className !== 'customize') {
      if (!target.className.match('customize')) gE('.customizeBox').style.zIndex = -1
    g('customizeTarget', target)
    var position = target.getBoundingClientRect()
    gE('.customizeBox').style.zIndex = 5
    gE('.customizeBox') = position.bottom + window.scrollY + 'px'
    gE('.customizeBox').style.left = position.left + window.scrollX + 'px'
  // 标签页-主要选项
  gE('input[name="pauseHotkeyStr"]', optionBox).onkeyup = function (e) {
    this.value = (/^[a-z]$/.test(e.key)) ? e.key.toUpperCase() : e.key
    gE('input[name="pauseHotkeyCode"]', optionBox).value = e.keyCode
  gE('.testNotification', optionBox).onclick = function () {
    _alert(0, '接下来开始预处理。\n如果询问是否允许,请选择允许', '接下來開始預處理。\n如果詢問是否允許,請選擇允許', 'Now, pretreat.\nPlease allow to receive notifications if you are asked for permission')
  gE('.testPopup', optionBox).onclick = function () {
    _alert(0, '接下来开始预处理。\n关闭本警告框之后,请切换到其他标签页,\n并在足够长的时间后再打开本标签页', '接下來開始預處理。\n關閉本警告框之後,請切換到其他標籤頁,\n並在足夠長的時間後再打開本標籤頁', 'Now, pretreat.\nAfter dismissing this alert, focus other tab,\nfocus this tab again after long time.')
    setTimeout(function () {
      var riddleWindow =, 'riddleWindow', 'resizable,scrollbars,width=1241,height=707')
      if (riddleWindow) {
        setTimeout(function () {
        }, 200)
    }, 3000)
  gE('.staminaLostLog', optionBox).onclick = function () {
    var out = []
    var staminaLostLog = getValue('staminaLostLog', true)
    for (var i in staminaLostLog) {
      out.push(i + ': ' + staminaLostLog[i])
    if (window.confirm('总共' + out.length + '条记录 (There are ' + out.length + ' logs): \n' + out.reverse().join('\n') + '\n是否重置 (Whether to reset)?')) setValue('staminaLostLog', {})
  gE('.idleArenaReset', optionBox).onclick = function () {
    if (_alert(1, '是否重置', '是否重置', 'Whether to reset')) delValue('arena')
  gE('.hvAAShowLevels', optionBox).onclick = function () {
    gE('.hvAAArenaLevels').style.display = (gE('.hvAAArenaLevels').style.display === 'block') ? 'none' : 'block'
  gE('.hvAALevelsClear', optionBox).onclick = function () {
    gE('[name="idleArenaLevels"]', optionBox).value = ''
    gE('[name="idleArenaValue"]', optionBox).value = ''
    gE('.hvAAArenaLevels>input', 'all', optionBox).forEach(function (input) {
      input.checked = false
  gE('.hvAAArenaLevels', optionBox).onclick = function (e) {
    if ( !== 'INPUT' && !== 'checkbox') return
    var valueArray =',')
    var levels = gE('input[name="idleArenaLevels"]').value
    var value = gE('input[name="idleArenaValue"]').value
    if ( {
      levels += (levels) ? ',' + valueArray[0] : valueArray[0]
      value += (value) ? ',' + valueArray[1] : valueArray[1]
    } else {
      levels = levels.replace(new RegExp('(^|,)' + valueArray[0] + '(,|$)'), '$2').replace(/^,/, '')
      value = value.replace(new RegExp('(^|,)' + valueArray[1] + '(,|$)'), '$2').replace(/^,/, '')
    gE('input[name="idleArenaLevels"]').value = levels
    gE('input[name="idleArenaValue"]').value = value
  // 标签页-物品
  gE('.itemOrder', optionBox).onclick = function (e) {
    if ( !== 'INPUT' && !== 'checkbox') return
    var valueArray =',')
    var name = gE('input[name="itemOrderName"]').value
    var value = gE('input[name="itemOrderValue"]').value
    if ( {
      name += (name) ? ',' + valueArray[0] : valueArray[0]
      value += (value) ? ',' + valueArray[1] : valueArray[1]
    } else {
      name = name.replace(new RegExp('(^|,)' + valueArray[0] + '(,|$)'), '$2').replace(/^,/, '')
      value = value.replace(new RegExp('(^|,)' + valueArray[1] + '(,|$)'), '$2').replace(/^,/, '')
    gE('input[name="itemOrderName"]').value = name
    gE('input[name="itemOrderValue"]').value = value
  // 标签页-Channel技能
  gE('.channelSkill2Order', optionBox).onclick = function (e) {
    if ( !== 'INPUT' && !== 'checkbox') return
    var valueArray =',')
    var name = gE('input[name="channelSkill2OrderName"]').value
    var value = gE('input[name="channelSkill2OrderValue"]').value
    if ( {
      name += (name) ? ',' + valueArray[0] : valueArray[0]
      value += (value) ? ',' + valueArray[1] : valueArray[1]
    } else {
      name = name.replace(new RegExp('(^|,)' + valueArray[0] + '(,|$)'), '$2').replace(/^,/, '')
      value = value.replace(new RegExp('(^|,)' + valueArray[1] + '(,|$)'), '$2').replace(/^,/, '')
    gE('input[name="channelSkill2OrderName"]').value = name
    gE('input[name="channelSkill2OrderValue"]').value = value
  // 标签页-BUFF技能
  gE('.buffSkillOrder', optionBox).onclick = function (e) {
    if ( !== 'INPUT' && !== 'checkbox') return
    var name =*)/)[1]
    var value = gE('input[name="buffSkillOrderValue"]').value
    if ( {
      value += (value) ? ',' + name : name
    } else {
      value = value.replace(new RegExp('(^|,)' + name + '(,|$)'), '$2').replace(/^,/, '')
    gE('input[name="buffSkillOrderValue"]').value = value
  // 标签页-DEBUFF技能
  gE('.debuffSkillOrder', optionBox).onclick = function (e) {
    if ( !== 'INPUT' && !== 'checkbox') return
    var name =*)/)[1]
    var value = gE('input[name="debuffSkillOrderValue"]').value
    if ( {
      value += (value) ? ',' + name : name
    } else {
      value = value.replace(new RegExp('(^|,)' + name + '(,|$)'), '$2').replace(/^,/, '')
    gE('input[name="debuffSkillOrderValue"]').value = value
  // 标签页-其他技能
  gE('.skillOrder', optionBox).onclick = function (e) {
    if ( !== 'INPUT' && !== 'checkbox') return
    var name =*)/)[1]
    var value = gE('input[name="skillOrderValue"]').value
    if ( {
      value += (value) ? ',' + name : name
    } else {
      value = value.replace(new RegExp('(^|,)' + name + '(,|$)'), '$2').replace(/^,/, '')
    gE('input[name="skillOrderValue"]').value = value
  // 标签页-警报
  gE('input[name="audio_Text"]', optionBox).onchange = function () {
    if (this.value === '') return
    if (!/^http(s)?:|^ftp:|^data:audio/.test(this.value)) {
      _alert(0, '地址必须以"http:","https:","ftp:","data:audio"开头', '地址必須以"http:","https:","ftp:","data:audio"開頭', 'The address must start with "http:", "https:", "ftp:", and "data:audio"')
    _alert(0, '接下来将测试该音频\n如果该音频无法播放或无法载入,请变更\n请测试完成后再键入另一个音频', '接下來將測試該音頻\n如果該音頻無法播放或無法載入,請變更\n請測試完成後再鍵入另一個音頻', 'The audio will be tested after you close this prompt\nIf the audio doesn\'t load or play, change the url')
    var box = gE('#hvAATab-Alarm').appendChild(cE('div'))
    box.innerHTML = this.value
    var audio = box.appendChild(cE('audio'))
    audio.controls = true
    audio.src = this.value
  // 标签页-掉落监测
  gE('.reDropMonitor', optionBox).onclick = function () {
    if (_alert(1, '是否重置', '是否重置', 'Whether to reset')) {
  // 标签页-数据记录
  gE('.reRecordUsage', optionBox).onclick = function () {
    if (_alert(1, '是否重置', '是否重置', 'Whether to reset')) {
  // 标签页-关于本脚本
  gE('.hvAAFix', optionBox).onclick = function () {
    gE('.hvAADebug[name^="round"]', 'all', optionBox).forEach(function (input) {
      setValue(, input.value || input.placeholder)
  gE('.quickSiteAdd', optionBox).onclick = function () {
    var tr = gE('.hvAAQuickSite>table>tbody', optionBox).appendChild(cE('tr'))
    tr.innerHTML = '<td><input class="hvAADebug" type="text"></td><td><input class="hvAADebug" type="text"></td><td><input class="hvAADebug" type="text"></td>'
  gE('.hvAAConfig', optionBox).onclick = function () { = 0 = this.scrollHeight + 'px'
  gE('.hvAABackup', optionBox).onclick = function () {
    var code = _alert(2, '请输入当前配置代号', '請輸入當前配置代號', 'Please put in a name for the current configuration') || time(3)
    var backups = getValue('backup', true) || {}
    backups[code] = getValue('option')
    setValue('backup', backups)
    var li = gE('.hvAABackupList', optionBox).appendChild(cE('li'))
    li.textContent = code
  gE('.hvAARestore', optionBox).onclick = function () {
    var code = _alert(2, '请输入配置代号', '請輸入配置代號', 'Please put in a name for a configuration')
    var backups = getValue('backup', true) || {}
    if (!(code in backups) || !code) return
    setValue('option', backups[code])
  gE('.hvAADelete', optionBox).onclick = function () {
    var code = _alert(2, '请输入配置代号', '請輸入配置代號', 'Please put in a name for a configuration')
    var backups = getValue('backup', true) || {}
    if (!(code in backups) || !code) return
    delete backups[code]
    setValue('backup', backups)
  gE('.hvAAExport', optionBox).onclick = function () {
    var t = getValue('option')
    gE('.hvAAConfig').value = typeof t === 'string' ? t : JSON.stringify(t)
  gE('.hvAAImport', optionBox).onclick = function () {
    var option = JSON.parse(gE('.hvAAConfig').value)
    if (!option) return
    if (_alert(1, '是否重置', '是否重置', 'Whether to reset')) {
      setValue('option', option)
  // 标签页-反馈
  gE('.joinQun', optionBox).onclick = function (e) {
    if (!window.confirm() || !window.confirm() || !window.confirm()) {
  gE('.hvAAReset', optionBox).onclick = function () {
    if (_alert(1, '是否重置', '是否重置', 'Whether to reset')) delValue('option')
  gE('.hvAAApply', optionBox).onclick = function () {
    if (gE('select[name="attackStatus"] option[value="-1"]:checked', optionBox)) {
      _alert(0, '请选择攻击模式', '請選擇攻擊模式', 'Please select the attack mode')
      gE('#attackStatus', optionBox).style.border = '1px solid red'
      setTimeout(function () {
        gE('#attackStatus', optionBox).style.border = ''
      }, 0.5 * 1000)
    var _option = {
      version: g('version')
    var inputs = gE('input,select', 'all', optionBox)
    var itemName, itemArray, itemValue, i
    for (i = 0; i < inputs.length; i++) {
      if (inputs[i].className === 'hvAADebug') {
      } else if (inputs[i].className === 'hvAANumber') {
        itemName = inputs[i].name
        itemValue = (inputs[i].value || inputs[i].placeholder) * 1
        if (isNaN(itemValue)) continue
      } else if (inputs[i].type === 'text' || inputs[i].type === 'hidden') {
        itemName = inputs[i].name
        itemValue = inputs[i].value || inputs[i].placeholder
        if (itemValue === '') continue
      } else if (inputs[i].type === 'checkbox') {
        itemName = inputs[i].id
        itemValue = inputs[i].checked
        if (itemValue === false) continue
      } else if (inputs[i].type === 'select-one') {
        itemName = inputs[i].name
        itemValue = inputs[i].value
      itemArray = itemName.split('_')
      if (itemArray.length === 1) {
        _option[itemName] = itemValue
      } else {
        if (!(itemArray[0] in _option)) _option[itemArray[0]] = {}
        if (inputs[i].className === 'customizeInput') {
          if (typeof _option[itemArray[0]][itemArray[1]] === 'undefined') _option[itemArray[0]][itemArray[1]] = []
        } else {
          _option[itemArray[0]][itemArray[1]] = itemValue
    inputs = gE('.hvAAQuickSite input[type="text"]', 'all', optionBox)
    for (i = 0; 3 * i < inputs.length; i++) {
      if (i === 0 && inputs.length !== 0) _option.quickSite = []
      if (inputs[3 * i + 1].value === '') continue
        fav: inputs[3 * i].value,
        name: inputs[3 * i + 1].value,
        url: inputs[3 * i + 2].value
    setValue('option', _option) = 'none'
  gE('.hvAACancel', optionBox).onclick = function () { = 'none'
  if (g('option')) {
    var i, j, k
    var _option = g('option')
    var inputs = gE('input,select', 'all', optionBox)
    var itemName, itemArray, itemValue, _html
    for (i = 0; i < inputs.length; i++) {
      if (inputs[i].className === 'hvAADebug') continue
      itemName = inputs[i].name || inputs[i].id
      if (typeof _option[itemName] !== 'undefined') {
        itemValue = _option[itemName]
      } else {
        itemArray = itemName.split('_')
        itemValue = ''
        if (itemArray.length === 2 && typeof _option[itemArray[0]] === 'object' && inputs[i].className !== 'hvAACustomize' && typeof _option[itemArray[0]][itemArray[1]] !== 'undefined') {
          itemValue = _option[itemArray[0]][itemArray[1]]
      if (inputs[i].type === 'text' || inputs[i].type === 'hidden' || inputs[i].type === 'select-one' || inputs[i].type === 'number') {
        inputs[i].value = itemValue
      } else if (inputs[i].type === 'checkbox') {
        inputs[i].checked = itemValue
    var customize = gE('.customize', 'all', optionBox)
    for (i = 0; i < customize.length; i++) {
      itemName = customize[i].getAttribute('name')
      if (itemName in _option) {
        for (j in _option[itemName]) {
          var group = customize[i].appendChild(cE('div'))
          group.className = 'customizeGroup'
          group.innerHTML = j * 1 + 1 + '. '
          for (k = 0; k < _option[itemName][j].length; k++) {
            var input = group.appendChild(cE('input'))
            input.type = 'text'
            input.className = 'customizeInput'
   = itemName + '_' + j
            input.value = _option[itemName][j][k]
    if (_option.quickSite) {
      _html = '<tr class="hvAATh"><td><l0>图标</l0><l1>圖標</l1><l2>ICON</l2></td><td><l0>名称</l0><l1>名稱</l1><l2>Name</l2></td><td><l0>链接</l0><l1>鏈接</l1><l2>Link</l2></td></tr>'
      _option.quickSite.forEach(function (i) {
        _html += '<tr><td><input class="hvAADebug" type="text" value="' + i.fav + '"></td><td><input class="hvAADebug" type="text" value="' + + '"></td><td><input class="hvAADebug" type="text" value="' + i.url + '"></td></tr>'
      gE('.hvAAQuickSite>table>tbody', optionBox).innerHTML = _html
    if (getValue('backup')) {
      var backups = getValue('backup', true)
      _html = ''
      for (i in backups) {
        _html += '<li>' + i + '</li>'
      gE('.hvAABackupList', optionBox).innerHTML = _html

