- // ==UserScript==
- // @name Video Celebs Search And UI Tweaks
- // @namespace brazenvoid
- // @version 1.2.0
- // @author brazenvoid
- // @license GPL-3.0-only
- // @description Video filters and UI manipulations
- // @include https://videocelebs.net/*
- // @require https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.5.1/jquery.min.js
- // @require https://greasyfork.org/scripts/375557-base-resource/code/Base%20Resource.js?version=877475
- // @require https://greasyfork.org/scripts/416104-brazen-ui-generator/code/Brazen%20UI%20Generator.js?version=877457
- // @require https://greasyfork.org/scripts/416105-brazen-base-search-enhancer/code/Brazen%20Base%20Search%20Enhancer.js?version=877459
- // @grant GM_addStyle
- // @run-at document-end
- // ==/UserScript==
- GM_addStyle(`#settings-wrapper{background-color:#ffa31a;top:15vh;width:250px}input.form-input.check-radio-input{width:auto;margin:0 5px 1px 0}label.title{margin: 0}`)
- const PAGE_PATH_NAME = window.location.pathname
- const IS_VIDEO_PAGE = PAGE_PATH_NAME.endsWith('.html')
- const FILTER_VIDEOS_RATING = 'Rating'
- const FILTER_VIDEOS_YEAR = 'Year'
- const OPTION_MOVE_VIDEO_ATTRIBUTES_SECTION = 'Reposition Attributes Section'
- const OPTION_REMOVE_COMMENTS_SECTION = 'Remove Comments Section'
- const OPTION_REMOVE_IFRAME_SECTION = 'Remove Iframe Share Section'
- const OPTION_REMOVE_RELATED_VIDEOS_SECTION = 'Remove Related Videos Section'
- class VideoCelebsSearchAndUITweaks extends BrazenBaseSearchEnhancer
- {
- static getLastPageUrl ()
- {
- if (IS_VIDEO_PAGE) {
- return window.location.href
- } else {
- let lastPaginationElement = $('.wp-pagenavi a:last')
- return lastPaginationElement.length ? lastPaginationElement.attr('href') : window.location.href
- }
- }
- constructor ()
- {
- super({
- scriptPrefix: 'vc-sui-',
- itemClasses: 'item',
- paginator: {
- enable: !IS_VIDEO_PAGE,
- listSelector: '.midle_div',
- lastPageUrl: VideoCelebsSearchAndUITweaks.getLastPageUrl(),
- getPageNo: (url) => url.includes('/page/') ? parseInt(url.split('/').pop()) : 1,
- getPageUrl: (newPageNo) => {
- let currentUrl = window.location.href
- if (currentUrl.includes('/page/')) {
- let currentUrlFragments = currentUrl.split('/')
- currentUrlFragments.pop()
- currentUrl = currentUrlFragments.join('/')
- } else {
- currentUrl += '/page'
- }
- return currentUrl + '/' + newPageNo
- },
- afterPagination: (paginator) => {
- let currentPaginationElement = $('.wp-pagenavi span.current')
- currentPaginationElement.text(paginator.currentPageNo + '-' + paginator.paginatedPageNo)
- let paginatorLinksAfterCurrent = $('.wp-pagenavi span.current ~ a')
- if (paginator.paginatedPageNo === paginator.lastPageNo) {
- paginatorLinksAfterCurrent.remove()
- } else {
- paginatorLinksAfterCurrent.each((index, element) => {
- let paginationLink = $(element)
- if (paginator.getPageNo($(element).attr('href')) <= paginator.paginatedPageNo) {
- paginationLink.remove()
- }
- })
- let nextPageUrl = paginator.getPageUrl(paginator.paginatedPageNo + 1)
- let nextPageLink = $('.wp-pagenavi a[href="'+ nextPageUrl +'"]')
- if (nextPageLink.length === 0) {
- let lastPageLink = $('.wp-pagenavi a:last')
- lastPageLink.clone().insertAfter(currentPaginationElement).
- text(paginator.paginatedPageNo + 1).removeClass('last').attr('href', nextPageUrl)
- }
- }
- }
- }
- })
- this._configurationManager.
- addFlagField(OPTION_MOVE_VIDEO_ATTRIBUTES_SECTION, 'Move the video attributes section from below the screenshot area to under the description.').
- addFlagField(OPTION_REMOVE_COMMENTS_SECTION, 'Remove comments area on video pages.').
- addFlagField(OPTION_REMOVE_IFRAME_SECTION, 'Remove iframe share section under video player.').
- addFlagField(OPTION_REMOVE_RELATED_VIDEOS_SECTION, 'Remove related videos section on video pages.').
- addRangeField(FILTER_VIDEOS_RATING, 0, 100, 'Filter videos by ratings.').
