色图页自动访问 JS - 色图页自动访问全文
匿名山修改版 JS - 匿名山修改(修改自THENDING)
Literotica Downloader BetaFix [DEPRECATED] JS - Single page HTML download for Literotica with improved readability. [DEPRECATED] Use this instead: https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/423700-literotica-downloader
Brazzers - TWEAKED JS - View many short scenes without limits and links to download FULL scenes from LimeTorrents.
湿热一瞬间显示性别 JS - 像手机版一样,在电脑版上显示作者性别
fakelush JS - fake love lush driver
京麦商家shop.jd.com订单详情页面美化 JS - qq806350554
Activar botón de commit en GitHub JS - Activando botón de commit.
SankakuDLNamer JS - Help with DL naming
Bypass 18+ JS - Bypass 18+ checking forever
Lible JS - Make library lible.
Sadpanda torrent inline - select newest torrent JS - Inlines torrent into to gallery view in sadpanda & regular panda, and adds a hotkey to download the newest torrent uploaded and ignore -1280x torrents.
Bloble.io Extreme Mod JS - Zoom, Base Builder, InstaFind
Hentaiverse Monsterbation JS - M-M-M-MONSTERBATE!!
XNXX Player Enlarger and Scroller JS - Enlarge player and scroll to it
琉璃神社★hash2link JS - 将琉璃神社文章页面文本中独立成行的hash值转换成可点击的magnet链接,并在其右侧展示复制按钮
zenmod clear view JS - Remove blur over vape juices.
X PORNHUB WideScreen - UserCSS (userstyle) CSS - Pornhub for large screen (1920x1080)...
General Favoriates Adder JS - General Favoriates Adder for pixiv.net or other websites
Manyvids Menu JS - A Script to improve the ManyVids Menu
Hack doomed.io fun JS - By RESIDENT
Show Tags on booru.org JS - Expose your favorite tags before clicking the image
Automatic Money Collector (for hentaiheroes.com) JS - 3 functions: getMoneyBackground, getMoneyGUI, displayGirlsId
Swear script JS - lets toy swear in zombs
91porn自动修改url JS - 91porn自动修改url,便于使用
AIdungeon Tag Blacklist JS - Get those scenarios outta here!
Automatic Missions Handler (for hentaiheroes.com) JS - 3 functions: missionHandlerBackground, missionHandlerGUI, displayMissionsId
Exhentai better experience JS - This script will bring a better experience for exhentai
Riddle Master Assistant Reborn JS - ML based riddle master answering bot. Help novice to answer pony problem when encounter riddle master challenge.
custom profile page rule34.xxx JS - 10.4.2021, 17:52:31
OFans.party IPFS gateway replacer JS - Replaces the currently-broken IPFS gateway used by ofans.party with a different, working one.
risu download JS - download risu.io file
HPJAV Enhance JS - Enhance hpjav.tv
HPJAV Enhance JS - Enhance hpjav.tv
asianleak hd download options JS - Add buttons to download multiple res of video.
Gruvbox Theme Reader for chyoa.com CSS - Makes chyoa easier to read
Xhamster Middle Click Search v.2 JS - Middle clicking the search on Xhamster search icon opens the results in a new tab. (fork of "Youtube Middle Click Search" by Adrien Pyke)
Reddit Sellers Filter JS - Hide posts by onlyfans and other sellers
Chapter counter for Map and Next Chapter choice JS - Counts and displays how many chapters each branch has inside on the map screen and when choosing your next chapter
CFake.com image and link fixer JS - Prevents links from opening a new window, enables right click on videos, hides ads, and automatically loads the high res image
返回顶部 JS - 下拉浏览长页的网页时,鼠标点击右下角的三角即可快速返回顶部
HV 图片按钮汉化 JS - 汉化Hentaiverse里面的图片按钮,执行方式比较奇葩,执行效率可能不高,不同浏览器翻译效果可能存在差异
Zen Mode for CHYOA JS - Hide the sidebar and center the text. Click to toggle Zen Mode. You can also use the hotkey ALT+Z
OFans.party IPFS Gateway Switcher JS - IPFS gateway switcher for ofans.party.
javlib 将文章回复数放置第一列 JS - 将文章的回复人数提到标题前面, 顺带把所有免翻链接替换成javlibrary
Rule34Hentai - Dark Theme JS - A simple Dark Theme for Rule34Hentai.net!
Rule34Hentai - Top Animated Button JS - A button that get the "Top Voted Animations" of the chosen tags!
javdb性癖净化器 JS - 过滤掉你不喜欢的内容
Fix FA submissions html JS - fix some of FA's HTML
Compact FA Submissions layout with floating removal bar CSS - makes the page nicer to use
Remove e-hentai image title JS - Remove e-hentai all image titles. They will not show on mouse hover anymore.
xhamster-photo-button JS - try to take over the xhamster!
torrentz2快捷下载 JS - 在每条搜索结果左侧,添加磁链快捷下载按钮
如梦社区助手 JS - 一键和谐敏感词/美化页面/下载正文/下载图片/自动签到
Better Erome download links JS - Exposes media-download links for erome media galleries
下黄图 JS - try to take over the world!
