

Fra og med 03.12.2021. Se den nyeste version.

// ==UserScript==
// @name            JavBus工具
// @description     暗黑模式、滚动加载、预览视频、离线下载(115)...
// @version         0.2.2
// @icon            https://z3.ax1x.com/2021/10/15/53gMFS.png
// @include         *://*.javbus.com/*
// @include         *://captchaapi.115.com/*
// @require         https://unpkg.com/masonry-layout@4/dist/masonry.pkgd.min.js
// @require         https://unpkg.com/infinite-scroll@4/dist/infinite-scroll.pkgd.min.js
// @require         https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/localforage@1.10.0/dist/localforage.min.js
// @resource        fail https://z3.ax1x.com/2021/10/15/53gcex.png
// @resource        info https://z3.ax1x.com/2021/10/15/53g2TK.png
// @resource        success https://z3.ax1x.com/2021/10/15/53gqTf.png
// @run-at          document-start
// @grant           GM_xmlhttpRequest
// @grant           GM_addStyle
// @grant           GM_getValue
// @grant           GM_setValue
// @grant           GM_notification
// @grant           GM_setClipboard
// @grant           GM_getResourceURL
// @grant           GM_openInTab
// @grant           GM_info
// @grant           GM_registerMenuCommand
// @connect         *
// @license         MIT
// @namespace https://greasyfork.org/users/175514
// ==/UserScript==

 * 非完全测试,自用Edge
 * TODO:
 * ✔️ 暗黑模式
 * ✔️ 点击事件(新窗口打开,左键前台,右键后台)
 * ✔️ 滚动加载
 * ✔️ 获取预览大图(javstore.net)
 * ✔️ 获取预览视频(r18.com),如有资源点击封面图或样品图像处进行预览
 * ✔️ 获取演员名单(javdb.com)
 * ✔️ 离线下载(请求离线成功2秒后查询结果汇报),自动修改文件名称,(如已设置操作目录cid,自动移动视频文件至对应目录并删除原目录)
 * ✔️ 一键离线(字幕>尺寸>日期)排队执行离线下载,成功一结束排队
 * ✔️ 115账号验证弹窗
 * ✔️ 查询115是否已有离线资源
 * ✔️ 查询115是否已有离线资源并缓存(默认3天有效),3天后重新查询,支持手动刷新“资源刷新”
 * ✔️ 根据缓存数据匹配列表页已有资源状态,添加已有资源列表页
(function () {
	"use strict";
	// params
	let mousePoint = 0;
	const dm = GM_getValue("dm") ?? matchMedia("(prefers-color-scheme: dark)").matches;
	const lm = GM_getValue("lm") ?? false;
	const ck = GM_getValue("ck") ?? true;
	const rootId = GM_getValue("rid") ?? "";
	const SUFFIX = " !important";
	const { host, pathname } = location;
	// document
	const doc = document;
	doc.create = (tag, attr = {}, child = "") => {
		if (!tag) return null;
		tag = doc.createElement(tag);
		Object.keys(attr).forEach(name => tag.setAttribute(name, attr[name]));
		typeof child === "string" && tag.appendChild(doc.createTextNode(child));
		typeof child === "object" && tag.appendChild(child);
		return tag;
	const insertBefore = (el, htmlString) => el.insertAdjacentHTML("beforebegin", htmlString);
	const insertAfter = (el, htmlString) => el.insertAdjacentHTML("afterend", htmlString);
	const appendBefore = (el, htmlString) => el.insertAdjacentHTML("afterbegin", htmlString);
	const appendAfter = (el, htmlString) => el.insertAdjacentHTML("beforeend", htmlString);
	// localforage
	const lf = localforage;
	lf.upItem = async (key, val) => {
		const original = (await lf.getItem(key)) ?? {};
		await lf.setItem(key, Object.assign(original, val));
	// request
	const request = (url, method = "GET", data = {} | "", params = {}) => {
		if (!url) return;
		method ??= "GET";
		method = method.toLocaleUpperCase();
		if (method === "POST") {
			const cType = { "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" };
			params.headers = Object.assign(params.headers ?? {}, cType);
		if (typeof data === "object") {
			const keys = Object.keys(data);
			if (keys.length) {
				data = keys.reduce((pre, cur) => `${pre}${pre ? "&" : ""}${cur}=${encodeURIComponent(data[cur])}`, "");
				if (method === "GET") url = `${url}?${data}`;
		return new Promise(resolve => {
				timeout: 20000,
				onload: ({ status, responseText }) => {
					if (status === 404) resolve(false);
					if (/<\/?[a-z][\s\S]*>/i.test(responseText)) {
						responseText = new DOMParser().parseFromString(responseText, "text/html");
					if (/^{.*}$/.test(responseText)) {
						responseText = JSON.parse(responseText);
					if (`${responseText?.errcode}` === "911") verify();
	// notifiy
	const notifiy = (title = "" | {}, text = "", image = "info", clickUrl = "") => {
		let params = {
			text: text ?? GM_info.script.name,
			highlight: true,
			timeout: 3000,
		if (typeof title === "object") params = { ...params, ...title };
		if (params.clickUrl) params.onclick = () => GM_openInTab(clickUrl, { active: true });
		GM_notification({ ...params, image: GM_getResourceURL(params?.image ?? "info") });
	// verify
	const verify = async () => {
		const time = new Date().getTime();
		let h = 667;
		let w = 375;
		let t = (window.screen.availHeight - h) / 2;
		let l = (window.screen.availWidth - w) / 2;
	// delay
	const delay = ms => new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, ms));
	// scriptStart
	const scriptStart = () => {
		doc.addEventListener("keyup", event => {
			const e = event || window.event;
			if (e && e.keyCode === 191 && !["INPUT", "TEXTAREA"].includes(doc.activeElement.nodeName)) {

