Sleazy Fork is available in English.

FetLife ASL Search

Allows you to search for FetLife profiles based on age, sex, location, and role.

Fra og med 04.05.2015. Se den nyeste version.

 * This is a Greasemonkey script and must be run using a Greasemonkey-compatible browser.
 * @author maymay <>
// ==UserScript==
// @name           FetLife ASL Search
// @version        0.3.10
// @namespace
// @description    Allows you to search for FetLife profiles based on age, sex, location, and role.
// @require
// @include*
// @include*
// @include*
// @include*
// @include*
// @include*
// @include*
// @include*
// @include*
// @include*
// @include*
// @include*
// @include*
// @include*
// @include*
// @exclude*
// @exclude*
// @exclude*
// @exclude*
// @grant          GM_log
// @grant          GM_xmlhttpRequest
// @grant          GM_addStyle
// @grant          GM_getValue
// @grant          GM_setValue
// @grant          GM_deleteValue
// @grant          GM_openInTab
// ==/UserScript==

FL_UI = {}; // FetLife User Interface module
FL_UI.Text = {
    'donation_appeal': '<p>FetLife ASL Search is provided as free software, but sadly grocery stores do not offer free food. If you like this script, please consider <a href="">making a donation</a> to support its continued development. &hearts; Thank you. :)</p>'
FL_UI.Dialog = {};
FL_UI.Dialog.createLink = function (dialog_id, html_content, parent_node) {
    var trigger_el = document.createElement('a');
    trigger_el.setAttribute('class', 'opens-modal');
    trigger_el.setAttribute('data-opens-modal', dialog_id);
    trigger_el.innerHTML = html_content;
    // Attach event listener to trigger element.
    parent_node.querySelector('[data-opens-modal="' + dialog_id + '"]').addEventListener('click', function (e) {
        parent_node.querySelector('[data-opens-modal="' + dialog_id + '"]').dialog("open");
FL_UI.Dialog.inject = function (id, title, html_content) {
    // Inject dialog box HTML. FetLife currently uses Rails 3, so mimic that.
    // See, for instance, Rails Behaviors:
    var dialog = document.createElement('div');
    dialog.setAttribute('style', 'display: none; position: absolute; overflow: hidden; z-index: 1000; outline: 0px none;');
    dialog.setAttribute('class', 'ui-dialog ui-widget ui-widget-content ui-corner-all');
    dialog.setAttribute('tabindex', '-1');
    dialog.setAttribute('role', 'dialog');
    dialog.setAttribute('aria-labelledby', 'ui-dialog-title-' + id);
    var html_string = '<div class="ui-dialog-titlebar ui-widget-header ui-corner-all ui-helper-clearfix" unselectable="on" style="-moz-user-select: none;">';
    html_string += '<span class="ui-dialog-title" id="ui-dialog-title-' + id + '" unselectable="on" style="-moz-user-select: none;">' + title + '</span>';
    html_string += '<a href="#" class="ui-dialog-titlebar-close ui-corner-all" role="button" unselectable="on" style="-moz-user-select: none;">';
    html_string += '<span class="ui-icon ui-icon-closethick" unselectable="on" style="-moz-user-select: none;">close</span>';
    html_string += '</a>';
    html_string += '</div>';
    html_string += '<div data-modal-title="' + title + '" data-modal-height="280" data-modal-auto-open="false" class="modal ui-dialog-content ui-widget-content" id="' + id + '">';
    html_string += html_content;
    html_string += '</div>';
    dialog.innerHTML = html_string;

FL_ASL = {}; // FetLife ASL Search module
    'debug': false, // switch to true to debug.
    'progress_id': 'fetlife_asl_search_progress',
    'min_matches': 1, // show at least this many matches before offering to search again
    'search_sleep_interval': 3 // default wait time in seconds between auto-searches

FL_ASL.total_result_count = 0; // How many matches have we found, across all pages, on this load?

// Utility debugging function.
FL_ASL.log = function (msg) {
    if (!FL_ASL.CONFIG.debug) { return; }
    GM_log('FETLIFE ASL SEARCH: ' + msg);

// Initializations.
var uw = (unsafeWindow) ? unsafeWindow : window ; // Help with Chrome compatibility?
{ display: none; }\
#fetlife_asl_search_ui_container > div {\
    clear: both;\
    background-color: #111;\
    position: relative;\
    top: -2px;\
#fetlife_asl_search_ui_container div a, #fetlife_asl_search_results div a {\
    text-decoration: underline;\
#fetlife_asl_search_ui_container div a:hover, #fetlife_asl_search_results div a:hover {\
    background-color: blue;\
    text-decoration: underline;\
#fetlife_asl_search_ui_container a[data-opens-modal] { cursor: help; }\
#fetlife_asl_search_ui_container ul.tabs li {\
    display: inline-block;\
    margin-right: 10px;\
#fetlife_asl_search_ui_container ul.tabs li a { color: #888; }\
#fetlife_asl_search_ui_container ul.tabs li.in_section a {\
    background-color: #1b1b1b;\
    color: #fff;\
    position: relative;\
    top: 2px;\
    padding-top: 5px;\
#fetlife_asl_search_options fieldset { clear: both; margin: 0; padding: 0; }\
#fetlife_asl_search_options legend { display: none; }\
#fetlife_asl_search_options label {\
    display: inline-block;\
    white-space: nowrap;\
#fetlife_asl_search_options input { width: auto; }\
#fetlife_asl_search_results { clear: both; }\
FL_ASL.users = {};
FL_ASL.init = function () {
    FL_ASL.CONFIG.search_form = document.querySelector('form[action="/search"]').parentNode;
window.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', FL_ASL.init);

FL_ASL.toggleAslSearch = function () {
    var el = document.getElementById('fetlife_asl_search_ui_container');
    if ( == 'block') { = 'none';
    } else { = 'block';

FL_ASL.toggleLocationFilter = function (e) {
    var el = document.getElementById('fl_asl_loc_filter_label');
    switch (e.currentTarget.value) {
        case 'group':
        case 'event':
        case 'fetish':
        case 'search':
        case 'user':
            if ( == 'none') {
       = 'inline';
   = 'none';