function customizeBox () { // 自定义条件界面
  var customizeBox = gE('body').appendChild(cE('div'))
  customizeBox.className = 'customizeBox'
  var statusOption = [
    '<option value="hp">hp</option>',
    '<option value="mp">mp</option>',
    '<option value="sp">sp</option>',
    '<option value="oc">oc</option>',
    '<option value="">- - - -</option>',
    '<option value="monsterAll">monsterAll</option>',
    '<option value="monsterAlive">monsterAlive</option>',
    '<option value="bossAll">bossAll</option>',
    '<option value="bossAlive">bossAlive</option>',
    '<option value="">- - - -</option>',
    '<option value="roundNow">roundNow</option>',
    '<option value="roundAll">roundAll</option>',
    '<option value="roundLeft">roundLeft</option>',
    '<option value="roundType">roundType</option>',
    '<option value="attackStatus">attackStatus</option>',
    '<option value="turn">turn</option>',
    '<option value="">- - - -</option>',
    '<option value="_isCd_">isCd</option>',
    '<option value="_buffTurn_">buffTurn</option>',
    '<option value=""></option>'
  customizeBox.innerHTML = [
    '<span><l01><a href="自定义判断条件" target="_blank">?</a></l01><l2><a href="" target="_blank">?</a></l2></span>',
    '<span class="hvAAInspect" title="off">' + String.fromCharCode(parseInt('21F1', 16).toString(10)) + '</span>',
    '<select name="groupChoose"></select>',
    '<select name="statusA">' + statusOption + '</select>',
    '<select name="compareAB"><option value="1">></option><option value="2"><</option><option value="3">≥</option><option value="4">≤</option><option value="5">=</option><option value="6">≠</option></select>',
    '<select name="statusB">' + statusOption + '</select>',
    '<button class="groupAdd">ADD</button>'
  ].join(' ')
  var funcSelect = function (e) {
    var box
    if (gE('#hvAAInspectBox')) {
      box = gE('#hvAAInspectBox')
    } else {
      box = gE('body').appendChild(cE('div')) = 'hvAAInspectBox'
    var target =
    var find = attr(target)
    while (!find) {
      target = target.parentNode
      if ( === 'csp' || target.tagName === 'BODY') { = 'none'
      find = attr(target)
    box.textContent = find = 'block' = e.pageX - e.offsetX + target.offsetWidth + 'px' = e.pageY - e.offsetY + target.offsetHeight + 'px'
  gE('.hvAAInspect', customizeBox).onclick = function () {
    if (this.title === 'on') {
      this.title = 'off'
      gE('#csp').removeEventListener('mousemove', funcSelect)
    } else {
      this.title = 'on'
      gE('#csp').addEventListener('mousemove', funcSelect)
  gE('.groupAdd', customizeBox).onclick = function () {
    var target = g('customizeTarget')
    var selects = gE('select', 'all', customizeBox)
    var groupChoose = selects[0].value
    var group
    if (groupChoose === 'new') {
      groupChoose = gE('option', 'all', selects[0]).length
      group = target.appendChild(cE('div'))
      group.className = 'customizeGroup'
      group.innerHTML = groupChoose + '. '
    } else {
      group = gE('.customizeGroup', 'all', target)[groupChoose - 1]
    var input = group.appendChild(cE('input'))
    input.type = 'text'
    input.className = 'customizeInput' = target.getAttribute('name') + '_' + (groupChoose - 1)
    input.value = selects[1].value + ',' + selects[2].value + ',' + selects[3].value