		const nav = `<a href="https://www.javbus.com/resource">资源</a>`;
		let navbar = doc.querySelector("#navbar .nav.navbar-nav");
		if (navbar) return appendAfter(navbar, `<li class="resource">${nav}</li>`);
		navbar = doc.querySelector("#toptb .wp .z ul");
		if (navbar) return appendAfter(navbar, `<li class="nav-title nav-inactive">${nav}</li>`);
	// handleClick
	const handleClick = (selectors, node = doc) => {
		for (const item of node.querySelectorAll(selectors)) {
			const href = item?.href;
			if (!href) continue;
			item.addEventListener("contextmenu", e => e.preventDefault());
			item.addEventListener("click", e => {
				GM_openInTab(href, { active: true });
			item.addEventListener("mousedown", e => {
				if (e.button !== 2) return;
				mousePoint = e.screenX + e.screenY;
			item.addEventListener("mouseup", e => {
				const num = e.screenX + e.screenY - mousePoint;
				if (e.button !== 2 || num > 5 || num < -5) return;
	// getDate
	const getDate = (str = "") => {
		const date = str ? new Date(str) : new Date();
		const Y = date.getFullYear();
		const M = date.getMonth() + 1 < 10 ? `0${date.getMonth() + 1}` : date.getMonth() + 1;
		const D = date.getDate() < 10 ? `0${date.getDate()}` : date.getDate();
		return `${Y}-${M}-${D}`;

	class Common {
		docStart = () => {};
		contentLoaded = () => {};
		load = () => {};
	class Waterfall extends Common {
		isHome = /^(\/(page\/\d+)?|\/uncensored(\/page\/\d+)?)+$/i.test(pathname);
		docStart = () => {
            .search-header {
                padding: 0${SUFFIX};
                background: none${SUFFIX};
                box-shadow: none${SUFFIX};
            .photo-frame {
                position: relative;
                margin: 10px${SUFFIX};
            .photo-frame img {
                height: 100%${SUFFIX};
                width: 100%${SUFFIX};
                object-fit: cover${SUFFIX};
                margin: 0${SUFFIX};
            .photo-info { padding: 10px${SUFFIX}; }
            .alert-page { margin: 20px${SUFFIX}; }
			if (!lm) return;
			const itemSizer = `167px`;
			const gutterSizer = `20px`;
            .pagination, footer { display: none${SUFFIX}; }
            .page-load-status {
                display: none;
                padding-bottom: ${gutterSizer};
                text-align: center;
            body { overflow: hidden; }
            .scrollBox {
                height: calc(100vh - 50px);
                overflow: hidden scroll;
			#waterfall {
			    opacity: 0;
			    margin: ${gutterSizer} auto 0 auto${SUFFIX};
			.item-sizer, .item a { width: ${itemSizer}${SUFFIX}; }
			.gutter-sizer { width: ${gutterSizer}${SUFFIX}; }
            .item a { margin: 0 0 ${gutterSizer} 0${SUFFIX}; }
		contentLoaded = () => {
			const nav = doc.querySelector(".search-header .nav");
			if (nav) nav.setAttribute("class", "nav nav-pills");
			if (!lm) return this.modifyItem();
			if (!this.isHome) this.modifyLayout();
		load = () => {
			if (lm && this.isHome) this.modifyLayout();
		handleLoadMore = () => {
			const oldWaterfall = doc.querySelector("#waterfall");
			if (!oldWaterfall) return GM_addStyle(`#waterfall { opacity: 1; }`);
			const newWaterfall = doc.querySelector("#waterfall #waterfall");
			if (newWaterfall) oldWaterfall.parentNode.replaceChild(newWaterfall, oldWaterfall);

			const waterfall = doc.querySelector("#waterfall");
			appendBefore(waterfall, `<div class="item-sizer"></div><div class="gutter-sizer"></div>`);
				`<div class="page-load-status"><span class="loader-ellips infinite-scroll-request">Loading...</span><span class="infinite-scroll-last">End of content</span><span class="infinite-scroll-error">No more pages to load</span></div>`