FL_ASL.aslSubmit = function (e) {
    var el = document.getElementById('fetlife_asl_search');
    if (!el.checked) {
        return false;

    // Provide UI feedback.
    var prog = document.getElementById(FL_ASL.CONFIG.progress_id);
    prog.innerHTML = 'Searching&hellip;<br />';

    // collect the form parameters
    var search_params = FL_ASL.getSearchParams();

    // search one of the geographic regions "/kinksters" list

    return false;

 * Reads and saves the search parameters from the provided form.
FL_ASL.getSearchParams = function () {
    var r = {
        'age'   : {'min': null, 'max': null},
        'sex'   : [],
        'role'  : [],
        'loc'   : {},
        'filter': ''

    // Collect age parameters, setting wide defaults.
    r.age.min = (document.getElementById('min_age').value) ? parseInt(document.getElementById('min_age').value) : 1;
    r.age.max = (document.getElementById('max_age').value) ? parseInt(document.getElementById('max_age').value) : 99;

    // Collect gender/sex parameters.
    var x = FL_ASL.CONFIG.search_form.querySelectorAll('input[name="user[sex]"]');
    for (var i = 0; i < x.length; i++) {
        if (x[i].checked) {

    // Collect role orientation parameters.
    var y = FL_ASL.CONFIG.search_form.querySelectorAll('input[name="user[role]"]');
    for (var iy = 0; iy < y.length; iy++) {
        if (y[iy].checked) {

    // Collect location parameters.
    var search_in = [];
    var z = FL_ASL.CONFIG.search_form.querySelectorAll('input[name="fl_asl_loc"]');
    for (var iz = 0; iz < z.length; iz++) {
        if (z[iz].checked) {
    // Match location parameter with known location ID.
    switch (search_in[0]) {
        // These cases all use numeric object IDs.
        case 'group':
        case 'event':
        case 'user':
        case 'fetish':
            r.loc[search_in[0]] = parseInt(FL_ASL.CONFIG.search_form.querySelector('input[data-flasl' + search_in[0] + 'id]').getAttribute('data-flasl' + search_in[0] + 'id'));
        // This case uses a string, so no need to parseInt() it.
        case 'search':
            r.loc[search_in[0]] = FL_ASL.CONFIG.search_form.querySelector('input[data-flasl' + search_in[0] + 'id]').getAttribute('data-flasl' + search_in[0] + 'id');
            user_loc = FL_ASL.getLocationForUser(;
            for (var xk in user_loc) {
                if (null !== user_loc[xk] && (-1 !== search_in.indexOf(xk)) ) {
                    r.loc[xk] = user_loc[xk];

    // Collect location filter, if one was entered.
    if (document.getElementById('fl_asl_loc_filter')) {
        r.filter = document.getElementById('fl_asl_loc_filter').value;

    return r;

FL_ASL.getLocationForUser = function (id) {
    var r = {
        'city_id': null,
        'area_id': null,
        'country': null
    var profile_html = FL_ASL.users[id].profile_html;
    var m = profile_html.match(/href="\/countries\/([0-9]+)/);
    if (m) { = m[1];
    m = profile_html.match(/href="\/administrative_areas\/([0-9]+)/);
    if (m) {
        r.area_id = m[1];
    m = profile_html.match(/href="\/cities\/([0-9]+)/);
    if (m) {
        r.city_id = m[1];

    return r;

FL_ASL.getUserProfile = function (id) {
    if (FL_ASL.users[id]) {
        return FL_ASL.users[id].profile_html;
    } else {
        FL_ASL.users[id] = {};
            'method': 'GET',
            'url': '' + id.toString(),
            'onload': function (response) {
                FL_ASL.users[id].profile_html = response.responseText;

FL_ASL.getKinkstersInSet = function (loc_obj) {
    if ( {
    } else if (loc_obj.event) {
    } else if (loc_obj.user) {
    } else if (loc_obj.fetish) {
    } else if ( {
    } else if (loc_obj.city_id) {
    } else if (loc_obj.area_id) {
    } else if ( {
    } else {
        return false;

FL_ASL.getKinkstersInCity = function (city_id, page) {
    var url = '' + city_id.toString() + '/kinksters';
    url = (page) ? url + '?page=' + page.toString() : url ;
FL_ASL.getKinkstersInArea = function (area_id, page) {
    var url = '' + area_id.toString() + '/kinksters';
    url = (page) ? url + '?page=' + page.toString() : url ;
FL_ASL.getKinkstersInCountry = function (country, page) {
    var url = '' + country.toString() + '/kinksters';
    url = (page) ? url + '?page=' + page.toString() : url ;
FL_ASL.getKinkstersInGroup = function (group, page) {
    var url = '' + group.toString() + '/group_memberships';
    url = (page) ? url + '?page=' + page.toString() : url ;
FL_ASL.getKinkstersInEvent = function (event, page) {
    var url = '' + event.toString() + '/rsvps';
    url = (page) ? url + '?page=' + page.toString() : url ;
FL_ASL.getKinkstersInFriend = function (user_id, page) {
    var url = '' + user_id.toString() + '/friends';
    url = (page) ? url + '?page=' + page.toString() : url ;
FL_ASL.getKinkstersInFetish = function (fetish_id, page) {
    var url = '' + fetish_id.toString() + '/kinksters';
    url = (page) ? url + '?page=' + page.toString() : url ;
FL_ASL.getKinkstersInSearch = function (search_string, page) {
    var url = '' + search_string.toString();
    url = (page) ? url + '&page=' + page.toString() : url ;
FL_ASL.getKinkstersFromURL = function (url) {
    var now = new Date(;
    FL_ASL.log('Current time: ' + now.toUTCString());
    FL_ASL.log('Getting Kinksters list from URL: ' + url);
    // Set minimum matches, if that's been asked for.
    if (document.getElementById('fl_asl_min_matches').value) {
        FL_ASL.CONFIG.min_matches = document.getElementById('fl_asl_min_matches').value;
    if (document.getElementById('fl_asl_search_sleep_interval').value) {
        FL_ASL.CONFIG.search_sleep_interval = document.getElementById('fl_asl_search_sleep_interval').value;
    prog = document.getElementById(FL_ASL.CONFIG.progress_id);
    prog.innerHTML = prog.innerHTML + '.';
        'method': 'GET',
        'url': url,
        'onload': function (response) {
            var parser = new DOMParser();
            var doc = parser.parseFromString(response.responseText, 'text/html');
            var els = doc.querySelectorAll('.user_in_list');

            result_count = 0;
            for (var i = 0; i < els.length; i++) {
                // filter the results based on the form parameters
                if (FL_ASL.matchesSearchParams(els[i])) {
                    // display the results in a "results" section in this portion of the page
                    // note total results found
                    FL_ASL.total_result_count += result_count;