  function attr (target) {
    var onmouseover = target.getAttribute('onmouseover')
    if (target.className === 'btsd') {
      return 'Skill Id: ' +
    } else if (onmouseover && onmouseover.match('common.show_itemc_box')) {
      return 'Item Id: ' + onmouseover.match(/(\d+)\)/)[1]
    } else if (onmouseover && onmouseover.match('equips.set')) {
      return 'Equip Id: ' + onmouseover.match(/(\d+)/)[1]
    } else if (onmouseover && onmouseover.match('battle.set_infopane_effect')) {
      return 'Buff Img: ' + target.src.match(/\/e\/(.*?).png/)[1]

function setAlarm (e) { // 发出警报
  e = e || 'Common'
  if (g('option').notification) setNotification(e)
  if (g('option').alert && g('option').audioEnable && g('option').audioEnable[e]) setAudioAlarm(e)

function setAudioAlarm (e) { // 发出音频警报
  var audio
  if (gE('#hvAAAlert-' + e)) {
    audio = gE('#hvAAAlert-' + e)
  } else {
    audio = gE('body').appendChild(cE('audio')) = 'hvAAAlert-' + e
    var fileType = '.ogg' // var fileType = (/Chrome|Safari/.test(navigator.userAgent)) ? '.mp3' : '.wav';
    audio.src = (g('option').audio && g('option').audio[e]) ? g('option').audio[e] : '' + e + fileType
    audio.controls = true
    audio.loop = (e === 'Riddle')

  function pauseAudio (e) {
    document.removeEventListener(e.type, pauseAudio, true)
  document.addEventListener('mousemove', pauseAudio, true)

function setNotification (e) { // 发出桌面通知
  var notification = [
      Common: {
        text: '未知',
        time: 5
      Error: {
        text: '某些错误发生了',
        time: 10
      Defeat: {
        text: '游戏失败\n玩家可自行查看战斗Log寻找失败原因',
        time: 5
      Riddle: {
        text: '小马答题\n紧急!\n紧急!\n紧急!',
        time: 30
      Victory: {
        text: '游戏胜利\n页面将在3秒后刷新',
        time: 3
      Test: {
        text: '测试文本',
        time: 3
    }, {
      Common: {
        text: '未知',
        time: 5
      Error: {
        text: '某些錯誤發生了',
        time: 10
      Defeat: {
        text: '遊戲失敗\n玩家可自行查看戰鬥Log尋找失敗原因',
        time: 5
      Riddle: {
        text: '小馬答題\n緊急!\n緊急!\n緊急!',
        time: 30
      Victory: {
        text: '遊戲勝利\n頁面將在3秒後刷新',
        time: 3
      Test: {
        text: '測試文本',
        time: 3
    }, {
      Common: {
        text: 'unknown',
        time: 5
      Error: {
        text: 'Some errors have occurred',
        time: 10
      Defeat: {
        text: 'You have been defeated.\nYou can check the battle log.',
        time: 5
      Riddle: {
        text: 'Riddle\nURGENT\nURGENT\nURGENT',
        time: 30
      Victory: {
        text: 'You\'re victorious.\nThis page will refresh in 3 seconds.',
        time: 3
      Test: {
        text: 'testText',
        time: 3
  if (typeof GM_notification !== 'undefined') {
      text: notification.text,
      image: window.location.origin + '/y/hentaiverse.png',
      highlight: true,
      timeout: 1000 * notification.time
  if (window.Notification && window.Notification.permission !== 'denied') {
    window.Notification.requestPermission(function (status) {
      if (status === 'granted') {
        var n = new window.Notification(notification.text, {
          icon: '/y/hentaiverse.png'
        setTimeout(function () {
          if (n) n.close()
        }, 1000 * notification.time)

        var nClose = function (e) {
          if (n) n.close()
          document.removeEventListener(e.type, nClose, true)
        document.addEventListener('mousemove', nClose, true)
        // document.addEventListener('click', nClose, true);

function checkCondition (parms) {
  if (typeof parms === 'undefined') return true
  var i, j, k
  var result = []
  var returnValue = function (str) {
    if (str.match(/^_/)) {
      var arr = str.split('_')
      return func[arr[1]](...[...arr].splice(2))
    } else if (str.match(/^'.*?'$|^".*?"$/)) {
      return str.substr(1, str.length - 2)
    } else if (isNaN(str * 1)) {
      return g(str)
    } else {
      return str * 1
  var func = {
    isCd: function (id) {
      return isOn(id) ? 0 : 1
    buffTurn: function (img) {
      var buff = gE('#pane_effects>img[src*="' + img + '"]')
      if (!buff) {
        return 0
      } else {
        buff = buff.getAttribute('onmouseover').match(/\(.*,.*, (.*?)\)$/)[1] * 1
        return isNaN(buff) ? Infinity : buff

  for (i in parms) {
    for (j = 0; j < parms[i].length; j++) {
      if (!(parms[i] instanceof Array)) continue
      k = parms[i][j].split(',')
      k[0] = returnValue(k[0])
      k[2] = returnValue(k[2])
      switch (k[1]) {
        case '1':
          result[i] = k[0] > k[2]
        case '2':
          result[i] = k[0] < k[2]
        case '3':
          result[i] = k[0] >= k[2]
        case '4':
          result[i] = k[0] <= k[2]
        case '5':
          result[i] = k[0] === k[2]
        case '6':
          result[i] = k[0] !== k[2]
      if (result[i] === false) j = parms[i].length
    if (result[i] === true) return true
  return false
// 答题//
function riddleAlert () { // 答题警报
  if (window.opener) {
    gE('#riddleanswer+img').onclick = function () {
  var answers = ['A', 'B', 'C']
  document.onkeydown = function (e) {
    if (/^[abc]$/i.test(e.key)) {
      this.onkeydown = null
    } else if (/^[123]$/.test(e.key)) {
      riddleSubmit(answers[e.key - 1])
      this.onkeydown = null
  if (g('option').riddleRadio) {
    var bar = gE('body').appendChild(cE('div'))
    bar.className = 'answerBar'
    answers.forEach(function (answer) {
      var button = bar.appendChild(cE('div'))
      button.value = answer
      button.onclick = function () {
  var checkTime = function () {
    var time
    if (typeof g('time') === 'undefined') {
      var timeDiv = gE('#riddlecounter>div>div', 'all')
      if (timeDiv.length === 0) return
      time = ''
      for (var j = 0; j < timeDiv.length; j++) {
        time = (timeDiv[j].style.backgroundPosition.match(/(\d+)px$/)[1] / 12).toString() + time
      g('time', time * 1)
    } else {
      time = g('time')
      g('time', time)
    document.title = time
    if (time <= g('option').riddleAnswerTime) riddleSubmit(gE('#riddleanswer').value || answers[parseInt(Math.random() * 3)])
  for (var i = 0; i < 30; i++) {
    setTimeout(checkTime, i * 1000)