			doc.querySelector(".container-fluid .row").classList.add("scrollBox");
		modifyLayout = () => {
			const waterfall = doc.querySelector("#waterfall");
			if (!waterfall) return;
			let msnry = new Masonry(waterfall, {
				itemSelector: "none",
				columnWidth: ".item-sizer",
				gutter: ".gutter-sizer",
				horizontalOrder: true,
				fitWidth: true,
				stagger: 30,
				visibleStyle: { transform: "translateY(0)", opacity: 1 },
				hiddenStyle: { transform: "translateY(120px)", opacity: 0 },
			imagesLoaded(waterfall, () => {
				msnry.options.itemSelector = ".item";
				const elems = waterfall.querySelectorAll(".item");
				GM_addStyle(`#waterfall { opacity: 1; }`);
			// 搜索页滚动加载需特殊处理
			const path = !/^\/(uncensored\/)?(search|searchstar)+\//i.test(pathname)
				? "#next"
				: function () {
						const items = ["search", "searchstar"];
						for (const item of items) {
							if (pathname.indexOf(`${item}/`) < 0) continue;
							let [prefix, suffix] = pathname.split("&");
							suffix ??= "";
							prefix = prefix.split("/");
							let pre = "";
							for (let index = 0; index <= prefix.indexOf(item) + 1; index++) {
								pre = `${pre}${prefix[index]}/`;
							return `${pre}${this.loadCount + 2}&${suffix}`;
			let infScroll = new InfiniteScroll(waterfall, {
				append: ".item",
				outlayer: msnry,
				elementScroll: ".scrollBox",
				history: false,
				historyTitle: false,
				hideNav: ".pagination",
				status: ".page-load-status",
				debug: false,
			infScroll.on("load", this.modifyItem);
		modifyItem = (node = doc) => {
			if (ck) handleClick("a.movie-box", node);
			const items = node.querySelectorAll(".item");
			for (const item of items) {
				let [code, date] = item.querySelectorAll("date");
				if (code && date) {
					code = code.textContent;
					date = date.textContent;
					const codeKey = `${code.trim().toUpperCase()}/${date.trim().toUpperCase()}`;
					lf.keys().then(keys => {
						if (!keys.includes(codeKey)) return;
						lf.getItem(codeKey).then(val => {
							const resource = val?.resource;
							if (!resource?.length) return;
							const photo = item.querySelector(".photo-frame");
							photo.setAttribute("title", "点击播放");
							photo.addEventListener("click", e => {
								GM_openInTab(resource[0].link, { active: true });