            // Set up next request.
            my_page = (url.match(/\d+$/)) ? parseInt(url.match(/\d+$/)[0]) : 1 ;
            next_page = my_page + 1;
            if (next_page > 2) {
                next_url = url.replace(/\d+$/, next_page.toString());
            } else {
                // Already have a query string? If so, append (&) rather than create (?).
                next_url = (url.match(/\?q=/)) ? url + '&page=' : url + '?page=';
                next_url += next_page.toString();

            // Automatically search on next page if no or too few results were found.
            if (0 === result_count || FL_ASL.CONFIG.min_matches >= FL_ASL.total_result_count) {
                setTimeout(FL_ASL.getKinkstersFromURL, FL_ASL.CONFIG.search_sleep_interval * 1000, next_url);
                return false;
            } else {
                // Reset total_result_count for this load.
                FL_ASL.total_result_count = 0;
                // Reset UI search feedback.
                p = prog.parentNode
                new_prog = document.createElement('p');
                new_prog.setAttribute('id', FL_ASL.CONFIG.progress_id);
            var div = document.createElement('div');
            div.innerHTML = FL_UI.Text.donation_appeal;
            btn = document.createElement('button');
            btn.setAttribute('id', 'btn_moar');
            btn.setAttribute('onclick', "var xme = document.getElementById('btn_moar'); xme.parentNode.removeChild(xme); return false;");
            btn.innerHTML = 'Show me MOAR&hellip;';
            btn.addEventListener('click', function(){FL_ASL.getKinkstersFromURL(next_url)});

 * Determines whether a "user_in_list" block matches the searched-for parameters.
 * @return True if block matches all search parameters, false otherwise.
FL_ASL.matchesSearchParams = function (el) {
    var search_params = FL_ASL.getSearchParams();

    // Does block match location string filter?
    if (-1 === FL_ASL.getLocationString(el).toLowerCase().search(search_params.filter.toLowerCase())) {
        return false;

    // Does block match age range?
    var age = FL_ASL.getAge(el);
    // Did we supply a minimum age?
    if (search_params.age.min && (search_params.age.min > age) ) {
        return false;
    // Did we supply a maximum age?
    if (search_params.age.max && (search_params.age.max < age) ) {
        return false;

    // Does block match gender/sex selection?
    if (-1 === {
        return false;

    // Does block match role orientation selection?
    if (-1 === search_params.role.indexOf(FL_ASL.getRole(el))) {
        return false;

    // All conditions match.
    return true;

FL_ASL.getSex = function (el) {
    var x = el.querySelector('.quiet').innerHTML;
    var sex = x.match(/^\d\d(\S*)/);
    return sex[1];

FL_ASL.getAge = function (el) {
    var x = el.querySelector('.quiet').innerHTML;
    var age = x.match(/^\d\d/);
    return parseInt(age);

FL_ASL.getRole = function (el) {
    var x = el.querySelector('.quiet').innerHTML;
    var role = x.match(/ ?(\S+)?$/);
    return role[1];
FL_ASL.getLocationString = function (el) {
    return el.querySelector('em').innerHTML;

FL_ASL.displayResult = function (el) {
    var id = el.querySelector('a').getAttribute('href').match(/\d+$/);
    var name = el.querySelector('.large a').childNodes[0].nodeValue;
    var a = document.createElement('a');
    a.href = '' + id;
    a.innerHTML = '(send ' + name + ' a message)'; = 'underline';
    a.setAttribute('target', '_blank');

FL_ASL.attachSearchForm = function () {
    var html_string, div;

    var label = document.createElement('label');
    label.innerHTML = 'A/S/L?';

    var input = document.createElement('input');
    input.setAttribute('style', '-webkit-appearance: checkbox');
    input.setAttribute('type', 'checkbox');
    input.setAttribute('id', 'fetlife_asl_search');
    input.setAttribute('name', 'fetlife_asl_search');
    input.setAttribute('value', '1');
    input.addEventListener('click', FL_ASL.toggleAslSearch);

    var container = document.createElement('div');
    container.setAttribute('id', 'fetlife_asl_search_ui_container');
    container.setAttribute('style', 'display: none;');

    // Tab list
    var ul = document.createElement('ul');
    ul.setAttribute('class', 'tabs');
    html_string = '<li data-fl-asl-section-id="fetlife_asl_search_about"><a href="#">About FetLife ASL Search</a></li>';
    html_string += '<li class="in_section" data-fl-asl-section-id="fetlife_asl_search_options"><a href="#">Online search</a></li>';
    ul.innerHTML = html_string;
    ul.addEventListener('click', function (e) {
        var id_to_show = jQuery('fl-asl-section-id');
        jQuery('#fetlife_asl_search_ui_container ul.tabs li').each(function (e) {
            if (id_to_show === jQuery(this).data('fl-asl-section-id')) {
                jQuery('#' + id_to_show).slideDown();
            } else {
                jQuery('#' + jQuery(this).data('fl-asl-section-id')).slideUp();

