Sleazy Fork is available in English.


just for tests. this is not mine.

Version vom 02.01.2016. Aktuellste Version

Dieses Skript sollte nicht direkt installiert werden. Es handelt sich hier um eine Bibliothek für andere Skripte, welche über folgenden Befehl in den Metadaten eines Skriptes eingebunden wird // @require

var templates = {
    '<a id="extender-menu" class="navlink" data-menu="manager">' +
    '<span class="navlinkbox">' +
    '<span class="navlinkicon"></span>' +
    '<span class="vertcenter">' +
    '<span>Extender</span>' +
    '</span>' +
    '</span>' +

    findGifts: function(start, end) {
        return '<div class="exrow"><span id="find_gifts" class="btnwrap btnlg exBtn" onclick="findGifts(event)">' +
        '<span class="btnedge"><a class="btngold">Find Gifts</a></span>' +
        '</span>Range of offers: ' +
        '<div class="contribcount">' +
            '<input type="text" id="offerIdRangeStart" onkeypress="return isNumberKeyPressed(event)" value="'+ start +'" maxlength="3" name="quantity" style="height: auto;">' +
        '<a id="excountup" onclick="inputIncrement(this)"></a><a id="excountdown" onclick="inputIncrement(this)"></a></div>' +
        '&nbsp;-&nbsp;<div class="contribcount">' +
            '<input type="text" id="offerIdRangeEnd" onkeypress="return isNumberKeyPressed(event)" value="'+ end +'" maxlength="3" name="quantity" style="height: auto;">' +
        '<a id="excountup" onclick="inputIncrement(this)"></a><a id="excountdown" onclick="inputIncrement(this)"></a></div></div>'

    '<span id="adventureSendAll" class="btnwrap btnsm exSendAllButton">' +
    '<span class="btnedge">' +
    '<a onclick="adventureSendAll(userContext.adventureData.symbol, getSwornSwords(extender.options.sendAllAction));" class="btnbrown">' +
    '<span></span>Send All</a></span></span>',

    '<span id="pvpSendAll" class="btnwrap btnsm exSendAllButton">' +
    '<span class="btnedge">' +
    '<a onclick="pvpSendBatch(getSwornSwords(extender.options.sendAllAction),170);" class="btnbrown">' +
    '<span></span>Send All</a></span></span>',

    '<span id="avaSendAll" class="btnwrap btnsm exSendAllButton">' +
    '<span class="btnedge">' +
    '<a onclick="avaSendAll_onclick" class="btnbrown">' +
    '<span></span>Send All</a></span></span>',

    '<span class="btnwrap btnmed equipbtn queue" data-quantity="1">' +
    '<span class="btnedge">' +
    '<a class="btngold">Queue</a>' +
    '</span>' +

    '<span class="btnwrap btnmed equipbtn queue" data-quantity="5">' +
    '<span class="btnedge">' +
    '<a class="btngold">Queue x5</a>' +
    '</span>' +

    '<h5>Actions:</h5>' +
    '<div class="upgradeinfo">' +
    '<span id="upgradeQueue" class="btnwrap btnmed btnprice upgradeQueue">' +
    '<span class="btnedge">' +
    '<a class="btngold">Enqueue upgrade</a>' +
    '</span>' +
    '</span>' +

    '<span id="saveOptions" class="btnwrap btnlg">' +
    '<span class="btnedge">' +
    '<a class="btngold">Save</a>' +
    '</span>' +

    '<span id="resetOptions" class="btnwrap btnlg">' +
    '<span class="btnedge">' +
    '<a class="btngold">Reset</a>' +
    '</span>' +

    '<span id="clearExLog" class="btnwrap btnlg exBtn" onclick="clearLog()">' +
    '<span class="btnedge">' +
    '<a class="btngold">Clear log</a>' +
    '</span>' +

    '<span id="showObservable" class="btnwrap btnlg exBtn" onclick="javascript: $(\'#observable\').toggle(\'display\');">' +
    '<span class="btnedge">' +
    '<a class="btngold">Console</a>' +
    '</span>' +

        '<div id="extenderTabContent" style="margin-top: 18px; margin-top: 18px; overlow-x: scroll; height: 460px;"></div>',

