Sadpanda Save/Export All Favorites

Load all favorites to the page and save it or just copy the textbox contents. Works on exhentai and e-hentai.

Version vom 03.01.2018. Aktuellste Version

0 0 0
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Wird angewandt auf

Something happened (IDK what) and this script now completely freezes and doesn't work on Firefox (e10s). It might work for you, but if it doesn't try Chrome/Opera, help me fix it or take it over.

This script loads all favorites to the page and then you can save it or just copy the textbox contents.
Top text box inspiration and its code is from this old script. But this one won't have an import feature like that one (for now).

Used libraries: jquery and he.js

Setting variables inside the script: var pageTimer = 2000; //Waiting timer for each page. Making it too short will break things. var inserttoTable = 1; //Insert other pages to this page's table. Set this to 0 if your browser crashes. You can still use the textbox to save them.

Todo: Add categories to textbox. 0-9 tags: exhentai, e-hentai, hentai