exh which is gif?

Highlights .gif files in gallery view by adding a glow around the thumbnail. Customizable settings are shown in the right sidebar, under the petition rename/expunge links.

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exh which is gif?

Got tired of hunting around galleries for the .gif files, so I made this.
Simple jQuery Tampermonkey userscript that highlights .gif files in a gallery with a glow around the thumbnail.
Feel free to adopt this code for your own use.

What's new in v0.31

Updates to code for the change in gallery HTML, plus added highlighting for .webp (with a toggle)


  1. Look for Which is GIF? ⚙️ on the right bar, under the "Petition to Expunge" and "Petition to Rename" links, and click it.
  2. This will bring up a color picker and a number input field, which can be used to adjust the size/color of glow as needed.
  3. Hit Enter or click outside of the field to apply.
  4. You can then click Which is GIF? ⚙️ again to hide the color/size picker.

Once you're done choosing your color/size, you can edit the script and UNcomment out line 32 to hide the setting link if you don't want to see it anymore.

The following applies only to v0.1

You can adjust the colors/size of the glow using the WG_GLOW_SIZE and WG_GLOW_COLOR variables near the top.
WG_GLOW_SIZE accepts any number
WG_GLOW_COLOR accepts colors in either color name format ("aqua", "orange", etc.) or hex format (#00FFFF, etc).