				const info = item.querySelector("a .photo-info span:not(.mleft)");
				if (!info) continue;
				const [titleNode, secondaryNode] = info.childNodes;
				const titleTxt = titleNode.textContent.trim();
				const ellipsis = doc.create("div", { class: "ellipsis", title: titleTxt }, titleTxt);
				if (secondaryNode?.nodeName === "BR") {
				info.replaceChild(ellipsis, titleNode);
	class Genre extends Common {
		docStart = () => {
            footer { display: none${SUFFIX}; }
            button.btn.btn-danger.btn-block.btn-genre {
                position: fixed${SUFFIX};
                bottom: 0${SUFFIX};
                margin: 0${SUFFIX};
                left: 0${SUFFIX};
                border: 0${SUFFIX};
                border-radius: 0${SUFFIX};
		contentLoaded = () => {
			if (!doc.querySelector("button.btn.btn-danger.btn-block.btn-genre")) return;
			const box = doc.querySelectorAll(".genre-box");
			box[box.length - 1].setAttribute("style", "margin-bottom: 65px;");
	class Forum extends Common {
		docStart = () => {
            .sd.sd_allbox > div:last-child { display: none${SUFFIX}; }
            .jav-button { margin-top: -3px${SUFFIX}; }
            #toptb {
                position: fixed${SUFFIX};
                top: 0${SUFFIX};
                left: 0${SUFFIX};
                right: 0${SUFFIX};
                z-index: 999${SUFFIX};
            #wp { margin-top: 55px${SUFFIX}; }
	class Resource extends Common {
		docStart = () => {
            .alert.alert-danger.alert-page.error-page, footer { display: none; }
            .resItem {
                margin: 15px 0;
                border-radius: 4px;
                overflow: hidden;
                box-shadow: 0 2px 12px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, .1);
                background-color: ${dm ? SecondaryBackground : "#fff"};
            .resItem a { color: unset; }
            .thumb { aspect-ratio: 100 / 67; }
            .thumb img {
                width: 100%;
                height: 100%;
                object-fit: cover;
            .info { padding: 15px; }
            .title { margin-bottom: 6px; }
		contentLoaded = async () => {
			doc.title = "已有资源(0)";
			const navbar = doc.querySelector("#navbar .nav.navbar-nav");
			const keys = await lf.keys();
			let nodes = [];
			for (const key of keys) {
				const item = await lf.getItem(key);
				const resource = item?.resource;
				if (!resource?.length) continue;
				nodes.push({ ...item, key: key.split("/")[0] });
			if (!nodes?.length) {
				const alert = doc.querySelector(".alert.alert-danger.alert-page.error-page");
				alert.querySelector("h4").textContent = "暂无本地缓存数据";
				const [zh, en] = alert.querySelectorAll("p");
				zh.setAttribute("style", "display: none");
				en.textContent = "请检查浏览器相关设置或重新获取数据";
				alert.setAttribute("style", "display: block");
			doc.title = `已有资源(${nodes.length})`;
			nodes.sort((pre, next) => {
				let preTime = pre.resource[0].timestamp || Date.parse(pre.resource[0].getDate) / 1000;
				let nextTime = next.resource[0].timestamp || Date.parse(next.resource[0].getDate) / 1000;
				return preTime > nextTime ? -1 : 1;
			nodes = nodes.reduce((pre, { thumb, title, resource, href, key, upDate }) => {
				return `${pre}
                <div class="col-lg-3 col-md-4 col-sm-6">
                    <div class="resItem">
                        <a href="${href ?? "/" + key}">
                            <div class="playBtn thumb" data-link="${resource[0].link}" title="点击播放">
                                <img src="${thumb}" alt="${title}">
                            <div class="info">
                                <div class="ellipsis title" title="${title}">${title}</div>
                                <button class="btn btn-xs btn-primary" disabled="disabled">
                                <button class="btn btn-xs btn-danger" disabled="disabled">
			}, "");
			appendAfter(doc.querySelector(".container-fluid .row"), nodes);
			for (const item of doc.querySelectorAll(".resItem .thumb")) {
				item.addEventListener("click", e => {
					GM_openInTab(item.getAttribute("data-link"), { active: true });
			ck && handleClick(".resItem a");
	class Details extends Common {
		code = "";
		codeKey = "";
		lfItem = {};
		config = async (code, date) => {
			if (!code || !date) return;
			const codeKey = `${code}/${date}`;
			this.code = code;
			this.codeKey = codeKey;
			this.lfItem = (await lf.getItem(codeKey)) ?? {};
		docStart = () => {
            .info .glyphicon-info-sign,
            h4[style="position:relative"] + .row { display: none${SUFFIX}; }
            .info ul { margin: 0${SUFFIX}; }
            .screencap { max-height: 600px; overflow: hidden; }
            #avatar-waterfall, #sample-waterfall, #related-waterfall { margin: -5px${SUFFIX}; }
            .photo-info { height: auto${SUFFIX}; }
            #mask {
                position: fixed;
                width: 100%;
                height: 100%;
                z-index: 9999;
                left: 0;
                top: 0;
                background: rgba(11,11,11,.8);
                display: flex;
                justify-content: center;
                align-items: center;
                display: none;
            #exp { display: none; }
            #expBtn {
                position: absolute;
                top: 0;
                height: 40px;
                line-height: 40px;
                left: 0;
                right: 0;
                cursor: pointer;
                background: rgba(0,0,0,.7);
                color: #fff;
                margin: 560px 15px 0 15px;
                z-index: 99;
            #expBtn::after { content: "展开"; }
            #exp:checked + .screencap  { max-height: none; }
            #exp:checked + .screencap > #expBtn {
                top: auto;
                margin: 0 15px;
                bottom: 0;
            #exp:checked + .screencap > #expBtn::after { content: "收起"; }
            @media screen and (max-width: 480px) {
                #btnGrp { margin-bottom: 15px; }
                .screencap { max-height: 280px; }
                #expBtn { margin-left: 0; margin-right: 0; }
            #resBox a { color: #CC0000${SUFFIX}; }
			doc.addEventListener("DOMNodeInserted", e => {
				const node = e.target;
				if (node.nodeName.toLowerCase() !== "tr") return;
				const href = node.querySelector("td a")?.href;
				if (!href) return;
				const td = doc.create("td", { style: "text-align:center;white-space:nowrap" });
				const copy = doc.create("a", { href, title: href }, "复制");
				const offline = doc.create("a", { href, title: href, style: "margin-left:16px" }, "离线下载");
				copy.addEventListener("click", this.copyTxt);
				offline.addEventListener("click", this.offLine);
		contentLoaded = async () => {
			ck && handleClick("a.movie-box");
			// copy
			const handleCopy = selectors => {
				const node = doc.querySelector(selectors);
				const txt = node?.textContent?.trim();
				if (!node || !txt) return;
				const copy = doc.create("a", { title: txt, href: txt, style: "margin-left:16px" }, "复制");
				copy.addEventListener("click", this.copyTxt);
			// expBtn
			const screencap = doc.querySelector(".col-md-9.screencap");
			insertBefore(screencap, `<input type="checkbox" id="exp">`);
			appendAfter(screencap, `<label for="exp" id="expBtn"></label>`);

