E-Hentai - Color Results By Tags

Highlights galleries with tag flags using the color(s) of their own tag flags.

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Posted: 2019-11-26

Option to disable highlighting?

I know it may sound redundant at first, but I would very much like to be able to just reorder untagged galleries to the bottom without highlighting anything. This addition would effectively give all pages the functionality of the 'watched' page without altering the site's color scheme (and also I could have those nice colored tags on gallery pages). The watched page doesn't go back very far, so this would be supremely useful for me. Thanks for reading.

etc 2Author
Posted: 2019-11-27

Added an option to disable coloring in the script's settings (button below the search bar)

Posted: 2019-11-29

You're the greatest!

Posted: 2020-01-12
Edited: 2020-01-12

@etc said: Added an option to disable coloring in the script's settings (button below the search bar) Also, I've been meaning to mention this for a while: tag coloring inside galleries isn't getting applied to the 'male' or 'misc' sections. Who knows when or if Tenboro will add the functionality natively, so a fix for that would be great if it's not too much trouble.

etc 2Author
Posted: 2020-01-12

male: tags work correctly on my end, misc: tags should be fixed now

Posted: 2020-01-17

You're right, I must've gotten mixed up about the male tags somehow. Thanks bro.

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