Watchlist for tags Rule34

Watchlist for tags on

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/!\ Script made for Violentmonkey. Tampermonkey should work too. For Greasemonkey users, use v1.1.3, new versions probably won't work /!\

This script allows the user to create a personalized watchlist for specific tags. It is for users who want to stay updated on their favorite tags without having to check each tag one by one.

-Add or remove tags from your watchlist directly from the sidebar.

-Using the search bar, you can add combinations of tags.

-New posts that contain blacklisted tags are in orange. However, since the script only checks the most recent post for each tag to determine whether new content has been posted, it's still worth checking that there aren't more.

-You can use keyboard hotkey (ALT + F2 by default) to cycle through new content.

-By default the script checks 5 tags every 2 seconds.

-There is a cooldown (in minutes) for each tag. If "Checking for new content" is interrupted, when you check again it will skip the tags still under cooldown and resume where it stopped.

-You can select the tags you want or don't want to check with the [+/- Check] filter.

-You can select the tags you want or don't want to see in the Watchlist Gallery with the [+/- Gallery] filter.

-The Watchlist Gallery shows all the tags from your watchlist. If you have too many tags (~250+) and it doesn't show anything, try using the [+/- Gallery] filter to disable some tags.

-Works in private browsing.