Exhentai Enhancer

improve UX of Gallery Page & Multi-Page Viewer

Version vom 25.12.2022. Aktuellste Version

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ExHentai Enhancer

See github for latest update.

How to use

  1. Install TamperMonkey to your browser.
  2. Install ExHentai Enhancer.

Gallery Enhancer

works when:

  1. url match https://e(x)hentai.org/g/*/*
  2. settings -> Front Page Settings -> check Thumbnail


  1. Load all images sequentially if the there are more than one page.
    *Could disable by untick Enable auto redirect to Multi-Page Viewer in your tampermonkey menu

  2. Show pop-up in same page instead of window popup when click Archive Download or Torrent Download.
    *Could disable by untick Enable better download popup in your tampermonkey menu

  3. Download torrent directly if there is only 1 torrent.
    *Could disable by untick Enable better download popup in your tampermonkey menu

  4. Go to next/prev row if mouse wheel on images container.
    *Could disable by untick Enable scroll per row in your tampermonkey menu

Multi-Page Viewer Enhancer

works on:

  1. url match https://e(x)hentai.org/mpv/*/*
  2. settings -> Multi-Page Viewer -> Always use the Multi-Page Viewer? -> Yup
    *Could disable all features by untick Enable Multi-Page Viewer enhancer in your tampermonkey menu


  1. Append current index & page count to image info.

  2. Show thumbs when mouse close to/hover thumbs(remember to open thumbs in settings).

  3. Add page elevator.

  4. Add images resizer (Currently 100%, 125%, 150%, 175%, 200% of browser height).

  5. Auto redirect to Multi-Page Viewer if in Single-Page Viewer(url match https://exhentai.org/s/*/*)
    *(Could disabled from your tampermonkey menu - Enable auto redirect to Multi-Page Viewer)*

Front Page Enhancer

works on:

  1. url match
    https://e(x)hentai.org/?* or
    https://e(x)hentai.org/(watched|popular)?* or

  2. settings -> Front Page Settings -> check Thumbnail


  1. Load next page when scroll to bottom of page. *Could disable by untick Enable infinite Scroll in Front page in your tampermonkey menu

  2. Go to next/prev row if mouse wheel on images container.
    *Could disable by untick Enable scroll per row in your tampermonkey menu


Key / Mouse Feature
left click go to next page.
numpad 3 go to next page.
numpad 6 go to next page.
space go to next page.
mouse wheel up (when hovering enhancer) go to next page.
right click go to previous page.
numpad 1 go to previous page.
numpad 4 go to previous page.
backspace go to previous page.
mouse wheel down (when hovering enhancer) go to previous page.
ctrl + go to next 10 page.
ctrl + go to previous 10 page.
ctrl + 1~5 set current size of image resizer to 100%/125%/150%/175%/200%.
numpad + increase current size of image resizer (100% if not set yet).
numpad - decrease current size of image resizer (200% if not set yet).
numpad 0 set current size of image resizer to smallest size (currently 100%).
numpad . set current size of image resizer to middle size (currently 150%).
numpad enter clear current size of image resizer (to original size).
numpad 8 scroll to top of current image.
numpad 5 scroll to middle of current image.
numpad 2 scroll to bottom of current image.
Key F Toggle full screen.
Key R Reload current image.


### Gallery Enhancer

Archive download success

Archive download failed

If there is only 1 torrent, download directly

If there are multiple torrents, show popup

Scroll step by row on images container

### Multi-Page Viewer Enhancer Page elevator

Image resizer

Keyboard shortcuts for image resizer

Keyboard shortcuts for scroll to top/middle/bottom of current image

Show thumbs when hover

Go to next/previous 10 page by ctrl + → ctrl + ←



  1. pnpm dev
  2. install the script that pop-up on your browser.

Build & Install your own script

  1. pnpm build
  2. drag dist/exhentai-enhancer.user.js to your browser to install the script.