No Kingdoms of Camelot by JasonBarnabe
An example set, all scripts except those for Kingdoms of Camelot!
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WebPlay for ytdl Java Script - Show WebPlay play button on some ytdl protocol supported pages
searchEngineJump 简化修复版 Java Script - 方便的在各个引擎之间跳转。可自定义搜索列表的 NLF 修改版。
video play util Java Script - Universal video control, Control of the first video element of the page, advance and retract and multiply speed.
橘二八的快乐生活 Java Script - 橘二八的定制脚本-B站点赞,下载某网站视频
[VOT] - Voice-Over-Video-Übersetzung Java Script - Eine kleine Erweiterung, die eine Voice-over-Übersetzung von Videos aus dem Yandex-Browser zu anderen Browsern hinzufügt
Play-With-MPV Java Script - 使用 mpv 播放网页中的视频,并支持 potplayer 及自定义播放器
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