FurFling RightClickEnable JS - Re-enables the right-click menu on FurFling.com
exhentai公共帐号 JS - 小孩子不要看本子。。
Downbooru JS - danbooruに画像をダウンロードするボタンを追加する。画像にはタグ(XP Keywords)が付与される。Picasa3と相性がいい。
Proxer Freedome JS - Entfernt die Vorschaubilder für 18+ Bilder in der Proxer Gallery
EH Search Tracker JS - Track your searches on e*hentai
DEFINED JS - ravioli
FxP Add Quote Bot JS - Adds quotes
FxP Add DEELTE Bot JS - Adds quotes
sankaku_image_link JS - Add an orignal link under the image.
Selfeed script JS - sppeds up your feeding
Xhamster - No related Video links (Remove their "#mlrelated" part in address bar) v.0.36 JS - Remove "#mlrelated" part in address bar (when you open a related video from the Video page)
Improved Sexmap JS - Adding additional functionality to the Sexmap
Get the id JS - Just give me the fuking ID
UpYoursFB JS - Hide Facebook Ads
Chuckold Online Users JS - Visualizzare solo alcune categorie di utenti tra quelli online sul sito thechuckold.com.
REtoTEST JS - Show Random Enconter link after clicking
Filter out Transmorpher DDS JS - Automatically removes the artist "Transmorpher DDS" from searches.
niSoEditor - Split מהיר JS - תלחצו D כדי להתפצל 16 +
alluc.ee/pron.tv allowAdultContent JS - Hide adult content message on alluc.ee/pron.tv for German users.
自动获取JAVLIB的字幕 JS - 自动获取JAVLIB的字幕,暂时只支持JAVLIB。
Pixiv小工具 JS - try to take over the world!
Sankaku Complex Enhancer JS - Adds additional features to SankakuComplex. Includes, infinite scrolling on the results page, option to filter out results with certain tags, automatically sorting results by quality (or other "order:*"), adds buttons next to tags to results page to add them to the current query,
Piratebay Porn Search Results Thumbnails JS - Looks at search results on PirateBay results page that include Porn and adds a box with google image search results for the torrent title when you hover over the result. Also simplies the page's title.
玛莎多拉虎穴反和谐 JS - 直接替换掉原来的r18mask图片
PugLife JS - Replace all images on fetlife with pug images
e-hentai retriever JS - e-hentai & exhentai image url retriever
8Muses Downloader JS - Download comics from 8muses.com
ETTHelper-Thumbnail JS - Help to get thumbnail for write EhTagTranslation's translation detail.
boorufixer JS - fetch & replace small booru thumbnails with larger hires source.
Pawoo: display NSFW Img JS - display NSFW imgs for Pawoo / クリックしないと閲覧できない画像を表示する
Auto pagination JS - Automatically reaches for "next" page when the bottom of a given page has been reached (where applicable)
Danbooru fullscreen image viewer JS - Auto loads original version of any picture on Danbooru website
Gelbooru fullscreen image viewer JS - Auto loads original version of any picture on Gelbooru website
SankakuComplex image blurring removal JS - Removes censoring "blur" on SankakuComplex image search page
二つのコンコレを繋ぐスクリプト JS - 勝手版とにじよめ版に相互リンク付けるよ
灵梦御所的老司机 JS - 开车注意安全!!!
仓库提取码填写 JS - 自动填写提取码到百度链接 (搭配 #1002, #19864 食用)。
HV 界面繁體化 JS - HV面板數據界面繁化,有時候會修複一些網頁的顯示錯誤
exhentai no https JS - access the site with http
ExVisited JS - Shows when a gallery was last visited and allows the hiding of individual galleries
phtest JS - for videos issues on slow devices
View all cams on reallifecam.com JS - View all cams without paying
Ads Skipper JS - No More waiting to skip their ads
Title Rethingifier JS - Rethingifies page titles
Pixiv Top Rankings enhancer JS - Adds a filter for Pixiv top rankings
Danbooru: Notes display without mouse hover JS - This script displays the contents of notes on Danbooru within the hover box so you don't have to hover over them to see anything.
Danbooru: Left and right arrow navigation JS - Enables the use of left and right arrows to navigate Danbooru, in addition to the A and D keys.
Danbooru: Enable tag-based grouping. JS - This script hacks the tags you searched into Danbooru search link URLs so that you can navigate from individual posts to the next or previous post in the search.
Turkmaster (Mturk) w/ PRE counter JS - A page-monitoring web app for Mturk (Mechanical Turk) designed to make turking more efficient. Easily monitor mturk search pages and requesters and Auto-Accept the HITs you missed.
jiuseteng55 JS - 取消jiuseteng55播放限制
Derpibooru Comment Enhancements JS - Improvements to Derpibooru's comment section
Sadpanda Save/Export All Favorites JS - Load all favorites to the page and save it, export as JSON data or just copy the textbox contents. Works on exhentai and e-hentai.