			const info = doc.querySelector(".col-md-3.info");
			// resource
			const res = `<p id="resBox"><span class="header">已有资源:</span><span class="genre">查询中...</span></p>`;
			appendAfter(info, res);
			// btnGrp
			const btnGrp = doc.create("div", { id: "btnGrp", class: "btn-group btn-group-justified" });
			const btns = { smartRes: "一键离线", refreshRes: "资源刷新" };
			Object.keys(btns).forEach(id => {
				const btn = doc.create("a", { id, class: "btn btn-default" }, btns[id]);
				btn.addEventListener("click", () => this.handleOpt(id));
			// table
			const td = `<td style="text-align:center;white-space:nowrap">操作</td>`;
			appendAfter(doc.querySelector("#magnet-table tbody tr"), td);
			// photoinfo
			for (const item of doc.querySelectorAll(".photo-info span")) item.classList.add("ellipsis");
			// config
			if (!this.codeKey) {
				let [code, date] = doc.querySelectorAll("div.col-md-3.info p");
				code = code.querySelectorAll("span")[1].childNodes[0].textContent.trim().toUpperCase();
				date = date.childNodes[1].textContent.trim().toUpperCase();
				await this.config(code, date);

		load = () => {
			const maxHei = 600;
			const styleHei = doc.querySelector(".col-md-9.screencap .bigImage img").height;
			if (styleHei > maxHei) {
				GM_addStyle(`.screencap { max-height: ${maxHei}px; } #expBtn { margin-top: ${maxHei - 40}px; }`);
			} else {
				GM_addStyle(`.screencap { max-height: ${styleHei + 40}px; } #expBtn { margin-top: ${styleHei}px; }`);
		copyTxt = e => {
			const node = e.target;
			const txt = node?.title;
			if (!node || !txt) return;
			const text = node?.textContent ?? "";
			node.textContent = "成功";
			setTimeout(() => {
				node.textContent = text;
			}, 1000);
		// 预览大图
		handlePreview = async () => {
			let image = this.lfItem?.image;
			if (!image) {
				let res = await request(`https://javstore.net/search/${this.code}.html`);
				const href = res?.querySelector("#content_news li a")?.href;
				if (!href) return;
				res = await request(href);
				image = res?.querySelector(".news a img[alt*='.th']")?.src?.replace(".th", "");
				if (!image) return;
				lf.upItem(this.codeKey, { image });
			if (!(await request(image))) return;
			const img = doc.create("img", { src: image, title: "点击收起", style: "cursor:pointer" });
			img.addEventListener("click", () => {
				doc.querySelector("#exp").checked = false;
			img.onload = () => doc.querySelector(".col-md-9.screencap").appendChild(img);
		// 预览视频
		handleVideo = async () => {
			let video = this.lfItem?.video;
			if (!video) {
				const res = await request(`https://www.r18.com/common/search/searchword=${this.code}/`);
				video = res?.querySelector("a.js-view-sample")?.getAttribute("data-video-high");
				if (!video) return;
				lf.upItem(this.codeKey, { video });
			const title = "预览视频";
			const playVideo = e => {
				doc.body.setAttribute("style", "overflow: hidden;");
				doc.querySelector("#mask").setAttribute("style", "display: flex;");
				const video = doc.querySelector("video");
				doc.onkeydown = event => {
					const e = event || window.event;
					if (e && e.keyCode === 27) pauseVideo();
			const pauseVideo = () => {
				doc.body.setAttribute("style", "overflow: auto;");
				doc.querySelector("#mask").setAttribute("style", "display: none;");
				doc.onkeydown = null;
			// 视频播放窗口
			const videoNode = doc.create("video", { controls: "controls", src: video });
			videoNode.currentTime = 5;
			videoNode.preload = "auto";
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			const closeBtn = doc.create("button", { title: "Close (Esc)", type: "button", class: "mfp-close" }, "×");
			closeBtn.addEventListener("click", pauseVideo);
			const mask = doc.create("div", { id: "mask" });

			// 封面点击播放
			const bigImage = doc.querySelector(".bigImage");
			const bImg = bigImage.querySelector("img");
			const playBtn = doc.create("div", { class: "playBtn", title });
			playBtn.addEventListener("click", playVideo);