  function riddleSubmit (answer) {
    if (!window.opener) {
      gE('#riddleanswer').value = answer
    } else {
      post(window.location.href, function () { // 待续
        window.opener.document.location.href = window.location.href
      }, 'riddleanswer=' + answer)
// 战斗外//
function quickSite () { // 快捷站点
  var quickSiteBar = gE('body').appendChild(cE('div'))
  quickSiteBar.className = 'quickSiteBar'
  quickSiteBar.innerHTML = '<span><a href="javascript:void(0);"class="quickSiteBarToggle">&lt;&lt;</a></span><span><a href="网页游戏"target="_blank"><img src="" class="favicon"></img>贴吧</a></span><span><a href=""target="_blank"><img src="" class="favicon"></img>Forums</a></span>'
  if (g('option').quickSite) {
    g('option').quickSite.forEach(function (site) {
      quickSiteBar.innerHTML += '<span title="' + + '"><a href="' + site.url + '"target="_blank">' + ((site.fav) ? '<img src="' + site.fav + '"class="favicon"></img>' : '') + + '</a></span>'
  gE('.quickSiteBarToggle', quickSiteBar).onclick = function () {
    var spans = gE('span', 'all', quickSiteBar)
    for (var i = 1; i < spans.length; i++) {
      spans[i].style.display = (this.textContent === '<<') ? 'none' : 'block'
    this.textContent = (this.textContent === '<<') ? '>>' : '<<'

function idleArena () { // 闲置竞技场
  var arena = getValue('arena', true) || {}
  if ( !== g('dateNow')) {
    arena = {
      date: g('dateNow'),
      gr: g('option').idleArenaGrTime,
      token: {
        length: 0
    // iframe打开四个网站,设定四个判断值,同时true才继续
    var getToken = function (data, e) {
      var imgs = gE('img[src*="startchallenge.png"]', 'all', data)
      if ($/)) { = gE('img[src*="startgrindfest.png"]', data).getAttribute('onclick').match(/init_battle\(1, '(.*?)'\)/)[1]
      } else {
        imgs.forEach(function (_) {
          var temp = _.getAttribute('onclick').match(/init_battle\((\d+),\d+,'(.*?)'\)/)
          arena.token[temp[1]] = temp[2]
    post('?s=Battle&ss=gr', getToken)
    post('?s=Battle&ss=ar', getToken)
    post('?s=Battle&ss=ar&page=2', getToken)
    post('?s=Battle&ss=rb', getToken)
    var checkOnload = function () {
      if (arena.token.length < 4) {
        setTimeout(checkOnload, 200)
      } else {
        setValue('arena', arena)
        setTimeout(idleArena, 200)
  if (arena.isOk) return
  if (g('option').restoreStamina && gE('#stamina_readout .fc4.far.fcb>div').textContent.match(/\d+/)[0] * 1 <= g('option').staminaLow && gE('#stamina_readout .fc4.far.fcb>div').textContent.match(/\d+/)[0] * 1 < 85) {
    post(window.location.href, goto, 'recover=stamina')
  arena.array = arena.array || g('option').idleArenaValue.split(',')
  var href, id
  while (arena.array.length > 0) {
    id = arena.array[0] * 1
    if (isNaN(id)) {
      href = 'gr'
      id = 'gr'
    } else if (id >= 105) {
      href = 'rb'
    } else if (id >= 19) {
      href = 'ar&page=2'
    } else {
      href = 'ar'
    if (!(id in arena.token)) {
      arena.array.splice(0, 1)
    } else {
  document.title = _alert(-1, '闲置竞技场', '閒置競技場開始', 'Idle Arena start')
  if (arena.array[0] === 'gr' && <= 0) {
    arena.array.splice(0, 1)
    setValue('arena', arena)
  } else if (arena.array[0] === 'gr' && > 0) {
  } else {
    arena.array.splice(0, 1)
  if (arena.array.length === 0) arena.isOk = true
  setValue('arena', arena)
  var token = arena.token[id]
  if (id === 'gr') id = 1
  post('?s=Battle&ss=' + href, goto, 'initid=' + String(id) + '&inittoken=' + token)

function encounterCheck () { // encounter
  var timeNow = time(0)
  var encounter = (getValue('encounter') && getValue('encounter', true).dateNow === g('dateNow')) ? getValue('encounter', true) : {
    dateNow: g('dateNow'),
    time: 0
  if (!encounter.lastTime || (timeNow - encounter.lastTime >= 30 * 60 * 1000 && encounter.time < 24)) {
    if (g('option').restoreStamina && gE('#stamina_readout .fc4.far.fcb>div').textContent.match(/\d+/)[0] * 1 <= g('option').staminaLow) {
      post(window.location.href, goto, 'recover=stamina')
    encounter.lastTime = timeNow
    setValue('encounter', encounter)
  var lastEncounter
  if (gE('.lastEncounter')) {
    lastEncounter = gE('.lastEncounter')
  } else {
    lastEncounter = gE('body').appendChild(cE('a'))
    lastEncounter.className = 'lastEncounter'
    lastEncounter.title = time(3, encounter.lastTime) + '\nEncounter TIme: ' + encounter.time
    lastEncounter.href = ''
    lastEncounter.onclick = function () {
      if (encounter.time >= 24 && _alert(1, '是否重置', '是否重置', 'Whether to reset')) delValue('encounter')
  lastEncounter.innerHTML = Math.floor((timeNow - encounter.lastTime) / 1000 / 60) + '<l0>分钟前</l0><l1>分鐘前</l1><l2> mins before</l2>'
  setTimeout(encounterCheck, 1 * 60 * 1000 * (Math.random() * 20 + 90) / 100)
// 战斗中//
function main () { // 主程序
  if (getValue('disabled')) { // 如果禁用
    document.title = _alert(-1, 'hvAutoAttack暂停中', 'hvAutoAttack暫停中', 'hvAutoAttack Paused')
    gE('#hvAABox2>button').innerHTML = '<l0>继续</l0><l1>繼續</l1><l2>Continue</l2>'
  g('end', false)
  if (getValue('monsterStatus') && getValue('monsterStatus', true).length === g('monsterAll')) {
    g('monsterStatus', getValue('monsterStatus', true))
  } else {
  g('turn', g('turn') + 1)
  if (gE('#vbh')) {
    g('hp', gE('#vbh>div>img').offsetWidth / 500 * 100)
    g('mp', gE('#vbm>div>img').offsetWidth / 210 * 100)
    g('sp', gE('#vbs>div>img').offsetWidth / 210 * 100)
    g('oc', gE('#vcp>div>div') ? (gE('#vcp>div>div', 'all').length - gE('#vcp>div>div#vcr', 'all').length) * 25 : 0)
  } else {
    g('hp', gE('#dvbh>div>img').offsetWidth / 418 * 100)
    g('mp', gE('#dvbm>div>img').offsetWidth / 418 * 100)
    g('sp', gE('#dvbs>div>img').offsetWidth / 418 * 100)
    g('oc', gE('#dvrc').textContent)
  battleInfo() // 战斗战况
  countMonsterHP() // 统计敌人血量
  if (g('option').autoFlee && checkCondition(g('option').fleeCondition)) {
    setTimeout(goto, 3 * 1000)
  if (g('option').autoPause && checkCondition(g('option').pauseCondition)) {
  if (gE('#ikey_p')) useGem() // 自动使用宝石
  if (g('end')) return
  if (g('option').item && g('option').itemOrderValue) deadSoon() // 自动回血回魔
  if (g('end')) return
  if (g('option').defend && checkCondition(g('option').defendCondition)) {
  if (g('option').scrollSwitch && g('option').scroll && checkCondition(g('option').scrollCondition) && g('option').scrollRoundType && g('option').scrollRoundType[g('roundType')]) useScroll() // 自动使用卷轴
  if (g('end')) return
  if (g('option').channelSkillSwitch && g('option').channelSkill && gE('#pane_effects>img[src*="channeling"]')) useChannelSkill() // 自动施法Channel技能
  if (g('end')) return
  if (g('option').buffSkillSwitch && g('option').buffSkill && checkCondition(g('option').buffSkillCondition)) useBuffSkill() // 自动施法BUFF技能
  if (g('end')) return
  if (g('attackStatus') !== 0 && g('option').infusionSwitch && checkCondition(g('option').infusionCondition)) useInfusions() // 自动使用魔药
  if (g('end')) return
  if (g('option').debuffSkillSwitch && g('option').debuffSkillAllIm && gE('div.btm6 img[src*="imperil"]', 'all').length < g('monsterAlive')) allImperiled() // 给所有敌人上Imperil
  if (g('end')) return
  if (g('option').debuffSkillSwitch && g('option').debuffSkill && checkCondition(g('option').debuffSkillCondition)) useDeSkill() // 自动施法DEBUFF技能
  if (g('end')) return
  attack() // 自动打怪
  // if (g('end')) return

function pauseChange () { // 暂停状态更改
  if (getValue('disabled')) {
    if (gE('.pauseChange')) gE('.pauseChange').innerHTML = '<l0>暂停</l0><l1>暫停</l1><l2>Pause</l2>'
  } else {
    if (gE('.pauseChange')) gE('.pauseChange').innerHTML = '<l0>继续</l0><l1>繼續</l1><l2>Continue</l2>'
    setValue('disabled', true)
    g('end', true)