    // "About FetLife ASL Search" tab
    div = document.createElement('div');
    div.setAttribute('id', 'fetlife_asl_search_about');
    html_string = '<p>The FetLife Age/Sex/Location Search user script allows you to search for profiles on <a href="">FetLife</a> by age, sex, location, or orientation. This user script implements what is, as of this writing, the <a href="">most popular suggestion in the FetLife suggestion box</a>:</p>';
    html_string += '<blockquote><p>Search for people by Location/Sex/Orientation/Age</p><p>Increase the detail of the kinkster search by allowing us to narrow the definition of the search by the traditional fields.</p></blockquote>';
    html_string += '<p>With the FetLife Age/Sex/Location Search user script installed, a few clicks will save hours of time. Now you can find profiles that match your specified criteria in a matter of seconds. The script even lets you send a message to the profiles you found right from the search results list.</p>';
    html_string += '<p>Stay up to date with the <a href="">latest FetLife ASL Search improvements</a>. New versions add new features and improve search performance.</p>';
    div.innerHTML = html_string + FL_UI.Text.donation_appeal;

    // Main ASL search option interface
    div = document.createElement('div');
    div.setAttribute('id', 'fetlife_asl_search_options');
    html_string = '<fieldset><legend>Search for user profiles of the following gender/sex:</legend><p>';
    html_string += 'Show me profiles of people with a gender/sex of&hellip;';
    html_string += '<label><input type="checkbox" name="user[sex]" value="M" checked="checked" /> Male</label>';
    html_string += '<label><input type="checkbox" name="user[sex]" value="F" /> Female</label>';
    html_string += '<label><input type="checkbox" name="user[sex]" value="CD/TV" />Crossdresser/Transvestite</label>';
    html_string += '<label><input type="checkbox" name="user[sex]" value="MtF" />Trans - Male to Female</label>';
    html_string += '<label><input type="checkbox" name="user[sex]" value="FtM" checked="checked" />Trans - Female to Male</label>';
    html_string += '<label><input type="checkbox" name="user[sex]" value="TG" />Transgender</label>';
    html_string += '<label><input type="checkbox" name="user[sex]" value="GF" />Gender Fluid</label>';
    html_string += '<label><input type="checkbox" name="user[sex]" value="GQ" />Genderqueer</label>';
    html_string += '<label><input type="checkbox" name="user[sex]" value="IS" />Intersex</label>';
    html_string += '<label><input type="checkbox" name="user[sex]" value="B" />Butch</label>';
    html_string += '<label><input type="checkbox" name="user[sex]" value="FEM" />Femme</label>';
    html_string += '</p></fieldset>';
    html_string += '<fieldset><legend>Search for user profiles between the ages of:</legend><p>';
    html_string += '&hellip;who are also <label>at least <input type="text" name="min_age" id="min_age" placeholder="18" size="2" /> years old</label> and <label>at most <input type="text" name="max_age" id="max_age" placeholder="92" size="2" /> years old&hellip;</label>';
    html_string += '</p></fieldset>';
    html_string += '<fieldset><legend>Search for user profiles whose role is:</legend><p>';
    html_string += '&hellip;who identify their role as ';
    // Note that these values are what show up, not necessarily what's sent to the FetLife backend.
    html_string += '<label><input type="checkbox" name="user[role]" value="Dom" />Dominant</label>';
    html_string += '<label><input type="checkbox" name="user[role]" value="Domme" />Domme</label>';
    html_string += '<label><input type="checkbox" name="user[role]" value="Switch" />Switch</label>';
    html_string += '<label><input type="checkbox" name="user[role]" value="sub" checked="checked" />submissive</label>';
    html_string += '<label><input type="checkbox" name="user[role]" value="Master" />Master</label>';
    html_string += '<label><input type="checkbox" name="user[role]" value="Mistress" />Mistress</label>';
    html_string += '<label><input type="checkbox" name="user[role]" value="slave" checked="checked" />slave</label>';
    html_string += '<label><input type="checkbox" name="user[role]" value="pet" checked="checked" />pet</label>';
    html_string += '<label><input type="checkbox" name="user[role]" value="kajira" />kajira</label>';
    html_string += '<label><input type="checkbox" name="user[role]" value="kajirus" />kajirus</label>';
    html_string += '<label><input type="checkbox" name="user[role]" value="Top" />Top</label>';
    html_string += '<label><input type="checkbox" name="user[role]" value="bottom" checked="checked" />Bottom</label>';
    html_string += '<label><input type="checkbox" name="user[role]" value="Sadist" />Sadist</label>';
    html_string += '<label><input type="checkbox" name="user[role]" value="Masochist" checked="checked" />Masochist</label>';
    html_string += '<label><input type="checkbox" name="user[role]" value="Sadomasochist" />Sadomasochist</label>';
    html_string += '<label><input type="checkbox" name="user[role]" value="Ageplayer" />Ageplayer</label>';
    html_string += '<label><input type="checkbox" name="user[role]" value="Daddy" />Daddy</label>';	
    html_string += '<label><input type="checkbox" name="user[role]" value="babygirl" />babygirl</label>';
    html_string += '<label><input type="checkbox" name="user[role]" value="brat" />brat</label>';
    html_string += '<label><input type="checkbox" name="user[role]" value="Primal" />Primal</label>';
    html_string += '<label><input type="checkbox" name="user[role]" value="Fetishist" />Fetishist</label>';
    html_string += '<label><input type="checkbox" name="user[role]" value="Kinkster" />Kinkster</label>';
    html_string += '<label><input type="checkbox" name="user[role]" value="Hedonist" />Hedonist</label>';
    html_string += '<label><input type="checkbox" name="user[role]" value="Vanilla" />Vanilla</label>';
    html_string += '<label><input type="checkbox" name="user[role]" value="Unsure" />Unsure</label>';
    html_string += '<label><input type="checkbox" name="user[role]" value="" />Not Applicable</label>';
    html_string += '</p></fieldset>';
    html_string += '<fieldset id="fl_asl_search_loc_fieldset"><legend>Search for user profiles located in:</legend><p>';
    html_string += '&hellip;from ';
    // If we're on a "groups" or "events" or "user" or "fetish" or "search" page,
    var which_thing = window.location.toString().match(/(group|event|user|fetish)e?s\/(\d+)/) || window.location.toString().match(/(search)\/kinksters\/?\?(?:page=\d+&)?q=(\S+)/);
    if (null !== which_thing) {
        switch (which_thing[1]) {
            case 'user':
                var label_text = "user's friends";
            case 'group': // fall through
            case 'event':
            case 'fetish':
            case 'search':
                var label_text = which_thing[1];
        // offer an additional option to search for users associated with this object rather than geography.
        html_string += '<label><input type="radio" name="fl_asl_loc" value="' + which_thing[1] + '" data-flasl' + which_thing[1] + 'id="' + which_thing[2] + '"/>this ' + label_text + '</label>';
        html_string += '<label id="fl_asl_loc_filter_label" style="display: none;"> located in <input type="text" id="fl_asl_loc_filter" name="fl_asl_loc_filter" /></label>';
        html_string += ', or ';
    html_string += ' my <label><input type="radio" name="fl_asl_loc" value="city_id" />city</label>';
    html_string += '<label><input type="radio" name="fl_asl_loc" value="area_id" checked="checked" />state/province</label>';
    html_string += '<label><input type="radio" name="fl_asl_loc" value="country" />country</label>';
    html_string += '. <abbr title="Choose a search set, which is typically a Location such as your City, State/Province, or Country. When you load FetLife ASL Search on certain pages that imply their own search set, such as a user profile (for searching a friends list) a group page (for searching group members) an event (for searching RSVPs), or a fetish (for searching kinksters with that fetish), that implicit option will appear here, too. You can then further filter the profile search results based on the name of a city, state/province, or country."></abbr></p></fieldset>';
    html_string += '<fieldset><legend>Result set options:</legend><p>';
    html_string += '<label>Return at least <input id="fl_asl_min_matches" name="fl_asl_min_matches" value="" placeholder="1" size="2" /> matches per search.</label> (Set this lower if no results seem to ever appear.)';
    html_string += '</p></fieldset>';
    html_string += '<fieldset><legend>Search speed options:</legend><p>';
    html_string += '<label>Online search speed: Aggressive (faster) <input id="fl_asl_search_sleep_interval" name="fl_asl_search_sleep_interval" type="range" min="0" max="10" step="0.5" value="' + FL_ASL.CONFIG.search_sleep_interval + '" /> Stealthy (slower)</label>';
    html_string += '<br />(Wait <output name="fl_asl_search_sleep_interval" for="fl_asl_search_sleep_interval">' +  FL_ASL.CONFIG.search_sleep_interval + '</output> seconds between searches.) <abbr title="FetLife has begun banning accounts that search with this script too quickly. An aggressive search is faster, but riskier. A stealthier search is slower, but safer."></span>';
    html_string += '</p></fieldset>';
    div.innerHTML = html_string;
    div.querySelector('input[name="fl_asl_search_sleep_interval"]').addEventListener('input', function (e) {
        div.querySelector('output[name="fl_asl_search_sleep_interval"]').value = this.value;
    // Help buttons
        '(Help with search sets.)',
        div.querySelector('#fl_asl_search_loc_fieldset abbr')
        'About &ldquo;Search sets&rdquo;',
        div.querySelector('#fl_asl_search_loc_fieldset abbr').getAttribute('title')
        '(Help with online search speed.)',
        div.querySelector('output[name="fl_asl_search_sleep_interval"] + abbr')
        'About &ldquo;Online search speed&rdquo;',
        div.querySelector('output[name="fl_asl_search_sleep_interval"] + abbr').getAttribute('title')
    var radio_els = document.querySelectorAll('input[name="fl_asl_loc"]');
    for (var i = 0; i < radio_els.length; i++) {
        radio_els[i].addEventListener('click', FL_ASL.toggleLocationFilter);

