Chaturbate reloaded

Gives you a new and improved chaturbate experience.

Dette er versioner af dette script, hvor koden er blevet opdateret. Vis alle versioner.

  • v1.4.8 26.02.2025

    Card image did not show in an offline room (cb changed something ..)

  • v1.4.7 23.02.2025

    Now with broadcasters region and nationality (if revealed ) in the bio.
    Small bug fix

  • v1.4.6 17.02.2025

    fix a bug that made the script not work properly in languages other then English

  • v1.4.6 17.02.2025

    Fix for use in other languages than English

  • v1.4.5 16.02.2025

    work around for mozilla/firefox bug that makes the original sound mute during recording.
    information about premium privates.
    information about fanclub costs.
    last date online.

  • v1.4.4 11.02.2025

    A change in the website made the thumbnail on a profile only page and on region/gender banned rooms not work as it should.
    Better error handling of the video

  • v1.4.3 07.02.2025

    record function in the video controls window

  • v1.4.2 31.01.2025

    now with a video player , alarm function can go to the room if room goes online, better dark mode , many small improvements

  • v1.4.1 20.01.2025

    many improvements , like big thumbnails, hide male/trans, userlist in bio, alarm on status change ,etc. prepared for future changes on the cb website. new usermanual (try to read it)

  • v1.4.0 25.12.2024

    -in the bio a link that pops up the userlist , this list will also show if they are follower and the name links to the bio only page.
    -At script options the option to hide male/trans. this removes all male/trans rooms from your search selection and removes the male/trans tab's.
    under the thumbnails you see some text telling you how many rooms are hidden.

  • v1.3.8 03.12.2024

    fixed the profile without cam page and some minor bug fixes
    to use the profile only page you must be lopgged in !!!

  • v1.3.5 02.11.2024

    accept chat rules became visible and some minor fixes

  • v1.3.4 22.10.2024

    fixed a problem with the sub-selection tab

  • v1.3.2 26.08.2024

    Bug fix in save settings

  • v1.3.1 20.08.2024

    option menu ( next to your username )

  • v1.2.5 30.07.2024

    -chat control to hide things in chat
    -option to follow/dm/note in a password protected room
    -region and gender banned rooms have some info and a player
    -rooms you're banned in have some info and a player
    -hide fancy mouse pointers in bio
    -better code
    -minor bugs fixed

  • v1.1.7 04.07.2024