ScalesImgageForJavHHH JS - ScaleInPics
Tag Hiding JS - Hides Tags/Namespaces via regex
村花论坛域名重定向 JS - 重定向村花其他域名到最新域名
YouTube prompt troll JS - Troll other people trying to go on youtube but this pops up Made by starcodeJasonYT
91porn去广告+支持弹幕 JS - 91porn去广告+支持弹幕,自动生效!
Viewer for XiuRen JS - try to take over the world!
PornHub sucks JS - Don't watch porn, kids.
follow page JS - 10.4.2021, 17:52:31
e(x)hentai image resizer JS - resizes images to fit the height of your current device
DoubleList Enhancer JS - Add Image Thumbnail Previews, throttled per link @1200ms
Better BookSusi.com gallery - no gallery transitions, indicator moved to the side JS - Disable slide transitions because they're annoying; move indicator to the side where it doesn't obscure the image; preload images. 2021-09-26 03:20:14
pornhub.com playlist videos link grabber JS - This adds a button to pornhub playlists to grab links to all videos of this playlist
nhentai漫画阅读模式 JS - 漫画阅读模式,从上到下顺序展示图片
gennji.com image gallery JS - Click any of the images in articles for a gallery overlay.
booru.io full height images JS - Use your full viewport to view images on booru.io. The navbar only displays on hover, while the bottom elements are pushed down the page a bit.
gelbooru click image to view in same tab JS - click image to view in same tab on most popular boorus
ehAutoStar JS - EH画廊自动/批量评分脚本
Better kontaktbazar.at posts JS - Expand images in posts - 6/20/2021, 6:05:09 AM
히토미 뷰어 JS - i,j,k 키를 눌러보세요
xHamster - redirect to xhamster.com JS - Redirect from all mirrors of xHamster to xhamster.com - 6/21/2021, 7:31:16 AM
Better xHamster.com JS - Make video player larger, scroll to video, remove hover shadows - 12/22/2021, 02:06:49 AM
Better XVideos.com JS - Always expand video to large size, scroll down to video, use Q W E S to rotate video, allow seeking to 0:00, allow clicking anywhere to start video - 2022-05-16, 19:35:39
Better PornHub.com JS - Make video player large by default and scroll to video but only if you're on top while loading the page - 6/21/2021, 10:43:58 AM
NameThatPornStar / NameThatPorn Widescreen Dark and Gray v.4.2 CSS - NameThatPornStar on large screen (1920x1080)...
Wikifeet(X) for EU JS - Re-enables Wikifeet(X) for users browsing from inside the EU.
【自用】直接跳转图片 - erowall.com JS - v2021.08.06
【自用】直接跳转图片 - babeswp.com JS - 将缩略图界面链接直接替换成原图地址 | 点击缩略图原页面加载原图并预览 | 单击预览原图变100%大小,可拖动 | 可以鼠标为中心放大 | 原图可旋转
Sidebar Filter JS - This add a sidebar with all possible Tags + "Combine Tags" function + Filter content by the language you choose
Twitter Widget Fixer for TT1069 JS - Fix Twitter widgets on TT1069 which are not working
1024FormShowImage JS - 123
nhentai-add-month-filter JS - add month filter
2048帖子高亮图片预览 JS - 帖子高亮,列表页面直接预览帖子内图片
SikDang Template Loader JS - 2021. 7. 10. 오전 3:20:30
jav_preview_new JS - 添加jav官方预览影片 基于作者:BigDiao jav_preview作品Version 0.1.1 修改前版本地址 https://greasyfork.org/zh-CN/scripts/389271-jav-preview
JAVLibrary - Highlight Owned Movies JS - Highlight owned movies on JAVLibrary
Pornolab image preview JS - Lets you preview torrents first image by showing on hover on the tracker listing
Actually Usable Desktop Pixiv JS - rudementary, slow and very network heavy. but fuck it i just threw this together and i can actually see the fucking images. tested @1080p & 1440p no clue if it works at other resolutions
自动根据权重修改标签颜色 JS - 自动根据权重修改标签颜色,加载后自动修改颜色并保存.(勾选关注或隐藏的标签将被忽略不进行修改.)
PX JS - Allows sources from ***n sites.
Porn to torrent auto search JS - Add small buttons on many porn pages to search for the movie's title or performer on 3 torrent sites. Based on 'IMDB to RARBG Torrent Search' from nickpapoutsis.
maomao JS - 在这个网站上屏蔽广告
hitomi.la 助手 JS - 下载加速,分包下载,优化在线阅读,标签汉化,本子列表标题自动换行,点击本子列表预览图新标签页打开,非搜索增加选页功能,本子列表标签支持展开(默认显示10个),本子列表显示本子总页数
寂月download JS - 寂月神社图片预览下使用的是复用页面,分辨率为300x300,本脚本为自动访问分辨率高的地址并下载图片。
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