    '<h1 style="font-family:GoudyTrajan-Bold,Trajan,\'Trajan Pro\',Trajanbold;">Extender options | v.' + GM_info.script.version + '</h1><hr />' +
    '<div id="extenderTabMenu" style="margin: 0 0 0;">' +
    '<div class="charactertabs"></div>' +
    '<div class="barbtmedge"></div>' +

    '<div style="overflow-y: auto; height: 360px;">' +
    '<table class="queueTable powertable">' +
    '<tbody>' +
    '<tr class="headerRow">' +
    '<th id="col4"><span class="colsort">QueueID</span></th>' +
    '<th id="col1"><span class="colsort">Type</span></th>' +
    '<th id="col1"><span class="colsort">Building</span></th>' +
    '<th id="col2"><span class="colsort">Name</span></th>' +
    '<th id="col3"><span class="colsort">Icon</span></th>' +
    '</tr>' +
    '</tbody>' +
    '</table>' +

    '<span id="bruteBtn" class="btnwrap btnmed" style="margin-top: 6px; padding: 0 0 0 0;">' +
    '<span class="btnedge">' +
    '<a class="btngold" style="min-width: 0px;">Brute!</a>' +
    '</span>' +

    '<span id="bruteAllBtn" class="btnwrap btnmed" style="margin-top: 6px;">' +
    '<span class="btnedge">' +
    '<a class="btngold" style="min-width: 0px;">Brute ALL!</a>' +
    '</span>' +

    '<span id="infoBtn" class="btnwrap btnmed" style="margin-top: 6px; padding: 0 0 0 8px;">' +
    '<span class="btnedge">' +
    '<a class="btngold" style="min-width:0px !important;">Trainer</a>' +
    '</span>' +
    '<span id="addPartyEnter" class="btnwrap btnmed" style="margin-top: 6px; padding: 0 0 0 8px;">' +
    '<span class="btnedge">' +
    '<a class="btngold" style="min-width:0px !important;">Select SS for Adv. Party</a>' +
    '</span>' +
    '<div id="ex_search_row" class="exrow" style="padding-top: 78px;">' +
    '<span class="alliancesearch">' +
    '<input type="text" placeholder="Search For An Alliance" id="ex_alliance_search_input">' +
    '<a id="ex_alliance_search" href="#"></a></span></div>',

        '<span id="extender_finishBtn" class="btnwrap btnlg" onclick="finishAll()"><span class="btnedge"><a class="btngold">Finish All Buildings</a></span></span>',

    '<span class="inventorytabwrap" id="buildingQueueTab">' +
    '<span class="inventorytabedge"><a id="buildingQueueTab_inner" class="inventorytab">' +
    '<span></span>Queue<em></em>' +

    buildingTabQueue: function() {
        return '<div style="display: none; padding: 0 20px 0 20px;" id="building_tab_queue">' +
            '<div class="exrow" style="text-align: left">' + this.defaultBtn("clearQueue", "exBtn",
                "production.clear(userContext.activeBuildingPanel); production.render(userContext.activeBuildingPanel)", "Clear") + '</div><hr/>' +
            this.tableSkeleton +

    boonsSortingOptions: [
        { val: "available_quantity", text: "Quantity" },
        { val: "rarity", text: "Rarity" },
        { val: "calc_battle", text: "Battle stats" },
        { val: "calc_trade", text: "Trade stats" },
        { val: "calc_intrigue", text: "Intrigue stats" }

    shopSortingOptions: [
        { val: "price", text: "Silver" },
        { val: "price_perk_points", text: "Gold" },
        { val: "rarity", text: "Rarity" },
        { val: "calc_battle", text: "Battle stats" },
        { val: "calc_trade", text: "Trade stats" },
        { val: "calc_intrigue", text: "Intrigue stats" }