    btn_submit = document.createElement('button');
    btn_submit.setAttribute('id', 'btn_fetlife_asl_search_submit');
    btn_submit.setAttribute('onclick', "var xme = document.getElementById('btn_fetlife_asl_search_submit'); xme.parentNode.removeChild(xme); return false;");
    btn_submit.innerHTML = 'Mine! (I mean, uh, search&hellip;)';
    btn_submit.addEventListener('click', FL_ASL.aslSubmit);
    var donation_appeal = document.createElement('div');
    donation_appeal.innerHTML = FL_UI.Text.donation_appeal;

    results_container = document.createElement('div');
    results_container.setAttribute('id', 'fetlife_asl_search_results');

    prog = document.createElement('p');
    prog.setAttribute('id', FL_ASL.CONFIG.progress_id);

// This is the main() function, executed on page load.
FL_ASL.main = function () {
    // Insert ASL search button interface at FetLife "Search" bar.

FAADE = {};
    'debug': false, // switch to true to debug.
    'gdocs_key': '0ArYmNHuRadHbdGNVT1kzSzFnOXhHRjh1RnczZVVmMXc',
    'gform_key': 'dGNVT1kzSzFnOXhHRjh1RnczZVVmMXc6MQ',
    'gdocs_development_key': '0ArYmNHuRadHbdGxjMUhyR0FzLWJicHNXUFdxckFEQWc',
    'gform_development_key': 'dGxjMUhyR0FzLWJicHNXUFdxckFEQWc6MQ',

// Utility debugging function.
FAADE.log = function (msg) {
    if (!FAADE.CONFIG.debug) { return; }
    GM_log('FETLIFE FAADE: ' + msg);
    //console.log('FETLIFE FAADE: ' + msg);

// Initializations.
var uw = (unsafeWindow) ? unsafeWindow : window ; // Help with Chrome compatibility?
/* Highlight alleged abusers in bright yellow. */\
.faade_alleged_abuser {\
    display: inline-block;\
    border: 2px solid yellow;\
#faade_abuse_reports caption {\
    background: yellow;\
    color: red;\
#faade_abuse_reports tfoot td {\
    padding-top: 1em;\
    text-align: center;\
#faade_abuse_reports tr:target > * {\
    border: 1px solid red;\
#faade_abuse_reports tr:target th {\
    border-width: 1px 0 1px 1px;\
#faade_abuse_reports tr:target td {\
    border-width: 1px 1px 1px 0;\
/* FAADE location broadcast dialog styles. */\
[aria-labelledby="ui-dialog-title-faade"] { border-color: yellow; }\
#ui-dialog-title-faade { color: red; }\
/* General prettiness. */\
#profile #main_content a + a.faade_report_link { padding-left: 5px; }\
footer .faade_report_link,\
.blog_entry p.quiet.small .faade_report_link,\
.byline .faade_report_link {\
    display: block;\
    color: #777;\
.mini_feed_title .faade_report_link {\
    float: left;\
    padding-right: 5px;\
}\ li a.faade_report_link,\
#profile ul.friends li { width: auto; }\
FAADE.init = function () {
    // Whenever we load CreepShield, just clear the cookies.
    if (window.location.hostname.match(/ {
    FL_ASL.getUserProfile(; // run early
    FAADE.abuser_database = FAADE.getValue('abuser_database', false);
    if (FAADE.abuserDatabaseExpired()) {
window.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', FAADE.init);

