nhentai helper

Add a "download zip" button for nhentai gallery page and some useful feature

As of 2019-06-13. See the latest version.

Filter: Last 30 days Last 365 days All time

Daily installs

Weekly installs

Daily update checks

Raw data

Date Installs Update checks
2024-03-18 14 2,517
2024-03-19 10 2,439
2024-03-20 23 2,452
2024-03-21 10 2,454
2024-03-22 3 2,559
2024-03-23 17 2,433
2024-03-24 21 2,442
2024-03-25 12 2,471
2024-03-26 10 2,466
2024-03-27 14 2,468
2024-03-28 6 2,470
2024-03-29 10 2,452
2024-03-30 21 2,422
2024-03-31 6 2,394
2024-04-01 9 2,533
2024-04-02 11 2,438
2024-04-03 9 2,514
2024-04-04 17 2,337
2024-04-05 8 2,355
2024-04-06 20 2,407
2024-04-07 13 2,508
2024-04-08 6 2,530
2024-04-09 4 2,446
2024-04-10 7 2,466
2024-04-11 8 2,484
2024-04-12 15 2,485
2024-04-13 11 2,433
2024-04-14 14 2,524
2024-04-15 12 2,821
2024-04-16 10 2,660
Download all data as: JSON CSV