Xhamster Middle Click Search v.2 JS - Middle clicking the search on Xhamster search icon opens the results in a new tab. (fork of "Youtube Middle Click Search" by Adrien Pyke)
Reddit Sellers Filter JS - Hide posts by onlyfans and other sellers
Chapter counter for Map and Next Chapter choice JS - Counts and displays how many chapters each branch has inside on the map screen and when choosing your next chapter
CFake.com image and link fixer JS - Prevents links from opening a new window, enables right click on videos, hides ads, and automatically loads the high res image
返回顶部 JS - 下拉浏览长页的网页时,鼠标点击右下角的三角即可快速返回顶部
HV 图片按钮汉化 JS - 汉化Hentaiverse里面的图片按钮,执行方式比较奇葩,执行效率可能不高,不同浏览器翻译效果可能存在差异
Zen Mode for CHYOA JS - Hide the sidebar and center the text. Click to toggle Zen Mode. You can also use the hotkey ALT+Z
OFans.party IPFS Gateway Switcher JS - IPFS gateway switcher for ofans.party.
javlib 将文章回复数放置第一列 JS - 将文章的回复人数提到标题前面, 顺带把所有免翻链接替换成javlibrary
Rule34Hentai - Dark Theme JS - A simple Dark Theme for Rule34Hentai.net!
Rule34Hentai - Top Animated Button JS - A button that get the "Top Voted Animations" of the chosen tags!
iwara download JS - Download videos from iwara.tv. NOTE: may need grant download privilege to browser extension like tampermonkey.
Fix FA submissions html JS - fix some of FA's HTML
Compact FA Submissions layout with floating removal bar CSS - makes the page nicer to use
Remove e-hentai image title JS - Remove e-hentai all image titles. They will not show on mouse hover anymore.
jpxgmn极品性感美女全量加載 图片查看 大图 JS - jpxgmn极品性感美女全量加載 图片查看 大图 asdf
xhamster-photo-button JS - try to take over the xhamster!
torrentz2快捷下载 JS - 在每条搜索结果左侧,添加磁链快捷下载按钮
如梦社区助手 JS - 一键和谐敏感词/美化页面/下载正文/下载图片/自动签到
Novicane - SPNATI Cheat JS - Collection of cheats for the browser game SPNATI, put into a large userscript for ease of use
Mark Watched Videos for SpankBang JS - Marks videos that you've previously seen as watched, across the entire site.
下黄图 JS - try to take over the world!
ScalesImgageForJavHHH JS - ScaleInPics
Tag Hiding JS - Hides Tags/Namespaces via regex
村花论坛域名重定向 JS - 重定向村花其他域名到最新域名
YouTube prompt troll JS - Troll other people trying to go on youtube but this pops up Made by starcodeJasonYT
Viewer for XiuRen JS - try to take over the world!
PornHub sucks JS - Don't watch porn, kids.
follow page JS - 10.4.2021, 17:52:31
e(x)hentai image resizer JS - resizes images to fit the height of your current device
DoubleList Enhancer JS - Add Image Thumbnail Previews, throttled per link @1200ms
Better BookSusi.com gallery - no gallery transitions, indicator moved to the side JS - Disable slide transitions because they're annoying; move indicator to the side where it doesn't obscure the image; preload images. 2021-09-26 03:20:14
pornhub.com playlist videos link grabber JS - This adds a button to pornhub playlists to grab links to all videos of this playlist
nhentai漫画阅读模式 JS - 漫画阅读模式,从上到下顺序展示图片
gennji.com image gallery JS - Click any of the images in articles for a gallery overlay.
booru.io full height images JS - Use your full viewport to view images on booru.io. The navbar only displays on hover, while the bottom elements are pushed down the page a bit.
gelbooru click image to view in same tab JS - click image to view in same tab on most popular boorus
ehAutoStar JS - EH画廊自动/批量评分脚本
Better kontaktbazar.at posts JS - Expand images in posts - 6/20/2021, 6:05:09 AM
히토미 뷰어 JS - i,j,k 키를 눌러보세요
xHamster - redirect to xhamster.com JS - Redirect from all mirrors of xHamster to xhamster.com - 6/21/2021, 7:31:16 AM
Better xHamster.com JS - Make video player larger, scroll to video, remove hover shadows - 12/22/2021, 02:06:49 AM
Better XVideos.com JS - Always expand video to large size, scroll down to video, use Q W E S to rotate video, allow seeking to 0:00, allow clicking anywhere to start video - 2022-05-16, 19:35:39
Better PornHub.com JS - Make video player large by default and scroll to video but only if you're on top while loading the page - 6/21/2021, 10:43:58 AM
NameThatPornStar / NameThatPorn Widescreen Dark and Gray v.4.2 CSS - NameThatPornStar on large screen (1920x1080)...
mdf4 JS - Adds a download btn to download all availble Pn whenever possible
Wikifeet(X) for EU JS - Re-enables Wikifeet(X) for users browsing from inside the EU.