// Determines whether the abuser database has expired and needs to be re-fetched.
FAADE.abuserDatabaseExpired = function () {
    // If we don't have a database, then of course it's "expired."
    if (!FAADE.abuser_database) {
        FAADE.log('Abuser database expired because of false-equivalent value.');
        return true;
    } else if ( (new Date().getTime() > (parseInt(FAADE.getValue('last_fetch_time')) + 86400)) ) {
        // Abuser database was last fetched more than 24 hours (86400 seconds) ago, so refresh.
        FAADE.log('Abuser database expired because of time.');
        return true;
    } else {
        FAADE.log('Abuser database still fresh.');
        return false;

FAADE.getDatabaseConnectionString = function () {
    return (FAADE.CONFIG.debug) ?
        FAADE.CONFIG.gdocs_development_key :
FAADE.getReportFormKey = function () {
    return (FAADE.CONFIG.debug) ?
        FAADE.CONFIG.gform_development_key :

FAADE.setValue = function (x, y) {
    return (FAADE.CONFIG.debug) ?
        GM_setValue(x += '_development', y) :
        GM_setValue(x, y);
FAADE.getValue = function (x, y) {
    if (arguments.length === 1) {
        return (FAADE.CONFIG.debug) ?
            GM_getValue(x += '_development'):
    } else {
        return (FAADE.CONFIG.debug) ?
            GM_getValue(x += '_development', y):
            GM_getValue(x, y);

FAADE.fetchAbuserDatabase = function () {
    var key = FAADE.getDatabaseConnectionString();
    var url = '' + key + '&output=html';
    FAADE.log('fetching abusers database from ' + url);
        'method': 'GET',
        'url': url,
        'onload': function (response) {
            if (!response.finalUrl.match(/^https:\/\/\/spreadsheet\/pub/)) {
                FAADE.log('Failed to fetch abuser database from ' + url);
                return false;
            FAADE.setValue('last_fetch_time', new Date().getTime().toString()); // timestamp this fetch
            FAADE.setValue('abuser_database', response.responseText);
            FAADE.abuser_database = FAADE.getValue('abuser_database');

FAADE.injectDialog = function () {
    FL_UI.Dialog.createLink('faade', '', document.body);
    var html_string = '<p class="mbm">There have been <span id="faade_reports_to_alert">X</span> new consent violations filed to the Predator Alert Tool for FetLife that may have been perpetrated near your location (<span id="faade_user_loc">X, X, X</span>).</p>';
    html_string += '<p>Click "View new nearby PAT-FetLife reports" to view the profiles of the people who have been accused of consent violations near your area in new tabs.</p>';
    html_string += '<p id="faade-actions" class="ac">';
    html_string += '<a rel="nofollow" class="btnsqr close" data-closes-modal="faade" href="#">View new nearby PAT-FetLife reports</a>';
    html_string += '<span class="i s q">&nbsp;-or-&nbsp;</span>';
    html_string += '<a data-closes-modal="faade" class="close tdn q" href="#">Cancel</a>';
    html_string += '</p>';
    html_string += '<p>(Don\'t worry, I\'m not looking for where you actually are. Your location was determined from your FetLife profile.)</p>';
        'Predator Alert Tool for FetLife (PAT-FetLife)',

FAADE.getLocationFromProfileHtml = function (html) {
    var parser = new DOMParser();
    var doc = parser.parseFromString(html, 'text/html');
    return doc.querySelector('h2.bottom + p > em').textContent.split(', '); // split with comma AND space

FAADE.broadcastNewProximalReports = function (doc) {
    // Recall timestamp of last record checked.
    var last_timestamp_checked = parseInt(FAADE.getValue('last_timestamp_checked', '0')); // default is "never!"
    // Get latest timestamp in stored alleged abuser database.
    var rows = doc.querySelectorAll('#tblMain tr'); // read in every report, in full
    var latest_timestamp_filed = Date.parse(rows[rows.length - 1].childNodes[1].textContent);

    // If never checked, or if there are new records since last timestamp checked
    if (last_timestamp_checked < latest_timestamp_filed) {
        FAADE.log('Last timestamp checked (' + last_timestamp_checked.toString() + ') is older than latest timestamp filed (' + latest_timestamp_filed.toString() + ').');

        // count how many new records there are since last check
        var num_reports = 0;
        for (var i = rows.length - 1; i > 0; i--) {
            if (Date.parse(rows[i].childNodes[1].textContent) > last_timestamp_checked) {
            } else {
                break; // we've reached the timestamps we've already checked, we're done
        FAADE.log('Total of ' + num_reports + ' new reports since last check.');

        var user_loc = FAADE.getLocationFromProfileHtml(FL_ASL.users[].profile_html);
        FAADE.log('Current user location seems to be ' + user_loc.join(', ') + '.');

        // Loop over all new records one by one
        var reports_to_alert = [];
        for (var i = rows.length - num_reports; i <= rows.length - 1; i++) {
            // extract the location data from the report
            report_loc = rows[i].childNodes[6].textContent;
            // compare current user's FetLife profile location against alleged abuse location
            // and test each substring of the user profile against the reported location
            for (var z = 0; z < user_loc.length; z++) {
                // if a relevant case insensitive substring matches
                if (-1 !== report_loc.toLowerCase().search(user_loc[z].toLowerCase())) {
                    FAADE.log('Filed report location ' + report_loc + ' matches user location substring ' + user_loc[z] + '!');
                    // store for future pop-up
                    break; // we found a match, so stop trying on this row

