Hentai Heroes Helper (auto collect and button press)

Add in the Hentai Heroes game.

Version vom 10.03.2022. Aktuellste Version

Das sind Skriptversionen, bei denen der Quelltext aktualisiert wurde. Alle Versionen anzeigen.

  • v2.26.4 29.08.2022

    Right click on troll fight timer go to last troll page
    - btnClearFilter didn't appear
    - Harem collect controller z-index
    - Reload page link in quest (on name of the quest)
    - Delay to work well last links feature

  • v2.25.0 25.08.2022

    Improved girls data csv

  • v2.24.3 20.08.2022

    Fix position of btn reward of girl in battle page

  • v2.24.2 19.08.2022

    Buttons for control the collect in harem
    - redirect to shop removed if not full graded
    - zindex of settings icon

  • v2.23.12 18.08.2022

    Fix previous position sintax error

  • v2.23.11 18.08.2022

    - Position of btn clear/stop in leagues
    - More padding to shard container after battle to position like other buttons (difficult to tell)
    - Wrong delay collecting girls
    - Leagues opponent choose

  • v2.23.7 16.08.2022

    - Remove club chat popup when appear
    - Retrive timer also with notification icon (market only)
    - Display btn Ok when lose, if do not use autoclick
    - First try to slow down collectings when near softban (let me know if there still there problems)

  • v2.23.3 11.08.2022

    Fix git removed settingsArea footer

  • v2.23.2 10.08.2022

    After the fix of other script can again retrive pop timer

  • v2.23.1 10.08.2022

    Boss bang viewing performance
    - Problem with git versioning, restore right click energy bar and notifs close

  • v2.22.3 10.08.2022

    I copied two time the script :| sorry
    - It was updated activities section
    - Added again
    for collect all btn
    - Disabled retrive timer until other script update

  • v2.21.5 09.08.2022

    - Link to docs
    - Notifs close also with awakening popup

  • v2.21.3 09.08.2022

    - Removed
    in collect all btn, fixed by the game
    - Settings area fix layout
    - Dblclick on quest to remove safework update

  • v2.21.0 09.08.2022

    Click on notification for close them (point earned in contest for example)
    Right click on energy bar go to last viewed side quest

  • v2.19.6 04.08.2022

    - Default timeout collect
    - Position of settings
    - Do not redirect again and again to activities
    - Disable auto collect pop for who cannot assign
    - If is free do not redirect to harem if click collect all buttone

  • v2.19.2 14.07.2022

    - Setting area scrollable
    - Switch to see choosed cg background

  • v2.19.0 24.06.2022

    Generate setting of input numbers (min_collect_exp, timeout collect etc)

  • v2.18.6 22.06.2022

    There is again the problem who do not appear all girl in harem list, so i can't collect
    Just change order of girls two/three times
    - only if not interact with shop page select first item
    - in shop if press "market" reload the page (fast solution to other plugin filter glitch)
    - back to top when change order of girls in harem

  • v2.18.3 08.06.2022

    Fix: no background in map/battle, flip bg setting and quest image support

  • v2.18.2 08.06.2022

    Set as home background image from album (just press right click on album image)
    in home make sure to disable sfw filter
    - Sfw faster in messenger
    - After upgrade, if redirect to the shop, trigger arrows back to previous position

  • v2.17.6 07.06.2022

    Fix: Canvas image preview support domain

  • v2.17.5 06.06.2022

    Setting for always select first opponent in leagues (default false but i recommend)
    - Redirect in pantheon only if you can attack
    - page_interact when retrive timer of market
    - Domain of preview images and champions
    - Check if link can be opened retriving timers
    - Preview image of variants in harem page

  • v2.16.4 03.06.2022

    Move to other images in preview mode
    - Market timer link retrive
    - Left img preview when load more in harem page
    - Hidden image on harem
    - Do not view story of unavailable girls

  • v2.15.5 02.06.2022

    Giving xp when become full click right arrow
    - Just click on random waifu to change (no right click anymore 'cause girl preview on that event)
    - Added to market filter a Clear button
    - Zoom of preview girl scroll fix
    - UnsafeWork on harem page
    - Preview girl on left images in harem page

  • v2.14.0 01.06.2022

    Now you can press right click to see every form of girl in a dedicated panel
    Click again on any girl to zoom it

  • v2.13.3 31.05.2022

    - Pantheon enter on page interact
    - Leagues cache

  • v2.13.1 28.05.2022

    Cache leagues color
    Fix: Do not scan harem girls if not needed (if no salary and girls_data already present)

