Direct Image Link E621/926 Silent JS - Рипалка ссылок в результатах поиска, для менеджеров закачки (тихий вариант)
nyaa show JS - 自动加载nyaa图片并显示!
Sort Filelist JS - Sorts Filelist by size
稿定素材 JS - 稿定素材库 快速选择素材ID
S.P.N.A.T.I. JS - spnati
nijienhance JS - nijie ajax bookmark 412305
getchu information copy JS - copy getchu item information
javdb_helper JS - 添加推送磁力链接到 aria2 的下载按钮
'el-switch' - autohotkey-disabler for luckyfish.io JS - disable hotkeys on luckyfish
MICIDOL|CEVERIA|TELEGRA.PH 写真打包 JS - MIC IDOL等网站写真打包下载,更多站点的支持以后添加。
JAVBUS预告片 JS - javbus自动显示预告片
rendero-info JS - -
jpxgmn 批量图片查看 和 批量下载 JS - jpxgmn 批量图片查看 、下载
wnacg jump JS - jump to indicate page
馒头预览图右移 JS - 适用于馒头站,种子列表预览图右移
干碎johren.games中游戏界面的傻逼上方导航栏 JS - nmsl
Bangbros Metric Bypass JS - Bypass metrics while allowing search
B-GO Theme JS - Subscribe to B-GO
HitomiMosaic JS - Hitomi thumbnail mosaic
Unmute RedGifs JS - Unmute content from redgifs.com
RandomSeedChanger["stake.com"] JS - Change SeedPair with a customizable-random Interval on Stake.com
AO3 Bookmark Back Button JS - Add a back button to the bookmark page on AO3
E621 helper v3.0 (2021.12) JS - Script to help navigating e621 (created in 2021.12)
dmmtu美女圖全量加載 图片查看 大图 JS - dmmtu美女圖全量加載 图片查看 大图 123123
All Porn JS - 娱乐向全局P**nHub
老司机传说 JS - 支持琉璃神社、灵梦御所、纯爱计划、聖霊神域、绅士二次元、天使二次元、MyGalgame,全自动。自动展开神社隐藏的链接、自动开启御所老司机模式、自动转换神社神秘代码、自动填写御所、纯爱计划、MyGalgame打开的百度网盘提取码、为聖霊神域添加免金币快捷通道、绅士二次元免解密、MyGalgame免跳转。新的一年一起飙车吧;)
jpmn8极品美女吧量加載 图片查看 大图 JS - jpmn8极品美女吧全量加載 图片查看 大图123
DLSite Nyaa Search JS - Adds live example button, with styling.
MyNSLC Age Saver JS - Saves date of birth information to bypass the age verification page on the Cannabis MyNSLC site.
nhentai.net - G to Fullscreen ⛶ JS - Press G to rotate fullscreen comics
exh which is gif? JS - Highlights .gif files in gallery view by adding a glow around the thumbnail. Customizable settings are shown in the right sidebar, under the petition rename/expunge links.
🔍 Aniyan Search - Script oficial Aniyan.net JS - Procure facilmente palavras chaves no Aniyan.net
Roblox 2021 style JS - Makes ROBLOX.com look like it did in 2010
Roblox 2021 style JS - Makes ROBLOX.com look like it did in 2010
蝌蚪窝视频去除VIP限制、移除广告 JS - 蝌蚪窝视频去除VIP限制、移除广告、添加视频下载按钮
乱搭水印去除器 JS - 去除乱搭的水印
rule34 harvest tool JS - get direct link of the image in the list / single post view
Exhentai MPV Auto Load JS - Auto load all image from exhentai at mpv mode
theYNC Play & download JS - To view and download theYNC UNDERGROUND vids without Underground subscription, note that this script not give access to all bonus content, if you enjoy theYNC plz subscribe!
Reddit Preview Redgif and Gfycat JS - Allow you to see gifs without opening the post.
ImageFap - Fix endless scrolling JS - ImageFap - Fix ImageFap endless scrolling to not load same posts multiple times.
VIP视频观看腾讯优酷爱奇艺 JS - VIP视频
CB Mod Assist JS - Helper script for mods on chaturbate.com that lets you save predefined messages and send them to chat with two clicks
批量下载套图 JS - 批量下载套图,直接打包进压缩包
可以选中DLsite站标题 JS - Enable DLsite title to be selected
E-Hentai E绅士中文版 JS - E绅士中文化
Pixiv UI Compactor JS - Hides popular works panel from Pixiv search page, narrows elements and removes unnecessary spaces to make the header ~2 times smaller so you can view the images without scrolling.
xvideos推送下载 JS - 1)自动播放 2)自动宽屏 3)高画质播放 4)点击推送下片 5)下载缩略图
Anti pornhub JS - Everytime you try to access the hub it will redirect you to a pucture of a dog calling you horny!