function reloader () {
  var delayAlert, delayReload, obj, a, cost
  var eventStart = cE('a') = 'eventStart'
  eventStart.onclick = function () {
    a =
    if (g('option').delayAlert) delayAlert = setTimeout(setAlarm, g('option').delayAlertTime * 1000)
    if (g('option').delayReload) delayReload = setTimeout(goto, g('option').delayReloadTime * 1000)
    if (g('option').recordUsage) {
      obj = {
        mode: a.mode
      if (a.mode === 'items') {
        obj.item = gE('#pane_item div[id^="ikey"][onclick*="skill(\'' + a.skill + '\')"]').textContent
      } else if (a.mode === 'magic') {
        obj.magic = gE(a.skill).textContent
        cost = gE(a.skill).getAttribute('onmouseover').match(/\('.*', '.*', '.*', (\d+), (\d+), \d+\)/) = cost[1] * 1
        obj.oc = cost[2] * 1
  var eventEnd = cE('a') = 'eventEnd'
  eventEnd.onclick = function () {
    var timeNow = time(0)
    g('runSpeed', (1000 / (timeNow - g('timeNow'))).toFixed(2))
    g('timeNow', timeNow)
    if (g('option').delayAlert) clearTimeout(delayAlert)
    if (g('option').delayReload) clearTimeout(delayReload)
    var monsterDead = gE('img[src*="nbardead"]', 'all').length
    g('monsterAlive', g('monsterAll') - monsterDead)
    var bossDead = gE('div.btm1[style*="opacity"] div.btm2[style*="background"]', 'all').length
    g('bossAlive', g('bossAll') - bossDead)
    var battleLog = gE('#textlog>tbody>tr>td', 'all')
    if (g('option').recordUsage) {
      obj.log = battleLog
    if (gE('#btcp')) {
      if (g('option').dropMonitor) dropMonitor(battleLog)
      if (g('option').recordUsage) recordUsage2()
      if (g('monsterAlive') > 0) { // Defeat
      } else if (g('roundNow') !== g('roundAll')) { // Next Round
        post(window.location.href, function (data) {
          if (gE('#riddlecounter', data)) {
            if (g('option').riddlePopup && !window.opener) {
    , 'riddleWindow', 'resizable,scrollbars,width=1241,height=707')
            } else {
          gE('#battle_main').replaceChild(gE('#battle_right', data), gE('#battle_right'))
          gE('#battle_main').replaceChild(gE('#battle_left', data), gE('#battle_left'))
          unsafeWindow.battle = new unsafeWindow.Battle()
      } else if (g('roundNow') === g('roundAll')) { // Victory
        setTimeout(goto, 3 * 1000)
    } else {
  window.sessionStorage.delay = g('option').delay
  window.sessionStorage.delay2 = g('option').delay2
  var fakeApiCall = cE('script')
  fakeApiCall.textContent = 'api_call = ' + function (b, a, d) {
    var delay = window.sessionStorage.delay * 1
    var delay2 = window.sessionStorage.delay2 * 1 = a'POST', '/json')
    b.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json')
    b.withCredentials = true
    b.onreadystatechange = d
    b.onload = function () {
    if (a.mode === 'magic' && a.skill >= 200) {
      if (delay <= 0) {
      } else {
        setTimeout(function () {
        }, delay * (Math.random() * 50 + 50) / 100)
    } else {
      if (delay2 <= 0) {
      } else {
        setTimeout(function () {
        }, delay2 * (Math.random() * 50 + 50) / 100)
  var fakeApiResponse = cE('script')
  fakeApiResponse.textContent = 'api_response = ' + function (b) {
    if (b.readyState === 4) {
      if (b.status === 200) {
        var a = JSON.parse(b.responseText)
        if (a.login !== undefined) {
 = unsafeWindow.login_url
        } else {
          if (a.error || a.reload) window.location.href =
          return a
      } else {
        window.location.href =
    return false

function newRound () { // New Round
  g('turn', 0)
  if (window.location.hash !== '') goto()
  g('monsterAll', gE('div.btm1', 'all').length)
  var monsterDead = gE('img[src*="nbardead"]', 'all').length
  g('monsterAlive', g('monsterAll') - monsterDead)
  g('bossAll', gE('div.btm2[style^="background"]', 'all').length)
  var bossDead = gE('div.btm1[style*="opacity"] div.btm2[style*="background"]', 'all').length
  g('bossAlive', g('bossAll') - bossDead)
  var battleLog = gE('#textlog>tbody>tr>td', 'all')
  g('roundType', (function () {
    if (getValue('roundType')) {
      return getValue('roundType')
    } else {
      var roundType
      var temp = battleLog[battleLog.length - 1].textContent
      if (!temp.match(/^Initializing/)) {
        roundType = ''
      } else if (temp.match(/^Initializing arena challenge/) && temp.match(/\d+/)[0] * 1 <= 33) {
        roundType = 'ar'
      } else if (temp.match(/^Initializing arena challenge/) && temp.match(/\d+/)[0] * 1 >= 105) {
        roundType = 'rb'
      } else if (temp.match(/^Initializing random encounter/)) {
        roundType = 'ba'
        if (g('option').encounter) {
          var encounter = getValue('encounter', true)
          encounter.lastTime = time(0)
          setValue('encounter', encounter)
      } else if (temp.match(/^Initializing Item World/)) {
        roundType = 'iw'
      } else if (temp.match(/^Initializing Grindfest/)) {
        roundType = 'gr'
      } else {
        roundType = ''
      setValue('roundType', roundType)
      return roundType
  if (/You lose \d+ Stamina/.test(battleLog[0].textContent)) {
    var staminaLostLog = getValue('staminaLostLog', true) || {}
    staminaLostLog[time(3)] = battleLog[0].textContent.match(/You lose (\d+) Stamina/)[1] * 1
    setValue('staminaLostLog', staminaLostLog)
    var losedStamina = battleLog[0].textContent.match(/\d+/)[0] * 1
    if (losedStamina >= g('option').staminaLose) {
      if (!_alert(1, '当前Stamina过低\n或Stamina损失过多\n是否继续?', '當前Stamina過低\n或Stamina損失過多\n是否繼續?', 'Continue?\nYou either have too little Stamina or have lost too much')) {
  if (battleLog[battleLog.length - 1].textContent.match('Initializing')) {
    var monsterStatus = []
    var id = 0
    for (var i = battleLog.length - 2; i > battleLog.length - 2 - g('monsterAll'); i--) {
      var hp = battleLog[i].textContent.match(/HP=(\d+)$/)[1] * 1
      if (isNaN(hp)) hp = monsterStatus[monsterStatus.length - 1].hp
      monsterStatus[id] = {
        order: id,
        id: (id === 9) ? 0 : id + 1,
        hp: hp
      id = id + 1
    setValue('monsterStatus', monsterStatus)
    g('monsterStatus', monsterStatus)
    var roundNow, roundAll
    var round = battleLog[battleLog.length - 1].textContent.match(/\(Round (\d+) \/ (\d+)\)/)
    if (g('roundType') !== 'ba' && round !== null) {
      roundNow = round[1] * 1
      roundAll = round[2] * 1
    } else {
      roundNow = 1
      roundAll = 1
    setValue('roundNow', roundNow)
    setValue('roundAll', roundAll)
  } else if (!getValue('monsterStatus') || getValue('monsterStatus', true).length !== gE('div.btm2', 'all').length) {
    setValue('roundNow', 1)
    setValue('roundAll', 1)
  g('roundNow', getValue('roundNow') * 1)
  g('roundAll', getValue('roundAll') * 1)
  g('roundLeft', getValue('roundAll') - g('roundNow'))
  g('skillOTOS', {
    OFC: 0,
    FRD: 0,
    T3: 0,
    T2: 0,
    T1: 0

function battleInfo () { // 战斗战况
  if (!gE('.hvAALog')) {
    var div = gE('#hvAABox2').appendChild(cE('div'))
    div.className = 'hvAALog'
  var status = [
  gE('.hvAALog').innerHTML = [
    'Turns: ' + g('turn'),
    '<br>Speed: ' + g('runSpeed') + ' t/s',
    '<br>Round: ' + g('roundNow') + '/' + g('roundAll'),
    '<br><l0>攻击模式</l0><l1>攻擊模式</l1><l2>Attack Mode</l2>: ' + status[g('attackStatus')],
    '<br><l0>敌人</l0><l1>敌人</l1><l2>Monsters</l2>: ' + g('monsterAlive') + '/' + g('monsterAll')
  document.title = g('turn') + '||' + g('runSpeed') + '||' + g('roundNow') + '/' + g('roundAll') + '||' + g('monsterAlive') + '/' + g('monsterAll')