        // Ask user to view the profiles of the alleged abusers in the user's local vicinity.
        if (reports_to_alert.length) {
            // Fill in the user-facing message with the appropriate info.
            document.getElementById('faade_reports_to_alert').innerHTML = reports_to_alert.length.toString();
            document.getElementById('faade_user_loc').innerHTML = user_loc.join(', ');
            // Create the click event we're going to use.
            var evt = document.createEvent('MouseEvents');
            evt.initEvent('click', true, false); // can bubble, can't be cancelled
            // "Click" event on hidden code.
            // Attach event listener to "View" button and pass in appropriate URLs.
            document.querySelector('.btnsqr[data-closes-modal="faade"]').addEventListener('click', function () {
                for (var i = 0; i < reports_to_alert.length; i++) {
                    // TODO: Add the permalink to the specific report to this URL, so it's highlighted when opened.
                    var url = '';
                    GM_openInTab(url + reports_to_alert[i].childNodes[2].textContent.match(/\d+/)[0]);

    // Make a note of the latest timestamp filed, so we start here next time we're loaded.
    FAADE.setValue('last_timestamp_checked', latest_timestamp_filed.toString());

FAADE.creepShield = {};
FAADE.creepShield.checkPhotoUrl = function (url) {
    // For Chrome, we need to create the multipart request manually because
    // extensions can't decode FormData objects due to its isolated worlds.
    // See
    var multipart_boundary = "---xxx111222333444555666777888999";
    var multipart_data = '--' + multipart_boundary + "\n";
    multipart_data += 'Content-Disposition: form-data; name="linked_image"';
    multipart_data += "\n\n";
    multipart_data += url;
    multipart_data += "\n";
    // Mimic hitting the "Search" button.
    multipart_data += '--' + multipart_boundary + "\n";
    multipart_data += 'Content-Disposition: form-data; name="submit_linked_image"';
    multipart_data += "\n\n";
    multipart_data += 'Search';
    multipart_data += "\n";
    multipart_data += '--' + multipart_boundary + '--'; // end

        'method': 'POST',
        'url': '',
        'headers': {
            'Content-Type': 'multipart/form-data; boundary=' + multipart_boundary
        'data': multipart_data,
        'onload': function (response) {
            var parser = new DOMParser();
            var doc = parser.parseFromString(response.responseText, 'text/html');
            // If our search was successful,
            if (doc.querySelector('.search-details')) {
                // Parse the CreepShield results and display on FetLife.
                var creep_data = FAADE.creepShield.parseResults(doc);
            } else {
                FAADE.log('An error occurred searching');
                if (doc.getElementById('messages')) {
FAADE.creepShield.parseResults = function (doc) {
    var ret = {
        'searched_url' : doc.querySelector('.searched-image').getAttribute('src'),
        'matches_count': doc.querySelectorAll('.person').length,
        'highest_match': doc.querySelector('.match-percentage p:nth-child(2)').textContent.match(/\d+%/),
        'highest_photo': doc.querySelector('.person-images-inner img'),
        'person_detail': doc.querySelector('.person-name').textContent
    return ret;
FAADE.creepShield.getDisclaimerHtml = function () {
    return '<p>This feature is powered by the facial recognition service at <a href=""></a>. The registered sex offender database is <em>not</em> always a reliable source of information. <a href="">Learn more</a>.</p>';
FAADE.creepShield.displayOnFetLife = function (creep_data) {
    var base_el = document.querySelector('.pan').parentNode.parentNode;
    var my_el = document.createElement('div');
    my_el.setAttribute('class', 'pat-fetlife-creepshield-results');
    var html = '<h3>Possible Registered Sex Offender matches:</h3>';
    html += '<ul>';
    html += '<li>Highest facial match: ' + creep_data.highest_match + '</li>'
    html += '<li>Most likely offender: <img src="' + creep_data.highest_photo.getAttribute('src') + '" alt="" />' + creep_data.person_detail + '</li>';
    html += '<li>Total possible matches: ' + creep_data.matches_count + '</li>';
    html += '</ul>';
    html += '<form method="POST" action="">';
    html += '<input type="hidden" name="linked_image" value="' + creep_data.searched_url + '" />';
    html += '<p>Search for criminal histories and other possible offenders: ';
    html += '<input type="submit" name="submit_linked_image" value="Search" />';
    html += '</p>';
    html += '</form>';
    html += FAADE.creepShield.getDisclaimerHtml();
    my_el.innerHTML = html;
FAADE.creepShield.displayError = function (msg) {
    var base_el = document.querySelector('.pan').parentNode.parentNode;
    var my_el = document.createElement('div');
    my_el.setAttribute('class', 'pat-fetlife-creepshield-results error');
    var html = '<p>CreepShield returned an error:</p>';
    html += '<blockquote><p>' + msg + '</p></blockquote>';
    html += '<p>If you are being told you need to login before you can do more searches, simply <a href="javascript:window.location.reload();void(0);">reload this page</a> to try again.</p>';
    html += FAADE.creepShield.getDisclaimerHtml();
    my_el.innerHTML = html;
    // If free search limit was hit, go to to flush it out.
    if (msg.match(/You cannot perform any more searches/i)) {

FAADE.clearCookies = function () {
    var cookie_list = document.cookie.split(';');
    for (var i = 0; i < cookie_list.length; i++) {
        var cookie_name = cookie_list[i].replace(/\s*(\w+)=.+$/, "$1");
        // To delete a cookie, set its expiration date to a past value.
        document.cookie = cookie_name + '=;expires=Thu, 01-Jan-1970 00:00:01 GMT;';

// This is the main() function, executed on page load.
FAADE.main = function () {
    // Make a list of known alleged abuser user IDs.
    var parser = new DOMParser();
    var doc = parser.parseFromString(FAADE.abuser_database, 'text/html');
    var els = doc.querySelectorAll('#tblMain td:nth-child(3)'); // third child is the column of IDs.
    var abuser_ids = [];
    for (var i = 1; i < els.length; i++) { // we never need the first (0'th) cell because Google provides it blank.
    FAADE.log('recalled abuser ids ' + abuser_ids);

    // TODO: Refactor this, it's kludgy.
    setTimeout(function() {
        FAADE.log('Running time-delayed function.');
        if (FL_ASL.users[].profile_html) {
            FAADE.log('We have the current user\'s FetLife profile HTML. Running broadcast checks.');
    }, 5000); // give us a few seconds to grab the current user's FetLife profile HTML.