			// 样品图像
			const thumb = bImg.src;
			const box = doc.create("a", { class: "sample-box", href: thumb, title });
			box.addEventListener("click", playVideo);
			appendAfter(box, `<div class="photo-frame playBtn"><img src="${thumb}"></div>`);
			if (!doc.querySelector("#sample-waterfall")) {
				insertBefore(doc.querySelector("div.clearfix"), `<div id="sample-waterfall"></div>`);
				insertBefore(doc.querySelector("div#sample-waterfall"), `<h4>樣品圖像</h4>`);
			const waterfall = doc.querySelector("div#sample-waterfall");
			const ref = waterfall.querySelector("a");
			ref ? waterfall.insertBefore(box, ref) : waterfall.appendChild(box);
		// 演员列表
		handleStar = async () => {
			const info = doc.querySelector(".col-md-3.info");
			if (!/暫無出演者資訊/g.test(info.textContent)) return;
			let star = this.lfItem?.star ?? [];
			if (!star?.length) {
				const site = "https://javdb.com";
				let res = await request(`${site}/search?q=${this.code}`);
				const href = res.querySelector("#videos .grid-item a").getAttribute("href");
				if (!href) return;
				res = await request(`${site}${href}`);
				res = res?.querySelectorAll(".panel-block");
				if (!res?.length) return;
				res = res[res.length - 3]?.querySelector(".value").textContent.trim();
				res = res.split(/\n/).filter(item => item.indexOf("♀") !== -1);
				star = res.map(item => item.trim().replace("♀", ""));
				if (!star?.length) return;
				lf.upItem(this.codeKey, { star });
			const p = doc.create("p");
				star.reduce((acc, cur) => `${acc}<span class="genre"><a href="/search/${cur}">${cur}</a></span>`, "")
			info.replaceChild(p, doc.querySelector("span.glyphicon.glyphicon-info-sign.mb20")?.nextSibling);
		// 已有资源(本地)
		handleResource = async () => {
			const lfItem = await lf.getItem(this.codeKey);

			let resource = lfItem?.resource ?? [];
			const upDate = lfItem?.upDate;
			const bool = !upDate || Math.floor((new Date().getTime() - upDate) / 24 / 3600 / 1000) > 3;
			if (bool) resource = await this.fetchResource();

			const resBox = doc.querySelector("#resBox");
			for (const old of resBox.querySelectorAll(".genre")) resBox.removeChild(old);
			if (!resource?.length) return appendAfter(resBox, `<span class="genre">无</span>`);
			const child = resource.reduce((acc, { link, getDate, name }) => {
				let thunbName = name.length > 20 ? `${name.substr(0, 20)}...` : name;
				return `${acc}<span class="genre"><a href="${link}" title="${getDate}/${name}" target="_blank">${thunbName}</a></span>`;
			}, "");
			appendAfter(resBox, child);

			if (lfItem?.thumb && lfItem?.title && lfItem?.href) return;
			lf.upItem(this.codeKey, {
				thumb: doc.querySelector(".screencap .bigImage img").src,
				title: doc.querySelector("h3").childNodes[0].textContent,
				href: location.href,
		// 已有资源(115)
		fetchResource = async (lname = "") => {
			let code = this.code;
			let codes = [
				code.replace(/-/g, ""),
				code.replace(/-/g, "-0"),
				code.replace(/-/g, "0"),
				code.replace(/-/g, "00"),
				code.replace(/-/g, "_"),
				code.replace(/-/g, "_0"),
				code.replace(/-0/g, ""),
				code.replace(/-0/g, "-"),
				code.replace(/-0/g, "00"),
			if (lname) codes.unshift(encodeURIComponent(lname));
			let { data } = await request("https://webapi.115.com/files/search", "GET", {
				search_value: encodeURIComponent(codes.join(" ")),
				format: "json",
			let resource = [];
			if (data?.length) {
				const reg = new RegExp(`(${codes.join("|")})`, "gi");
				data = data.filter(({ n, play_long }) => n.match(reg) && play_long && play_long > 0);
				resource = data.map(item => {
					return {
						fid: item.fid,
						cid: item.cid,
						link: `https://v.anxia.com/?pickcode=${item.pc}`,
						getDate: item.t,
						name: item.n,
						timestamp: item.te || item.tp,
			await lf.upItem(this.codeKey, { upDate: new Date().getTime(), resource });
			return resource;
		// 离线下载
		offLine = async e => {
			const node = e.target;
			const link = node?.title;
			if (!node || !link) return;
			const text = node?.textContent ?? "";
			node.textContent = "请求中...";
			const firstTd = node.parentNode.parentNode.querySelector("td");
			const zh = !!firstTd.querySelector("a.btn.btn-mini-new.btn-warning.disabled");
			const lname = firstTd.querySelector("a").textContent.trim();
			const res = await this.offLineDownload({ link, zh, lname });
			node.textContent = text;
		// 排队离线/资源刷新
		handleOpt = async action => {
			const node = doc.querySelector(`#${action}`);
			if (!node) return;
			const text = node?.textContent ?? "";
			node.textContent = "请求中...";