    sendAllActions: [
        { val: "none", text: "Disable" },
        { val: "fight", text: "Vanguards" },
        { val: "harass", text: "Skirmishers" },
        { val: "aid", text: "Protectors" },
        { val: "barter", text: "Merchants" },
        { val: "hoodwink", text: "Charlatans" },
        { val: "bribe", text: "Corruptors" },
        { val: "spy", text: "Agents" },
        { val: "sabotage", text: "Saboteurs" },
        { val: "steal", text: "Thieves" },
        { val: "battle", text: "Battle" },
        { val: "trade", text: "Trade" },
        { val: "intrigue", text: "Intrigue" },
        { val: "friendly", text: "Friendly" },
        { val: "hostile", text: "Hostile" },
        { val: "selected", text: "Selected action" },
        { val: "all", text: "Throw everything" }

    battleModifiers: [
        { val: "fight", text: "FIGHT" },
        { val: "harass", text: "HARASS" },
        { val: "aid", text: "PROTECT" }

    tradeModifiers: [
        { val: "barter", text: "BARTER" },
        { val: "hoodwink", text: "SWINDLE" },
        { val: "bribe", text: "BRIBE" }

    intrigueModifiers: [
        { val: "spy", text: "SPY" },
        { val: "sabotage", text: "SABOTAGE" },
        { val: "steal", text: "STEAL" }

    logLevelTimestamps: [
        { val: "last_hour", text: "Last hour" },
        { val: "last_day", text: "Last day" },
        { val: "last_week", text: "Last week" },
        { val: "all_time", text: "All logged time" }

    get orders() {
        return [
            {val: "none", text: "NONE"}
        ].concat(this.battleModifiers, this.tradeModifiers, this.intrigueModifiers)

    get selectedActions() {
        return [
            {val: "none", text: "BEST"}
        ].concat(this.battleModifiers, this.tradeModifiers, this.intrigueModifiers)

    get trainCommands() {
        return [
            {val: "stats", text: "STATS"}
        ].concat(this.battleModifiers, this.tradeModifiers, this.intrigueModifiers)

    stats: function(battle, trade, intrigue) {
        return '<div class="exstatbox">' +
            '<div id="battle" class="statitem">' +
            '<div><span></span>' +
            '</div><var class="battle_val" id="battle_val">' + battle + '</var></div>' +
            '<div id="trade" class="statitem">' +
            '<div><span></span>' +
            '</div><var class="trade_val" id="trade_val">' + trade + '</var></div>' +
            '<div id="intrigue" class="statitem">' +
            '<div><span></span></div>' +
            '<var class="intrigue_val" id="intrigue_val">' + intrigue + '</var></div>' +

    outputMiniView: function (rarity, src, quantity, name, type, timestamp) {
        return '<span style="display: inline-block;" class="miniview rarity' + rarity + '">' +
            '<em></em>' +
            '<span class="miniviewimg">' +
            '<img src="' + src + '">' +
            '<span><span class="miniviewquantity">x' + quantity + '</span></span>' +
            '<span class="miniviewframe"><span></span></span></span>' +
            '<span class="miniviewname">' + name + '<br>' + type + '<br><b style="color: white; font-size: 14px">' + (!timestamp ? "" : moment(timestamp).format("HH:mm:ss")) + '</b></span></span>';

    formatAlert: function(message, progress, progressInformation) {
        var markup = '<div id="exalert" class="exrow" style="text-align: center; font-family: GoudyTrajan-Bold,Trajan,\'Trajan Pro\',Trajanbold;">' +
            '' + message +
            '</div><br />';

        progress &&
            (markup += this.progressBar(progress, progressInformation));

        return markup;

    brownBtn: function (id, cssClass, onclick, text) {
        return '<span id="' + id + '" class="btnwrap btnsm ' + cssClass + '">' +
            '<span class="btnedge">' +
            '<a ' + (onclick != void 0 ? 'onclick="' + onclick + '"' : 'onclick:"return false"') + ' class="btnbrown">' +
            '<span></span>' + text + '</a></span></span>';

    defaultBtn: function (id, cssClass, onclick, text) {
        return '<span id="' + id + '" class="btnwrap btnlg ' + cssClass + '" ' + (onclick != void 0 ? 'onclick="' + onclick + '"' : "") + '>' +
            '<span class="btnedge">' +
            '<a class="btngold">' + text + '</a>' +
            '</span>' +