- addRangeField(FILTER_VIDEOS_YEAR, 0, new Date().getFullYear(), 'Filter videos by content release year.')
- // UI Events
- this._onBeforeUIBuild = () => {
- if (IS_VIDEO_PAGE) {
- this._moveVideoAttributesBelowDescription()
- this._removeCommentsSection()
- this._removeIFrameSection()
- this._removeRelatedVideosSection()
- }
- }
- this._onUIBuild = () =>
- this._uiGen.createSettingsSection().append([
- this._uiGen.createTabsSection(['Filters', 'UI', 'Stats'], [
- this._uiGen.createTabPanel('Filters', true).append([
- this._configurationManager.createElement(FILTER_VIDEOS_RATING),
- this._configurationManager.createElement(FILTER_VIDEOS_YEAR),
- this._uiGen.createSeparator(),
- this._configurationManager.createElement(OPTION_DISABLE_COMPLIANCE_VALIDATION),
- ]),
- this._uiGen.createTabPanel('UI').append([
- this._configurationManager.createElement(OPTION_MOVE_VIDEO_ATTRIBUTES_SECTION),
- this._configurationManager.createElement(OPTION_REMOVE_COMMENTS_SECTION),
- this._configurationManager.createElement(OPTION_REMOVE_IFRAME_SECTION),
- this._configurationManager.createElement(OPTION_REMOVE_RELATED_VIDEOS_SECTION),
- this._uiGen.createSeparator(),
- this._configurationManager.createElement(CONFIG_PAGINATOR_THRESHOLD),
- this._configurationManager.createElement(CONFIG_PAGINATOR_LIMIT),
- this._configurationManager.createElement(OPTION_ALWAYS_SHOW_SETTINGS_PANE),
- ]),
- this._uiGen.createTabPanel('Stats').append([
- this._uiGen.createStatisticsFormGroup(FILTER_VIDEOS_RATING),
- this._uiGen.createStatisticsFormGroup(FILTER_VIDEOS_YEAR),
- this._uiGen.createSeparator(),
- this._uiGen.createStatisticsTotalsGroup(),
- ]),
- ]),
- this._createSettingsFormActions(),
- this._uiGen.createSeparator(),
- this._uiGen.createStatusSection(),
- ])
- this._onAfterUIBuild = () => {
- this._uiGen.getSelectedSection()[0].userScript = this
- }
- // Compliance Events
- this._onGetItemLists = () => $('.midle_div,.list_videos')
- this._complianceFilters = [
- (videoItem) => this._validateRating(videoItem),
- (videoItem) => this._validateYear(videoItem),
- ]
- }
- _moveVideoAttributesBelowDescription ()
- {
- if (this._configurationManager.getValue(OPTION_MOVE_VIDEO_ATTRIBUTES_SECTION)) {
- let videoInfoBlock = $('.entry-utility')
- videoInfoBlock.insertBefore(videoInfoBlock.prev().prev())
- }
- }
- _removeCommentsSection ()
- {
- if (this._configurationManager.getValue(OPTION_REMOVE_COMMENTS_SECTION)) {
- $('.comments-area').remove()
- }
- }
- _removeIFrameSection ()
- {
- if (this._configurationManager.getValue(OPTION_REMOVE_IFRAME_SECTION)) {
- $('#tab_share').remove()
- }
- }
- _removeRelatedVideosSection ()
- {
- if (this._configurationManager.getValue(OPTION_REMOVE_RELATED_VIDEOS_SECTION)) {
- $('.related').remove()
- }
- }
- /**
- * Validate video source release year
- * @param {JQuery} videoItem
- * @return {boolean}
- * @private
- */
- _validateRating (videoItem)
- {
- let range = this._configurationManager.getValue(FILTER_VIDEOS_RATING)
- if (range.minimum > 0 || range.maximum > 0) {
- let rating = parseInt(videoItem.find('.rating').text().trim().replace('%', ''))
- return this._validator.validateRange(FILTER_VIDEOS_RATING, rating, [range.minimum, range.maximum])
- }
- return true
- }
- /**
- * Validate video view count
- * @param {JQuery} videoItem
- * @return {boolean}
- * @private
- */
- _validateYear (videoItem)
- {
- let range = this._configurationManager.getValue(FILTER_VIDEOS_YEAR)
- if (range.minimum > 0 || range.maximum > 0) {
- let yearFragments = videoItem.find('.title a').text().trim().split('(')
- let year = parseInt(yearFragments[yearFragments.length - 1].replace(')', ''))
- return this._validator.validateRange(FILTER_VIDEOS_YEAR, year, [range.minimum, range.maximum])
- }
- return true
- }
- }
- (new VideoCelebsSearchAndUITweaks).init()