Image Board Enhancer (Rule34, Gelbooru, e621, and more)

Auto Resize images and video on multiple image boards and enlarges thumbnails on mouse hover and adds content type icons to them.

Filter: Last 30 days Last 365 days All time

Daily installs

Weekly installs

Daily update checks

Raw data

Date Installs Update checks
2024-03-26 9 677
2024-03-27 5 679
2024-03-28 9 679
2024-03-29 14 655
2024-03-30 15 703
2024-03-31 1 664
2024-04-01 13 661
2024-04-02 20 714
2024-04-03 14 736
2024-04-04 17 719
2024-04-05 16 727
2024-04-06 8 688
2024-04-07 14 710
2024-04-08 8 721
2024-04-09 13 709
2024-04-10 6 707
2024-04-11 7 695
2024-04-12 18 687
2024-04-13 13 697
2024-04-14 17 707
2024-04-15 24 696
2024-04-16 16 718
2024-04-17 17 735
2024-04-18 12 695
2024-04-19 9 729
2024-04-20 11 720
2024-04-21 10 742
2024-04-22 16 724
2024-04-23 9 693
2024-04-24 2 59
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