    observable: function(display) {
        return '<textarea id="observable" rows="3" style="width:99%; overflow:auto; display: ' + (display ? 'inline' : 'none') + ';" onkeyup="observable_onkeyup(event)"></textarea>';

    progressBar: function(progress, info) {
        return '<div class="progstretch" style="margin: 0 10px 0 10px;">' +
            '<div class="progstretch-outer">' +
            '<div style="width: ' + progress + '%;" id="exprogress" class="progstretch-inner"></div>' +
            '</div>' +
            '</div>' +
            '<div id="expinfo" class="exrow" style="text-align: center; font-family: GoudyTrajan-Bold,Trajan,\'Trajan Pro\',Trajanbold;">' + info + '</div>';

    ssInfo: function(swornSwords){

        var output = this.defaultBtn("train_all", "exBtn", "extenderSSTrainAll();", "Train All") + "List of sworn swords:<br />";
        output += '<div style="text-align: left; margin: 20px 20px 0 20px; overflow-y: scroll; height: 420px;" id="swornSwordsInfo">';

        output += '<table class="powertable">';
        output += '<thead><tr><td>#id</td><td>Name</td><td>Train</td></tr></thead>';
        output += '<tbody>';

        if (!(swornSwords instanceof Array) || swornSwords.length == 0)
            output += '<tr><td colspan="3">' + "You have no sworn swords to output." + '</td></tr>';
            for (var j = 0; j < swornSwords.length; j++) {
                var s = swornSwords[j];

                output += s.upgrade_points ? '<tr style="background: green;">' : '<tr>';
                output += '<td onclick="ssAddToAdventureParty(' +',false)" hint="Add to Adventure party">' + + '</td>';
                output += '<td>' + s.full_name + '</td>';
                output += '<td>' + (s.upgrade_points ? s.upgrade_points + ' x ' : '')  + this.selectOption("", "ss_" + + "_orders", this.trainCommands, (s.modifier || "stats"), null) + '</td>';
                output += '</tr>';

        output += '</tbody>';
       return output;
        ssToPartyInfo: function(swornSwords){

        var output = this.defaultBtn("add_to_party", "exBtn", "addToParty();", "Add to Pary") + "Select swords to add to party:<br />";
        output += '<div style="text-align: left; margin: 20px 20px 0 20px; overflow-y: scroll; height: 420px;">';

        output += '<table class="powertable" id="ss_Table">';
        output += '<thead><tr><td>#id</td><td>Level</td><td>Max specs in</td></tr></thead>';
        output += '<tbody>';

        if (!(swornSwords instanceof Array) || swornSwords.length == 0)
            output += '<tr><td colspan="3">' + "You have no sworn swords to output." + '</td></tr>';
            for (var j = 0; j < swornSwords.length; j++) {
                var s = swornSwords[j];
                output += '<tr  onclick="change_colour($(this)" hint="Add to Adventure party">';
                output += '<td>' + + '</td>';
                output += '<td>' + s.full_name + '</td>';
                output += '<td> bribe </td>';
                output += '</tr>';
        output += '</tbody></table></div>';
        output +='<div class="exrow">' ;
        output +='<span id="count_selected">0</span>';
        output +='</div>';
       return output;
    allianceRow: function(a, region) {
        return '<tr>' +
            '<td>unknown</td>' +
            '<td><a onclick="return allianceInfo(' + + ')" href="#">' + + '</a></td>' +
            '<td>members: ' + a.members + '</td>' +
            '<td>-</td>' +
            '<td><span class="btnmed btnwrap"><span class="btnedge"><a onclick="return allianceCampTarget(' + + ', \'' + + '\', ' + region + ')" class="btngold">Go</a></span></span></td>' +

    configLog: function(o) {
        var output = "";
        output += this.selectOption("Log level scope: ", "logLevelTimestamp", this.logLevelTimestamps, o.logLevelTimestamp, "return false;");
        output += this.checkOption("outputLogAsText", "Output log as text", o.outputLogAsText) + '<hr>';
        output +=
            this.checkOption("logAdventures", "ADVENTURES ", o.logLevel.indexOf("ADVENTURE") > -1) +
            this.checkOption("logQMaster", "QUARTERMASTER", o.logLevel.indexOf("QMASTER") > -1) +
            this.checkOption("logDaily", "DAILY CLAIMS", o.logLevel.indexOf("DAILY") > -1) +
            this.checkOption("logFavors", "FAVORS", o.logLevel.indexOf("FAVOR") > -1) + '<hr>';
        return output;