function countMonsterHP () { // 统计敌人血量
  var monsterHp = gE('div.btm4>div.btm5:nth-child(1)', 'all')
  var monsterStatus = g('monsterStatus')
  var i, j
  var hpArray = []
  for (i = 0; i < monsterHp.length; i++) {
    if (gE('img[src*="nbardead.png"]', monsterHp[i])) {
      monsterStatus[i].isDead = true
      monsterStatus[i].hpNow = Infinity
    } else {
      monsterStatus[i].isDead = false
      monsterStatus[i].hpNow = Math.floor(monsterStatus[i].hp * parseFloat(gE('img', monsterHp[i]).style.width) / 120) + 1
  setValue('monsterStatus', monsterStatus)
  var hpLowest = Math.min.apply(null, hpArray)
  var hpMost = Math.max.apply(null, hpArray)
  for (i = 0; i < monsterStatus.length; i++) {
    monsterStatus[i].finWeight = (monsterStatus[i].isDead) ? Infinity : ((g('option').ruleReverse) ? hpMost / monsterStatus[i].hpNow * 10 : monsterStatus[i].hpNow / hpLowest * 10)
  var skillLib = {
    Sle: {
      name: 'Sleep',
      img: 'sleep'
    Bl: {
      name: 'Blind',
      img: 'blind'
    Slo: {
      name: 'Slow',
      img: 'slow'
    Im: {
      name: 'Imperil',
      img: 'imperil'
    MN: {
      name: 'MagNet',
      img: 'magnet'
    Si: {
      name: 'Silence',
      img: 'silence'
    Dr: {
      name: 'Drain',
      img: 'drainhp'
    We: {
      name: 'Weaken',
      img: 'weaken'
    Co: {
      name: 'Confuse',
      img: 'confuse'
    CM: {
      name: 'Coalesced Mana',
      img: 'coalescemana'
    Stun: {
      name: 'Stunned',
      img: 'wpn_stun'
    PA: {
      name: 'Penetrated Armor',
      img: 'wpn_ap'
    BW: {
      name: 'Bleeding Wound',
      img: 'wpn_bleed'
  var monsterBuff = gE('div.btm6', 'all')
  for (i = 0; i < monsterBuff.length; i++) {
    for (j in skillLib) {
      monsterStatus[i].finWeight += (gE('img[src*="' + skillLib[j].img + '"]', monsterBuff[i])) ? ((g('option').ruleReverse) ? -g('option').weight[j] : g('option').weight[j]) : 0
  g('monsterStatus', monsterStatus)

function useGem () { // 自动使用宝石
  var Gem = gE('#ikey_p').textContent
  if (Gem === 'Health Gem' && g('hp') <= g('option').hp1) {
    g('end', true)
  } else if (Gem === 'Mana Gem' && g('mp') <= g('option').mp1) {
    g('end', true)
  } else if (Gem === 'Spirit Gem' && g('sp') <= g('option').sp1) {
    g('end', true)
  } else if (Gem === 'Mystic Gem') {
    g('end', true)

function deadSoon () { // 自动回血回魔
  var name = g('option').itemOrderName.split(',')
  var order = g('option').itemOrderValue.split(',')
  for (var i = 0; i < name.length; i++) {
    if (g('option').item[name[i]] && checkCondition(g('option')['item' + name[i] + 'Condition']) && isOn(order[i])) {
      g('end', true)

function useScroll () { // 自动使用卷轴
  var scrollLib = {
    Go: {
      name: 'Scroll of the Gods',
      id: 13299,
      mult: '3',
      img1: 'absorb',
      img2: 'shadowveil',
      img3: 'sparklife'
    Av: {
      name: 'Scroll of the Avatar',
      id: 13199,
      mult: '2',
      img1: 'haste',
      img2: 'protection'
    Pr: {
      name: 'Scroll of Protection',
      id: 13111,
      mult: '1',
      img1: 'protection'
    Sw: {
      name: 'Scroll of Swiftness',
      id: 13101,
      mult: '1',
      img1: 'haste'
    Li: {
      name: 'Scroll of Life',
      id: 13221,
      mult: '1',
      img1: 'sparklife'
    Sh: {
      name: 'Scroll of Shadows',
      id: 13211,
      mult: '1',
      img1: 'shadowveil'
    Ab: {
      name: 'Scroll of Absorption',
      id: 13201,
      mult: '1',
      img1: 'absorb'
  var scrollFirst = (g('option').scrollFirst) ? '_scroll' : ''
  var isUsed
  for (var i in scrollLib) {
    if (g('option').scroll[i] && gE('.bti3>div[onmouseover*="' + scrollLib[i].id + '"]') && checkCondition(g('option')['scroll' + i + 'Condition'])) {
      for (var j = 1; j <= scrollLib[i].mult; j++) {
        if (gE('#pane_effects>img[src*="' + scrollLib[i]['img' + j] + scrollFirst + '"]')) {
          isUsed = true
        isUsed = false
      if (!isUsed) {
        gE('.bti3>div[onmouseover*="' + scrollLib[i].id + '"]').click()
        g('end', true)

function useChannelSkill () { // 自动施法Channel技能
  var skillLib = {
    Pr: {
      name: 'Protection',
      id: '411',
      img: 'protection'
    SL: {
      name: 'Spark of Life',
      id: '422',
      img: 'sparklife'
    SS: {
      name: 'Spirit Shield',
      id: '423',
      img: 'spiritshield'
    Ha: {
      name: 'Haste',
      id: '412',
      img: 'haste'
    AF: {
      name: 'Arcane Focus',
      id: '432',
      img: 'arcanemeditation'
    He: {
      name: 'Heartseeker',
      id: '431',
      img: 'heartseeker'
    Re: {
      name: 'Regen',
      id: '312',
      img: 'regen'
    SV: {
      name: 'Shadow Veil',
      id: '413',
      img: 'shadowveil'
    Ab: {
      name: 'Absorb',
      id: '421',
      img: 'absorb'
  var i, j
  var skillPack = g('option').buffSkillOrderValue.split(',')
  if (g('option').channelSkill) {
    for (i = 0; i < skillPack.length; i++) {
      j = skillPack[i]
      if (g('option').channelSkill[j] && !gE('#pane_effects>img[src*="' + skillLib[j].img + '"]') && isOn(skillLib[j].id)) {
        g('end', true)
  if (g('option').channelSkill2 && g('option').channelSkill2OrderValue) {
    var order = g('option').channelSkill2OrderValue.split(',')
    for (i = 0; i < order.length; i++) {
      if (isOn(order[i])) {
        g('end', true)
  var buff = gE('#pane_effects>img', 'all')
  if (buff.length > 0) {
    var name2Skill = {
      Protection: 'Pr',
      'Spark of Life': 'SL',
      'Spirit Shield': 'SS',
      Hastened: 'Ha',
      'Arcane Focus': 'AF',
      Heartseeker: 'He',
      Regen: 'Re',
      'Shadow Veil': 'SV'
    for (i = 0; i < buff.length; i++) {
      var spellName = buff[i].getAttribute('onmouseover').match(/'(.*?)'/)[1]
      var buffLastTime = buff[i].getAttribute('onmouseover').match(/\(.*,.*, (.*?)\)$/)[1] * 1
      if (isNaN(buffLastTime) || buff[i].src.match(/_scroll.png$/)) {
      } else {
        if (spellName === 'Cloak of the Fallen' && !gE('#pane_effects>img[src*="sparklife"]') && isOn('422')) {
          g('end', true)
        } else if (spellName in name2Skill && isOn(skillLib[name2Skill[spellName]].id)) {
          g('end', true)

function useBuffSkill () { // 自动施法BUFF技能
  var skillLib = {
    Pr: {
      name: 'Protection',
      id: '411',
      img: 'protection'
    SL: {
      name: 'Spark of Life',
      id: '422',
      img: 'sparklife'
    SS: {
      name: 'Spirit Shield',
      id: '423',
      img: 'spiritshield'
    Ha: {
      name: 'Haste',
      id: '412',
      img: 'haste'
    AF: {
      name: 'Arcane Focus',
      id: '432',
      img: 'arcanemeditation'
    He: {
      name: 'Heartseeker',
      id: '431',
      img: 'heartseeker'
    Re: {
      name: 'Regen',
      id: '312',
      img: 'regen'
    SV: {
      name: 'Shadow Veil',
      id: '413',
      img: 'shadowveil'
    Ab: {
      name: 'Absorb',
      id: '421',
      img: 'absorb'
  var i, j
  var skillPack = g('option').buffSkillOrderValue.split(',')
  for (i = 0; i < skillPack.length; i++) {
    j = skillPack[i]
    if (g('option').buffSkill[j] && checkCondition(g('option')['buffSkill' + j + 'Condition']) && !gE('#pane_effects>img[src*="' + skillLib[j].img + '"]') && isOn(skillLib[j].id)) {
      g('end', true)
  var draughtPack = {
    HD: {
      id: 11191,
      img: 'healthpot'
    MD: {
      id: 11291,
      img: 'manapot'
    SD: {
      id: 11391,
      img: 'spiritpot'
    FV: {
      id: 19111,
      img: 'flowers'
    BG: {
      id: 19131,
      img: 'gum'
  for (i in draughtPack) {
    if (!gE('#pane_effects>img[src*="' + draughtPack[i].img + '"]') && g('option').buffSkill && g('option').buffSkill[i] && checkCondition(g('option')['buffSkill' + i + 'Condition']) && gE('.bti3>div[onmouseover*="' + draughtPack[i].id + '"]')) {
      gE('.bti3>div[onmouseover*="' + draughtPack[i].id + '"]').click()
      g('end', true)

