在灵梦御所显示下载链接 JS - 在灵梦御所显示使用pre标签包裹的下载链接
bdsmlr - Extra Ad Remover CSS - Remove tricky ads that adblock doesn't remove. (tested /w uBlock)
Annoying Ad blocker 18+ JS - Prevents annoying ads from displaying 18+
R34 Date Fixer (DD-MM-YY) JS - Changes all dates on Rule34.xxx to a DD-MM-YY format
eh磁力链助手 JS - 在种子列表直接复制磁力链
下载PornHub字幕 JS - 点击下载PornHub视频的字幕
f95zone tweaks JS - f95zone exclude tags and min like filter.
18comic漫画下载 JS - 从18comic上下载cbz格式(整话阅读)或webp格式(分页阅读)的漫画
Xhamster Widescreen - New Design v.530 CSS - Wide Xhamster on large screen (1920x1080) ONLY...
ThisVid Download Button JS - Adds a download buttons to ThisVid video pages.
Script to switch recommended works on pixiv to show only R-18 works JS - allows you to display only R-18 works in the recommended works at the bottom of the artwork page.
Ad blocker Adult sites 18+ JS - Prevents annoying ads from displaying 18+
Nhentai scroll JS - scroll to read picture in nhentai
SpankBang - Search and UI Enhancer JS - Various search filters and user experience enhancers
fakelush JS - fake love lush driver
avgle m3u8 extractor JS - extract m3u8 after click close / use video title as filename
Automatic Missions Handler (for hentaiheroes.com) JS - 3 functions: missionHandlerBackground, missionHandlerGUI, displayMissionsId
Jable_Helper JS - 快速显示jable的m3u8下载链接, 现已支持cableav
javlib 将文章回复数放置第一列 JS - 将文章的回复人数提到标题前面, 顺带把所有免翻链接替换成javlibrary
Mark Watched Videos for SpankBang JS - Marks videos that you've previously seen as watched, across the entire site.
优丝库(绅士图) JS - 免费观看优丝库图片(绅士图),手机电脑均可使用,觉得不错的话,给个好评呦😜
히토미 뷰어 JS - i,j,k 키를 눌러보세요
2048帖子高亮图片预览 JS - 帖子高亮,列表页面直接预览帖子内图片
Pornolab image preview JS - Lets you preview torrents first image by showing on hover on the tracker listing
草榴社区一夜精品磁力搜索 JS - 在skrbt网站中搜索资源,复制磁力哈希下载资源,而不是使用那些什么垃圾网盘,大多数资源都能在skrbt网站搜索到。
EhAria2下载助手 JS - 发送任务到Aria2,并查看下载进度
sort:score Button JS - 11.10.2021, 12:35:31
JAVBUS预告片 JS - javbus自动显示预告片
Spankbang show direct download urls JS - Spankbang show download urls
Bangbros Metric Bypass JS - Bypass metrics while allowing search
JavScript JS - 一站式体验,JavBus & JavDB 兼容
eHunter_nhentai_support JS - Update eHunter's support for nhentai, all credit goes to original author hanFengSan
Nyaa.si - Load More Thumbnail JS - Load image from cover/screenshot links.
RandomSexyPicParser JS - Random Sexy Pictures Parser
better search rule34 JS - 08.01.2022, 13:40:04
Modified Booru Downloader + Viewer (Fixed for rule34.xxx as of February 2022) JS - The original fullsize images downloader, and viewer for more than 20 booru imageboards
R34.XXX Favorites Button JS - Adds a favorite button to gallery pages on rule34.xxx.
看图外挂 JS - 不用翻页即可一键查看套图所有图片,已覆盖女神社、全图网、秀色女神、美女屋、秀人集、mrcong、hitxhot、xchina
手机贴吧?去你妈的! JS - 将百度搜索弹出的手机贴吧换成对应的pc网页版页面
sehuatang JS - 直接把帖子列表转成图片浏览,点击图片可以进入帖子.
Adblock4limbo.[greasyfork] JS - 毒奶去网页广告计划用户脚本 For Quantumult X & Surge & Shadowrocket & Loon & Stash & 油猴 ;1.新增页面右下角导航;2.通过 JavaScript 移除特定网站网页广告 —— 搜索引擎(Bing/Google)广告及内容农场结果清除/低端影视/欧乐影院/iyf爱壹帆/哔滴影视/Pornhub/Javbus/Supjav/Jable/MissAv/91porn/hitomi/紳士漫畫/禁漫天堂/等视频&ACG&小说&漫画网站上的弹窗广告&视频广告&Gif图片广告等,保持网页清爽干净无打扰! P.S. 欢迎提交issue
javdb本地视频搜索 JS - 有时候有的片子已看过,但不记得是否看过。本脚本配合Everything,搜索本地文件和显示搜索结果
BunkrSorter JS - Sorts bunkr items by size. Biggest first
115艾薇预览+ JS - 115艾薇预览个人使用的修改版本,115登录后自动跳转到文件界面、文件界面放大、自动获取艾薇封面+标题
麻豆 JS - 免费观看电影,手机电脑均可使用,觉得不错的话,给个好评呦😜
OneJAVOneWeb list JS - 一个插件畅览N个JAV网站,涵盖车牌信息、演员信息、磁力种子、片花、在线观看、资讯、大缩略图等
E-Hentai图片尺寸自适应 JS - 为PC端浏览器访问E-Hentai提供更好的图片自适应策略
老司机(琉璃神社) JS - 琉璃神社、灵梦御所链接识别!!! Aria2,qBittorrent服务的地址需要根据实际情况在代码中修改。灵梦御所中的秒传链接可以与【huaxue】的【百度网盘秒传链接提取(最新可维护版本)】脚本配合使用。警告⚠️⚠️:在琉璃神社中AdGuard会屏蔽掉该效果,需要禁用AdGuard。
WebPlay for ytdl JS - Show WebPlay play button on some ytdl protocol supported pages
Javdb评分筛选 JS - 突出显示好评番号,淡化评价的的
e-hentai-infinite-scroll JS - Exhentai infinite scroll scripts.