    outputSwornSwords: function (swornSwords) {

        if (!(swornSwords instanceof Array) || swornSwords.length == 0)
            return "";

        var v = [];
            val: "none",
            text: "None"

        for (var j = 0; j < swornSwords.length; j++) {
            var s = swornSwords[j];
            if (s.full_name && {

                    text: s.full_name

        var c = unsafeWindow.userContext.setSwornSword;
        return this.selectOption("Set sworn sword: ", "ss_select", v, c ? : "none", "setSwornSword($(this).val())");


    selectOption: function (label, id, options, selected, onchange) {
        var select = "";

        //console.debug("Debugging arguments: ", arguments);

        if (!(options instanceof Array)) {
            return select;

        select += '<label for="' + id + '">' + label + '</label>';
        if (typeof onchange != "undefined") {
            select += '<select id="' + id + '" class="extender-select" onchange="' + onchange + '">';
        } else {
            select += '<select id="' + id + '" class="extender-select">';

        for (var i = 0; i < options.length; i++) {
            var o = options[i];

            if (!o.val || !o.text)

            select += '<option value="' + o.val + '" ' + ((o.val === selected) ? 'selected' : '') + '>' + o.text + '</option>';

        select += '</select>';
        return select;

    checkOption: function (id, name, val) {
        return '<a style="color:white;" id="' + id + '" class="extender-option checkbox ' + (val ? 'checked' : '') + '" onclick="check(this)">' + name + '</a>';

    numberOption: function (id, label, val, min, max, step) {
        return '<label for="' + id + '">' + label + '</label>' +
            '<span id="' + id + '" ' +
            'class="extender-option extender-number" ' +
            'min="' + min + '" ' +
            'max="' + max + '" ' +
            'step="' + step + '"' +
            'onclick="increment(this)">' + val + '</span>';

    inputNumberOption: function (id, val, maxlength) {
        return '<div class="contribcount">' +
            '<input id="' + id + '" type="text" onkeypress="return isNumberKeyPressed(event)" value="' + val + '" maxlength="' + maxlength + '" name="quantity" style="height: auto;">' +
            '<a id="excountup" onclick="inputIncrement(this)"></a>' +
            '<a id="excountdown" onclick="inputIncrement(this)"></a>' +

    sellBulkBtn: function (itemId) {
        return '<span class="sellbulk">' +
            '<input type="number" id="sell_bulk_amount" placeholder="Amount">' +
            '<span id="do_sell_bulk" class="btnwrap btnsm" item-id="' + itemId + '">' +
            '<span class="btnedge">' +
            '<a class="btngold">Sell</a>' +

    outputLog: function(log, logAsText){
        var item;
        var itemImage;
        var output = "";

        for(var i = log.length - 1; i > -1; i--){
            var entry = log[i];

                output += '<div class="exRow" style="background-color: ' + (entry.type ? "green" : "none") + '; text-align: left; padding: 2px 0 2px 8px; font-family: GoudyTrajan-Bold,Trajan,\'Trajan Pro\',Trajanbold">'
                entry.message != void 0
                    ? output += (entry.type
                    ? entry.type
                    : "ENDEAVOURS") + " ( " + moment(entry.timestamp).format("DD.MM.YYYY HH:mm:ss") + " ) " + entry.message + "<br>"
                    : output += (entry.type
                    ? entry.type
                    : "ENDEAVOURS") + " ( " + (entry.timestamp
                    ? moment(entry.timestamp).format("DD.MM.YYYY HH:mm:ss")
                    : "ACCUMULATED") + " ) " + entry.quantity + " x " + entry.symbol + "<br>";
                output += '</div>';
            } else {