function useInfusions () { // 自动使用魔药
  var infusionLib = [null, {
    id: 12101,
    img: 'fireinfusion'
  }, {
    id: 12201,
    img: 'coldinfusion'
  }, {
    id: 12301,
    img: 'elecinfusion'
  }, {
    id: 12401,
    img: 'windinfusion'
  }, {
    id: 12501,
    img: 'holyinfusion'
  }, {
    id: 12601,
    img: 'darkinfusion'
  if (gE('.bti3>div[onmouseover*="' + infusionLib[g('attackStatus')].id + '"]') && !gE('#pane_effects>img[src*="' + infusionLib[[g('attackStatus')]].img + '"]')) {
    gE('.bti3>div[onmouseover*="' + infusionLib[g('attackStatus')].id + '"]').click()
    g('end', true)

function allImperiled () { // 给所有敌人施放Imperil
  var monsterBuff = gE('div.btm6', 'all')
  var j
  for (var i = -3; ;) {
    if (!j && i >= monsterBuff.length) {
      j = true
      i = 0
    } else if (j && i >= monsterBuff.length) {
    } else if (!j) {
      i = i + 3
    } else if (j) {
      i = i + 1
    if (i >= monsterBuff.length) continue
    var imgs = gE('img', 'all', monsterBuff[i])
    if (!gE('img[src*="imperil"]', monsterBuff[i]) && isOn('213') && !g('monsterStatus')[i].isDead) {
      if (imgs.length < 6 || (g('option').debuffSkillTurn && imgs[imgs.length - 1].getAttribute('onmouseover').match(/\(.*,.*, (.*?)\)$/)[1] * 1 >= g('option').debuffSkillTurn.Im) || !g('option').debuffSkillTurnAlert) {
        if (i + 1 < monsterBuff.length && !g('monsterStatus')[i + 1].isDead) {
          gE('#mkey_' + g('monsterStatus')[i + 1].id).click()
        } else {
          gE('#mkey_' + g('monsterStatus')[i].id).click()
        g('end', true)
      } else {
        _alert(0, '无法正常施放DEBUFF技能,请尝试手动打怪', '無法正常施放DEBUFF技能,請嘗試手動打怪', 'Can not cast de-skills normally, continue the script?\nPlease try attack manually.')
        g('end', true)

function useDeSkill () { // 自动施法DEBUFF技能
  var skillLib = {
    Sle: {
      name: 'Sleep',
      id: '222',
      img: 'sleep'
    Bl: {
      name: 'Blind',
      id: '231',
      img: 'blind'
    Slo: {
      name: 'Slow',
      id: '221',
      img: 'slow'
    Im: {
      name: 'Imperil',
      id: '213',
      img: 'imperil'
    MN: {
      name: 'MagNet',
      id: '233',
      img: 'magnet'
    Si: {
      name: 'Silence',
      id: '232',
      img: 'silence'
    Dr: {
      name: 'Drain',
      id: '211',
      img: 'drainhp'
    We: {
      name: 'Weaken',
      id: '212',
      img: 'weaken'
    Co: {
      name: 'Confuse',
      id: '223',
      img: 'confuse'
  var i, j
  var skillPack = g('option').debuffSkillOrderValue.split(',')
  var monsterBuff = gE('#mkey_' + g('monsterStatus')[0].id + '>.btm6')
  for (i = 0; i < skillPack.length; i++) {
    j = skillPack[i]
    if (g('option').debuffSkill[j] && isOn(skillLib[j].id) && checkCondition(g('option')['debuffSkill' + j + 'Condition']) && !gE('img[src*="' + skillLib[j].img + '"]', monsterBuff)) {
      var imgs = gE('img', 'all', monsterBuff)
      if (imgs.length < 6 || (g('option').debuffSkillTurn && imgs[imgs.length - 1].getAttribute('onmouseover').match(/\(.*,.*, (.*?)\)$/)[1] * 1 >= g('option').debuffSkillTurn[j]) || !g('option').debuffSkillTurnAlert) {
        if (i + 1 < monsterBuff.length && !g('monsterStatus')[i + 1].isDead) {
          gE('#mkey_' + g('monsterStatus')[i + 1].id).click()
        } else {
          gE('#mkey_' + g('monsterStatus')[0].id).click()
        g('end', true)
      } else {
        _alert(0, '无法正常施放DEBUFF技能,请尝试手动打怪', '無法正常施放DEBUFF技能,請嘗試手動打怪', 'Can not cast de-skills normally, continue the script?\nPlease try attack manually.')
        g('end', true)

function attack () { // 自动打怪
  if (g('option').focus && checkCondition(g('option').focusCondition)) {
  if ((g('option').turnOnSS && checkCondition(g('option').turnOnSSCondition) && !gE('#ckey_spirit[src*="spirit_a"]')) || (g('option').turnOffSS && checkCondition(g('option').turnOffSSCondition) && gE('#ckey_spirit[src*="spirit_a"]'))) {
    g('end', true)
  if (g('option').etherTap && gE('#mkey_' + g('monsterStatus')[0].id + '>div.btm6>img[src*="coalescemana"]') && (!gE('#pane_effects>img[onmouseover*="Ether Tap (x2)"]') || gE('#pane_effects>img[src*="wpn_et"][id*="effect_expire"]')) && checkCondition(g('option').etherTapCondition)) {
    // nothing;
  } else if (g('attackStatus') !== 0) {
    if (checkCondition(g('option').highSkillCondition) && isOn('1' + g('attackStatus') + '3')) {
      gE('1' + g('attackStatus') + '3').click()
    } else if (checkCondition(g('option').middleSkillCondition) && isOn('1' + g('attackStatus') + '2')) {
      gE('1' + g('attackStatus') + '2').click()
    } else if (isOn('1' + g('attackStatus') + '1')) {
      gE('1' + g('attackStatus') + '1').click()
  if (g('option').skillSwitch) {
    var i, spiritOn, condition, skill
    var skillOrder = (g('option').skillOrderValue || 'OFC,FRD,T3,T2,T1').split(',')
    var skillLib = {
      OFC: {
        id: '1111',
        oc: 8
      FRD: {
        id: '1101',
        oc: 4
      T3: {
        id: '2' + g('option').fightingStyle + '03',
        oc: 2
      T2: {
        id: '2' + g('option').fightingStyle + '02',
        oc: 2
      T1: {
        id: '2' + g('option').fightingStyle + '01',
        oc: 2
    for (i = 0; i < skillOrder.length; i++) {
      skill = skillOrder[i]
      spiritOn = gE('#ckey_spirit[src*="spirit_a"]')
      condition = checkCondition(g('option')['skill' + skill + 'Condition']) && isOn(skillLib[skill].id) && g('oc') >= skillLib[skill].oc
      if (spiritOn && condition) {
        if (g('option').skillOTOS && g('option').skillOTOS[skill] && g('skillOTOS')[skill] >= 1) {
          // nothing;
        } else {
          if (g('option').mercifulBlow && g('option').fightingStyle === '2' && skill === 'T3') { // Merciful Blow
            for (var j = 0; j < g('monsterStatus').length; j++) {
              if (g('monsterStatus')[j].hpNow / g('monsterStatus')[j].hp < 0.25 && gE('#mkey_' + g('monsterStatus')[j].id + ' img[src*="wpn_bleed"]')) {
                gE('#mkey_' + g('monsterStatus')[j].id).click()
                g('end', true)
  gE('#mkey_' + g('monsterStatus')[0].id).click()
  g('end', true)

function fixMonsterStatus () { // 修复monsterStatus
  document.title = _alert(-1, 'monsterStatus错误,正在尝试修复', 'monsterStatus錯誤,正在嘗試修復', 'monsterStatus Error, trying to fix')
  var monsterStatus = []
  gE('div.btm2', 'all').forEach(function (monster, i) {
      order: i,
      id: (i === 9) ? 0 : i + 1,
      hp: ( === '') ? 1000 : 100000
  setValue('monsterStatus', monsterStatus)