【自用】直接跳转图片 - erowall.com JS - v2021.08.06
【自用】直接跳转图片 - babeswp.com JS - 将缩略图界面链接直接替换成原图地址 | 点击缩略图原页面加载原图并预览 | 单击预览原图变100%大小,可拖动 | 可以鼠标为中心放大 | 原图可旋转
Sidebar Filter JS - Add a sidebar with all possible Tags + "Combine Tags" function and forces language to English
Sidebar Filter JS - This add a sidebar with all possible Tags + "Combine Tags" function + Filter content by the language you choose
Twitter Widget Fixer for TT1069 JS - Fix Twitter widgets on TT1069 which are not working
1024FormShowImage JS - 123
nhentai-add-month-filter JS - add month filter
SikDang Template Loader JS - 2021. 7. 10. 오전 3:20:30
jav_preview_new JS - 添加jav官方预览影片 基于作者:BigDiao jav_preview作品Version 0.1.1 修改前版本地址 https://greasyfork.org/zh-CN/scripts/389271-jav-preview
JAVLibrary - Highlight Owned Movies JS - Highlight owned movies on JAVLibrary
Pornolab image preview JS - Lets you preview torrents first image by showing on hover on the tracker listing
Actually Usable Desktop Pixiv JS - rudementary, slow and very network heavy. but fuck it i just threw this together and i can actually see the fucking images. tested @1080p & 1440p no clue if it works at other resolutions
自动根据权重修改标签颜色 JS - 自动根据权重修改标签颜色,加载后自动修改颜色并保存.(勾选关注或隐藏的标签将被忽略不进行修改.)
PX JS - Allows sources from ***n sites.
Porn to torrent auto search JS - Add small buttons on many porn pages to search for the movie's title or performer on 3 torrent sites. Based on 'IMDB to RARBG Torrent Search' from nickpapoutsis.
maomao JS - 在这个网站上屏蔽广告
Empornium Copy All Download Links (ECADL) JS - Provides a link to copy all download links present on a page.
hitomi.la 助手 JS - 下载加速,分包下载,优化在线阅读,标签汉化,本子列表标题自动换行,点击本子列表预览图新标签页打开,非搜索增加选页功能,本子列表标签支持展开(默认显示10个),本子列表显示本子总页数
寂月download JS - 寂月神社图片预览下使用的是复用页面,分辨率为300x300,本脚本为自动访问分辨率高的地址并下载图片。
PlayOrDownload JS - We Should try!
crazy download JS - try to take over the world!
jpmnb精品美女吧全量加載 图片查看 大图 JS - jpmnb精品美女吧全量加載 图片查看 大图 123123
south+vimium JS - vimium 翻页
24fa全量加載 图片查看 大图 JS - 24fa全量加載 图片查看 大图 123123
日本語ModデータベースのR18を常時表示 JS - 広告ブロックなどしてからご利用ください。
Tinder catfishing prevention tool JS - This script has two functions: you can download the current picture of the shown profile to search it on the web using tools like Google Images reverse search, or you can directly check it for duplicates on TinEye. The purpose of this script is to help preventing catfishing. The script works both on desktop and mobile view.
解除神马文学网页屏蔽 JS - 解决神马文学网的桌面端封禁
狄卡小幫手-圖片下載 JS - 增加下載圖片按鈕
Sankaku Beta Auto Log in JS - Auto logs in if not logged in
Hide ads clicker JS - Auto clicks the hide ads button
MyFirstUserScript_Aaron JS - testing SNOW
Save NHentai images to Eagle JS - go to the manga selection page and then just right click and then save. Happy fapping! (VPN required)
Auto High-Res Cookie & Resize To Fullscreen JS - Automatically adds the "Always High Resolution" cookie and resizes the image to fit snugly in the client window so you don't have to scroll right.
EMP Dark JS - Stylesheet for EMP
komi-san >W< JS - Disables komi san websites inappropriate ads
jpmnb精品美女吧全量加載 图片查看 大图 JS - jpmnb精品美女吧全量加載 图片查看 大图...
Chaturbate Bullshit Remover JS - Remove banners, animations, gifs, gaudy colors, advertisements and any other bullshit
Nukoi Mod JS - Save Zombs frm 𝚝𝚘𝚡𝚒𝚌𝚒𝚝𝚢
EhAria2下载助手 JS - 发送任务到Aria2,并查看下载进度
ONlovee: Private photos and advanced search FREE JS - See all private photos of any user and use the paid advanced search FOR FREE
Override throttling on pornolab.net JS - Try to reload the page after a random delay in case you get throttled. 2021-09-12 15:02:27
Mangago Backup Lists JS - Backup your reading lists
Bad Dragon White/Blank Page Fix JS - Workaround for the white page & blank page bugs on Bad Dragon.
F95zone marker JS - Marks F95Zone threads for future reference
CleanPsst JS - removes the "reccomended" audios from a Psstaudio post, say goodbye to garbage recs.
Direct Image Link E621/926 Silent JS - Рипалка ссылок в результатах поиска, для менеджеров закачки (тихий вариант)
nyaa show JS - 自动加载nyaa图片并显示!
Sort Filelist JS - Sorts Filelist by size
稿定素材 JS - 稿定素材库 快速选择素材ID
S.P.N.A.T.I. JS - spnati
Soul++ JS - 提升你的魂+使用体验
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