                // When log is only visual
                // skip message entries
                if (entry.message != void 0)

                item = unsafeWindow.itemFromSymbol(entry.symbol);
                itemImage = unsafeWindow.itemImage(item, 'icon');

                output += this.outputMiniView(item.rarity, itemImage, entry.quantity, ? item.full_name : entry.symbol, entry.type, entry.timestamp);

        return output;

    optionsTab: function (id, name) {
        return '<span id="' + id + '" class="inventorytabwrap">' +
            '<span class="inventorytabedge">' +
            '<a class="inventorytab" style="padding: 1px 15px 0 15px; !important">' +
            name +
            '<em></em>' +
            '</a>' +

    tableRow: function (i, el) {
        return '<tr class="tableRow" style="cursor: pointer">' +
            '<td><span class="ranklist colsort">' + i + '</span></td>' +
            '<td><span class="ranklist colsort">' + el.type + '</span></td>' +
            '<td><span class="name colsort">' + el.activeBuildingPanel + '</span></td>' +
            '<td><span class="name colsort">' + + '</span></td>' +
            '<td><span class="avatarimg"><img src="' + el.img + '"></span></td>' +

    logTab: function (o) {

        var log = sessionStorage.get("clientEntries", []);

            case "last_hour": {
                var anHourAgo = moment().subtract(1, 'hour');
                log = log.filter(function(a){
                        return false;

                    return moment(a.timestamp).isAfter(anHourAgo);
            case "last_day": {
                var aDayAgo = moment().subtract(1, 'day');
                log = log.filter(function(a){
                        return false;

                    return moment(a.timestamp).isAfter(aDayAgo);
            case "last_week": {
                var aWeekAgo = moment().subtract(1, 'week');
                log = log.filter(function(a){
                        return false;

                    return moment(a.timestamp).isAfter(aWeekAgo);
            case "all_time":
            default: break;

        var output = '<div class="exrow" style="text-align: right"> ' + this.defaultBtn("configLogBtn", "exBtn", null, "Config") + this.showObservableBtn + this.clearLogOptionsBtn + '</div>';

        output += '<div id="logContent" class="exrow" style="height: 400px; overflow-y: scroll; border: solid;">'; //<textarea style="width: 95%; height: 400px; overflow-y: scroll;" readonly="readonly" onkeydown="return false;" onkeypress="return false;" onkeyup="return false;" disabled="disabled">';
        output += this.outputLog(log, o.outputLogAsText);
        output += '</div>';
        return output;

    mainTab: function (o) {
        return '<div class="exrow">' +
            this.numberOption("baseDelay", "Extender base delay (seconds):", o.baseDelay, 2, 24, 2) +
            this.finishAllBtn +
            '</div>' +
            '<div class="exrow">' +
            this.checkOption("toggleDebugModes", "Debug mode", o.debugMode) +
            this.checkOption("toggleTooltips", "Tooltips on buildings", o.doTooltips) +
            this.checkOption("toggleLastSeen", "Last seen", o.appendLastSeen) +
            '</div>' +
            '<div class="exrow">' +
            'Reload in (hours): ' +
            this.inputNumberOption("autoReloadInterval", o.autoReloadInterval, 2) +
            'Collect in (minutes): ' +
            this.inputNumberOption("autoCollectInterval", o.autoCollectInterval, 2) + '(0 = disabled)' +
            '</div>' +
            '<div class="exrow">' +
            this.checkOption("neverSpendGold", "Never spend gold", o.neverSpendGold) +
                "AUTO: " +
            this.checkOption("autoBossChallenge", "Boss challenge", o.autoBossChallenge) +
            this.checkOption("autoQMaster", "Quarter master", o.autoQMaster) +
            '</div>' +
            '<div class="exrow">' +
            this.selectOption("Sort player inventory by: ", "boonsSortBy", this.boonsSortingOptions, o.boonsSortBy) +
            this.selectOption(" and then by: ", "boonsSortBy2", this.boonsSortingOptions, o.boonsSortBy2) +
            '</div>' +
            '<div class="exrow">' +
            this.selectOption("Sort shop by: ", "shopSortBy", this.shopSortingOptions, o.shopSortBy) +
            this.selectOption(" and then by: ", "shopSortBy2", this.shopSortingOptions, o.shopSortBy2) +
            '</div>' +
            '<div class="exrow">' +
            this.selectOption("Send all button context: ", "sendAllAction", this.sendAllActions, o.sendAllAction) +
            '</div>' +
            '<div class="exrow"> ' +
            this.checkOption("toggleLockedBuildings", "Hide locked buildings", o.hideLockedBuildings) +
            //this.checkOption("toggleLocalDbOnly", "SQLite only", o.useLocalDbOnly) +
            '</div>' +
            '<div class="exrow"> ' +
            ' AvA: ' + this.checkOption("avaSendSubcamps", "From all camps in region,", o.avaSendSubcamps) +
            ' Default modifier for <hr>' +
            this.selectOption("Battle: ", "default_battle", this.battleModifiers, o.defaultBattle) + '&nbsp;' +
            this.selectOption("Trade: ", "default_trade", this.tradeModifiers, o.defaultTrade) + '&nbsp;' +
            this.selectOption("Intrigue: ", "default_intrigue", this.intrigueModifiers, o.defaultIntrigue) + '&nbsp;' +

