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Script doesnt work in Opera 11.50 1074

Posted: 2019-12-16

Script doesnt work in Opera 11.50 1074

A few years ago i have used script in brouser game voyna-plemyon to send my attacks in time that i need. I could set desired time and go away from my computer and script send the attack himself, but after 2-3 years it doesnt work and send me error from console: "Go on "opera:config#PersistentStorage|UserJSStorageQuota" and set a quota different from 0 like for example 5120 to enable window.opera.scriptStorage", and also: \ "Unknown thread Uncaught exception: TypeError: '}.bind' is not a function Error thrown at line 1, column 426 in (a): return opera.extension.addEventListener("message",function(b){if(b.data.data){return a(b.data.data,b.source,function(c){return b.source.postMessage({callback:{id:b.data.callback,data:c}})})}if(b.data.callback&&b.data.callback.id&&this.callbacker&&this.callbacker[b.data.callback.id]){this.callbackerb.data.callback.id;delete this.callbacker[b.data.callback.id]}}.bind(this),false) called from line 1, column 27 in program code: neironNative.core_listen(function(request,sender,callback){if(!request||!request.code){return null}return eval(request.code)});"

So what does it mean and how fix it?

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