  • v2.12.5 28.05.2022

    - Confirm troll fight exceed
    - Home timer retrive pop and other small
    - Do not scan if start_girl_story
    - Market first item click to buy

  • v2.12.1 25.05.2022

    Support for PoG
    If doubleclick on safe-work image toggle it

    While retriving home timer if interact with page do not redirect back

  • v2.11.3 16.05.2022

    Removed last bang team select (they fixed it)
    Change timeout messenger sfw
    Change position of last champion link

  • v2.11.0 09.05.2022

    Added option for redirect to shop gift when upgrade girl if not_collect_full_graded
    I thought about new features

  • v2.10.1 02.05.2022

    Confirm exceed in contest and daily missions
    Speed up girls_reward slider
    Fix sfw in messenger

  • v2.8.5 30.04.2022

    Fix retriving activities timer

  • v2.8.4 30.04.2022

    Fix retriving pachinko timer

  • v2.8.3 27.04.2022

    Fix home timer retriving

  • v2.8.2 26.04.2022

    Retrive automatically home timer (pachinko, pop and market)
    *work only with ocd script
    - z-index settings
    - ph support (not tested)

  • v2.7.6 20.04.2022

    Story of random waifu
    Right click on waifu to change it
    Exit after enter in autoassign single pop
    Trigger first item market on left to start buying

    - Index array error random waifu
    - Compatibility with gay and comix
    - Tried to fix low position girl but no good results
    - Double click confirm daily btns
    - Btn toggle waifu resetting
    - Toggle setting sfw filter change waifu visibility

  • v2.3.4 16.04.2022

    Red color to club member inactive since amount of days (default 60)
    Random girl waifu (hover to know the name and grade) and reload after 30s

    - Graphic button in settings
    - Position of settings icon to not replace https://github.com/Roukys/HHauto/wiki/English icon
    - Settings new keys was not added
    - Removed collect all button shadow fix

  • v2.1.2 14.04.2022

    Ask for confirmation if daily missions rewards exceed your limits
    - Auto collect if only stackable item daily activities
    - Execute diamondFix not only in safe_work mode

  • v2.0.0 13.04.2022

    SETTINGS (white icon in home on right top) and fixes

  • v1.5.5 11.04.2022

    Change link in menu of last visited page (Activity, shop, God sex path)
    Sfw fix

  • v1.5.4 09.04.2022

    - Some missing sfw filter
    - Place of power collect
    - In leagues select first row if opponent is 3/3
    - Market hide btn graphics

  • v1.5.3 28.03.2022

    Fix home graphic

  • v1.5.2 26.03.2022

    - no_energy_challenge popup safe-work filter
    - support last side quest link (menu changed by other plugin)
    - some graphics in shop
    - fixed image correct select that other plugin change in the first

  • v1.5.1 26.03.2022

    Collect also end gift, hard currency is stacked so it can be take any time
    - journey champions also in champions_map and reset if other page
    - responsive top back overlay
    - safe-work filter on waifu selector
    - position btns_container in champions page

  • v1.5.0 26.03.2022

    There are on right bottom page arrows to navigate champions.
    After click the perform button it redirect to the next one

    - When click collect all btn in homepage it redirect to harem page
    - Removed the lightblue top border from collect all buttons (my eyes burn)
    - Replace the link of side quests to last side quest visited (only with other plugin)
    - After battle you can click on header before the redirect (i always use it to increase my speed)
    - Back to previous page (sex god path) in pantheon pre battle
    - Collect only if max affection girl (to increase first collect reward) * default false

    - z-index in header link
    - do not collect if near to upgrade level > 10000 *
    - added also in pre battle pantheon missing link in header
    - last_troll_id fix and support for the new menu added by other plugin

    * you can update settings section, for now, only in console change_settings(key, new_value);

  • v1.4.12 23.03.2022

    - More fix safe work filter
    - Increased re-collect to 2 minutes no 30 sec
    - Grade level in girls_data, for next update of casual waifu image
    - View again after how much time you can collect other money from harem

  • v1.4.11 23.03.2022

    Fix to new layout safe work

  • v1.4.10 10.03.2022

    Keep the selection team in bang event
    Fix: also after use slot in pachinko, quest shortcut link didn't work

  • v1.4.9 08.03.2022

    Claim and auto-assign outside place of power

Alle Skript-Versionen anzeigen