    queueTab: function (o) {
        return '<div class="exrow">' +
            this.numberOption("queueDelay", "Delay in (seconds):", o.queueDelay, 4, 20, 4) +
            this.checkOption("toggleSuperiorMaterials", "Use superior materials", o.superiorMaterials) +
            this.checkOption("toggleDoSpeedUp", "Speed Up", o.doSpeedUp) +
            '</div>' +
            '<div class="exrow">' +
            this.defaultBtn("clearQueue", "exBtn",
                "production.clear(); production.render()", "Clear") +
            'Try production in (minutes): ' +
            this.inputNumberOption("queueTimerInterval", o.queueTimerInterval, 3) + '(0 = disabled)' +
            '</div><hr/>' +

    bruteTab: function (o) {
        return '<div class="exrow">' +
            this.numberOption("bruteWounds", "Brute until: ", o.bruteWounds, 0, 4, 1) + 'wound(s) (0 = disabled) ' +
            '<span class="btnwrap btnlg" id="bruteSwitchOff" onclick="bruteSwitchToggle(this)" style="display: none;"><span class="btnedge"><a class="btngold">' + (o.bruteSwitchOff ? 'switch off' : 'adjust') + '</a></span></span>' +
            this.infoBtn +
            this.addPartyEnter + //v100++
            '</div>' +
            (o.sendAllAction == "selected" ?
            '<div class="exrow">' +
                this.selectOption("Send all action is 'SELECTED', last stored action was: ", "selectedAction", this.selectedActions, o.selectedAction) +
            '</div>' : '') +
            '<div class="exrow">' +
            this.outputSwornSwords(o.swornSwords) +
            this.bruteAllBtn +
            this.bruteBtn +                        

    weAttackersOutput: function(){

        var weAttackerIds = unsafeWindow.worldEvent.attackers;

        var markup = '';
        for(var i = 0; i < 5; i ++) {

            var swornsword = null;
            if(weAttackerIds[i] != void 0)
                swornsword = unsafeWindow.getSwornSwords(weAttackerIds[i]);

            markup += '<div class="exrow">';
            markup += 'SLOT ' + i + ' : ' + (swornsword != void 0 ? + ' # ' + swornsword.full_name + ' | ' : 'Empty | ');
            markup += this.selectOption("Orders: ", "slot_" + i + "_orders", this.orders, (swornsword != void 0 ? swornsword.modifier : "none"), "return false") +

        return markup;

    weTab: function (o) {

        var markup = '';
        markup += '<div class="exrow">WORLD EVENT BATTLE MANAGER</div><hr />';
        markup += '<div class="exrow">' + this.numberOption("worldEventDelay", "Delay: ", o.worldEventDelay, 2, 12, 2) + this.checkOption("weManagerEnabled", " Enabled", o.weManagerEnabled) + '</div><hr />';
        markup += '<div class="exrow">' +
            this.outputSwornSwords(o.swornSwords) +
            this.defaultBtn("pushSSid", "", "worldEvent.enlistSS();", "PUSH") +

        markup += '<div class="exrow">' +
            this.weAttackersOutput() +

        return markup;

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            '} \n' +
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            warn("Error occured: " + e + ". Retrying... ");

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