			if (action === "refreshRes") {
				await lf.upItem(this.codeKey, { upDate: 0 });
				await this.handleResource();
			if (action === "smartRes") {
				const trs = doc.querySelector("#magnet-table").querySelectorAll("tr");
				let magnetArr = [];
				for (let index = 1; index < trs.length; index++) {
					const item = { link: "", lname: "", zh: false, size: 0, date: 0 };
					let [name, size, date] = trs[index].querySelectorAll("td");
					if (!name || !size || !date) continue;
					item.zh = !!name.querySelector("a.btn.btn-mini-new.btn-warning.disabled");
					name = name.querySelector("a");
					item.link = name.href;
					item.lname = name.textContent.trim();
					size = size.querySelector("a").textContent.trim().replace(/gb/gi, "");
					if (/mb/gi.test(size)) size = (parseFloat(size) / 1024).toFixed(2);
					item.size = Number(size);
					item.date = date.querySelector("a").textContent.trim().replace(/-/g, "");
				magnetArr.sort((pre, next) => {
					if (pre.zh === next.zh) {
						if (pre.size === next.size) return next.date - pre.date;
						return next.size - pre.size;
					} else {
						return pre.zh > next.zh ? -1 : 1;
				for (let index = 0; index < magnetArr.length; index++) {
					const res = await this.offLineDownload(magnetArr[index]);
					if (res?.image !== "info") {
					if (index !== magnetArr.length - 1) continue;

			node.textContent = text;
		// 请求离线&结果查询
		offLineDownload = async ({ link, zh, lname }) => {
			const fname = `${zh ? "【中文字幕】" : ""}${doc.querySelector("h3").textContent.replace("复制", "")}`;

			let notifiyObj = {
				title: "操作失败,115未登录",
				text: "请登录115账户后再离线下载",
				image: "fail",
				clickUrl: "http://115.com/?mode=login",
			let res = await request("http://115.com/", "GET", {
				ct: "offline",
				ac: "space",
				_: new Date().getTime(),
			if (!res?.sign) return notifiyObj;
			const { sign, time } = res;
			res = await request("http://115.com/web/lixian/?ct=lixian&ac=add_task_url", "POST", {
				url: link.substr(0, 60),
				uid: 0,
			const { state, errcode, error_msg } = res;
			notifiyObj = {
				title: "离线失败",
				text: error_msg,
				image: "info",
				clickUrl: "http://115.com/?tab=offline&mode=wangpan",
			if (`${errcode}` === "911") {
				notifiyObj.title += ",账号异常";
				notifiyObj.text = "验证后使用";
				notifiyObj.image = "fail";
			if (!state) return notifiyObj;
			// 获取旧的本地缓存数据
			let lfItem = (await lf.getItem(this.codeKey)) ?? {};
			if (!lfItem?.resource) lfItem.resource = [];
			// 远程获取搜索结果
			await delay(2000);
			let resource = await this.fetchResource(lname);
			const newRes = resource.filter(item => item.getDate === getDate());
			// 搜索结果资源数至少比本地缓存多且获取日期为当前日期
			if (resource.length <= lfItem.resource.length || newRes.length < 1) {
				notifiyObj.text = "未找到新增资源,接口失效或资源审核";
				return notifiyObj;
			for (let index = 0; index < newRes.length; index++) {
				const { name } = newRes[index];
				const suffix = name.split(".").pop().toLowerCase();
				newRes[index]["rename"] = `${fname}.${suffix}`;
			this.afterAction(newRes.filter(item => item.name.indexOf(fname) === -1));
			return {
				title: "离线成功",
				text: "点击跳转",
				image: "success",
				clickUrl: `https://115.com/?cid=${rootId ?? 0}&offset=0&mode=wangpan`,
		// 离线后重命名,移动,移除原目录等
		afterAction = async items => {
			// rename
			for (const { fid, rename: file_name } of items) {
				request("http://webapi.115.com/files/edit", "POST", { fid, file_name });
			if (rootId) {
				const params = arr => arr.reduce((acc, cur, idx) => `${acc}&fid[${idx}]=${cur}`, "");
				const fids = Array.from(new Set(items.map(item => item.fid)));
				const cids = Array.from(new Set(items.filter(item => item !== rootId).map(item => item.cid)));
				// move
				const move_proid = `${new Date()}_${~(100 * Math.random())}_0`;
				await request(
				// del
				request("https://webapi.115.com/rb/delete", "POST", `pid=${rootId}&ignore_warn=1${params(cids)}`);
			lf.upItem(this.codeKey, { upDate: 0 });
			await delay(1000);

	class JavBusScript {
		waterfall = new Waterfall();
		genre = new Genre();
		forum = new Forum();
		resource = new Resource();
		details = new Details();

