E-H & EX Hentai by HEN-TIE
Hentai scripts.
Showing Dansk results only. Show results for all languages.
E-H Visited JS - Upgrade to EhxVisited (sleazyfork.org/en/scripts/377945)
E-H Gallery Image Numbers JS - Shows image numbers beneath gallery thumbnails
EH Gallery Quick Tag Voting JS - Adds upvote and downvote button on the left and right sides of tags in EH Gallery to allow faster and easier tag voting.
G.E/EX Keyboard Navigation JS - Adds many keyboard shortcuts, such as: thumbnail navigation, quick site search.
E-H Better Gallery Hiding JS - Undoable hiding based on tags, title keywords, and uploader name. Edit script to configure options.
E-H GIF Filter JS - Find which pages of a gallery are animated.
E-H Auto Note Favourites JS - Fills the notes section with the gallery's tags
E-H Colour Conversion JS - Gives E-Hentai the Exhentai colour scheme.
E-H Fjords JS - Redirects galleries automatically.
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