Rule34 Classic textbox JS - Restore the classic textbox on rule34.paheal.net
SankakuAddon JS - Adds a few quality of life improvements on Sankaku Channel: Automatic image scaling, scrolling to image, thumbnail icons for loud/animated posts, muting/pausing videos, + - tag search buttons, a tag menu which allows for tagging by clicking, 'Choose/Set Parent' modes, easier duplicate tagging/flagging. Fully configurable through the Addon config.
hacg.* ? JS - 司机工具
TrophyManager - Super Club Squad JS - Show ASI on Club Squad page
[Konachan / yande.re / LB] Avatar: Storage JS - Lets you save a list of avatars in your browser's local storage for later use. Save avatars from the "Set avatar" page. Avatars are accessible from the "Profile" and "Set Avatar" pages. Drag avatars to reorder. Click on avatars for options.
CH Redirect JS - Fixes blank pages showing up on the Australian College Humour site.
Kona-chan cleanup JS - A small userscript to ease to browsing of konachan.net
visited_dynasty JS - Short and dumb userscript for highlighting visited links on Dynasty-scans.com. Nothing else.
Ov+Mhod's Macro JS - Fastest W-Feeding, , (D) Doublesplit Macro, (A) Max Split, and More to be Added!
E(X)Hentai Helper JS - Links between E-Hentai and ExHentai page, and also links user to ExHentai automatically if gallery is "removed" and adds "view later" function
Chan & Idol Sankaku Video Helper JS - Resize HTML5 Player's width, disable autoplay, show control panel, set volume in 1%.
FetLife Image Save-As Fixer JS - Allows Right Click ~> 'Save As' on FetLife images. ( by @ScottJFox )
仓库 HTTPS 图片 JS - 把部分白名单域名内的图片更换为 https。
FetLife Full Date JS - Show full date and time on some FetLife pages instead of relative "ago" time.
[Konachan / yande.re / LB] Thumbnail Info: Fix Position JS - Pertaining to the info box that appears when holding shift while hovering over a thumbnail: Prevents the slight overlap over the thumbnail. And if the info box extends past the top of the window, it will be moved to the bottom or side.
[Lolibooru] Pool: Fix Thumbnails JS - Fixes the major cropping of thumbnails on the pool pages.
[Konachan / yande.re / LB] History: Don't Show Incorrect Thumbnails JS - On the history pages, when the thumbnail for the row you're hovering over hasn't loaded yet, it will show a blank thumbnail instead of an incorrect thembnail. (Useful for slow connections)
[Konachan / yande.re / LB] Deleted Posts: Show Thumbnails JS - Shows a hovering thumbnail on the "Deleted Posts" pages (just as seen on the history pages).
FL Direct Link JS - Add a Direct Link to FL
Download Soundgasm Links JS - show source mp4
Censuringa! JS - Carga imagenes de imgur con su hash bajo el hashtag que se me cante
CSC Autoscroll JS - Automatically scroll on cocksizecontest main page
CSC WinLoss Usernames JS - Show the usernames of people who have compared with you on cocksizecontest
Sankaku Complex | No blurred images JS - Will simply remove the blurred images caused by the image having blacklisted tags on the gallary sites of Sankaku Complex
Dark Sankaku Complex JS - Will darken the idol and chan gallary sites of Sankaku Complex
Dark 3dbooru JS - Will darken the 3dbooru site
FetishSort JS - make FetLife's jaggiest feature a little bit less jaggy
Imgur: Hide non-mature content JS - Adds a button to Imgur.com that hides all non-mature image links on the page
Iwara Extension Script JS - Like数とLike率をバー表示 & NG機能と強調機能 & タイトル簡略化
177manga download JS - 批量复制下载命令到剪贴板
BetterFap - Fap Gauntlet JS - Fap Gauntlet for BetterFap
Pixiv link JS - None
Hentai Foundry CSS Fixes JS - Fixes some of the issues I had with the new version of the site.
dnvod.tv hack JS - try to take over the world! *** let this script run in the document-start ***
Eka's Portal Direct Download JS - Add direct download links to items on aryion.com searches and galleries.
sukeibei.nyaa小图变大图 JS - 如果还是小图是因为大图还在下载,下载完后会变成大图
NoADGle JS - avgle无广告纯净播放 avgle not adgle!!!
FT cheat JS - A greasemonky userscript for cheating on a dumb online game
xhamsterProfiles JS - xHamster show user profiles
Avgle Helper JS - Help you watch videos smoothly
CamWhores remove redirects JS - CamWhores.tv remove redirects
福利助手 JS - 自动屏蔽一些网♂站[滑稽]的广告,点击视频直接播放
AmaLand Network - Photo Albums JS - Reveals download links for Photo Albums
AmaLand Network - Embedded Video Direct Link JS - Provides Direct Link to Embedded Videos
E-Hentai & ExHentai Fade or hide viewed galleries JS - Fade or hide viewed galleries on e-hentai and exhentai. Now working with GM4
xvideos pictures without javascript JS - Show images on xvideos.com without having javascript enabled
javlibrary_preview JS - perview video and links
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