Danbooru Tags Select to Export JS - Select specified tags and copy to clipboard, for Stable Diffusion WebUI or NovelAI to use.
Danbooru Tags Select to Export (EDITED) JS - Select specified tags and copy to clipboard, for Stable Diffusion WebUI or NovelAI to use.
磁链直接播!【磁链嗅探识别 + 在线播放(磁力云播)(电磁高手)】 JS - 自动嗅探识别页面磁力链接,到电磁高手中自动添加播放视频。识别后,会在相应位置添加直接播按钮,点击即可跳转到电磁高手并自动添加。
快猫视频免费看 JS - 针对快猫视频的优化脚本,此脚本可以让用户观看VIP视频
Novicane - SPNATI Cheat JS - Collection of cheats for the browser game SPNATI, put into a large userscript for ease of use
Better Rule34 JS - A script to improve the use of rule34!
Kemono/Coomer-VideoPlayer JS - 在Kemono或Coomer的post链接下添加video.js视频播放器。
LoversLab Download All ++ JS - Adds a download all button to loverslab
Erome Filter JS - Filter images and videos in Erome
91共享福利无限看 JS - 不用登录,不用花费金币,无限次观看91共享福利网的视频!
Show E-Hentai links on SauceNAO JS - A userscript that adds E-Hentai (or optionally ExHentai, your choice) links to images SauceNAO got from there originally.
新快猫破解【pc版】 JS - 使新快猫可以播放付费视频
Soulgen AI Blur Remover JS - Remove blur paywall for images in Soulgen AI
91-plus JS - 多线程下载91porn视频,跳过广告,清除页面广告。
HentaiFox Loader JS - Load all the manga on MangaFox onto one scrollable page
Kemono助手 JS - 提供更好的Kemono使用体验
Recurbate Confirm 18 Autoclicker JS - Autoclicks the 18 plus pop up when you first visit the site.
javbus 巴士司机 - 开得稳,不翻车,带你嗨 JS - javbus 功能增强,增加稍后再看、已观看、收藏影片、收藏演员、去广告功能。更多功能持续更新中...
Kemono.Party - User Filter JS - Block specified user in artists page and posts page.
rule34 dark theme CSS - theme for rule34 that is dark
Kemer 下載器 JS - 一鍵下載圖片 (壓縮下載/單圖下載) , 頁面數據創建 json 下載 , 一鍵開啟當前所有帖子
Kemono Auto-load Previews JS - Clicks all the images for you! This will make high resolution images load and gifs play!
HV Utils 汉化 JS - A comprehensive out-of-battle script for Hentaiverse
wnacg 優化 JS - 電腦版頁面支持切換自動翻頁或手動按鍵翻頁,並可自定背景顏色及圖像大小。電腦開啟的手機頁面 (移動端不適用),則可自定背景顏色及圖像大小。
Play stripchat by potplayer,vlc,nplayer,etc JS - Play stripchat by potplayer,vlc,nplayer,etc.
98图片预览助手 JS - 浏览帖子列表时自动加载内部前三张(可配置)图片供预览。如需支持其他免翻地址,请使用@match自行添加连接,如果某个版块不希望预览,请使用@exclude自行添加要排除的版块链接
Jable一键下载收藏 JS - Jable一键下载视频,并自动点击收藏
Bypass reddit nsfw click JS - Click on blurred nodes on Reddit
Better Web (beta) JS - Block Porn Sites, Horoscope Sites, Gambling Sites
自动隐藏pornhub和xhamster上已经观看的视频 JS - 自动隐藏已观看的视频
Bunkrr DL Button JS - Add a download button below each thumbnails
Reddit Redgifs VideoJS in Post JS - reddit display redgifs video with videoJS within iframe
Redgifs Embed Tweaks JS - tweaks redgifs embed/iframe video
[VOT] - Voice Over Translation JS - A small extension that adds a Yandex Browser video translation to other browsers
Reddit NSFW Blur Remover JS - Remove NSFW blur.
Mute Loops JS - Automatically loops and mutes video files.
RedGifs Downloader JS - Creates a sidebar button to download the currently playing gif in the currently selected quality.
AV Info Saver - AV 作品信息一键保存工具 JS - 将厂商、系列、发布日期、演员名、番号等 AV 作品信息作为封面图片文件名,一键保存到本地的油猴脚本。
解锁黑料网 JS - 1)去除广告 2)内容页的播放器置顶并播放
Hentai Heroes+++ JS - Few QoL improvement and additions for competitive PvP players.
r34.app premium JS - Enable "premium" features on r34.app
Scroll Element Into View on rule34.xxx JS - Scrolls into view either the element with the id "image" or "gelcomVideoPlayer" on rule34.xxx
javdb优化 JS - javdb优化方便跳转不同网站
115Rename2024 JS - 115改名称(根据现有的文件名<番号>查询并修改文件名)
Anti-anti adblock xvideos.com JS - 2/24/2024, 6:18:51 PM
Pornolab Thumbnail Enhanced JS - View thumbnails of posts beforehand.
sehuatang JS - 直接把帖子列表转成图片浏览,点击图片可以进入帖子.
【etai2019】明里小秘书 JS - 评论区、优优收藏馆、紬宝图片馆。侧边展示、简洁排版和无限翻页
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