    // Are we on a user profile page?
    if (window.location.href.match(/users\/(\d+)\/?$/)) {

        var profile_nick = document.querySelector('h2.bottom').childNodes[0].textContent.match(/\S+/)[0];
        var id_in_url = window.location.href.match(/users\/(\d+)\/?$/)[1];
        var userpic_el = document.querySelector('.pan');
        // If we can grab this person's userpic, send it off to CreepSheild for testing.
        if (userpic_el) {
            var userpic_src = userpic_el.getAttribute('src');
            // This will check and call back to the renderer, so we can move on now.

        // If we're not viewing our own profile page, insert a report link.
        usr_ops = document.querySelector('#main_content p.quiet');
        if (usr_ops) {
            usr_ops.appendChild(FAADE.createAbuseReportLink(id_in_url, profile_nick));

        // If this is a profile page of an alleged abuser,
        if (-1 !== abuser_ids.indexOf(id_in_url)) {

            var report_el = document.createElement('table');
            report_el.setAttribute('id', 'faade_abuse_reports');
            report_el.setAttribute('summary', 'Reported consent violations committed by ' + profile_nick + '.');
            var caption = document.createElement('caption');
            caption.innerHTML = 'There are reports ' + profile_nick + ' violated others\' consent in these ways:';
            var tfoot = document.createElement('tfoot');
            tfoot.innerHTML = '<tr><td colspan="2"></td></tr>';
            tfoot.querySelector('td').appendChild(FAADE.createAbuseReportLink(id_in_url, profile_nick));

            // Find all reports that match ID number.
            var abuse_reports = [];
            for (var ix = 0; ix < els.length; ix++) {
                if (id_in_url === els[ix].innerHTML) {
                    abuse_reports.push(els[ix].parentNode); // the table row of abuse report
            // Add this information to the top of this user's profile
            for (var iy = 0; iy < abuse_reports.length; iy++) {
                var num = iy + 1;
                var tr = document.createElement('tr');
                tr.setAttribute('id', 'faade_abuse_report-' + num.toString());
                var details_html = '<ul><li class="faade_abuse_report_datetime">' + abuse_reports[iy].childNodes[7].innerHTML + '</li>';
                details_html += '<li class="faade_abuse_report_location">' + abuse_reports[iy].childNodes[6].innerHTML + '</li></ul>';
                var permalink_html = '<a class="faade_abuse_reported_datetime" rel="bookmark" href="'
                    + window.location + '#faade_abuse_report-' + num.toString()
                    + '" title="Permalink for PAT-FetLife abuse report number ' + num.toString() + ' against '
                    + profile_nick + '.">' +  abuse_reports[iy].childNodes[1].innerHTML + '</a>';
                tr.innerHTML += '<th>Abuse report ' + num.toString() + ' (' + permalink_html + '):' + details_html + '</th>';
                tr.innerHTML += '<td>' + abuse_reports[iy].childNodes[5].innerHTML + '</td>';

            var before = document.querySelector('#main_content table:last-child');
            before.parentNode.insertBefore(report_el, before);


    // Collect all user links on this page.
    var user_links = [];
    for (i = 0; i < document.links.length; i++) {
        var l = document.links[i].href.match(/^(https:\/\/\/users\/(\d+)\/?$/);
        if ( l && (l[2] !== ) {

    // For each user ID found,
    var last_id = null;
    for (i = 0; i < user_links.length; i++) {
        // Collect its user ID number.
        var id = user_links[i].href.match(/\d+\/?$/);
        if (id) { id = id.toString(); } // cast to string for later comparison

        // Get nickname.
        var n;
        if (user_links[i].children.length) {
            // This is an avatar link, not a text link.
            n = user_links[i].childNodes[0].alt;
        } else {
            // This is a text link. Easy.
            n = user_links[i].innerHTML;

        // check the alleged abusers data store for a match.
        if (-1 !== abuser_ids.indexOf(id)) {
            FAADE.log('found match on this page for alleged abuser ID number ' + id);
            // highlight the user's links that matched an alleged abuser using CSS
            user_links[i].setAttribute('class', user_links[i].className + ' faade_alleged_abuser');


        // Don't create another link if we just made one for that user.
        if (id === last_id) { continue; }

        // Offer a link to add another report for this user.
        // See also:
        // Add link to report this user for a consent violation.
        var a = FAADE.createAbuseReportLink(id, n);
        last_id = id;

FAADE.createAbuseReportLink = function (id, nick) {
    var a = document.createElement('a');
    a.setAttribute('class', 'faade_report_link');
    a.setAttribute('target', '_blank');
    var href = '' + FAADE.getReportFormKey();
    href += '&entry_0=' + id;
    href += '&entry_1=' + nick;
    a.setAttribute('href', href);
    a.innerHTML = '(report a consent violation by ' + nick + ')';
    return a;

// The following is required for Chrome compatibility, as we need "text/html" parsing.
 * DOMParser HTML extension
 * 2012-09-04
 * By Eli Grey,
 * Public domain.

/*! @source */
/*global document, DOMParser*/

(function(DOMParser) {
	"use strict";

	  DOMParser_proto = DOMParser.prototype
	, real_parseFromString = DOMParser_proto.parseFromString

	// Firefox/Opera/IE throw errors on unsupported types
	try {
		// WebKit returns null on unsupported types
		if ((new DOMParser).parseFromString("", "text/html")) {
			// text/html parsing is natively supported
	} catch (ex) {}

	DOMParser_proto.parseFromString = function(markup, type) {
		if (/^\s*text\/html\s*(?:;|$)/i.test(type)) {
			  doc = document.implementation.createHTMLDocument("")

			doc.body.innerHTML = markup;
			return doc;
		} else {
			return real_parseFromString.apply(this, arguments);