	const Background = "rgb(18,18,18)";
	const SecondaryBackground = "rgb(32,32,32)";
	const LabelColor = "rgba(255,255,255,.95)";
	const SecondaryLabelColor = "rgb(170,170,170)";
	const Grey = "rgb(49,49,49)";
	const Blue = "rgb(10,132,255)";
	const Orange = "rgb(255,159,10)";
	const Green = "rgb(48,209,88)";
	const Pink = "rgb(255,55,95)";
	const Red = "rgb(255,69,58)";
	const Yellow = "rgb(255,214,10)";
	const darkMode = path => {
		if (path === "forum") return;
        ::-webkit-scrollbar {
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        .pagination .active a {
            border: none${SUFFIX};
            color: ${LabelColor}${SUFFIX};
        .pagination>li>a, .pagination>li>span {
            background-color: ${Grey}${SUFFIX};
            border: none${SUFFIX};
            color: ${LabelColor}${SUFFIX};
        tr, .modal-content, .alert {
            background: ${SecondaryBackground}${SUFFIX};
            box-shadow: none${SUFFIX};
        tr:hover { background: ${Grey}${SUFFIX}; }
		if (path === "waterfall") {
            .item a { background: ${SecondaryBackground}${SUFFIX}; }
            .photo-info {
                background: ${SecondaryBackground}${SUFFIX};
                color: ${LabelColor}${SUFFIX};
            date { color: ${SecondaryLabelColor}${SUFFIX}; }
            .nav-pills>li.active>a, .nav-pills>li.active>a:focus, .nav-pills>li.active>a:hover, .nav-pills>li>a:focus, .nav-pills>li>a:hover { background-color: ${Grey}${SUFFIX}; }
		if (path === "genre") GM_addStyle(`.genre-box { background-color: ${SecondaryBackground}${SUFFIX}; }`);
		if (path === "forum") {
            .mn > div,
            .biaoqicn_show.slidebar a:not(.on),
            .new4_list_top .dspanonhover,
            .bm.bmw.cl .bm_h.cl { background: ${SecondaryBackground}${SUFFIX}; }
            .nav-title.nav-active a,
            .menu-body-panel .icon-arrow-t,
            .comment-excerpt { background: ${Background}${SUFFIX}; }
            .main-right-zuixin .comment-excerpt:before { border-bottom-color: ${Background}${SUFFIX}; }
            .main-right-tit span { color: ${LabelColor}${SUFFIX}; }
		if (path === "details") {
            .movie, .sample-box, .movie-box, .photo-info { background: ${SecondaryBackground}${SUFFIX}; }
            .photo-info { color: ${LabelColor}${SUFFIX}; }
            .avatar-box, .avatar-box span, .info ul li, .info .star-name {
                background: ${SecondaryBackground}${SUFFIX};
                border-color: ${Grey}${SUFFIX};
                color: ${LabelColor}${SUFFIX};

	if (/javbus\.com/g.test(host)) {
		const menus = [
			{ title: "点击事件", name: "ck", val: ck, key: "c" },
			{ title: "暗黑模式", name: "dm", val: dm, key: "d" },
			{ title: "滚动加载", name: "lm", val: lm, key: "s" },
		for (const { title, name, val, key } of menus) {
				`${val ? "关闭" : "开启"}${title}`,
				() => {
					GM_setValue(name, !val);
			() => {
				const rid = prompt("用于离线后移动,删除等操作", rootId);
				GM_setValue("rid", rid);

		lf.config({ name: "JBDB", storeName: "AVS" });

        .ad-box { display: none${SUFFIX}; }
        .ellipsis {
            overflow : hidden;
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        .line-4 { -webkit-line-clamp: 4; }
        .playBtn { position: relative; }
        .playBtn:after {
            position: absolute;
            background: url(https://javdb.com/packs/media/images/btn-play-b414746c.svg) 50% no-repeat;
            background-color: rgba(0,0,0,.2);
            background-size: 40px;
            content: "";
            top: 0;
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            transition: all .3s ease-out;
            opacity: .85;
        .playBtn:hover::after { background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0); }
        .playBtn img { filter: none${SUFFIX}; }

		const pathReg = {
			genre: /^\/(uncensored\/)?genre$/i,
			forum: /^\/forum\//i,
			resource: /^\/resource$/i,
			details: /^\/[\w]+(-|_)?[\d]*.*$/i,
		const path = Object.keys(pathReg).filter(key => pathReg[key].test(pathname))[0];
		if (!path) return;
		dm && darkMode(path);
		const jav = new JavBusScript()[path];
		if (!jav) return;
		doc.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", () => {
		window.addEventListener("load", jav.load);
	if (/captchaapi\.115\.com/g.test(host)) {
		doc.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", () => {
			const btn = doc.querySelector("#js_ver_code_box button[rel='verify']");
			btn.addEventListener("click", () => {
				const interval = setInterval(() => {
					if (doc.querySelector("div[rel='error_box']").getAttribute("style").indexOf("none") !== -1) {
						window.open("", "_self");
				}, 300);
				setTimeout(() => clearInterval(interval), 600);