Gold information JS - just write in chat !pickaxe !bomb !buyall !stash !bow !spear
better search rule34 JS - 08.01.2022, 13:40:04
Ask for Permission JS - Helps you ask for permission to repost something from Fur Affinity
Yande.re 简体中文 JS - 中文标签 | 界面优化 | 高清大图 | 键盘翻页 | 流体布局
Копируем пагинацию JS - Копирует существующую пагинацию (переключатели страниц) на странице поиска раздач, наверх
Avgle Web WideScreen JS - Avgle Player Web WideScreen
绅士辅助工具 JS - 绅士辅助增强脚本,提供下载功能
Twitch Report Underage JS - Adds a Button which lets you Report Underage (12 Years) Content on Twitch with a single click.
Cyanide and happiness page turner JS - 1/14/2022, 11:47:58 PM
ViewOnYPMemoryHole JS - An add-on for ViewOnYP that adds support for Memory Hole.
Rainbow Theme V4 JS - Original: https://github.com/haykam822/Roblox.com-Rainbow-Fade
SouthPlus 重定向 JS - SouthPlus 各个域名重定向到 www.south-plus.net
Gelbooru 无限滚动 JS - 实现 Gelbooru 图片浏览页面无限滚动,支持 post、pool、favorites 以及 saved search 页
NudeVista Middle Click Search v.2 JS - Middle clicking the search on Nudevista serach icon opens the results in a new tab. (fork of "Youtube Middle Click Search" by Adrien Pyke ) and copy of its orginal "waitForElems" library
Streamate Model Blacklist Fix JS - Links to member profiles on Streamate's Blocked Customers admin page for models have been broken long enough! This simple script adds the missing userid back to the broken links so they work as expected again.
Add Block Button to Streamate User Details Pages JS - Makes it much more convenient to block members when they are no longer in your room! Blocks from both chat and messages at once.
jav01 markList JS - add marklist for jav01 by javdb
Turn Streamate Inbox Links into Actual Links JS - The links in the Streamate inbox don't use the HTML <a> element. They don't work properly, especially if you want to open links in new tabs. This script replaces their fake links with real ones.
【绅士向】比特球云盘番号查询快捷按钮 JS - 番号查询快捷按钮,适用于文件名中包含AAA-000,aaa000,aaa 000以及后缀为mkv|avi|mp4|flv等文件
Braains.io Assistant JS - Allows you to toggle shop & chat window with keyboard. More coming idk when.
Maxime Braains.io Assistant JS - Allows you to toggle shop & chat window with keyboard. More coming idk when.
BTSOW复制修复 JS - BTSOW的复制修复
MiniblogImgPop - 微博浮图 - 兼容新版微博 JS - 微博浮图控件,鼠标移过小图弹出浮动大图的脚本
Improved EH Reader JS - Simplifies the reader layout, adds a hotkey and preloads the next image. Inspired by Handy ExHentai, ExHentai - Preload next page, and G.E/EX Keyboard Navigation.
THZU.cc ads block JS - thzu.cc ads block
nt unofficial monitor toolbox JS - 14/02/2022, 14:58:55
javlib信息复制 JS - 复制javlib页面的影片信息
MrCong全量加載 JS - mrCong全量加載,啦啦啦
BunnyDownload JS - Saves images from bunnyfap as you like or favorite them
快猫视频 For 19jtv.site JS - 此脚本仅用于 19jtv.site 站点,可免费观看vip视频,暂不支持自动注册,自动登录功能
Filmot Title Restorer JS - Restores titles for removed or private videos in YouTube playlists
Scale Sankaku Beta JS - Resizes pics on Sankaku beta to full window size when you touch the left side of the window with your cursor. Uses the Magic Kernel Sharp algorithm for scaling.
CGLA Overview JS - Add an informational overview to each profile pic on the home page of Candy Girl LA.
Krunker.IO AimLock JS - Locks aim to the nearest player in krunker.io
Pixiv Collection Plus JS - pixiv收藏拓展
nekos.life image viewer JS - nekos.life image viewer (k for lewd l for normal)
e-hentai auto hyperlink JS - e-hentai auto convert urls in gallery comments into hyperlinks
acg漫画自动翻页 JS - acg漫画自动翻页 批量下载
駿河屋・打ち出の小槌 JS - 駿河屋の大人モード切り替え
成为绅士会所的绒布球 JS - 懂的都懂
kp4jd2 JS - Generate a list of links for JD2 from kemono posts.
Asspig notifier JS - Nofifies new messages on the Asspig website through scraping.
Shellshock.io Adblocker v0.1 JS - A simple ad-blocker for shellshockers. Note: May not work on Brave Browser.
Documenting Reality view limit bypass JS - Bypasses DocumentingReality.com free view limits
discord bypass nsfw JS - 3/20/2022, 4:02:41 AM
Tinder: show teasers (deblur) JS - Show the last people who liked you for free: this script deblurs the photos of the teasers, revealing the people who liked you. This script only allows you to see those photos: you can't directly access the profiles like you would do with a paid account.
Pornhub Blacklister JS - Delete unwanted pornhub.com videos with a list of blacklisted keywords (see code for the list)
24fa全量图片加載 JS - 24fa网页美女页面图片加载,啦啦啦
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