function dropMonitor (battleLog) { // 掉落监测
  var drop = getValue('drop', true) || {
    '#startTime': time(3),
    '#EXP': 0,
    '#Credit': 0
  var item, name, amount, regexp
  for (var i = 0; ; i++) {
    if (/^You gain \d+ (EXP|Credit)/.test(battleLog[i].textContent)) {
      regexp = battleLog[i].textContent.match(/^You gain (\d+) (EXP|Credit)/)
      if (regexp) drop['#' + regexp[2]] += regexp[1] * 1
    } else if (gE('span', battleLog[i])) {
      item = gE('span', battleLog[i])
      name = item.textContent.match(/^\[(.*?)\]$/)[1]
      if ( === 'rgb(255, 0, 0)') {
        var quality = ['Crude', 'Fair', 'Average', 'Superior', 'Exquisite', 'Magnificent', 'Legendary', 'Peerless']
        for (var j = g('option').dropQuality; j < quality.length; j++) {
          if (name.match(quality[j])) {
            name = 'Equipment of ' + name.match(/^\w+/)[0]
            drop[name] = (name in drop) ? drop[name] + 1 : 1
      } else if ( === 'rgb(186, 5, 180)') {
        regexp = name.match(/^(\d+)x (Crystal of \w+)$/)
        if (regexp) {
          name = regexp[2]
          amount = regexp[1] * 1
        } else {
          name = name.match(/^(Crystal of \w+)$/)[1]
          amount = 1
        drop[name] = (name in drop) ? drop[name] + amount : amount
      } else if ( === 'rgb(168, 144, 0)') {
        drop['#Credit'] += name.match(/\d+/)[0] * 1
      } else {
        drop[name] = (name in drop) ? drop[name] + 1 : 1
    } else if (battleLog[i].textContent === 'You are Victorious!') {
  if (g('option').recordEach && g('roundNow') === g('roundAll')) {
    var old = getValue('dropOld', true) || []
    drop.__name = getValue('battleCode')
    drop['#endTime'] = time(3)
    setValue('dropOld', old)
  } else {
    setValue('drop', drop)

function recordUsage (parm) {
  var stats = getValue('stats', true) || {
    self: {
      _startTime: time(3),
      _turn: 0,
      _round: 0,
      _battle: 0,
      _monster: 0,
      _boss: 0,
      evade: 0,
      miss: 0,
      focus: 0
    restore: { // 回复量
    items: { // 物品使用次数
    magic: { // 技能使用次数
    damage: { // 技能攻击造成的伤害
    hurt: { // 受到攻击造成的伤害
      mp: 0,
      oc: 0,
      _avg: 0,
      _count: 0,
      _total: 0,
      _mavg: 0,
      _mcount: 0,
      _mtotal: 0,
      _pavg: 0,
      _pcount: 0,
      _ptotal: 0
    proficiency: { // 熟练度
  var text, magic, point, reg
  if (g('monsterAlive') === 0) {
    stats.self._turn += g('turn')
    stats.self._round += 1
    if (g('roundNow') === g('roundAll')) stats.self._battle += 1
  if (parm.mode === 'magic') {
    magic = parm.magic
    stats.magic[magic] = (magic in stats.magic) ? stats.magic[magic] + 1 : 1 +=
    stats.hurt.oc += parm.oc
  } else if (parm.mode === 'items') {
    stats.items[parm.item] = (parm.item in stats.items) ? stats.items[parm.item] + 1 : 1
  } else {
    stats.self[parm.mode] = (parm.mode in stats.self) ? stats.self[parm.mode] + 1 : 1
  var debug = false
  var log = false
  for (var i = 0; i < parm.log.length; i++) {
    if (parm.log[i].className === 'tls') break
    text = parm.log[i].textContent
    if (debug) console.log(text)
    if (text.match(/you for \d+ \w+ damage/)) {
      reg = text.match(/you for (\d+) (\w+) damage/)
      magic = reg[2].replace('ing', '')
      point = reg[1] * 1
      stats.hurt[magic] = (magic in stats.hurt) ? stats.hurt[magic] + point : point
      stats.hurt._total += point
      stats.hurt._avg = Math.round(stats.hurt._total / stats.hurt._count)
      if (magic.match(/pierc|crush|slash/)) {
        stats.hurt._ptotal += point
        stats.hurt._pavg = Math.round(stats.hurt._ptotal / stats.hurt._pcount)
      } else {
        stats.hurt._mtotal += point
        stats.hurt._mavg = Math.round(stats.hurt._mtotal / stats.hurt._mcount)
    } else if (text.match(/^[\w ]+ [a-z]+s [\w+ -]+ for \d+( .*)? damage/) || text.match(/^You .* for \d+ .* damage/)) { // text.match(/for \d+ .* damage/)
      reg = text.match(/for (\d+)( .*)? damage/)
      magic = text.match(/^[\w ]+ [a-z]+s [\w+ -]+ for/) ? text.match(/^([\w ]+) [a-z]+s [\w+ -]+ for/)[1].replace(/^Your /, '') : text.match(/^You (\w+)/)[1]
      point = reg[1] * 1
      stats.damage[magic] = (magic in stats.damage) ? stats.damage[magic] + point : point
    } else if (text.match(/Vital Theft hits .*? for \d+ damage/)) {
      magic = 'Vital Theft'
      point = text.match(/Vital Theft hits .*? for (\d+) damage/)[1] * 1
      stats.damage[magic] = (magic in stats.damage) ? stats.damage[magic] + point : point
    } else if (text.match(/You (evade|parry|block) the attack|misses the attack against you|(casts|uses) .* misses the attack/)) {
    } else if (text.match(/(resists your spell|Your spell is absorbed|(evades|parries) your (attack|spell))|Your attack misses its mark|Your spell fails to connect/)) {
    } else if (text.match(/You gain the effect Focusing/)) {
    } else if (text.match(/^Recovered \d+ points of/) || text.match(/You are healed for \d+ Health Points/) || text.match(/You drain \d+ HP from/)) {
      magic = (parm.mode === 'defend') ? 'defend' : text.match(/You drain \d+ HP from/) ? 'drain' : parm.magic || parm.item
      point = text.match(/\d+/)[0] * 1
      stats.restore[magic] = (magic in stats.restore) ? stats.restore[magic] + point : point
    } else if (text.match(/(restores|drain) \d+ points of/)) {
      reg = text.match(/^(.*) restores (\d+) points of (\w+)/) || text.match(/^You (drain) (\d+) points of (\w+)/)
      magic = reg[1]
      point = reg[2] * 1
      stats.restore[magic] = (magic in stats.restore) ? stats.restore[magic] + point : point
    } else if (text.match(/absorbs \d+ points of damage from the attack into \d+ points of \w+ damage/)) {
      reg = text.match(/(.*) absorbs (\d+) points of damage from the attack into (\d+) points of (\w+) damage/)
      point = reg[2] * 1
      magic = parm.log[i - 1].textContent.match(/you for (\d+) (\w+) damage/)[2].replace('ing', '')
      stats.hurt[magic] = (magic in stats.hurt) ? stats.hurt[magic] + point : point
      point = reg[3] * 1
      magic = reg[1].replace('Your ', '') + '_' + reg[4]
      stats.hurt[magic] = (magic in stats.hurt) ? stats.hurt[magic] + point : point
    } else if (text.match(/You gain .* proficiency/)) {
      reg = text.match(/You gain ([\d.]+) points of (.*?) proficiency/)
      magic = reg[2]
      point = reg[1] * 1
      stats.proficiency[magic] = (magic in stats.proficiency) ? stats.proficiency[magic] + point : point
      stats.proficiency[magic] = stats.proficiency[magic].toFixed(3) * 1
    } else if (text.trim() === '' || text.match(/You (gain |cast |use |are Victorious|have reached Level|have obtained the title|do not have enough MP)/) || text.match(/Cooldown|has expired|Spirit Stance|gains the effect|insufficient Spirit|Stop beating dead ponies| defeat |Clear Bonus|brink of defeat|Stop \w+ing|Spawned Monster| drop(ped|s) |defeated/)) {
      // nothing;
    } else if (debug) {
      log = true
  if (debug && log) {
  setValue('stats', stats)

function recordUsage2 () {
  var stats = getValue('stats', true)
  stats.self._monster += g('monsterAll')
  stats.self._boss += g('bossAll')
  if (g('option').recordEach && g('roundNow') === g('roundAll')) {
    var old = getValue('statsOld', true) || []
    stats.__name = getValue('battleCode')
    stats.self._endTime = time(3)
    setValue('statsOld', old)
  } else {
    setValue('stats', stats)